The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 20, 1993 - Page 3
Council votes down
, boycott of Colorado
'U' asks
MSA for
by Christine Young
Daily City Reporter
A resolution calling for a boycott
of Colorado - to punish the state
for its failure to support anti-dis-
crimination legislation against les-
bians, gay males and bisexuals -
failed by a vote of 5-4 in favor at
last night's City Council meeting.
A resolution must receive six
votes to pass the council. Mayor
Brater and Councilmember Larry
Hunter (D-1st Ward) were not pre-
sent at the meeting because they
were at the National Mayors'
t Councilmember Robert Eckstein
(D-5th Ward) proposed an amend-
ment to the resolution to exempt the
cities of Denver, Aspen and Boulder
from the boycott because these cities
have laws supporting gays and
Since the resolution itself had
been discussed at the council's Jan.
4 meeting, debate last night centered
around Eckstein's amendment.
Councilmember Thais Peterson
(D-5th Ward) said, "It is hard in
these situations to send messages to
other governing bodies.
"In as much as this boycott can
achange legislation's minds, if...95
percent of the people living in Aspen
had voted against this, we wouldn't
need to consider this boycott at all."
Peterson added, "We must im-
pact the whole state so that those
people in the communities will put
pressure on their legislators to alter
their decisions."
Councilmember Kurt Zimmer
(D-4th Ward) also argued that the
three cities should not be offered
"The three cities that go into
question are the economic base of
the state. If the boycott is going to
have an effect, it must be uniform."
Zimmer used the U.S. boycott of
South Africa as an example.
"When we were boycotting South
* t Africa, we didn't say that we were
not going to boycott some of South
Africa. It was uniform."
Councilmember Nelson Meade
(D-3rd Ward) said the rural areas of
Colorado were not in support of ho-
mosexual legislation.
"If we really want to injure the
areas that support Proposal 2 then
we shouldn't be boycotting Col-
orado as a whole," he said. "There is
a difference for an effort to be polit-
ically correct than politically
Councilmember Peter Fink (D-
2nd Ward) said, "My position is
clear. I feel that I shouldn't vote on a
resolution that does not directly in-
fluence Ann Arbor."
Zimmer disagreed, calling the
problem a concern for human rights.
Council sets date
for pary caucus
by Jonathan Berndt
Daily City Reporter
The Ann Arbor City Council ap-
proved the date of the Libertarian
Party's official caucus last night.
The caucus - a meeting to select
council and mayoral candidates for
the April election- will take place
Jan. 28, at Dominick's, starting at 7
Because it has been designated a
minor party under slate law, the Lib-
ertarian Party must request a caucus
date from city council.
"(The designation of 'minor par-
ty') is determined by the State of
Michigan, and is based on the per-
centage of votes received in the last
November election," said City Clerk
Winnifred Northcross.
Northcross added that minor
party candidates do not work under
the same system as Democrats and
Republicans, who must get petitions
signed by their constituents.
"Our council ... has to set, or
approve, the official date of the cau-
cus," she said. "This is really just a
Libertarians support a laissez
faire government that holds individ-
ual citizens sovereign over their own
lives. The party fights for the reduc-
tion of government bureaucracy and
the legalization of "victimless
David Walker and David Hicks of the newest fraternity on campus, Gamma Tau Omega, talk with Interfraternity
Council President Polk Wagner and Vice President for Student Affairs Maureen Hartford. The event, held in the
Michigan League last night, honored fraternities with academic excellence.
Fraternities sororities give
housing options to students
g oup Lnfo
by Adam Anger
and Jennifer Tianen
Daily MSA Reporters
The communication gap between
University students and administra-
tors became obvious at last night's
Michigan Student Assembly meeting
when MSA President Ede Fox
announced that University officials
had asked her to release names of
students involved with two contro-
versial campus organizations.
Fox claims administrators asked
her last week for names of .at least
five students, each from the National
Organization of Reform for Mdri-
juana Laws (NORML) and the
Black Greek Association.
Fox said administrators told her
they needed to verify enrollment sta-
tus of the group members. Fox said
she would take responsibility to n-
sure that all groups that apply for
MSA funding are primarily com-
prised of currently enrolled Univer-
sity students.I
"NORML is a controversial
enough organization that the identity
of the students should be protected,"
Fox said.
NORML President Adam Brook
said he was worried the University
may use the students as scapegoats
regarding Hash Bash. Last year,
NORML took the University to
court in order to obtain a permit~ to
hold the annual pro-legalization ,of
marijuana rally.
"The University administrators
now decide who they are going to al-
low to use the Diag. This eliminates
all student involvement in granting
permits," Brook said.
The assembly also addressed
concern over the recent approval of
a restrictive policy governing use of
the Diag and North Campus Com-
mons. Representatives said they
were frustrated with the lack bf
MSA involvement in drafting toe
by Abby Schweitzer
After spending every morning
waiting in line for the shower as
dorm residents, some students still
choose to spend another year in
communal housing.
However, these students aren't
renewing their residence hall leases.
They're living in Greek housing.
And while they face many of the
same rules and regulations, most
maintain that the friendship and at-
mosphere of the house make it
"I want to live in the house be-
cause I want a family away from
my family," said Delta Gamma
pledge Sarah Abbott.
Sororities and fraternities must
fill their houses before any mem-
bers can live out of the house,
Panhellenic Advisor Mary Beth
Seiler said. Most sororities and fra-
ternities fill their houses easily, and
some sororities have a point system
to determine which members may
live in the house.
"We usually don't have a prob-
lem," said Zeta Tau Alpha
President Michelle Tomaszycki.
"Mostly sophomores and juniors fill
it up. Our executive board has to
live in the house."
The cost for living in a house is
about equal to a double in a dorm
room, Seiler said. Houses serve
about 19 meals a week compared to
13 in the halls.
"If someone couldn't afford to
live in, that's an exception," Kappa
Sigma secretary Brandon Riordan
said. "For example, if (members of)
the Winter pledge class (have) al-
ready signed a lease, it's okay."
Sororities and fraternities have
different rules when it comes to al-
cohol and visits by members of the
opposite sex.
"Sororities are under more na-
tional policies. They are required to
have live-in house directors. Male
visitors are not allowed in their
rooms and no alcohol," Seiler said.
"Some houses with the strictest
male visitation policies are popular.
They like the privacy. They know
the rules exist."
However, Seiler said not all
sorority women are happy with the
"At times people are upset about
the rules," Seiler said. "I think the
houses are constantly trying to
make the women happy. They try to
take the input from the women into
SERVEwork center to help students find
. non-profit employment and internships
by Randy Lebowitz
Students who want to spend their
lives helping society - and find
work in a competitive job market -
have a new office on campus to help
them meet the organizations that
need them.
SERVEwork, a campus resource
center that refers students to intern-
ships and jobs in the non-profit sec-
tor, held an open house in the
Michigan Union last Thursday and
Susan Klein, co-coordinator of
SERVEwork, said she was pleased
with the turnout for the grand open-
ing and looks forward to an expan-
sion of the center's resources and
"We get. in touch with organiza-
tions that don't have the money to
contact us," she said.
The center offers current job list-
ings and other information about lo-
cal and international social change
organizations, as well as giving re-
ferrals and advice.
SERVEwork representative Jane
Klaes said the center will reach out
to other service-oriented campus
"We're going to make liasons
with the Greek system, residence
halls,"and a lot of student organiza-
tions," she said.
RC senior Michael Walsh said he
was impressed with the amount of
information the center had to offer.
"There is a lot more out there
than there appears to be," he said.
LSA junior Melissa Mallory said
she wants a summer internship relat-
ing to a social change area - such
as the environment - or in an un-
derprivileged community. She said
she hopes the center will help her
learn where to go.
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Student groups
Q American Civil Liberties Union,
meeting, Hutchins Hall, Room
132,7 p.m.
Q Future Physicians for Social Re-
sponsibility, meeting, East
Quad, Room 164, 8 p.m.
Q Hillel, Jewish Feminist Discus-
sion Group, Tough Love, Hillel,
7 p.m.; Progressive Zionist Cau-
cus, movie, Hillel, 7p.m.; United
Jewish Appeal Solicitation
Training Meeting, Hillel, 7 p.m.
Q Newman Catholic Student Fel-
lowship, Appalachia Spring
Break Work Trip Information, 7
p.m.; Centering Prayer, 7 p.m.;
U-M Catholic Student Fellow-
ship, 7p.m.; Saint Mary Student
Parish, 331 Thompson St.
Q Social Group for Lesbians, Gay
Men, and Bisexuals, meeting,
East Quad, check room at front
desk, 9 p.m.
Q Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do Club,
practice, CCRB, Martial Arts
Room, 9:15-10:15 p.m.
Q Student Alumni Council, mass
meeting, Alumni Association
Building, 7 p.m.
Q Students Concerned About Ani-
mal Rights, meeting,
Dominick's, 7:30 p.m.
Club, John Mitani, speaker on
primate communication sys-
tems, Dana Building, Room
1520, 7 p.m.
Q Undergraduate English Asso-
ciation, open meeting, Haven
Hall, 7th Floor Lounge, 4 p.m.
Q U-M Amateur Radio Club,
meeting, Michigan Union,
Michigan Room, 7:30 p.m.
Q U-M Amnesty International,
meeting, East Quad, Room 122,
7 p.m.
Q U-M Ninjitsu Club, practice,
I.M. Building, Wrestling Room
G21, 7:30-9 p.m.
Q U-M Students of Objectivism,
Intro to Objectivist Epistemol-
ogy, Michigan Union, Welker
Room, 7 p.m.
Q Bali, Borneo and the Spice Is-
lands, lecture, Rackham, East
Conference Room, 4:00-5:30
Q The Death of a Federation: Per-
spectives from Prague and
Bratislava, Brown Bag Lecture,
Lane Hall, Commons Room, 12
Q Delayed Onset of
Neurodegenerative Disorders
Q Figure Skating Exhibition,
Veteran's Ice Arena, 7:30-9:30
Q Neurotrophic Factors as
Therapy for Dementia, Medi-
cal Science Building, Room
7412, 12 p.m.
Q Pro-Choice Coffeehouse, East
Quad, Halfway Inn, 7-11 p.m.
Q Professional Insights Program
Information Session, 3200 Stu-
dent Activities Building, Career
Planning & Placement Program
Room, 5:10-6:00 p.m.
Q Recent Advances in Asymmet-
ric cis-Dihydroxylation, or-
ganic seminar, Chemistry Build-
ing, Room 1640.
Q Richard Hunt: Outdoor Sculp-
ture; Romare Bearden, art
video, Art Museum, AV Room,
12:10 p.m.
Q Welcome to Career Planning &
Placement, 3200 Student Ac-
tivities Building, Career Plan-
ning & Placement Library, 4:30
Q You Can Quit, University Health
Service program about quitting
smoking, UHS, 3rd Floor Con-
ference Room, 12-1 p.m.
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