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February 01, 1993 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-02-01

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The University's new Diag policy for all intents
and purposes bans political activism at a school
once known for it's radical behavior - and few
people seem to care.

There probably haven't been too many
productions of "Antigone" like the one on
Saturday night at the Michigan Theater. See Liz
Shaw's review.

The Michigan hockey team came into this
weekend looking for revenge and the Wolverines
accomplished their goal. This weekend, Michigan
avenged earlier losses to UIC and Michigan State.

Mixed clouds and sunshine '
High 38, Low 26
Mostly sunny; High 38, Low 28



One hundred two years of editorial freedom

iVo.C1,N.7AroAndyFeray1 819 0 MichiganI . 199.*'The Daily3

'U' senior
by Michelle Fricke
LSA senior Jeremy Findley is
training to be a leader of an
international business organization.
Findley - former president of
* AIESEC Michigan -was elected
president of AIESEC United States,
Inc. at this year's National Con-
vention, which was held in
Indianapolis from Dec. 27 to Jan. 3.
AIESEC - a French acronym
meaning Students Interested in
International Business Management
and Commerce - was founded in
1948 in an effort to promote the ex-
change of cultural perspectives and
international business ideas among
students around the world.
When Findley's position offi-
cially begins in July, he will be re-
sponsible for the direction of
AIESEC United States, Inc., in New
York City. He will also represent
AIESEC United States, Inc. at
international AIESEC business
Findley said he acquired valuable
international business experience
through internships in countries such
as Japan and Belgium since he
joined AIESEC in the fall of 1989.
"AIESEC gave me practical
business skills such as running meet-
ings, creating business plans, creat-
ing business budgets, and communi
cating on an international level
through speeches and other
presentations," Findley said.
The University local committee
was honored as the best AIESEC
chapter in the United States at the
AIESEC Michigan received this
prestigious honor for its exceptional
community projects - such as the
Croatian War Poster Exhibit, in-
volvement in the business commu-
nity, and strong leadership skills
among its members - said Kristina
Grammatico, LSA senior and vice
president of regional conference
public relations.
Another AIESEC member was
recognized at the National
Convention for his dedication to the
organization and leadership abilities.
Eli Cohen, an LSA junior, was
elected Student Director of AIESEC
United States, Inc. He will be re-
sponsible for overseeing the activi-
ties of the AIESEC chapters in the
central region of the nation, and act-
ing as a liaison between these local
committees and the national staff.
Cohen said he believes he has
improved his leadership and com-
munication abilities through his
affiliation with AIESEC.
"I wanted to gain practical busi-
ness experience and associate with
business leaders with a global mind-
set, and I knew AIESEC would give
me that experience," Cohen said.
With local committees in 74 dif-
ferent countries and on 70 college
See AIESEC, Page 2

Regents extend
GEO contract
TA union negotiationscontinue

by Kenneth Dancyger
Daily Faculty Reporter
After more than two months of
negotiating, members of the
University Board of Regents and
the Graduate Employees Or-
ganization (GEO) signed an ex-
tension of the current teaching
assistant (TA) contract Friday.
The contract between the
University and GEO expired at
12:01 this morning.
Since the two parties began talks
in late November, regents and GEO
SHARON MUSHER/Daiy members have agreed upon several
A GEO member participates in an informational picket to call attention to contract negotiations on the Diag Friday. non-economic issues, mostly con-

cerning the clarification of language
on University documents.
However, at the last two ses-
sions, GEO proposed several eco-
nomic plans, which remain on the
bargaining table and in negotiation,
said Jon Curtiss, GEO Bargaining
Committee chair.
"We presented our final eco-
nomic proposals last Friday ... But
there wasn't any substantial
discussions on economic issues," he
The University declined to
comment on the specifics of any of
See GEO, Page 2

ROTC remains silent on lifting ban of gay soldiers

by David Shepardson
Daily Government Reporter
While President Clinton's
efforts to fulfill a campaign promise
to end the ban on homosexuals in
the military has stirred nationwide
debate, his actions have resulted in
curiously little public discussion by
participants in the University's
Reserve Officers Training Corps

ROTC cadets refused to com-
ment on the proposed lifting of the

commanding officers have been
explicitly instructing them not to
comment since January.
The ban on homosexuals is part
of a 50-year-old executive order
regulating military entrance re-
quirements. Military officials on
campus tiptoed around to avoid
making comments that could be
construed as "for" or "against"
continuing the ban.

One top official of the Army
ROTC, Lt. Col. Mary Sonntag,
added that, in addition to having no
comment on the possible lifting of
the ban she had, "no opinion on the
Officials of all three ROTCs on
campus stressed that they "followed
all Department of Defense direc-
tives" and directed further questions
to Division headquarters.

A military public affairs
spokesperson at Division headquar-
ters reiterated that campus ROTCs
would follow all direct orders - in-
cluding overturning the ban on gays
- or face court martial
"It's basically a done deal," said
Capt. Bart Clark, commander of the
Navy ROTC on campus, who said
See ROTC, Page 2

ban on gays in the military. Several
cadets in the Naval ROTC said

Aspin addresses
segregation of
gays in military
WASHINGTON (AP) - Defense Secretary Les
Aspin must answer some of the most complex issues
involving privacy and the sexual conduct of troops
before President Clinton can issue an executive order
allowing homosexuals in the military, officials say.
The questions he is studying include the possible
segregation of homosexuals from heterosexuals,
whether in military units or in living quarters, as is
now the situation for female troops in many cases.
The problem is heightened by the fact that both
proponents and opponents of changing the ban agree
that homosexuals are now serving in the military and
have not been separated for special treatment -
except for being kicked out.
Studying such questions eoesn't necessarily mean
they might be implemented but they present a
plethora of problems that Aspin, military leaders and
Congress must wrestle within the coming months.
"We will not rule anything in particular in or out
this early during the review process," Aspin
spokesperson Vernon Guidry said Sunday.
One senior military officer with ties to the Joint
Chiefs of Staff said that their chair, Gen. Colin
Powell, has formulated his objections to lifting the
ban on the issue of privacy.
"That has been an overwhelming issue for him,"
said the officer, who spoke on condition of
One of the four-star chiefs has sent a message to
his senior commanders noting that the president's
latest statement didn't answer many questions for the
troops in the fields, according to an aide.
See BAN, Page 2

is still the
Clinton administration, burdeneda
with the highest disapproval rat-
ings of any new president in
,. . .decades, is struggling to regain
k control of its message after an un-
expected honeymoon detour.
President Clinton spent most of
last week distracted from his eco-
nomic agenda - the centerpiece"
of his campaign-by unrelated
issues such as homosexuals in the
military and finding anew attor-
ney general.
"I think Clinton has hit the
ground stumbling," said Ben Wat-
I tenberg, a senior fellow at the
American Enterprise Institute.
"The economy is what he was
elected on and that's what people
are waiting for," said Jeff Faux,
director of the Economic Policy
Institute, a labor union-based think
Clinton insists his "laser beam"
economic focus hasn't been di-
'::: ;F . tiverted by side issues.
AP PHOTO "It's distracting you. It's not
Gay U.S. Navy sailor Keith Meinhold holds up a t-shirt during a rally Thursday after a U.S. distracting me," he snapped at re-
Federal District judge ruled that banning gays from the military violates the U.S. Constitution. See ECONOMY, Page 2

La Raza week aims to expose 'U' to Chicano culture

These are some of the events for the Chicano History Week
celebration presented by SALSA and the Office of Minority
Affairs. La Raza organizers said they hope the University
community will attend the events to learn more about the
contributions of the Chicano community to American society.
Keynote Address by Andy Hernandez, "The Future of
Empowerment of the Chicano and Latino Community";
Tuesday, Feb. 2; 7-9 p.m.; Trotter House
Dialogue, "What is a real Chicana? What is a real

by Lisa Dines
Festivities for La Raza -
Chicano History Week - seek to
offer the University community an
opportunity to learn about, experi-
ence and enjoy Chicano culture.
The events, which take place
on campus between Feb. 2 and
Feb. 11, commemorate contribu-
tions by Chicano people to the

said the purpose of La Raza is "to
educate not only Chicanos, but to
inform and portray the contribu-
tions of the Chicanos to the
University population. It is a beau-
tiful culture and we wish to share
it with the University."
Katlin Berdy, Minority Student
Services representative to
Hispanic and Latino students, said,

His speech will address the
"Future of Empowerment of the
Chicano and Latino Community."
Berdy said, "This topic is a
concern that should appeal to all
communities. It is not designed
specifically for Chicanos. It was
designed to share the culture with
The Gran Baile dance, on Feb.

today's diverse society.
An examination of Chicano
culture through film and poetry
will take place Feb. 11. Martinez
will be doing a dramatic reading
of the works of Trinidad Sanchez,
a well-known Detroit Chicano
Martinez said she hopes the
reading will draw many diverse



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