Did you ever wonder how your teaching assistant
ever got his or her job? Andrew Taylor takes a
closer look at one of the most-discussed groups
on campus -TAs.
Bored with your life? We've got the answer. Get
the lowdown on the latest works of Neeme Jarvi
and Sergei Prokofiev in today's "Who What
When Where."
The Michigan basketball team will be tested long
after the players are done with their final exams.
Find out how the Wolverines will be spending
their winter break.
Possible flurries;
High 36, Low 25 q * '
Partly cloudy; High 34, Low 24
i:l 11
One hundred two years of editorial freedom
Vol Ch o.5.n Abr icia Fia, ecmbr 1,192 192 heMihianDily
U-M snub leaves LGMPO
.questioning office's future
by Karen Talaski
Daily Gender Issues Reporter
The recent shake-up in the Office of
Student Affairs has left the future of the
Lesbian Gay Male Programs Office
(LGMPO) in jeopardy.
As part of the changes mandated by the
Office of Student Affairs, under the direc-
- ion of Vice President Maureen Hartford,
'the third floor of the Michigan Union was
repainted listing the Michigan Student
Assembly, Counseling Services,
Ombudsman, and Dean of Students.
However, during this renovation, the
name of the LGMPO was left off this list
despite its 12-year residency in the Union.
LGMPO coordinator Jim Toy said at
first he thought the omission was an over-
sight that would be corrected. However,
Toy said he now feels the exclusion may
.forecast the office's future.
Richard Carter, associate dean of stu-
dent affairs, said the omission of LGMPO's
name was not an oversight.
"The sign issue catches us in the middle
of the transition," Carter said. "The reorga-
nization which began in September is in
process of looking at a substantial amount
of student affairs and where people are
going to be located."
Within the last few months, Toy and
other office members say LGMPO has ex-
perienced a budget and hiring freeze as
well as speculation about a possible move
from their current location.
"I was told that our name was omitted .
because we serve a narrower, more focused
and smaller constituency than the offices
that are listed," Toy said. "LGMPO is con- SHARON MusHER/aily
sidered to be on a lower bureaucratic level The sign on the third floor of the Michigan Union displaying the names of the office on that
than those offices." ee LGMPO, Page 2 level - with the exception of the Lesbian Gay Male Programs Office.
Blood shed
at French
in Somalia
MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) -
r-Zroops opened fire on a truckload of
Somalis who barreled through a
French checkpoint Thursday night,
killing two and injuring seven in the
first bloodshed of the U.S.-led mili-
tary mission in Somalia.
The shooting came nearly two
days after American and French sol-
diers took control of Somalia's capi-
tal to protect food shipments. The
'wo main Somali warlords, whose
ooting clansmen have blocked the
convoys, agreed yesterday to their
first meeting since they began fight-'
ing two years ago.
The shooting episode foreshad-
owed the unpredictable situation
U.S. troops may face as they deploy
in Somalia's interior. Tomorrow,
Marines are to escort the first land
convoy in a month to the strife-torn
.city of Baidoa, 125 miles to the
CARE International said yester-
day night that its five-member staff
in Baidoa had barricaded themselves
inside their compound in anticipa-
tion of an armed attack by clanspeo-
ple. The staff were an American, two
Britons and two Australians.
Army troops from Fort Drum,
N.Y., were scheduled to begin arriv-
ing over the weekend in Baidoa,
then split off and seize three other
centers of the starvation zone -
Belet Wen, Oddur and Gailassi.
Fresh Marines were expected in
Mogadishu by today.
Each day, 50 to 60 deaths are re-
ported in Baidoa. Even worse is
Bardera, about 50 miles south of
Baidoa. Unlike Baidoa, which at
least has refugee camps, Bardera has
neither camps nor sanitation.
Clinton picks
Bentsen for
Treasury sec.
Puddle jumping
LSA first-year students Eugene Williams and Kenyatta Marshall struggle to cross a large puddle of melting snow
in front of the Michigan Union.
Clinton admiistration may
aid U-M finances, research
President-elect Clinton began build-
ing his new administration yesterday
by selecting Texas Sen. LLoyd
Bentsen for treasury secretary and a
cadre,-of other experienced hand,,
from Wall Street and Congress for
remaining top economic jobs.
Annourcing his first Cabinet se-
lections 37 days after his election,
Clinton said to "stay tuned" for more
major appointments, with his health,
housing and environmental picks
among those that could come yet this
Propelled into office on a pledge
to restore the nation's economic vi-
tality, Clinton promised to "work my
heart out" with his new economic
team. He announced five appoint-
ments in all, selecting faces familiar
to the Washington scene and reassur-
ing to the business community.
Besides Bentsen, who chairs the
Senate Finance Committee, they are:
H Rep. Leon Panetta, chair of the
House Budget Committee, who will
be director of Office of Management
and Budget.
Robert Rubin, co-chair of
Goldman, Sachs & Co., to be assis-
tant to the president for economic
policy and coordinate a new
National Economic Council.
Roger Altman, a Wall Street
investment banker, who will serve as
Bentsen's top deputy.
Economist Alice Rivlin, for-
mer director of the Congressional
Budget Office, who will be Panetta's
Taken together, the five nomi-
nees offer what Clinton hopes will
be the right mix of economic philos-
ophy and practical skill to fill in the
details of his economic proposals
and get them enacted. Rivlin and
Panetta, in particular, are known as
strong advocates for cutting the
federal deficit.
"These people are seasoned,
skilled, incredibly able and ready to
work for the American people,"
Clinton said of his first appointees,
who appeared with him at a news
conference in Arkansas' Old
He was questioned on other top-
ics as well and said at one point that
he would ask his attorney general to
These people are
seasoned, skilled,
incredibly able and
ready to work for the
American people.'
- Bill Clinton
review whether a special prosecutor
should be appointed to investigate
potential criminal wrongdoing in the
Bush administration's prosecution of
a $5.5 billion loan scheme to Iraq.
Clinton's appointments came on
a day that brought yet more encour-
aging news about the health of the
economy. The government reported
that new claims for jobless benefits
dropped in November and so did
wholesale prices.
But Clinton continued to caution
that the economy may not yet be out
of recession and that the nation
needs a long-term strategy to correct
underlying weaknesses.
by Jennifer Silverberg
Daily Administration Reporter
As President-elect .Clinton pre-
pares to take office Jan. 20, many
U-M administrators are anxious to
see how Democratic leadership in
Washington D.C. will affect the
"By and large I think we are
somewhat encouraged by the
Clinton administration," said
Richard Kennedy, vice president for
government relations. "We're
hopeful that issues like student aid
will get a more supportive approach
in the coming administration."
But Associate Vice President for
Government Relations Thomas
Butts said it is difficult to know
what the future holds.
"At this point, specific legislative
proposals haven't been put together
yet so we have to refer back to ideas
put forth in the campaign. But a
whole range of programs would be
beneficial to higher education,"
Butts said.
Butts said many areas at U-M
could benefit from the Clinton
"In certain areas (we'll feel the
effects) in the sense that investment,
research, student financial aid and so
forth holds promise and the general
shift of government spending priori-
ties into the domestic arena should
be beneficial," Butts said.
Harvey Grotrian, director of the
See CLINTON, page 2
With Cobra attack helicopters
hovering, Marines burst into a villa a
half mile, from the embassy and
seized two anti-aircraft guns, two
surface-to-air missiles and 10,000
rounds of rifle ammunition, an NBC
.,reporter said.
The emergency food airlift into
Mogadishu resumed Wednesday just
hours after 1,700 Marines came
ashore and seized the airport and
seaport, the first steps in an unprece-
dented, U.N.-sponsored campaign to
deliver aid through armed force.
There is little starvation in
Mogadishu, where the Marines have
been thronged by crowds of aston-
ished, often admiring children and
About 300.000 neonle have died
U-M students embrace'
African culture through
Kwanzaa celebrations
IMLK Day speakers
by Jon DiMascio
Daily Staff Reporter
An increasing number of students
seem to be embracing the seven days
of Kwanzaa, rather than the 12 days
of Christmas.
Kwanzaa - the newest winter
holiday - is celebrated from Dec.
26 to Jan.1 and was created by Dr.
Congo). It then conducted the spiri-
tual ceremony associated with
Kwanzaa and concluded with a
"soul food" feast, said BSU Vice
Speaker David Marable.
Karega, who is seba to the BSU,
presided over the meeting. Karega
said she hoped to make the cere-
mony a spiritual program to cultivate
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
is Monday, Jan. 18. Here is
a schedule of some campus-
wide events.
Danny Glover and Felix
Justice,"An Evening with
Langston and Martin", Hill
Auditorium, 7 p.m.
Bebe Moore Campbell,
author of Your Blues Ain't
Mine, Opening Address,
Power Center, 11:00 a.m.
Haki Madhubuti, Institue
for Positive Education,
Workshop on Institution
by Mona Qureshi
Daily Minority Issues Reporter
Students will not have sched-
uled classes at the U-M on Martin
Luther King Jr. (MLK) Day Jan.
18, but will instead be given
to meet instru-
mental figures in
American society
- including act-
or Danny Glover
Danny Glover to highlight
campus MLK Day events
resolution in South Africa.
Glover and San Francisco-
based actor Felix Justice will per-
form a biographical play chroni-
cling King's life, which has re-
ceived high accolades in Africa
and the United States.
Former Planned Parenthood
President Faye Wattleton, Nation
of Islam (NOI) Minister Khallid
Abdul Muhammad, and Shirley
Chisolm - a 1972 presidential