The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 28, 1993- Page 7 r 11 CI ASSIFIED ADS 764-0557 ...*.*.......v.. . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . .~ L~~f~IU 11 POST REALTY Spacious 1 & 2 Bedroom Modern Apartments On & off campus locations 761-8220 L .I LARGE HOUSES AVAILABLE MAY & SEPT. LEASES Oki Town Ralt 663-8989 OAKLAND NEAR ARCH, modern 2 bdrm., AC, pkng, $760-800; 1 bdrm, $550, 665-4617. ONE RM. IN 7-BDRM. HOUSE coapera- lively run; women only. Avail. Feb. 665- ROOM: 4 bdrm. hse. of grads. Burns Pk. Sauna, $225/mo. avail. 3/1. 998-1344. 5 BEDROOM HOUSES Starting in May Copi Properties 663-5609 CAUGHT YOU IN THE ACT! Now take the film to the Village Apothecary at 1112 S. University for developing. Craig. ERIC'S ACTION SPORTS- Team uniforms & shoes for all indoor sports. 2 blocks off State Street. Call 663-6771. In memory of Larry Kalmbach PROBLEM PREGNANCY HELP Let us help you choose life. 769-7283. STONEWALL CHILI PEPPER CO.'S sal- sa habenerd is one of the world's hottest salsa's. It is only sold in Michigan at Tios Mexican Restaurant, 333 E. Huron. ........................................~T P N S R t E .. ***SAND~1I'S WORDPROCESSING*** Reports, resumes, dissertations. 426-5217. LSAT GMAT, MCAT GRE Classes now forming for these and other standardized exams. We Offer: 50 years of experience Expert instructors The most current and extensive materials available Call KAPLAN at 662-3149 to arrange a FREE preview of courses. NEED EDITING HELP with your thesis, book, dissertation? Call 995-0664. NEED FINANCIAL AID for college? Recorded message gives details. 662-6662. TYPING: Resumes, cover letters, & applications. A2 Typing. Call 994-5515. EARN 100'S DAILY mailing circulars at ' E%~ EEL A home P/T. Info: Desktop Ventures. Write 736 Packard Ste #102-A, A2, MI 48104. EXPERIENCED FLOWER SHOP WORKER needed part-time, flexible hours, within walking distance from campus. 930- 0007. FEMALE MODELS NEEDED by artist photographer for nude photographic study. $25/hr. Call after 5 p.m. Art 973-1114. $1,000 AN HOUR! Each member of your frat, sorority, team, club, etc. pitches in just one hour PRICES FOR STAY-NOT PER NIGHT! SOUTH PADRE ISLAND , $19 5 and 7 NIGHTSs DAYTONA BEACH $6 5 AND 7 NIGHrS PANAMA CITY BEACH , 1s 5 AND 7 NIGHTS STEAMBOAT *$ f129 2 5AND 7 NIGHTS 12th Annual PartyA TOLL FREE INFORMATION & RESERVtATIONS 1-800-321-5911I 3 FREE U sWanyTanning Package 1 CYPRESS TAN 1 1 747-940. I Not validvW any other discount. Oneper person 1200 S. University I I Above McDonald's/Kinko's I Expires 2/20/93 C8J HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO. Not just guitars. 302 E. Liberty. 665-8001. Repairs. Percussion; harp lessons: Pay 4 Get 5. ..... . . :. : : ...: ..:..::: . .: ILLINOIS AND PURDUE basketball tick- ets for sale! Call 665-9972. NEED 2 B-BALL TICKETS for Purdue or MSU. Call John 994-7164 or 747-0412 M.-F. 1ST YR. LAW STUDENT looking for male non-smoking housemate(s) in newly fur- nished house: big-screen TV, pkng., Idry., piano, alarm sys. No pets. Sept-Sept. $190 double, $350 single. J.F. 930-0354. AVAIL. NOW Master bdrm. in Barrington Hgts. off Washtenaw, Ypsi. Grad looking for female non-smoker, no pets. Large modern apt. Free heatlpkng. 572-9816. FALL '93-3 PEOPLE looking for fourth in huge contemporary 2 bdrm. apt. Free photo copies, recreation room. 741-9300. HOUSEMATE WANTED. Female profes- sional or Phd student to share quiet west-side home with one other. 668-7201. NEED A HOUSEMATE? I am a female non-smoker (undergrad) looking for a room in a house full of friendly people (for next fall)! Call Marta 995-9321. MAC PERFORMA 200 4180. Software + free Imagewriterl. $1 300-Call Tock 769- 6253. MICROSCAN 2E/ADI 14" 1024x768 SVGA monitor + Trident IMEG SVGA card. $450. Call Tock 769-6253. and your $1,000 in group just a can raise few days! S. DIVISION 3 & 4 Bdrm. hses., $870 & $1160 + utils. No pets. 665-4617. SHARE LARGE HOUSE-OWN ROOM, pkng. no utilities. Short lease. 973-7368. SPACIOUS, MODERN 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments. Call Post Realty at 761-8220. SPECIAL 1 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED.. Wood Cathedral ceilings. Available February. 930-0308 or 741-9300. STOP LOOKING - 2 Bdrm. Furn. Apt. Own entrance, pkng. Won't last, $650 + util. Sept. lease. 518 S. Fourth. 737-2445. SUBLET 1 BDRM. APT. Large. 1036 S. Main at Pavline. Balcony, carpet, full bath, disposal, AC. $490 flexible lease. Incl. drapes, heat, water, off-str. pkng., UM & AAT bus. Cat/bird ok. 434-0647. VERY CLOSE, roomy, 6-bdrm. furn. apt., Irg. bed. Ldry., dwshr. disposal, new crpt. & furn., hardwood, 2 baths, ample, free , easy access prkg. Sept. - Sept. 662-3458. VICTORIAN Avail. Sept. 1 yr. lease 6 bdrm. furn. 2 bath. Full dining rm., eat in ktchn. Washer/dryer, dwshr, piano, some pkng., outdoor gas grill, picnic table. Near hospital/Frieze bldg. Prefer Jr/Sr or Grad. No pets. $1890 + util. 663- 5102. 2 MIN. TO CCRB: Geddes furn. 1 bdrm. in large 2 bdrm. apt. Avail. Mar.-Aug. includ. prkg. util. Indry. Female only. Reduced to $225 665-0892. ACROSS FROM BUSINESS SCHOOL furn. room avail, now includ. util. Indry. prkg. until Aug. $295/mo. 820 Hill 665-5620. ACROSS FROM E.E. BLDG: May-Aug,-2 pers. huge studio, Irg. kit., ldry, furn. $470/ mo. ml. utils. 994-5148. Pkng. ex. ATTRACTIVE LG. RM. Hill & Oakland. Ktchn., Indry., pkng., Male $264 995-3276. BEAUTIFUL HOUSE--Your own spacious room, fireplace, laundry, parking, 5 min. walk to campus, quiet area. 930-6187. CHEAP SUBLET! Own furnish. rm. in co- ed law frat. $310/mo. Incl. All util. Kitchen, cable, Lndry. Pkng. Avail. Call Jean at 761- * 9441. Don't pass us up! NEED SHORT TERM LEASE? Fem. to share Irg. bdrm. in 2 Bdrm. Geddes apt., at- tractive 1.5 baths, Idry. ml. $200/mo. + elect. Call Now 995-5568. SUBLET 1 BDRM. IN LG. APT. 921 S. Division. $245/mo. Call 741-0807. SUMMER SUBLET. 1 bdrm. apt. cmps, 715 Church. AC, 2 pkng., $375/neg. 665-4233. ***ADOPTION**** Childless professional couple (UM Grads) seek newborn to share our home, and lots of love and affection. Call eves, collect (313) 737-2223. Plus a chance to earn $1000 for yourself! No cost. No Obligation 1-800-932-0528, ext. 65j GYMNASTIC INSTRUCTOR positions open to pre-school classes. Flexible hours, must have experience, enthusiasm and transportation. 971-1667. INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT- Make $2000+/mo. teaching English abroad. Japan and Taiwan. Many provide room ,board, & other benefits! No previous train- ing or teaching certificate required. For employment program: (206)632-1146 ext. J5598. PART TIME, in home, secretarial help neded. Flexible day-time hours. Computer experience a must. Call 996-4227. PUNCTUAL, CONSCIENTIOUS work study. Qualified student wanted for food retail sales in a 6th fl. penthouse location at 426 S. Thompson, ISR. This student manager position pays $5.50/hr. to start for 12-15 hrs./week through finals of both Fall and Winter terms. Call Charles Nel- son at 764-8512 btwn. 7am and 3pm M-F. No weekend hours. SEMEN DONORS NEEDED for a well-es- tablished infertility clinic. If you are a male between 21 - 40 years of age and a graduate student or a professional 5'9" or taller we need you. Donors will be paid &55 per ac- ceptable specimen. For further information please write P.O. Box 2674, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. SUMMER COUNSELORS Athletic Exp. Outstanding NY State coed children's resi- dent camp. 2 hrs. from N.Y.C. Beautiful facilities. 914/693-3037. Camp Kennybrook, 19 Southway, Hartsdale, NY 10530. SUMMER HORSE CAMP needs Female Counselors and Riding instructors. For more info., contact 313-644-7738 or our office 313-679-2505. SUMMER JOB for caring, ethusiastic per- son for infant & toddler. Salary plus room & board in beautiful lake comm. N. of Detroit. Flexible hrs. 313-681-7373. UNIVERSITY CLUB-WAITSTAFF, LUNCH. Experience required. Students, flexible hours. Apply in person: Rm. 1310, Michigan Union. WORK STUDY Maintenance Mechanic. Assist handyman, fabricate or repair shelves, varnish, stain and sand wood, use various electric hand tools, move furnitureand deliver items within department as required. Call 763-4607. Oxx ^ *PLA*CES DAYTONA BEACH SPRING BREAK 7 nights, beachfront $129 Quad. Call CMI Representative-Melissa 677-8705 or CMI 1- 800-423-5264. EUROPE '93 lowest fares w/student travel breaks. Stamos-Kerrytown Mall. 663-4400 or 483-5695. LOW FARES - Europe fr. $279, Orient fr. $769 Call Claudia or Dan @ Regency Travel, 209 S. State, 665-6122. MARDI GRAS & MIAMI for Spring break. 2 three way tickets for sale. Call Lauren or Eric 741-0829. SPRING BREAK Acapulco fr. $469, Jamaica fr. $539, Cancun fr. $479, Puerto Vallarta fr. $539. Call Dan, Regency Tr vel, 209 S. State 665-6122. SPRING BREAK '93 Party with the Best! S. Padre Island from $99 Cancun Mexico from $424 Bahamas/Cruise from $269 Join over 1 million partiers! Call Student Express Vacations Amy 994-7118 or 1-800-TOUR-USA. SAVE @ON RP MM (BEAK V"11 JAMAICA FROM $479 CANCUN FROM $449 FLORIDA FROM $139 Cell SUN SPLASH TOURS for the Lowest Prices & Best Trips! 1-800-426-7710 Write it. Read it. Recycle it! The Michigan Daily ..--.. .. Pi es tnesse sm JAMAICA . $449 Cancun Mexico . $419 Panama City Rork; $99 Daytona BeachF t + * $119 Key West Florida .$229 On-campus contact: Melanie @ 663.3292 ConlinFaber Travel 677-0900 540 E. Lberty St " 3270 Washtww 2663 R rr"IM 0 Tmbler vie Mall Huren Valley Travel 1918 W. StadiumnBlvd. 761.1300 Student Travel Orseka/Samm Travel 407 N. Ftfht Ave. 6634400 __ sII__ 1-800-648-4849 STUDENTS ANYWHERE IN THE US. on Continental fr. $129/$199. Bring your Continental voucher and AMEX Card. Anywhere in the U.S.A. on US Air fr. $129/ $189. Bring your US Air Voucher and Chase Visa/Mastercard. Call Kristina or Wanda at Regency Travel 209 S State 665-6122. WINTER BLUES? Spring Break Getaway! Traverse City area. Romantic, cozy log cabins on lake surrounded by forest. $49-69 nightly incl. outdoor hot tub & much more. Ellis Lake Resort 616-276-9502. DAILY CLS WIEDS - "me-" mm"" Michigan Alumnni work here: The Wall Street Journal The New York Times The Washington Post The Detroit Free Press The Detroit News NBC Sports Associated Press United Press International Scientific American Time Newsweek Sports Illustrated USA Today Because they worked here: 41 mii $200-$500 WEEKLY Assemble products at home. Easy! No selling. You're paid direct. Fully guaranteed. Free information. 24 hour hotline.Call (801) 379-2900. Copyright # MI041150. APARTMENT-CLEANING help. Bi-week- ly $10/hr. Pleasant Place 665-8840. ATTENTION STUDENTS: Summer Jobs. Student Sprinklers is accepting apps. for summer mgmt. positions. Earn up to 10k sel- ling & installing Toro underground sprinkler sys. Managers needed throughout MI, OH, IN, & ILL. 665-5390 for info. CAMP COUNSELOR HAVE THE SUMMER OF YOUR LIFE AND GET PAID FOR IT- Top 3 camp organization in the Pocono Mountains of NE- PA. Our 62nd year. Positions in allareas- water & land sports, fine arts & outdoor adventure. Call 215-887-9704. 151 Washington Lane, Jenkintown, PA 19046. CERTIFIED AEROBICS INSTRUCTOR to teach aerobics in West Quad. Hours & wage negotiable. Call Shelley 764-7761. CHILD CARE IN OUR HOME. Experien- ce and references are a must. Call 665-0257. COLORWORKS OF MICHIGAN is look- ing for students to manage a painting busi- ness during the summer. Earn $10,000+ and get a resume experience that pays. Jobs avail- able in limited Mich. and OH areas. Call now 800-477-1001 for more info. COUNSELORS, COACHES / Activity Specialists. All land & water sports, primary & teen specialists, tennis, gymnastics, ceramics radio/video, nature, music positions for JRS., SRS., & GRADS. at Camp Starlight, a leading coed camp in Pocono Mts. of PA. Working with a mature staff; friendly atmosphere; extensive facilities. 6/ 20-8/20. Field work/internships upon request. For campus interview, call (516) 599-5239 or write: 18 Clinton Street, Malverne, NY 11565. DAYCARE HELPER 8:15 AM. 10-15 hrs/ wk. Experience + own transp. 663-1737. I[, Wanted: Applicants for Michigan Honeyqueen Pageant at MSU on 3/2/93. Prizes $500 & trip to Orlando,FL. Call (313) 627-4556. Classifieds -read them Daily ! I I I 11 OBSCURE EXCERPTS FROM THE CROW LIBRARY i A r."' ,AN 7 -Aft I