The Michigan Daily - Friday, December 11, 1992-- Page 5 I. F. , EACHI G SSISTA TS The U-M shadow faculty has vast influence over the undergraduate population, but why do many graduate students become TAs, and are they qualified to teach? The distant ring of the Burton Tower signals the start of class, yet 10 minutes away. The tearly eyed students shuffle into class as the )risk morning wind offers the only topic of discussion. Young scholars fill the room - but wait - where is the instructor? A tardy student enters the room butratherthan taking her seat among her comrades, she confi- dJently strides towards the board. Picking up the Chalk, her name is etched with a screech, from dust into words. She is the TA. Teaching assistants can have a prominent 'nfluence on one's undergraduate education, yet omeffundamentalquestions often gounanswered. Where do TAs come from and why do they put themselves through the rigors of both at- tending and instructing classes? For most mortal Sbeings just doing one demands most of every waking moment, so what possesses these gradu- ate students to take on greater challenges? Why Be A Teaching Assistant? "The first thing is that nobody can afford to go t-M grad school without (financial) assistance," said Bill Shea, office manager for the Graduate Employees Organization (GEO). GEO president David Toland said, "We do not make enough money to meet the living re- quirement for Ann Arbor." TAs throughout campus cite the high costs of obtaining a graduate degree as a primary motive behind their desire to teach. "There are a few who are in it for purely financial reasons, but I think that it is fairly few," Toland said. "For a lot of us teaching is very ihportant." "I think it's adual purpose," said LindaEggert, administrative assistant to the director of the American Culture program. "Most of our stu- dents need some sort of support and this is a primary source for them." However, Eggert and other U-M personnel are quick to point out that many TAs also want to teach for the sake of teaching. "I really wanted to teach ... I like it and I do aed the money,"said Marsha Ackermann, aTA in the American Culture department. "I think TAs can perform an important service." "Basically being a TA is a way that theuniver- sity and graduate students can both benefit," Ackermann said. "It's an awkward arrangement that allows the university to solicit their services in exchange for a education." Other faculty and staff members cite different reasons why many graduate students don't relish f 17 - by Andrew Taylor - Chemistry TA Andrew Yen helps first-year student Peter Oskanian with his assignment. educator, they value their teaching assistant posi- tions highly. However, many TAs explain that the high costs of obtaining a U-M graduate education pushes them toward becoming a teaching assis- tant. "It is basically a financial decision," Ack- ermann said. To Be A "Good" TA Simply becoming a TA does not guarantee becoming a "good" TA. What safeguards are in place tomaintain a high quality force of gradu- ate students to teach the help teach the under- graduates? "Iftheyknow the material, it is assumed they can communi- cate the mate- rial," Senior said. "Thephilosophy is that the ability to teach will fol- low if you are knowledgeable about the subject and enthusias- tic." Toland said, 'Training could be improved. "One holdup is more training meansmoretime commitmentand TAs should be compensated for that time," he added. Generally most TAs agree that they are given little for- said they felt it is a significant flaw in the system. "There is no centralized office. That is a problembutit'snotsomething everyoneisscream- ing about," Shea said. U-M Vice President for Student Affairs Maureen Hartford said, "I don't think there's an easy way of telling who will be a wondrous TA and who won't." She said she felt the logic behind letting the individual departments select their own TAs is that the faculty in the department would have a better knowledge of the students and their quali- fications than any main office. "Generally since that's the same way we select faculty, I think there's a parallel there," Hartford added. TAs Or Profs. TAs throughout the university often comment that one disadvantage of the position is the lack of recognition. They said they occasionally hear comments that they are not good teachers and undergraduates would be better served if they were taught by professors. Teaching assistants It's kind of discussion secitons ironic that if classes. Requireme you're a profes- but all TAs have a sor people think b that all of a sud- den you have Of the 1688 TAs some magical the U-M campu qualities to 22.2% identify teach," Sheasaid. themselves as a He added that member of a he feels TAs are minority group. well suitedtohelp teach under- graduates be- cause the pro- fessors often do More than 300 of t not have time to nonresident aliens give their classes of TAs that are not their full atten- tion. African-Ameri "Especially in a place like U-M4 where it is a re- 8 of 49 search institu- 16.3% tion," Shea said. -m Toland said, As2an-Americ "For mostprofes- 72680 sors, research is their primary fo- cus, and that's too bad," However, Toland admits, "TAs are often going to have the same problems professors have. We are here for our education and (the U-M) doesn't give you a degree for how well you teach a class." "I think that most TAs do a fine job teaching. just because someone's a professor doesn't mean thc'roA htte toarhr t-ano TA " Tn,..-nnA cir "Not everybody is good at teaching. God knows I hope I'm getting better, but that does not mean that I'm notacapable TA now," Ackermann said. The Joy Of Teaching "To teach undergrads is a tough job because they don't know anything and you have to start from scratch," Shea said. "I've been in classes where the students are dead, and they're jerks," he added. He added that he would like to see the uni- versity develop a "mentorship program" for TAs so they would have a better idea what techniques to try in those situations. Shea said such a program is being developed in the Department ofEnglish, but while "it's good in concept," it has yet to be implemented. Religious studies TA Jan Jackson said, "If you expect students to be active in yourclass, you have to get them involved on the first day." Ackermann added, "Every class is different, s at the U-M are responsible for most and labs in most undergraduate nts for TAs vary among departments, bachelor degree and attend Rackham. African- American on Cusa2.% Hispanic S' ~~77.8/ E«' Native Americans 0.3% he TAs are permanent resident aliens or with visa status. Here is the percentage American citizens by ethnic group. On truth, newspapers, and my final words Former Michigan football coach Bo Schembechler is going to coach Ohio State next season. Don't believe it? Well, good, because it's not true. However, about a year and a half ago, I co- wrote a story that asserted exactly that, and students all over campus were shocked that the Matthew Michigan legend Rennie would agree to coach his former arch-rival I made up the entire story. The story was intended to be a joke, and I never thought anyone would believe it. Why would I do such a thing? The date of the paper was April 1, 1991. April Fools' Day. I'm still shocked by how that story duped so many people. Were it true, the story would have been big news, yet no other news source carried a similar story. Many of the fabricated quotes in the story were intentionally made ridiculous to give the joke away. But still people believed it. The whole episode taught me something about newspapers and what an awesome responsibility they have. Once words appear in print, they become valid. What was once a preposterous joke suddenly becomes gospel. How many times in conversations with our friends, have we questioned something they said, only to hear that famous response that is supposed to explain everything - "I think I read it somewhere." Every day, you can open a newspaper and find some incredu- lous story. Depending on the newspaper you're reading, you may be able to find stories that aren't even true. Yet as soon as something appears in print, people begin to believe it. This leaves newspapers. with the frightening ability to control what people believe. Now. I am a journalist. I have worked with journalists. I don't know if we are the type of people who deserve this kind of power. However, people need to be informed, and newspapers play a valuable role in everyone's life. Therefore, we all must take a role in creating an atmosphere of trust between newspapers and their readers. Journalism is a service industry. It is based on giving the readers what they want. Part of what drives reporters and editors to sensationalize stories is their customers' desire to read sensa- tional stories. Everybody has a curiosity for the absurd, but continuing to patronize this type of tabloid journalism only perpetuates its existence. Slowly, the line between fact and fiction becomes progressively more difficult to draw. And then you never know what to believe. So keep picking up your newspaper every day. But don't believe everything you read. With that said, though, some things do warrant enough empha- sis to be stated in print. This is the last time I will be writing in this space, and I want to thank all the people who have made the last year very memorable. To my parents, who never really taught me much about writing, but taught me virtually everything else. To everyone who has worked at this paper over the last four years, especially Andy, Josh, Steve, Jeff and Melissa. The Daily has taught me a lot about writing, but you have taught me even more important lessons. To all my friends from home, especially Joe and Ken, for always asking how the newspaper was going even if you didn't care. And finally, to the boys of 1008 - Ames, Marquette, C, 'nc a~nd ri (hhc fthP hnnnrnr EV Teaching Assistant Marsha Ackermann leads the discussion in tAN PETRIE/Daily American Culture 201 yesterday. the idea of becoming a TA. "It can hold back their graduate education," said Thomas Senior, associate chair for academic affairs in the Department of Electrical Engineer- ing and Computer Science, as he explained that the increased work load of becoming a teaching assistant discourages many students from taking on the position. "Graduate education is very expensive. We offer fellowships, research assistant positions and teaching assistant positions to qualified stu- dents," Senior said. Many TAs - reasoning that research assis- tant positions and fellowships are generally less . Wgrk and more enjoyable than being a teaching assistant --said they would often prefer one of #.n~ - mA mal training to leadadiscussion - except when they talk to the professor about the specific goals of the class. "Some people are better teachers than others, there's no question about that," Senior said. He explained that is why student evaluations of the TAs are important, as the results of the survey are a primary source of criteria that TA performance is based upon. Senior added that all new TAs take two days of training at the beginning of each term in "simulated situations" to better prepare them for the classroom. "You can criticize - that I wouldn't deny," Senior said, adding that he believes the system works. The individual departments are given the au- can an of 275 Caucasian 127 of 1186 10.7% Hispanic 20 of 46 43.5% JONATHAN BERNDT/Daily Graphic different classes have different personalities," and she the same thing won't work for every class. History TA David Hsiung said "I hope I can become a very human part of an often anony- mous, bureaucratic, and impersonal university." FvrF.,,nhj.Y by nmanenn.= nfi4 a0 npii o th