11 Th icianDily-W ekndec.Thrsa, Ferury11 It was a dark, stormy night... "You know, people say to just be yourself But if you really do that, it's the most threatening, subversive thing you can possibly do." - Vernon Reid (Living Colour) Outside the taxicab window, the city lights rushed by in a mad blur. Everything was passing by so quickly, the only thing his weary mind could comprehend were brief snatches of Americana - "Checks Cashed," "Open All Night," "Sunday Brunch $7.99." Even as his whole world was crashing down around him, he felt an odd sense of comfort and security at these familiar sights. B[EEDING HEARI$ The ins and outs of Valentine's Day er Valentine' sDay is spent the same way - for months before, we frantically hunt for the'perfect memento of affection for our significant other. But for years the commercialized customs of the Hallmark holiday have overshadowed the historical significance of the day. As hard to believe as it is, Valentine's Day was established as a religious tribute to Saint Valentine. The tradition of exchanging gifts and love notes has no apparent association with Saint Valentine or his martyrdom. It actually has to do with - would you believe it - mating season. There was (and still is) a medieval belief that birds begin to mate on February 14. This notion established the belief that lovers should exchange messages and gifts as tokens of their feelings. Unlike the birds, however, we do not emit noises signaling that we are ready for love. (Okay, so we do, but "hey hotcakes what's your sign" doesn't have the same ring.) The term "valentine" originally referred to the gift given, but gradually has come to refer to the person receiving the gift. After the postal systems were established in the late 1700s, it became common practice to mail homemade valentine messages to one's love. Currently the U.S. greeting card industry prints millions of Valentine's Day cards every year. Next to Christmas cards, it is Hallmark's biggest holiday card. It's hard to say exactly when Valentine's Day evolved into the Hallmark goldmine. I guess that somewhere along the line, lovers decided that a ratty piece of cardboard just didn't cut it as a token of affection. They wanted chocolate, dammit! Armloads of long-stemmed roses ... stuffed bears bearing love poems in their paws... four-course meals at the Gandy Dancer... strings upon strings of elegant pearls ... quartets of men in tuxedos or women in evening gowns serenading them in sugar-coated harmony. You had better start saving your nickels on February 15-by next February you might just be able to afford that $1200 Paloma Picasso heart-shaped gold pin. Valentine's Day has become very expensive for the average lover. Once again commercialization has taken over a religiously significant holiday (does a certain day at the end of December come to mind?). For years Hallmark has hammered into our heads that the point of Valentine's Day is to buy, buy, buy! I suppose it's too late to extract ourselves from the gift-hungry mentality ... _ 1 'Day Not dain, anging Still, it was difficult to shake the ominous chill that gripped his very being. It was more than nerves, more than fear, more than paranoid delu- sion. The sensation that buzzed in his head was not unlike what a grade school boy feels at 2:59 p.m., when it's his turn to shake the hand of fate in the schoolyard fight at 3:00. Or else. The knowledge that regardless of the outcome, the moment was inevitable. Stand or fall, fight or run - the choice was yours, but it still had to be made. He felt ashamed for feeling this way. He should have been prepared, since this moment was a long time coming. From the very first time that he saw the world through open eyes, life took on a whole new hue. Things suddenly weren't so cut and dry any- more. Friends became enemies, and enemies became friends. Tune-worn traditions lost meaning, while long- ignored truths roared through his brain like an ocean. And worst of all, the only person he'd ever truly loved was now a complete stranger. That was when the circle began to get smaller. Wherehe was once lost in the void, he could now focus on the circle, with clarity and sharp perspec- tive. And unlike a watched pot that never boils, this he could see. Clearer than he wanted to. The circle, spiral- ing further away, shrinking. When he no longer turned a blind eye to igno- rance, it grew smaller. When he re- fused to subscribe to dogmatic pos- turing and fist-waving, it grew even smaller. Then, in a desperate attempt to preserve the last bit of humanity and self-respect he had left, the very mo- ment he grabbed hypocrisy by the throat in frenzied defiance, the circle closed in on all sides. All that re- mained was apinpoint of light, some- where in the distance. And now it comes to this. A stranger in a strange land, or however that tiredclichegoes. Farenough away from home for it not to matter, but close enough that he couldn't forget it. This cityneversleeps, butman, was he tired ... He awoke with ajolt when the cab screeched to a halt. Blinking foggy eyes, he peered out at endless neon lights, so many it seemed like day time. He paid the driver, who grumbled audibly at the paltry tip, speeding away in awhirl of screeching tires and broken obscenities. Things are tough all over. Sorry. He stepped into a wave of moving faces, each strained with the same confusion, desperation and yes, fear of his own. Somehow, and with much effort, he mustered a weak smile at a wiry old man, hunched over in a E E C E r 1 l l r A cynic's guide to Valentin by Jessie Halladay Once again we've reached that time of year when Cupid pulls back his bow and aims his arrow for our hearts. But .1 - 'sometimes you have to wonder if the little cherub is drunk when he actually shoots because instead of feelings of love, you end up with a big pain in the butt. .Despite what Hallmark would have us believe, not everyone looks toward the approachofFeb- ruary 14 with a sparkle in their fz eyes. Formany, thoughts ofwhere to find a date or, even worse, what to buy for that special someone, ruin the unique charm of this special day of love. Valentine's Day is nothing but an overrated holiday designed to make money for greeting card and chocolate companies. But for some unknown reason everyone gets all worked up about what they are or aren't doing or getting. So my suggestion is just relax and shut up about not having a date or the perfect gift to give because chances are they wouldn't be that great anyway. Of course, if you happen to be (un)fortunate enough to have a significant other, then you can't realistically forget about buying a gift. So for all you schmucks who have no idea what to get, I have a few suggestions. There are a ton of cliche gifts that you can find in any generic gift store on campus. But why perpetuate the stereotypes of "the perfect gift" when there are so many alternatives available. All it takes is a little bit of ingenuity and thought into the kind of person you're buying for. Although roses are anice gift, let's face it, it's been done. While you can't go wrong giving a first date flowers (unless of course she/he is allergic), the loved one who receives them for every occasion may not be thrilled to get them again. So how about trying to get creative. If you are buying for the kid at heart, you may think about children's books as a token of your affection. Borders has a huge selection of Valentine books to choose from. Make sure you give yourself ample time to peruse the selection (located on the second floor in the back). You could literally spend hours reading all the books you loved as a kid. Spice this gift up with a heart shaped lollipop and you're in business. For the more serious book lover and romantic, how about a hardcover copy of Shakespeare's sonnets? If Shakespeare isn'tup your alley, how about Elizabeth Barrett Browning? Not only is this a thoughtful gift that will last forever, it will impress upon your date how intelligent you are (or pretend to be). Of course, all this creativity may be too much for some of you. So, I suggest you forget about trying to be cute and meaningful because you'll probably bomb anyway. Just go out to some romantic restaurant. (This would be along the lines of Gratzi, not Taco Bell.) Now some of you may think that lingerie would be the perfect gift. But I would like to give you a word of advice on this. Think very carefully before springing a flaming red teddy or silk briefs on someone. This sends a clear message about what you are expecting from your date. In other words, don't give this gift on a first date. So all of you who insist on going through with this hyped holiday, I hope these suggestions help you out. Butif you are let down, you deserve what you get. by Amanda Rudolph Every conversation we have, she manages to slip it in. "Are you dating," she asks. "No mom, not really," I usu- ally reply. Unsatisfied with my answer, she presses for more. I think it's time to shatter her illusions and expose her and the rest of her sock-hopping, drive-in dating generation to the reality of the '90s. Dating is obsolete! Okay, you are skeptical. If dating is obsolete, how come every time you're interested in someone, you find out they've had a boy/girl friend for the last two years? How come there are couples everywhere you look (especially this month)? I too spot these couples hold- ing hands in the Diag, sharing lunch at Amer's and studying with their heads practically glued together in the Ugh. But, I am here to tell you that they did not reach this point of "couplism" by dating. No way! Quite possibly, they hung out. Maybe a friend introduced them. They had a class together. They lived on the same hall freshman year. My personal favorite, they were "kind of seeing each other." Is that like being kind of pregnant? Whatever it is, they did not date because dating is obsolete. If not the act of dating, then at least the term. The Greek system tries - it really does. Date parties are a clever attempt, but in the end even they fall short of actually fitting the criteria for a date. True, one person usually asks another out. However, upon arriving totheparty, it becomes apparent that it is just like any other party - a bunch of people dancing, talking, hooking up and, of course, hanging out. The point is that you do not usually spend quality time getting to know your . date. There are even -. times you are barely " " acknowl- edged by your date. It - r is still a groupsitua- tion. A fine attempt, but unfortunately it just doesn't cut it. The other night, my friend came back from going out to dinner for the second time with a guy she is interested in from her French class. "Hooray," I thought as I pulled the file out on this See DATING, Page 8 In the tune of love by Michelle Weger "Love songs. 24-hours-a-goddamn-day, throw-yourself-off-a-cliff love songs," mocks Rich Jeni in his well-known comedy bit. But the greatest songs about love ever written, you probably won't hear on Lite FM. Below, our list of just ten of them, in no particular order. 1. "Let's Do It (Let's Fall in Love)" - a classic by Cole Porter, king of double-entendre. 2. "Only to be with You" -Bono and the boys breathlessly deliver one of rock's most heart- stopping tunes. 3. "A Fine Romance"-as sung by EllaFitzgerald and Louis Armstrong, one of the horniest songs in standard pop, with lines like, "I never put a crease in your blue serge pants, I never get the chance, this is a fine romance." 4. "Liebestod" from Tristan und Isolde - Okay, so maybe Wagner was a fascist pig. Try to forget all that and set the volume on 11 for this one. 5. "When a Man Loves a Woman" -'nuff said. 6. "In My Life" - The sweetest, most poignant song from Lennon and McCartney. 7. "Kommt dir manchmal in den Sinn?" ("Do you sometimes recall?") -one of Brahms' "Zigeuner Lieder" ("Gypsy Songs"), classical music buffs have been known to call the choral arrangement, "an aural orgasm." 8. "In Dreams" - if you only know this song from the warped way it was used in "Blue Velvet," shame on you; for gut-wrenching music, look no further than Roy Orbison. 9. "In the Shape ofa Heart" -masterlyricistJackson Browne takes every doubtyou'veever had about love and nails them to the wall in one blow. w w .: -s