Page 4-The Michigan Daily- Friday, January 22,1993 c 1 E Yt tgttn ttil 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 764-0552 Editor in Chief MATTHEW D. RENNIE Opinion Editors YAEL CITRO GEOFFREY EARLE AMITAVA MAZUMDAR Edited and Managed by Students at the University of Michigan Unsigned editorials represent a mnajority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Dry U-Club better than nothing JAXNY Do YOU ITL .1 HIV [K'LU llEcoME A EAL IT E OY SOE DA ;la 77 f r. / al There once was a time when the U-lub was one of the hippest night spots on campus. Stu- dents flocked to the Union on weekends for danc- ing, drinking and fun. Now, administrators are looking for a way to restore the one-time hotspot, bringing back the dancing and fun, but this time without the drinking. In anunusually enlightened move by an admin- istration that is usually unresponsive to student needs, Vice-President for StudentAffairs Maureen Hartford developed an idea for a "place for stu- dents to be able to dance and socialize without alcohol," after talking with students last year. This year, Hartford headed a task force com- posed of University counselors and residence hall staff which discussed ways to implement this idea. Hartford decided to apply for a grant from a special Department of Education program which earmarks money to colleges and universities for anti-alcohol activities. Rather than using the funds for another preachy seminar which would be sparsely attended, Hartford's task force proposed a much-needed plan to improve alcohol-free social opportunities on campus. Under-aged students have few legal opportuni- ties on campus to gather in large areas to dance and socialize. Many people have pointed to the dearth of alcohol-free activities as a contributing factor to the large, sometimes dangerous crowds that gath- ered in the streets after the NCAA championships and some football games last year. Offering alco- hol-free alternatives is one way to diffuse the prob- lem. Fortunately, renovating the U-Club is not the limit of the University's plans. The University also wants to use the annual $125,000 government grant to keep the Central and North Campus recreation buildings open longer on weekends, and to grant $1,000 to student organizations planning alcohol- free activities. If obtained, the money would pro- vide students a greater variety of social opportuni- ties on campus. The best feature of the University's proposal is that students would have a voice in planning and organizing the activities. As currently envisioned, Business Administration graduate students would organize activities funded by the grant. They also would suggest changes to the U-Club. Though limited, this would give students a measure of control over their own social events. The University expects to learn in June whether or not it will receive the grant. Hartford says the University does not intend to go forward with the program if the grant falls through. Even if denied the grant, however, the University should try to fund this worthwhile endeavor. Students should come to the University knowing that they have somewhere to relax other than hot, crowded and drunken fraternity parties. - - -.-- -- I . - i " ., ;" ., . The Daily would like to welcome Terry Rudd, a new cartoonist who will be working alongside Greg Stump. ::: :TERS..................................i : i' ^ Elders shows concern for youngers News that America's youth is growing increas- ingly unhealthy is not new. But when Surgeon General-designate Dr. M. Joycelyn Elders spoke at a University conference on children's health, she offered interesting insight on two important health topics: sex education and tobacco. Elders' agenda is a breath of fresh air after the failure of Reagan and Bush to effectively address these health issues. Elders proposed to provide students from kin- dergarten through 12th grade with in- formation about sex, sexually- transmitted dis- eases and con- traception. She emphasize that students would receive appro- priate informa- tion, depending' on their age. In particular s :,, young women must be taught about abortion and birth con- trol - both taboo topics in today's educational system. As of yet, most schools are not providing students with pertinent sexual information. The standard sex-ed class, taught by the school gym teacher (not yet a thing of the past), still places more emphasis on how leg hair appears at adoles- cence than on the various sexual diseases. Further- more, schools often wait to discuss sex until stu- dents reach high school- years after many have had their first sexual encounter. Even with AIDS spreading at an alarming rate, schools have failed to to teach students effective and realistic ways to avoid disease and unwanted pregnancy. Public schools must ensure that if teen- agers decide to have sex, they at least know what precautionary measures they can use to protect themselves. Young people today are also assaulted with a continuous flow of advertisements geared toward hooking them on tobacco. Ignoring the complaints and disregarding the studies which have shown that morechildren recognize Joe Camel than Mickey M o u s e, Camel still uses its infa- mous icon to lure children into buying cigarettes. The to- bacco indus- try is hardly subtle with its advertising ploys, placing MICHELLE GUY/Daiy an exces - sively dispro- portionate number of cigarette billboards in the city, virtually surrounding minority youth with large pictures of healthy, smiling smokers. Obsequiously catering to the demands of the powerful tobacco lobby in Washington, the imme- diate past government has done little to counteract these despicable advertising techniques. Elders promises to change this apathetic attitude toward the health of the American youth. Hopefully she will be able to pass her agenda and help ensure that today's children grow up in a safer, more responsible society. Celebrate 20 years of reproductive freedom To the Daily: Although I expect the usual back and forth arguments between the pro-choice and anti-choice students on this campus on the 20th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, I would like to simply address what the decision has meant to women in the United States. In the 1950s and 1960s the estimated annual number of illegal abortions ranged from 200,000 to 1.2 million. As we all know, many of these caused severe health problems and sometimes death. Twenty years ago today, the United States Supreme Court ruled that under a citizen's right to privacy, safeguarded by the U.S. Constitution, women had the right to control their fertility. Since then, women have had the option of a safe and legal abortion when faced with an unwanted pregnancy. Who knows how many women's lives have been saved since that landmark decision. I know the answer that the anti-choice people will give: how many "babies" lives have been lost since Roe vs. Wade? The abortion rate in this country is too high, regardless of the controversies that surround the issue itself. This is due to the lack of adequate education and availability of contraceptives. The Roe vs. Wade decision at least brought attention to women's issues that had been ignored for so many years. Unfortunately, I don't see this issue ever being settled because of the fundamental difference in ideas about where life actually begins. As it stands, abortion is a safe and legal choice for women in the United States today because of the Supreme Court decision on the case of Roe vs. Wade. And, in my opinion, this is a time to celebrate 20 years of much needed attention to women's reproductive health care. Susie Nasr LSA senior To the Daily: On a day meant to honor a great leader of the Black people, Martin Luther King Jr., a dream of separation was reborn by the proponents of Malcolm X's pre- Mecca ideals. Albeit, the Nation of Islam and all speakers are protected under the First Amendment, however their dominant presence during a supposed "day of unity" was very unscrupulous. Within the largest lecture hall in the Modem Languages Building, for some four hours, two speakers were invited to voice their beliefs on "Building and improving African-centered organizations and institutions," and "The role of students in struggle." The first speaker, Haki P. Makbuti, dictated a need for Black education and separation from the white race. He told the predominately Black crowd to stay away from marrying "pigheads" and "balloon heads" (in reference to white people), because the preservation of the Black race was of supreme importance. The second speaker, Khallid Muhammad of the Nation of Islam, was not able to attend, amidst prodigious protests, r MLK's message overshadowed 1 because of his racist and anti- Semitic views. His replacement was a young Black political scientist named Errol Henderson. This man, clad in a Malcolm X shirt, took Makbuti's insults one step further by calling whites "crackers" and imitating his impression of a white man's voice very frequently. Henderson's constant use of "cracker" to describe the white members of the audience showed a large weakness in his argument. He said that the Blacks in present society should forget about their years in slavery, yet he would not let whites forget about their past. Henderson generalized all whites as those working against Blacks - holding no hope for integration. The anger that I feel from these two seminars does not come from the insults that were doled out to the white people in the audience. The message of equality and peaceful cohabitation by Martin Luther King Jr. was overshadowed by a group of pre- Mecca Malcolm X followers who obtained top billing on a day meant to spread the concept of unity, not separation. Patrick Sarkissian LSA first-year student Vandalism at Hillel To the Daily: "In spite of everything, I still believe that people are good at heart." --Anne Frank We at the Peace and Justice Commission of the Michigan Student Assembly are beginning to find Anne Frank's innocent and peaceful attitude of inclu- sion a little hard to swallow in light of the blatantly anti-Semitic attacks on the University Hillel Foundation building during Fall term. This is a building which provides valuable services to thousands of students and Ann Arbor residents. The attacks on the Hillel building cannot be ignored and we condemn this type of hateful and spiteful behavior against any and all groups of people. In the spirit of MLK Day, we would like to ask each and every reader to look in the mirror and realize that a change to a truly peaceful and democratic society begins with the person we see reflected back at us. Peace and Justice Commission of MSA Write the Daily! S .':. . i *.{.:. " .* :4{v *.*.J.: *.*.;.*.*.*. .* . . {...*..r .. ** . r.. . . 'UI closes crucial health care program Roe v. Wade, going strong? Today marks the twentieth anniversary of the Supreme Court's rendering of the Roe v. Wade decision. Roe v. Wade was the landmark decision which legalized abortion nationwide. Since the controversial decision, fighting between, pro-choice and pro-life groups has risen to a ferocious level. Since legal abor- tion was weak- ened by the Pennsylvania- case oflast year, the "gag rule"A must be lifted and legislation passed that makes safe abor- tions more avail- RICH CHOVDaiiy ahle to women across the country. afford to travel to privately-funded abortion clin- ics. It grievously impaired the ability of women to obtain the best medical care possible and have all available options explained to them by a doctor. The most significant challenge to Roe v. Wade came in June of last year, when the Court upheld Pennsylvania's restrictions on abortion: a 24-hour waiting period, parental consent and "informed consent." The latter was the most insidious, requir- ing women who want information on medical abor- tion to view pictures of developing fetuses. The informed consent requirement is reminis- cent of the scare tactics used by groups like Opera- tion Rescue, which displays posters of fetuses and dead fetuses in jars to intimidate women entering clinics. Requirements such as these jeopardize the important intimacy that must exist between a doc- tor and patient. President Clinton has said that he will sign an by Sarah Thomsen and Christine Kolars As Masters of Public Health students we were stimulated by the words of Ms. Faye Wattleton, former President of Planned Par- enthood of America, during her Martin LutherKing, Jr. Day speech. Ms. Wattleton stressed the impor- tance of focusing on minority and women's health. She pronounced the need for all health care workers to involve themselves in the politi- cal side of our work. We com- pletely concur with her prescrip- tion. We cannot help but wonder what kind of signal this move by the University sends to theAmerican academic and health communities, and indeed, to the nation as $ whole. This department has trained many of the professionals respon- sible for the policies and programs lauded by Ms. Wattleton. It is now being threatened due to "pressing fiscal problems" de- women's health care and research, is swornin as the 42nd president of the United States is highly distress- ing to those of us committed to im- proving women's health. We can- not help but wonder what kind of We were, however, struck by the irony of her message in light of the University's recent decision to close the Department of Population Planning and International Health in *a fi-nlo spite the fact that it is home to over 70 students and hundreds of alumni, many of whom are em- ployed by some of the most pres- tigious health organizations in the world, such as the World Health Organization, UNICEF, the Na- tional Institute for HealthPlanned Parenthood Federation of America and the United States Agency for International Development. Ms. Wattleton repeatedly stressed the importance of provid- ing adequate health care to women of all races and classes. signal this move by the University sends to the American academic and health communities, and indeed, to the nation as a whole. Faye Wattleton inspired those of us who attended her speech on Mar- tin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday. We are ready and willing to meet her challenge to become the political leaders of tomorrow, but when re- sources such as the Department of Population Planning and Interna- tional Health are taken away from us and from future generations, how is the necessary training to be ac- ,rnmlih rA9