The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 26, 1993 - Page 3
Council to
by Jonathan Berndt
Daily City Reporter
If the proposal presented by the
Solid Waste Commission to the Ann
Arbor City Council for a $5.1 mil-
lion Materials Recovery Facility
(MRF) is approved, Ann Arbor may
reclaim its status as a national leader
in recycling.
The council, which met in a
working session last night to con-
sider the proposal, will vote on the
measure at next week's regular
The preferred firm - according
to the report put together by the
commission - is Resource Recov-
Ory Systems (RRS), of Essex, Conn.
The MRF would sort recyclable
products including milk cartons,
juice boxes and magazines in addi-
tion to newspaper and office paper
- which are already recycled. Tele-
phone books and #1 plastic contain-
ers could also be included. The
products would then be cleaned and
shipped to manufacturers searching
for recycled materials.
- The facility will also compact
regular garbage before it is hauled to
a landfill in Whitmore Lake - a
move that will double the amount
the trucks can haul.
City officials said this system
*would save the city $542,500 from
current levels if recycling target of
23,000 tons is met. The city and the
University together currently recycle
about 14,000 tons of material per
RRS, founded in 1973, is one of
the oldest recycling firms in the
country, with 10 other facilities in
the northeastern United States and
Under the proposal, the city
would own the facility and provide
all the capital for construction. It
will also be able to request design
changes that would further enhance
the capabilities of the plant.
, The University has participated at
each stage of the process since it be-
gan in April, 1990, when Ann Arbor
voters approved a bond issue for the
The University is currently nego-
tiating a customer service contract
with RRS. Under the city proposal,
the University would receive half of
the profits from commercial paper
The MRF will be constructed ad-
jacent to the present Ann Arbor
lhndfill, at the corner of Ellsworth
Reoad and Platt Road, near the cur-
rent site of Recycle Ann Arbor.
Councilmember Larry Hunter (D-
't Ward) was optimistic about final
passage of the proposal next week.
"I think it has a very good
chance," he said. "We have to ana-
Iyze the numbers we received from
staff. If we are comfortable with
them, I can't see why we wouldn't
have an affirmative vote - if not a
unanimous vote."
GEO plans picket lines to
organize member activity
by Kenneth Dancyger crease.
Daily Faculty Reporter According to the report, "The
On the final business day before
their contract expires, members of
the Graduate Employees Organiza-
tion (GEO) are planning to stage a
number of informational picket lines
around the University campus.
The rallies come after more than
three months of negotiations be-
tween the University Board of Re-
gents and GEO to settle upon a new
"The informational picketing is
an effort to get GEO's members or-
ganized and to make sure people are
informed about the issues,"said Jon
Curtiss, GEO Bargaining Committee
chair. "We're trying to get the word
out ... about the economic issues in
Curtiss said several non-eco
nomic issues are still being negoti-
ated and more economic proposals
will be presented to the University
Friday - the last day of negotia-
tions before the current contract's
Feb.1 expiration.
At the bargaining session with
the regents last Friday, GEO pre-
sented several of it's economic pro-
posals, including a call for a "Living
Wage" - GEO's plan for a pay in-
crease including a 15.7 percent raise
the first contract year and a 3 percent
raise the second year.
A report released by GEO yes-
terday outlined the economic status
of University graduate students and
emphasized the need for a salary in-
importance of a 'Living Wage' for
TAs cannot be underestimated. ...
(TA's) need to make ends meet....
Without a 'Living Wage,' we have
to take extra jobs."
The report also says the
University's Office of Financial Aid
estimates monthly living expenses
for a graduate student at $839, while
the average TA makes $729.
"Closing that $110 gap is crucial
for the financial security, academic
'We're trying to get
the word out ... about
the economic issues in
-Jon Curtiss
GEO Bargaining
Committee chair
success, and personal well-being of
graduate students."
Although the University declined
to comment on the specifics of the
negotiations, representatives did
confirm that several proposals have
been received from the GEO bar-
gaining committee.
"It's difficult to respond to eco-
nomic proposals when you don't
have all of them. ... We plan to get
the rest of them on Friday," said
Colleen Dolan-Greene, chair of the
University Bargaining Committee.
Dolan-Greene added that it is un-
likely a contract settlement will be
reached by Friday, but the Univer-
sity has not discussed any plans for,
after GEO's contract expires.
GEO representatives said since
negotiations are going at a reason-
able pace, it is expected that thex
University will extend the current
Curtiss said GEO does not intend
to strike. However, he said, "What
happens depends on what the Uni-
versity and (GEO) members bring to
the (bargaining) table."
GEO, which signed it's first con
tract in 1981, usually negotiates a
new contract every two years.
In 1987, stagnant negotiations led
to a full strike by GEO members,..
Two years ago, contract negotiation;
lasted eight months and include.
two work stoppages because GECC
and the University could not agree
on tuition wavers for TAs, GE{
President Dave Tolend said.
During the 1991 negotiation
GEO members picketed as they plan;
to Friday. Curtiss said the action did
not cause any problems with the
University at the bargaining table. $
He said the picketing would not
interfere with jobs and he would be
surprised if such actions angered the
Dolan-Greene said the picketing
is not expected to hurt the bargain-
ing process, and negotiations -will
continue as scheduled.
^"^S'AS'A BA"'C'I
Blurry ball, corner pocket
UM-Flint student Tony Grianani aims at the cue ball during a game of
pool yesterday in the Michigan Union's billiard room.
Clinton proposes tax hikes to reduce federal deficit
AL i
Clinton administration gave fresh
signals yesterday, it may propose tax
increases that would hit most
Americans as a way of fighting the
federal deficit. A broad-based tax on
energy consumption is among "a lot
of options," President Clinton said.
A day after Treasury Secretary
Lloyd Bentsen floated the possibility
of such a tax, Clinton and White
House officials did their best to keep
it aloft.
"Absolutely, yes," responded
White House communications direc-
tor George Stephanopoulos.
Stephanopoulos also stressed that
cuts in entitlement spending also are
"on the table" as the plan takes
Clinton took a step further toward
that package by signing an executive
order creating a Cabinet-level
National Economic Council.
The council, headed by former
New York investment banker Robert
Rubin, will coordinate economic
policy in much the same way that
the older National Security Council
oversees foreign and defense
Secretary of the Treasury Lloyd
Bentsen, interviewed on NBC-TV's
"Meet the Press," said flatly: "What
'What you're going to
see ... is some
consumption tax is
going to take place'
- Lloyd Bentsen
Treasury Secretary
you're going to some
consumption tax is going to take
He said a tax on energy consump-
tion would raise revenues and
encourage conservation, while
helping to lessen the nation's
reliance on imported oil. Possible
energy taxes that have been
mentioned include a tax on imported
oil and one on consumption of all
forms of energy such as oil, natural
gas and even electricity.
Middle-income Americans would
shoulder the brunt of any broad-
based energy tax because they pay a
greater proportion of their incomes
for fuel than do the rich. Congress
would likely give -the poorest.
Americans some form of relief from
taxes on essential fuels.
Clinton is struggling to find 4
way to reduce the annual deficit
while increasing spending on items
such as education and public works
The energy tax would be part of hi$
longer-range plan.
Clinton is expected to propose
tax cuts for businesses and tempo,
rary spending increases on job-pro-
ducing programs to stimulate th4
economy, officials said.
The amount of economic
stimulus may be in the neighborhood
of $10 billion or less, far below the
$60 billion discussed during thi
campaign to "jump start" the
economy, they said.
Unconscious man
mistaken for heart
attack victim
DPS officers responded to a re-
port of a man having a heart attack
at Cliff Keen Arena Sunday.
Fire, rescue and medical units
were also called to the scene.
Upon arrival, officers found the
man alert and conscious. Although
he had temporarily lost conscious-
ness, he had not suffered a heart at-
tack, as originally reported.
The man refused to be trans-
ported to the University Hospital de-
spite being encouraged by medical
personnel to seek immediate treat-
Thieves rip off
Mason Hall
computing center
Computing equipment worth
$2,000 was allegedly stolen from the
Mason Hall computing center Satur-
day, according to DPS reports.
Police have no suspects but have
recorded the serial numbers of the
equipment and are searching for the
stolen goods.
Attack leaves police
searching for
A student in Vera Baits II Resi-
dence Hall was allegedly attacked
Sunday night by another man who
lived on his hall, according to DPS
The victim told officers that the
alleged attacker threatened his life,
then grabbed him by the throat, held
him down on the bed and slammed
his head three times into a wall.
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The victim gave officers the
name of the alleged attacker and told
the officers that the man lived on his
DPS Lieutenant James Smiley
said detectives are still searching for
the man, and are unsure if the name
given to them by the victim is cor-
Detectives want to question the
men involved to determine the cause
of the attack and to determine which
man's story is more accurate, Smiley
Zamboni slams door
at Yost
A Zamboni ice refinisher struck a
door at Yost Ice Arena Friday,
knocking the door off its hinges, ac-
cording to University Department of
Public Safety (DPS) reports.
Yost employees told DPS offi-
cers on the scene that a welder was
needed immediately.
-by Will McCahill
Daily Crime Reporter
Student groups
Q Ann Arbor Coalition to Defend
Abortion & Reproductive
Rights, Michigan Union, Tap
Room, 6 p.m.
'U Arab-American Students' As-
sociation, meeting, Michigan
Union, Michigan Room, 8 p.m.
Q Association for Computing
Machinery, meeting, EECS,
Room 1003, 7 p.m.
Q The Christian Science Organi-
zation, weekly meeting, Michi-
gan League, check front desk
for room, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
4U College Republicans, meeting,
MLB, Basement, 6:30 p.m.
Q Environmental Issues Commis-
sion, Earth Week 1993 mass
meeting, Michigan Union, MSA
Chambers, 6 p.m.
U Hillel, orthodox services, Hillel,
upstairs lecture room, 7:30a.m.;
Tap Room, 12 p.m.
Q In Focus, meeting, Frieze Build-
ing, Room 2420, 6 p.m.
Michigan Union, 4th floor lobby
area, 8 p.m.
Q Social Group for Bisexual
Women, call for location and
information, 763-4186, 8 p.m.
Q Tae KwonDo Club, regular
workout, CCRB, Room 2275,
7:45-9:15 p.m.
Q U-M Asian American Student
Coalition, meeting, East Quad,
check room at front desk, 7 p.m.
Q U-M Shotokan Karate, prac-
tice, CCRB, Small Gym, 8-10
U Applications of Vibrational
Spectroscopy in the Elucida-
tion of Molecular Structure,
Moses Gomberg Lecture Series,
Chemistry Building, Room
1640,4 p.m.
Q Center for Chinese Studies,
Whatto Do About All That Sex?,
Reactions to the SexualDescrip-
tion in the 16th Century Novel
Jin Ping Mei, Brown Bag Lunch
Center for -Human Growth and
Development, 300 N. Ingalls St.,
Room 1000, 12 p.m.
Q The Russian Revolution of
1905, Spark: Revolutionary Dis-
cussion Series, Michigan Union,
Crofoot Room, 7-8 p.m.
Q The University Symphony Or-
chestra and the University
Philharmonic, concert, Hill
Auditorium, 8 p.m.
Student services
U Kaffeestunde, Department of
GermanicLanguage andLitera-
ture, MLB, 3rd floor Confer-
ence Room, 4:30-6 p.m.
Q Northwalk Safety Walking Ser-
vice, Bursley Hall, 763-9255,8
p.m.-1:30 a.m.
Q Peer Counseling, U-M Coun-
seling Services, 764-8433, 7
p.m.-8 a.m.
Q Psychology Undergraduate
Peer Advising, Department of
Psychology, West Quad, Room
K7'10 10nom-rnm
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