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February 05, 1993 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-02-05

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The University's search for a successor for Vice
Provost for Minority Affairs Charles Moody has
lacked student input - especially from minority

Each February, Americans celebrate the
accomplishments of African Americans in Black
History month. Kerry Colligan examines why the
focus on Black history just 28 days a year.

The battle for the lead in the CCHA will be waged
tomorrow night when the Wolverines travel to
Miami to play the Redskins. Right now, Miami
holds a one-point lead over Michigan.

Partly cloudy
High 46, Low 32
Cold, chance of snow; High 22, Low 8



One hundred two years of editorial freedom


Vol Ca, o.7 AnnAbo, icia -Fiay Feruay ,193'993Th.Mihi.n 3il

team hires
by Jennifer Silverberg
Daily Administration Reporter
Hillary Clinton, Al Gore and
three cabinet members walked by as
she sat in the White House earlier
this week. National leaders like these
never crossed her path when she
worked in the Fleming Building.
But times have changed and
Shirley Clarkson, former Director of
Planning and Communication in the
Office of Student Affairs, now
works for President Bill Clinton -
not University President James
"I was asked to make a contribu-
tion, and I'm very excited about the
new administration. So how could I
resist?" Clarkson said. "Very few
people have this opportunity, and it
would have been hard to turn down."
Clarkson accepted a position as
Special Assistant to the President
and Associate Director of
Presidential Personnel shortly after
Clinton took office. She is responsi-
ble for helping to fill 3,500 White
House jobs now available for
She has taken a one-year unpaid
leave of absence from the University
to fill this role.
Clarkson works in the Old
Executive Building, next door to the
White House, but she often travels to
the office of her boss, Director of
Presidential Personnel Bruce
Lindsey - two doors down from the
Oval Office.
Clarkson said she is in awe of
the historical significance of the
White House.
"I'm a history nut and walking
into the West Wing for the first time
took my breath away," Clarkson
said. "When you think of who has
walked down those halls, it's pretty
Clarkson left the University in
See CLARKSON, Page 2

Family Leave
Act arrives on
Clinton's desk

Members of the Campus Crusade for Christ sing a song during their meeting last night.

Christian groups lack diversity
Membes question the imbalance in minoily representation

by Bryn Mickle
While campus Christian groups
are stressing themes of unity in
their sermons, some members
question if they are practicing
what they preach.
At the weekly mass meetings
for Campus C-rusade for Christ
(CCC) and Christians in Action
(CIA), African American repre-
sentation is noticeably lacking.
Of 50 students at the CIA
meeting, only one African
American student. was in atten-
dance. Three African American
students were present at the CCC
meeting of 70 Christians.
African Americans comprise
5.7 percent of the total student
population, said Barbara
Robinson, African American rep-
resentative in Minority Student
"The lack of Black participa-
tion in the groups is definitely a
concern," said LSA senior Paul
Propson, director of Christians

United, an umbrella group which
represents the major campus
Christian groups.
Neno Guarisco, CIA staff
member and University alumnus,
said, "Our group should be a
haven for all races.
"Our group is almost all white,
but we want more involvement
from African Americans and other
minority groups."
CCC staff member Keith
Simon said the campus Christian
groups are a reflection of society.
"Because a lot of our recruit-
ment is through word of mouth,
the white membership is then per-
petuated," Simon said.
School of Education senior
Suzette Lawson said the groups
simply represent the racial break-
down on campus.
Lawson is a member of the
Labor of Love (LOL) Christian
student organization, a predomi-
nantly African American group.
"I don't think the other groups

are being discriminatory, it's just
that the religious backgrounds of
Blacks and whites differ," Lawson
Kinesiology sophomore and
CCC member Jon Nichols agreed
that the groups do not aim to
"It's up to people to choose a
group, we should not have to go
out and actively recruit a specific
group," Nichols said.
LSA sophomore and member
of LOL Cunilyah Johnson agreed.
"Some people might feel more
comfortable to be with their race
in their worship," Johnson said.
While CCC and CIA members
said they want to include more
African Americans at their mass
meetings, they are still searching
for the best way to achieve this
"The solution may lie in devel-
oping programs that more African
American students will find

House gave final approval to the
Family and Medical Leave Act 247-
152 late last night. The President is
scheduled to sign the bill into law
this morning.
Yesterday, the Senate over-
whelmingly approved this bill guar-
anteeing workers up to 12 weeks un-
paid leave for childbirth or family
sickness, pushing this year's first
major social legislation toward
President Clinton's signature.
The Senate approved the bill by a
71-27 vote after three days of debate.
"It's a down payment for work-
ing faunilies," Sen. Edward Kennedy
([)-Mass.) said of the bill. "They
have an administration and a
Congress on their side."
But Republicans who opposed
the bill on grounds it would hurt
business complained that Democrats
were ramming the bill through.
"We're doing this all because we
have a 'photo op' at 9:30 a.m. at the
White I-louse," said Rep. Bob
Walker (R-Penn.) as the House
started its late-night debate.
Clinton had asked Congress to
hurry on the measure, which was
vetoed twice by former President
In addition to granting workers
up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for
the birth of a child or a faunily health
emergencies, the measures ensures
they have the same job, or an equiva-
lent post, when they return.
Companies with less than 50 work-
ers are exempt.
Before its final vote, the Senate
defeated a GOP attempt to give em-
ployers more say on when employers
could take half days off for medical
emergencies. That provision,
identical to one tacked on by the
[louse, went down 59-39.
With final action, the family

leave bill would be the first legisla-
tion to pass the 103rd Congress e
well as the first to hit Clinton's desk.
Because of Bush's vetoes,
Democrats said the bill's quick pas-
sage would demonstrate the end of
legislative gridlock, now that their
party controls both Congress and the
White house.
"For all of the country, and of the
Congress, the success of H.R. 1 is a
'Better productivity, a
stronger economy,
loyal workers, and fair
employers will be the
- Rep. William Ford
signal that gridlock is over," said
Rep. William Ford (D-Ypsilanti),
chair of the House Education and
Labor Committee and chief House
sponsor of the act.
Democrats said it held additional
symbolic value as an indication of
Congress' priorities this year be-
cause the act is designed to help
working families.
"Family and medical leave act is
the first of many commitments we're
going to make to work ng families,"
Ford said. "This bill, when our
President signs it, puts them back in
the ball game - and better produc-
tivity, a stronger economy, loyal
workers, and fair employers will be
the result."
The House passed the bill late
Wednesday. It got temporarily sid-
tracked as the Senate took a four-
hour respite to debate a Republican-
led effort to block Clinton's plan to
lift the ban on gays in the military.
The White House urged the
Senate to move forward.
See LEAVE, Page 2

Some minorities question Clinton's agenda despite diverse Cabinet

by Tanisha Harris
and Michaell Crews

When President Bill Clinton se-
lected a record number of four Black
advisers to his Cabinet, he not only
enhanced support in the Black com-
munity but also brought back spirit
to certain sectors of the civil rights
While members of the University
community are heartened by Clin-
ton's goal to make his administration
more like America, they are also
wary of shouting success too
"Clinton's conscious level in the
civil rights issue is much higher than
his predecessors' and I expect the
Clinton administration is going to be
much better than Bush's," said
Theodore Shaw, associate law pro-

fessor. "We can, in part, attribute
this to his wanting his administration
to look more like America."
George Bush's veto of the Civil
Rights Act of 1990, which endorsed
the use of racial preferences for mi-
norities in employment, left many

1O 1


'quota bill,"' Shaw said.
In its text, the bill "approves the
lawfulness of voluntary or court-or-
dered affirmative action that is
consistent with the decisions of the
Supreme Court of the United States
in employment discrimination cases
... as in effect on the date of enact-
ment of the Act."
According to Robert Drinan, pro-
fessor of law at Georgetown
University Law Center, "the central
purpose of the bill was the enhance-
ment of employment and promotion
opportunities for Blacks."
Bush vetoed the bill reasoning
that hiring based on racial prefer-
ences is illegal. He attacked the civil
rights bill for two years because he
felt that it would force employers to
adopt unfair racial preferences.

"I want to sign a civil rights bill
that is going to hit a lick against
discrimination in the workplace, but
I will not sign a quota bill," Bush
Bush's veto mirrored his opposi-
tion to the Civil Rights Act of 1964
during his Congressional campaign
in Texas. This reflection spurred
many first-time 1992 voters, such as
Tonya Clowney, the chair of the
Black Student Union, to formulate
strong opinions regarding Bush's
actions and future as president.
"Bush addressed civil rights from
the perspective that no one was be-
ing oppressed, and as a conservative,
he believed that everyone had their
freedom of choice and extenuating
circumstances couldn't hold them
back," she said. "It's hard to get

much worse than Bush, but I prefer
not to look that far ahead to just
watch and see how things go."
However, in a seemingly contra-
dictory action, Bush endorsed the
Civil Rights Act of 1991, which was
similar to the bill that he denounced
only a year earlier. Bush has also
championed Black causes, including
voting for an open-housing bill and
heading the United Negro College
Fund Drive at Yale University.
While minority groups may have
warmed to Bush near the end of his
term, some have already expressed
discontent with Clinton. Although he
has been lauded for his attempt at
diversifying his Cabinet, several
groups - including Asian Amer-
icans and Native Americans -
question their exclusion from Clin-

ton's efforts.
"If Clinton wants his Cabinet to
represent the United States, he
should include other minorities. To
take four African Americans and say
that he is making a difference is not
fair," said Muhammad Mamdani,
president of the Indian American
Student Association.
However, some call Clinton's
agenda for minorities "promising."
John Ed Brown, president of the
Native American Law Student
Association, said, "It's promising
now, but it remains to be seen what
Clinton will do. I know of nothing
specific that Bush has done for
Native Americans, but Clinton has
stated that he's going to make an
agenda for Native Americans."

citizens doubtful of his intentions for
further civil rights legislation and
pessimistic about future changes.
"Bush chronically manipulated
the issue of race in his characteriza-
tion of the Civil Rights Bill as a

Hartford to consult
Kuwait University

Constituents have high hopes
for Clinton's economic policies

by Jennifer Silverberg
Daily Administration Reporter

At the end of this academic
year when students and adminis-
trators leave for summer vacation,
Miureen T.Hrtford- ice nreide1~nt

Provosts and student affairs ad-
ministrators from Turkey, Saudi
Arabia, Egypt and other American
universities will also travel to
Kuwaxit to discuss hither eduica-

by Robin Litwin
Daily Feature Writer
"Read my lips, no new taxes."t
The familiar phrase that helped
propel George Bush to a presidentialt
victory in 1988 may have been the

into a shiny new engine of growth."
With the inauguration past, and
the excitement of the transition dy-
ing down, people will be turning to*
Clintonomics to get the nation's
wounded economy back on track.

economic policies. I think that leav-
ing the deficit to increase was a
problem," Deardorff said.
"I think the improved mood of
the country ought to be beneficial
and help the economy regardless .of



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