Page 4 -The Michigan Daily - Thursday, December 10, 1992 Ott ICjj[4br ouIt ttt1 1 , ? rf: ,f : - I i". r~ ~,- a- '-S *~' 5 ~ ~ ~ 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 764-0552 Editor in Chief MATTHEW D. RENNIE a Opinion Editors YAEL CITRO GEOFFREY EARLE AMITAVA MAZUMDAR Edited and Managed by Students at the University of Michigan M fAY HAVW A7 T NE7 l 5FEZX (/ALt f ~To7AL F -rr - t! jAl/N, V 0 oR t7 A "1 r _ v 'Ia , NACdoo J'L L /fvH ITT ~-i VE tEEN DRL','.J 7+aNS R I-'s ,JUST AM' 4 r/A1 ST HERS. ,1 Unsigned editorials represent a njority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. TRMch a..:.....era ... iBir .. Teach tolerance inBirimngham ,. _ ; .m____.__. _ _ . __.n _ . . .... .,A~i cr I-IF R S OnO O A N Dr ra r i r w HE.. N)A RS.. AD Ai'4iz H~xg& .. _ ALe-(_.. x ,, l f ' \- - i . vl.:: t 'E "t uringthe past week, Birmingham High School students have been subject to the district's new homosexuality curriculum. But if it were up to right-wing organizations such as Concerned Parents/Taxpayers and the Michigan Family Fo- rum, the Birmingham School Board would either eliminate or gut this valuable addition the curricu- lum. On Dec. 15, the Birmingham School Board will vote on revisions. Hopefully, the school board will not buckle under the pressure of these closed- minded, "pro-family" orga- nizations and deny children the important lessons of di- versity and tolerance. Some of these revisions simply clarify some of the program's language. For instance, the school board will likely vote to change the permission slip to allow students to opt out of the homosexual program and viewing the film "What If I'm Gay?" However, organizations such as Concerned Parents/Taxpayers want to tack on their hateful perspective to the program: that homosexuals are sexually promiscuous and don't condemn child molestation (inferring that they condone it); that only 1 percent of the population is gay (it is probably-closer to 10); and that straight children can be turned homosexual if influenced by gays at a young age. In order to promote their cause, these organiza- tions have been flooding the Birmingham school district with hateful images of homosexuality. Some have gone so far as to send anonymous letters claiming that people can contract the HIV virus - presunably a gay disease - through handshakes and sharing silverware. Carol Pope, founder of the Michigan Family Forum, expressed concern that the curriculum en- courages young people to be gay. To support her invalid conclusions, she points out that admitted homosexual and architect of the tolerance curricu- lum, Frank Colasonti, Jr., attended a conference on teaching homosexuality. Pope concludes that Colasonti is therefore an advocate for the cause, and will try to encourage students to become gay. This is ludicrous and para- noid. No one should fear a homosexual conspiracy; homosexuals are not mis- sionaries charged with re- cruiting young people to their "cause." Birmingham's sex edu- cation program consists of three lessons devoted to homosexuality, including a questionnaire, a video titled "What If I'm Gay," and a panel discussion consisting of gay men and lesbians and parents of homosexual children. The curriculum does not either condone or con- demn homosexuality, but instead teaches students to be both informed and respectful of gays, and to offer support to people who are unsure of their sexual orientation. Since children must show a signed permission slip to attend the program, par- ents who object can pull their kids out. That should provide parents the control they deserve. But for parents who approve, teaching young children about homosexuals - a group that is an all-too-common target of discrimination - will be a giant leap toward understanding and tolerance of gays. AND HiE' s... AN. oHEP's..." ^' NEY..A- "WPV....AND ,4si... 11 1. .' A- Mic,'iGArv DAiL.Y 92. r 'I' X 1 ; (T7 i w U~ ' -. i"r" LETR Leave art alone To the Daily: Tuesday's "Day Without Art," an AIDS benefit, seemed like a worthy cause, but it was an insult to art and artists. The activists had no right to impose their cause, however noble, on the art of others. If the sculptors had intended their works to be about the fatal disease, they would have included that theme. The activists turned someone else's art - no doubt a personal matter to the artist - into a billboard, into commercial propaganda to advertise the cause of the day. I also have to question the local artist "who painted a picture he never showed to the audience." So what? Again, this cannot be art, but it is a pretentious bit of fluff. Visual art is an idea in solid, tangible form. This guy just had an idea. People have ideas all the time, but this doesn't make everyone an artist. Please don't waste my time with "non-art." Andrea Berez School of Art junior Demand true justice To the Daily: The Ann Arbor and Detroit chapters of the National Women's Rights Organizing Coalition (NWROC) have been active with the Justice for Malice Green Coalition. We call for an independent investigation by the Black community and workers of Detroit. The working class and Black community need to take it upon themselse to organize against racist cop brutality. If you agree with our de- mands, or if you don't, and want to express outrage at the murder of Malice Green, come to a march Dec. 12 at noon at Kennedy Square. Pamela Harcourt Vice Chair of Ann Arbor NWROC To the Daily: As I observed the Rodney King case unfold, I remember wondering how on earth the jury could take so long to deliberate such a simple case and then finally arrive at the wrong decision. After reading the article by Snehal Amin ("Listen to Gates, deal with facts," 11/19/92), I now realize what aspect of logic was absent from the assessment of the situation - common sense. On one hand I can undersand how the jurors could have been distracted by all the hours of. watching video tape in forward, reverse and slow motion. Never- theless, it is the jurors' obligation to reach a decision based on, as Amind says, "The facts of the case." The fact is, a man was excessively and brutally assaulted by a group of police officers. There is no reason for a beating like that to take place, no matter what the circumstances. The strategy of the defense was to play down the obvious by. emphjasizing a few mino: points which, when scrutinized in detail, were not consistent with each other. For instance, Amin claims that "the baton blows were non- connecting." Not only does this statement contradict itself, but it is also inconsistent with the pathetic rationalization that "King was repeatedly hit because he was under the influence of PCP." In one instance, these people are trying to say, 'No, we really didn't beat him that bad,' trying to play down the obvious. In another instance they say, 'However, he was on PCP, so we were justified in beating him.' The fact that the jury allowed these blatantly self- contradicting statements to slide reflects their bias towards the officers. America continues to breed racism and discrimination just as it has done in the past. All Americans should make an effort to correct this problem, or ultimately, there will be another beating and another famous riot. Those Americans who think they are isolated from these injustices to people of color - just hope that the next time a riot occurs, they will be able to contain them within the inner city. Marc Smith Engineering junior Robert Stewart LSA junior Use simple common sense Court decision hurts schoolchildren Tax-base sharing suffered a huge blow last week when a circuit court ruling limited the state's ability to enforce it. Often called Michigan's "Robin Hood" act, tax-base sharing is an attempt to even out per-pupil spending discrepancies in the state's public schools. Right now spending ranges from $2,500 per pupil in poor areas, to more than $9,000 in wealthy suburbs. The law requires wealthier districts to share up to half of their growth in property and industrial taxes with poorer districts to equalize education spending. Until a better solution is proposed, tax-base shar- ing should be implemented and supported. By removing the state's ability to enforce the law, the court essentially made tax-base sharing optional. While the court did not find the law itself unconstitutional, it removed the law's teeth for the present. No district will choose to give away its tax money when it could be using it to better its own schools. Proponents of the bill, while they admit to a small defeat, claim that there will still be ways to coerce wealthy districts into complying. Under this new ruling, the state cannot withhold funding for required programs, such as bilingual and spe- cial education, but it can withhold payments for other programs that are usually funded in part by the state. However, the definition of a state-mandated program is being decided in the Michigan Su- preme Court right now. The case, which involves- Warren Fitzgerald Public Schools, could very likely destroy what is left of the tax-base sharing act. If the Court finds that items in curriculum such as driv- ers' education and lunch programs have indeed been required, then the state will be forced to fund them as well, regardless of districts' compliance in tax-base sharing. If this occurs, the act will become obsolete. Right now the funding gap per student in the state of Michigan is reprehensible. The 14 school districts involved in the recent case have enforced what most knew for some time - wealthy districts are resistant to changing the problem. While tax- base sharing is obviously not a complete answer - the redistribution of taxes makes but a small dent in the gap - it is a start. Instead of complaining that tax-base sharing is a mistake, politicians like Gov. John Engler should work for other ways to solve the problem. There is something drastically wrong when the main debate is between those who support a bla- tantly unfair, class-based education funding system versus those who support a somewhat less unfair class-based system. A complete reorganization of the system, with equalized funding, is direly needed to provide opportunity to all children. But in the meantime, any attempt to redistribute the wealth and reduce inequalities in public education should be com- mended and enforced. Germany needs aid To the Daily: There has been much talk about the violence in Germany. I in no way condone it, but I can understand it. Germany is in the midst of a recession and is struggling to pay the costs of reunification. The taxpayers have watched their taxes steadily increase for the past few years, but with little reward to them. The German constitution requires Germany to allow refugees in the country for political asylum, and requires Germany to give these refugees shelter and social benefits. This would be an enormous strain on any country, but in this case, it is magnified by the costs of reunifi- cation. Other countries, including the United States, should help Germany by taking in more refugees or giving Germany financial aid to make the burden less harsh. People should realize that, except for their constitution, Germany is not responsible for taking every person into it's . borders. Germany should have the right stop doing something that is hurting it, without retribution from the rest of the world. James Werner Engineering sophomore VIEWPOI1NT Planet of the worms Kohl's emergency steps are justified The recent rise of virulent Nazi extremism in Germany has reintroduced the global com- mynity to the dark right-wing fanaticism of this historically militant European nation. The Nazi skin-head movement this year has staged nearly 2,000 attacks on foreigners and asylum-seekers and claimed the lives of 16 people in a powerful manifestation of xenophobic and anti-Semitic hatred. For months, though, German Prime Min- ister Helmut Kohl and his ruling party, the Chris- tian Democrats, ignored the frightening display of Nazism. Only after the death of three Turkish immigrants November 30 did the German govern- ment take advantage of special constitutional pro- visions to crush the "radical right mob." After months of denial and delay, Kohl has finally taken action. During the past week, the Kohl government has established a special legal task force to prosecute suspected rightist thugs, 48-year-old democracy to be fragile. Granted, the conservative limitations and restrictions imposed by the Kohl government to fight Nazism are some- whatcounter-democratic. However, the useofstrong steps to crush the dangerous German far-right is needed to preserve the existing democratic state and avert a perversion of democracy under the Nazis. Recognizing the danger of a resurgence of Na- zism, Germany framed its liberal, democratic con- stitution to include provisions that could deal with such a crisis. The constitution allows the govern- ment to limit some collective freedoms during times of serious national disorder and internal chaos in Germany. Moreover, there exists little possibility the Ger- man government will use the anti-rightist laws against the general population as a whole. To main- tain and protect the German democracy, the gov- According to a recent news story, cable television will be offering up to 500 stations as soon as 1994. What this means is that we had all better graduate, get jobs and retire before 1994 - at which point there will be no compelling reason to ever leave our homes again. 500 channels. 500 channels. You could have a channel for every- thing. You could have an entire channel devoted solely to broccoli. "Next on The Broc- coli Chan- nel: We'll JONATHAN profile a new breed - of broc- coli being developed in Japan. At 8:00 p.m., we'll present some hot new broccoli dessert recipes. At 9:30 p.m., a Broccoli Channel ex- clusive film: The Long Nightmare: The Presidency of George Bush." 1 might not watch a station like that, but I'm sure that somebody would. They could also O;velop a chan- nel devoted to this sort of thing, we might have a little variation. They could even take requests. My own animal confrontation fantasy is to see a cheetah versus a cow. On the one hand, you have a vicious kill- ing machine that can run up to 60 miles an hour. On the other, you have a 500-pound cheeseburger on hooves, only more defenseless. The point is, everybody who owned a television would stay home. Because, let's face it, it's not too hard to go to class or work when the alternative is watching profes- sional bowling. But with 500 sta- tions, there would always be some- thing on. The economy would col- lapse, and the United States would becomeaThird World nation within hours. We have a situation somewhat like this in my house already. Our sofa contains a powerful tractor beam which forces us to stay there for six, seven hours in a row, even to the point of watching the Coun- try Music Channel. It puts a big dentin our social life, but this might actually prove to be a hidden ben- efit. others of us watch "Tom and Jerry," they will die much sooner. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "How can you make scientific conclusions about humans based on experiments con- ducted on worms, which have much smaller brains?" This is a common myth. In fact, worms are far more intelligent than humans. We only see the stupid ones. Think about it. Every time it rains, what happens? The stupid worms crawl out of the earth onto sidewalks, where they are stomped to death. T -. intelli- gent worms remain unaerground, where it's safe. The stupid worms die. The intelligent worms survive to mate and develop intelligent off- spring. It's simple evolution. Every time it rains, the aggregate IQ of the worm population increases. The worms have probably established some sort of international headquar- ters, deep underground, where they are developing advanced technol- ogy with which to someday destroy the human race and conquer the planet. Dnranni. . n. n av9 WlI r nn