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February 05, 1993 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1993-02-05

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Page 4 -The Michigan Daily- Friday, February 5, 1993

U1 e £trbrgau ain

420 Maynard
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Edited and managed
by students at the
University of Michigan

Josi Dubow
Editor in Chief
Opinion Editors

Unsigned editorials represent the majority opinion of the Daily editorial board.
All other cartoons, signed articles and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily.

-- -D
__O IE F 3


Minority students' righ
"This search process has been consistent with
our normal process for higher-level academic lead-
ership positions... "
- Provost Gilbert Whitaker in a recent written
statement, referring to the ongoing search for Vice
Provost cf Minority Affairs Charles Moody's re-
(TAKER IS CORRECT. The University
Shas exhibited extreme consistency. Un
fortunately,when appointing important
Officials at the University, consistency means that
tudent input is completely circumvented.
In this instance, the University has excluded
minority students in the quest to find a replacement
for Vice Provost of Minority Affairs Charles Moody.
Assistant to the Provost Kay Dawson began the.
(acade of "gathering student input" by sending a
ipessage, via MTS, to several student and faculty
grganizations: "I am e-mailing you to request your
participation in the process of selecting an advisory
committee for the search for a Vice Provost for
Academic and Multicultural Affairs."
Strategically, this message was sent out on June
22, 1992, which lies in the abyss between spring and
summer terms. Not only are students that don't stay
for the summer months excluded from the search, but
1ll students who did not check their MTS between
June 22and the original nomination deadline June 25
were also excluded. Students can thank Provost Gil

its circumvented ...
Whitaker for leaving an estimated three students to
answer the timely message.
1 But the egregious disregard for student opinion
was only the beginning. It is clear the Administration
hand-picked token minorities to serve on the com-
mittee that recommended a replacement for Moody.
Only one undergraduate, an Asian-American, served
on the entire committee. Moreover, none of the
committee's recommendations are binding. As usual,
Whitaker can render the recommendation moot with
an authoritarian sweep of the hand.
TheOMA was createddirectly asaresultofBlack
Action Movement III's (BAM III) demands to estab-
lish an office to represent minorities, particularly
students of color. Currently, many of the core mem-
bers of BAM III serve on the board of the Baker
MandelaCenter(BMC). Yet, the Administration felt
that sending the BMC one MTS message in the
middle of June would suffice for getting student
opinions. Moreover, although the Black Student
Union (BSU) was also a central player in BAM III,
the Office of the Provost casually left the job of
contacting BSU to Vice President forStudent Affairs
Maureen Hartford - the same administrator who
gave students the Code and the recent Diag policy.
Students at the University have been demanding
change for too long. As original BAM participant
Howard Lindsay articulated, "The concerns of the
1975 and 1987 protests were also those of 1970. Only
the faces were different."




by Regina Freer
BMC board member
In response to blatant institutional rac-
ism at the University, the United Coalition
of Racism (UCAR) and the Black Action
Movement III (BAM III) were formed in
1987. The organizations made a number of
demands addressing the concerns of stu-
dents of color. These included, increasing
student of color enrollment, assuring ad-
equate financial aid for students of color
and the development of an Office of Minor-
ity Affairs (OMA) led by a senior adminis-
To date, several of these demands have
not been met. However, after a great deal of
pressure, the OMA and the position of vice
provost of minority affairs were created.
Students who were active in several student
of color organizations played a significant
role in both defining the direction for the
OMA and in selecting Vice-Provost of
Minority Affairs Dr. Charles Moody.
The fact that students played a major
role in the hiring of Dr. Moxly and the
organizationof the OMA set aprecedent for
student participation in determining the fu-
ture of the office.
This student input is largely responsible
for any progress the OMA has made in
serving the needs of students of color on
campus. Unfortunately, the University chose
to ignore the significance of student input
by pursuing major hiring and restructuring
decisions this past summer (when most
students are away).
The current process to designate a new
'vice-provost for academic and
multicultural affairs" is the result of one

such decision.
As this process has proceeded it has
become clear that the University has be-
trayed the precedent of student involve-
ment set in 1987.
In this instance, the University has shown
its intent to disregard the input of students,
particularly those of color, by:
Limiting theparticipation of students,
allowing only three students (one of whom
is an undergraduate) to serve on a commit-
tee of 12.
Excluding the majority of the campus
community by: announcing student posi-
tionson the search committee solely through
the computermessage system (MTS); hand-
picking students instead of letting student
organizations choose their own representa-
tive; making no attempt to notify students

In addition, the committee serves solely t
as an advisory committee and will only be
able to make non-binding recommenda-
tions to the Provost, who will ultimately
make the recommendation to the President
Duderstadt and the regents.
Unfortunately these tactics are only the
most recent attempts at ignoring student
input. Despite the protest and outrage of
"President" Duderstadt was illegally
hired in a closed regents meeting.
Campus police were deputized and
A repressive student conduct code
and anti-protest code were implemented
A policy restricting free speech and
assembly on the Diag was adopted.
Access to the Union was restricted;

- - - -


'U' historically ignores UCAR demands

As this process has proceeded it has become clear
that the University has betrayed the precedent of
student involvement set in 1987

N MARCH OF 1970, the Black Action Move
a ment (BAM I) embarked on a historic struggle
for educational equity by leading the largest and
nost powerful strike in University history. The
entire campus community was immersed in social
activism as the regents and President Fleming
agreed to accept BAM's demands - including a
pledge for 10 percent
Black enrollment by N
Five years later,
D lack enrollment hov-
ered around three per-
cent and educational
equity was still a
dream. BAM II once.
Again demanded,
Along with other sig-
nificantproposals, that
"Blacks constitute 10}
percent of the studentf
population by Septem-
ber 1975."y
By 1987, it was y
obvious change was
not on the Administration's agenda. Howeverwhen
the United Coalition Against Racism (UCAR) re-
newed BAM's demands for educational equity,
hope was temporarily restored.
The year is 1993. African Americans continue
to make up substantially less than 10 percent of the
University community. Minority interests continue
to get ignored in the polished speeches of Univer-
sity administrators. And, most importantly, the
University continues to enact restrictive policies
that render social activism dead.
One by one, UCAR's demands have fallen by
the wayside while the University continues to drag
its feet in its pseudo-pursuit of educational equity.
In response to UCAR's demand for a "specific
plan to guarantee a substantial increase in Black
student enrollment," the University implemented
the Michigan Mandate. The Mandate was designed
toincrease the numberof faculty, staff and students
of color. But the result has been mediocre at best.
While 165 minority faculty members were added
in the first four years of the Mandate, 99 minority
faculty members left the University during that

same period. Particularly disturbing is the attrition
rate of African-American staff and students. As
Peggie Hollingsworth, assistant research scientist
in the School of Medicine, has attested, the high
attrition rate can be attributed in part to the lack of
tenure opportunities for minority professors. More-
over, the University environment, academically
and socially, has al-
ways been filled with
racial unrest.
m The University
has responded to
UCA R's other de-
mands by establish-
ing a workshop on
racism and diversity
at orientation and es-
tablishing the Race or
Ethnicity Require-
ment (ROE) for un-
dergraduate students.
However, the ex-
tremely short work-
shop is optional and
the turnout rate in re-
cent years has been marginal. Additionally, one
can fulfill the ROE requirement simply by taking
broad-based courses such as American History:
1865 to present.
The Administration did take the important steps
of creating the Office of Minority Affairs (OMA)
and declaring full observance of the Martin Luther
King Day.
Unfortunately, the University has chosen to
devalue the student outrage which created the OMA,
by ignoring student input in selecting a replace-
ment for Vice Provost of Minority Affairs Charlesj
From the recent restrictive Diag policy to "the
code," known in administrative circle as the State-
ment of Student Rights and Responsibilities, the
University has systematically and intentionally
stifled free expression in an attempt to foster apathy
in the University community. Consequently, mi-
nority students continue to lose their voice in the
quest for educational equity. The Administration
must have learned by now that you can take away
the voice, but you can't take away the spirit.

of color, or the campus at large, through
public announcements or formal letters.
Not identifying the candidates by
name, thus preventing public criticism of
their qualifications.
Failing to plan an opportunity for
students to meet the candidates, until stu-
dent committee members pressured the
Provost's Office to do so, and then an-
nouncing these meetings at the last minute
only through MTS.
Completely bypassing elected stu-
dent representatives of the Michigan Stu-
dent Assembly.
Choosing from an admittedly sub-par
pool of candidates.

disproportionately impacting student of
color events.
We will not sit idly by and watch the
University chip away at students rights;
and we will not allow the University to set
back gains which have been achieved as a
result of the protest of students of color.
We demand that the University immedi-
ately recognize the illegitimacy of the cur-
rent process to hire a vice-provost for aca-
demic and multicultural affairs and begin
anew, addressing the concerns outlined


This was signed by the entire board of the
Ella Baker-Nelson Mandela CenterforAnti
Racist Education.

not wastefulAw

To the Daily:
I would like to respond to
"Inauguration Waste of
Money," (2/1/93) a letter
written by Kathryn Chmiel.
Ms. Chmiel, the reason why
"We taxpayers, who footed
the bill ... passively allowed
such extravagances," is
because most of us who
followed the inauguration
activities paid attention
regarding the financing of the
In fact, not a single
taxpayer's dollar was spent
the entire week. It was entirely
funded by the Democratic
Party and private donations.
In addition, more than "a
few events were open to the
public." Indeed, almost all
were, only the inaugural balls
held in convention centers
unfortunately n large
enough to hle:k ii 240 million
of us, were closed to the

U.S. national debt

Also, you might note
that less than an hour after
being sworn into office,
Clinton "got down to
business" by signing
several executive orders
and meeting with members
of Congress.
And lastly, I'm sorry
you did not get invited to
go, but if it would make
you feel any better, I'm
having a party in two
weeks and I would be
honored to be graced with
your presence. It should be
fun, as Clinton should be
allowed to have, for one
out of his 1460 days in
Justin Birmingham
LSA sophomore

To the Daily:
If the government doesn't
act now to control its runaway
debt and deficit, this country
will experience a catastrophic
breakdown by 1995. Our
current course will lead us to
economic devastation. By
1995, the interest payment
alone on our national debt will
exceed the tax dollars
This year our government
will spend the equivalent of
61 cents of every tax dollar it
collects to pay interest on the
national debt, and the debt just
grows larger and larger.
Interest on the debt is
larger than Social Security or
the combined budgets for the
Departnents of Agriculture,
Education, Energy, Housing
and Urban Development,
Interior, Justice, Labor, State,
Transportation and Veterans'
How will this affect you'?
Unemployment is already
beginning to soar and the rate
of inflation is rapidly escalat-
ing. You are among our best
and brightest, poised to face
the future with your dreamns,
your ambitions, and your
talents. But by 1995, the
realization of the accomplish-
ments you hope to achieve
will be virtually impossible in

Read a copy of Bankruptcy
1995 by Harry B. Figgie,
president of Figgie Interna-
tional, Inc., who was selected
by President Reagan in 1982
to serve on the Private Sector
Survey on Cost Control.
This committee was made
up of some 160 private sector
business leaders such as James
Burke, CEO of Johnson &
Johnson; Robert Galvin, CEO
of Motorola; John Horan,
chairman of Merck &
Company, Inc.; Donald
Keough, president of Coca
Cola Company; and Peter
Grace, chairman of W. R.
Grace & Company.
After months of work, they
presented President Reagan
with a set of proposals which
could have reversed the
doomed course we are now
on, had they been imple-
mented. Figgie's book paints"a
scenario which is frightening
to say the least, but he offers
solutions to our dying
economy which, if imple-
mented this year, could
rebuild our nation to one of
the wealthiest and most
productive nations in the
I urge you to write your
elected officials and demand
action and accountability. We
can sit hck and whine ahot

MSA exists to serve student body

* Submita specific plan to guarantee a substantial increase in Black student enrollment.
Establish an Office of Minority Affairs with an autonomous supervisory commission
'elected by the minority campus community.
Create a Financial Aid Appeals Board to make sure no student is forced out of the
University because of economic discrimination.
Establish a mandatory workshop on racism and diversity and diversity for all
incoming students.
* Set up a program of orientation for minority students to meet and talk with the already
enrolled minority students and faculty to minimize feelings of isolation.
E Institute a program of tuition waivers for all underrepresented and economically
disadvantaged minority students until the goals for minority enrollment are realized.
Create a Minority Student Lounge and Office in the Michig an Union where minority

To the Daily:
Select members of MSA
choose to use the Daily as a
battleground for their
differences of opinion and
values, which makes MSA
appear as a fractious,
ineffectual organization.
While there is squabbling
between parties in MSA,
many MSA representatives
actually do serve the student
hwty. Consier what MS A

new Diag policy;
MSA has given out
more than $8,000 in funding
to student groups rangmng
from the Chess Club to the
Natural Resources 306
Course, Students Teaching
Two suggestions to select
MSA representatives who
have nothing better to do than
point fingers and name call:




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