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January 08, 1993 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-01-08

Disclaimer: Computer generated plain text may have errors. Read more about this.

When a city slicker spends winter break in the
Wild, Wild, West, culture shock is inevitable.
Read Melissa Peerless' account of her four-day
experience on a Texas dude ranch.

Nerd finds love Down Under in the Australian
coming-of-age movie, "Flirting." Read Michael
John Wilson's review of this John Dugan film.

Michigan opened the Big Ten season with an
80-70 victory at Purdue, giving the Wolverines
their third victory over a top-10 team in four

clouds, maybe some sun;
High 31, Low 20O...
chance of flurries; High 29, Low 22


One hundred two years of editorial freedom


Vol. C111, No. 55 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, January 8, 1993 ~ 0 1993 Daily

earns Am
by David Shepardson
Daily Government Reporter
An economic think tank released
a report this week praising the En-
filer administration for its economic
performance during the past two
The Midland-based Mackinac
Center for Public Policy upgraded
its annual rating of the governor,
from a 'B' last year to an 'A-' this
Applauding the "unfinished En-
gler Revolution," the review
strongly supports the administra-
tion's economic policies and urges
further action.
"He wants to take the state to-
ward less government, lower taxes,
and a revitalized private sector," the
report stated.
Michigan Democratic Party
Chair Gary Corbin disagreed with
the report and criticized Engler's
economic performance.
"John Engler is passively presid-
ing over the deterioration of our
state's industrial base," he said.
"Thousands of jobs are being elimi-
nated and his administration has
done nothing to stop the hemor-
Mackinac Center President
Lawrence Reed disagreed with
Corbin's assessment and said Engler
could best support the state's indus-
trial base by continuing and
strengthening policies already in
"By creating a positive economic
climate for business - with lower
taxes and less regulation - can En-
gler best help the economic base,"
See ENGLER, Page 2

Iraqi missiles remain
in the 'no-fly zone'

Saddam Hussein defiantly kept his
surface-to-air missiles in the "no-fly
zone" of southern Iraq yesterday,
but moved them from their original
position as an allied deadline for
their removal neared, U.S. officials
Playing a cat-and-mouse game
with U.S. spy cameras in the sky,
Iraq moved the SA-2 and SA-3
missile batteries from where they
were Wednesday when the United
States, Britain, France and Russia
issued an ultimatum demanding that
Saddam remove the weapons or
face military retaliation.
"There's been movement. But
we're not sure what that means
yet," said one senior Pentagon offi-
cial, speaking on condition of
anonymity. "To describe it as posi-
tive would be premature. Let's hope
it's for the right reasons."
U.S. officials said they did not
know where the missiles had been
taken, but believed they were still

south of the 32nd parallel which
delineates the no-fly zone.
Iraq's United Nations envoy,
Ambassador Nizar Hamdoon, said
Iraq rejects the legitimacy of the
"no-fly" zone. But, it was unclear
whether Baghdad rejected the 48-
hour ultimatum and, added
Hamdoon, "I hope the crisis has
been defused."
Government analysts said the
missiles were moved, and were
probably covered by a camouflage
net to hide them from reconnais-
sance planes and satellites.
Iraq's deputy prime minister,
Tariq Aziz, had rejected the allies'
ultimatum, declaring that "it is the
right of Iraq to deploy air defenses
throughout the country," according
to Iraq's official news agency.
Pentagon spokesperson Bob
Hall said at a briefing hours later,
"We will tolerate no interference
with our ability to enforce the no-
fly zone."

President Bush was described as
"very resolute" by lawmakers who
met with him at the White House.
House Minority Leader Bob
Michel said that in the Gulf War
and other foreign policy matters
Bush had prevailed by "sticking to
his guns and not backing away from
a tough decision. ... He'll make
(this one) if it's necessary."
In Little Rock, Ark., President-
elect Clinton's spokesperson em-
phasized that the incoming admin-
istration is behind Bush.
Asked if Saddam were trying to
test either Bush or Clinton, George
Stephanopoulos said, "I can't read
his mind. But he's going to get the
same response either way. Gov.
Clinton fully supports President
Bush's policy and Saddam Hussein
should know that that forceful pol-
icy will be continued when
President-elect Clinton takes
The surface-to-air weaponry had
See IRAQ, Page 2

The United Nations and its allies ordered Iraq Wednesday to remove
its missiles from inside a no-fly zone within 48-hours or risk military
retaliation. Saddam Hussein kept the missiles in the zone, but moved
them from their original position.

Report faults government spending decisions

President-elect Clinton will inherit a
poorly-managed government that
can't keep track of the billions it
spends each year, according to a
General Accounting Office review.
Money is wasted in big and small
ways, from a reliance on antiquated
computers to overpaying for sup-
plies, the auditors said yesterday.
At the Pentagon, an estimated
$40 billion was spent on unneeded
purchases because the Defense
Department doesn't know what

GAO review criticizes federal record keeping

Agriculture Secretary
Madigan announced plans
or consolidate up to 1,000

to close
field of-

equipment and supplies it already
.had in stock.
"The state of management in the
federal government is not good,"
says one of the series of reports that
outline general problems plaguing
the bureaucracy. Seven programs are
highlighted that are at high risk for
big losses to the taxpayer.
Most federal agencies lack "a
strategic vision for their futures" and

often "do not have the people with
the necessary skills to accomplish
their missions."
It suggested that federal agencies
might be better managed if there
were fewer politically-appointed
managers, but the report didn't rec-
ommend cuts in patronage.
The GAO study called for
streamlining bureaucracies set up to
deliver services that are no longer

"Like a 20th century dinosaur,"
the Agriculture Department's
Depression-era organizational
structure survives despite vast
changes in American farming.
The department could save $100
million a year if it consolidated or
closed many of the field offices set
up when 20 percent of Americans
lived on the farm, the GAO said.

* 'U' absent from list of schools
protesting military ban on gays
by Jennifer Silverberg issue. "As an employee of th
Daily Administration Reporter "That (Dudertstadt) doesn't want University it's very understandabb


University presidents from 88
institutions nationwide signed an ad-
vertisement in the Dec. 13 New
York Times opposing the ban on
homosexuals in the military, but
University President James
Duderstadt's name was absent from
the list.
"We've taken the view that we're
going to work to change this policy
in the military by working through
associations in Washington, and we
therefore chose not to (sign the ad),"
explained Walter Harrison, execu-
tive director for university relations.
"We think that's the most effec-
tive way to work because public
confrontation is unlikely to change
(the policy) and quiet, behind-the-
scenes talks are likely to change it,"
Harrison said. "We were (also)
afraid of alienating people in the
Department of Defense who would
have to decide to change the policy."
Former University President
Harold Shapiro, who currently
serves as the head of Princeton
University, as well as the presidents
of Wayne State University and
Michigan State University signed the
Charley Sullivan, a Rackham
graduate student, said he disagrees
with the University's stance on this

to do it publicly says to me that he's
not willing to publicly state it's un-
acceptable, and this rhetoric about
wanting to work quietly is a ruse be-
cause the debate in Washington is
not quiet anymore," Sullivan said.
"It's very open and public, and that's
what this ad is all about."
But Jim Toy, co-coordinator of
Lesbian Gay Male Program Office
(LGMPO), said he understands the
University's stance.

to me that the president would feel
that the more subtle approach is the
one he is more constrained to fol-
low," said Toy, adding he was not
speaking for LGMPO. "It bothers
me emotionally, but cognitively I
think I can understand, or try to
Harrison said although the
University did not sign the adver-
tisement, members of the administra-
See BAN, Page 2

fiees before Jan. 20, when the Bush
administration leaves office.
The survey focused on the
GAO's previous findings of finan-
cial waste to underscore the
"abysmal job of rudimentary book-
keeping" the government does in
tracking the $1.5 trillion spent each
"The federal government runs the
See GAO, Page 2
season sees
inCrease i n
by Shelley Morrison
Daily Crime Reporter
The spirit of giving this holiday
season was dampened for several
Ann Arbor residents by burglars
who took advantage of empty
Many Ann Arbor students and
residents who decided to spend their
holidaysout of town became victims
of a rash of breaking and entering
incidents,. Ann Arbor Police
Department (AAPD) and
Department of Public Safety (DPS)
reports show.
Although AAPD does not plan to
total this year's numbers, it has
noted an increase in breaking and
entering incidents during the last two
Last year, 8,700 such breaking
and entering incidents were reported
to area police during the holiday
AAPD Director of Crime
Prevention Jerry Wright said the in-
crease in burglaries is not unusual.
"Traditionally, there has been a
definite increase in the number of
breaking and entering incidents
around the holidays," Wright said.
Wright said AAPD provides a se-
cnrity survev to 1n hlrolarv vi-

Student lobbies administ mxtion for new
facilitcatering to the gay community
by Jen DiMascio
Daily Gender Issues Reporter_________

University gay, lesbian and bisexual students may have a center to call
their own if one student is successful in his push for a new facility.
School of Music junior Jason Hackner, in coordination with the Office of
Student Affairs, is discussing the possibility of a new organization for the
gay community that would be more program and activity oriented than the
Lesbian and Gay Male Programs Office (LGMPO).
Possible programs would include dances, film festivals, speakers and
workshops dealing with race and gender issues.
He said he hopes to make student leaders inside and outside the gay
community more sensitive to issues of sexual orientation.
The organization would provide space where people in the gay commu-
nity could feel comfortable and spend time. Speakers could provide positive
role models for gay and lesbian students, Hackner added.
"I think it has merit," said Richard Carter, Associate Dean for Student
See OFFICE, Page 2

The King lives
The Elvis Stamp will go on sale in Ann Arbor at noon today. The U.S. Post
Office decided to double the original printing order of 300 million in
response to public concern that the stamps would sell out too quickly. The
post office on East Liberty has 20,000 stamps and the one in Nickels
Arcade 16,000.

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