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December 03, 1992 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1992-12-03

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Page 6- The Michigan Daily -Weekend etc. - December 3, 1992




Alpha Phi Omega and other volun-
teers gathered once again to organize the
annual Blood Battle between the Univer-
sity of Michigan and Ohio State Univer-
sity. Michigan has won the battle nine 1
times since the competition was started in<
1982. This year Michigan was not that
fortunate - they lost to OSU by 6% ofi
their goal. The traveling trophy (center)I
now resides at Ohio State University.
Since 1982, the two universities have i
collected a combined total of 182,892
units of blood.
Those who didn't get an opportunity l
to give blood will get another chance inF
the first week of February when Red c

Cross and APO hold another blood drive.
(top right) R.N. Nancy Owen preps
first-year LSA student Joshua Dyme.
(center right) Red Cross emplyee
Mike Conatser tests blood after its been
(bottom left) Red Cross volunteer Jen-
nifer Wright prepares the bags that will
be used to collect blood.
(bottom center) First-year engineer-
ing student Pat Paison gets his ear pricked
for a sample blood test.
(bottom right) Laura Berenger and
Bob Gillam accomplish the first step in
giving blood - filling out the Red Cross



University of Michigan
2682 units of blood
101% of goal
Ohio State University
2792 units of blood
107% of goal


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