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December 03, 1992 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1992-12-03

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Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Thursday, December 3,1992

Continued from page 1
wait until the next legislative session
to find out the fate of a related bill.
Originally conceived by MCC
and introduced by Rep. Lynn
Jondahl (D-Okemos) and Sen.
Debbie Stabenow (D-Lansing), the
Work Study amendment passed the
House in April and is now in the
Senate Education Committee.
Sen. Michael Bouchard (R-
Birmingham), chair of the Education
Committee, said he supports the bill
and expects it will return to his
committee next year.
"I have had a pretty full plate
since I came to the Education
Committee ... The bill has not been
buried - it is a time constraint," he
The proposed bill would amend
the Michigan Work Study Program
to allow non-profit community ser-
vice agenciesto employ students
with work study funds.
The program would pay 100 per-
cent of the students' wages instead
of the current 80 percent, in order to
assist struggling community service
agencies and broaden employment
options for students.

Continued from page 1
quickly," saidColleen McGinnis,
legislative associate for the Sub-
committee on Post-Secondary Edu-
The Safe Campuses for Women
section of the Higher Education
Reauthorization Act authorizes $10
million for college campus rape
education and prevention systems
and victim support services. The bill
also insures accessibility of campus
security crime reports to the public
and requires that campuses have
sexual assault policies that respect
the rights of rape survivors.
Congress has not authorized
funding for this act because of the
Budget Enforcement Act of 1990
which caps domestic spending, said
USSA Legislative Director Pronita
Gupta said she was optimistic
about funding because of the
reallocation of defense spending.
"It must get funded. It's not
something that you can just hang on
to," Gupta said.
Although the Violence Against
Women Act died in committee and
was never heard by the full Ilouse or
Senate, the bill will be introduced in

the 103rd Congress by theinitial
sponsors - including Sen. Don
Riegle (D-Mich.) - Gupta said.
"It's time for ourmnation to
address the needs of women who are
victims of domestic violence,"
Riegle said.
She said the bill faces some
challenges in the House. Some
members have expressed concern
that new evidentiary rules which
exclude descriptions of a woman's
clothing and her sexual history will
make it difficult to "judge the moral
character" of a woman.
"We don't know who those
people are," Gupta said. "We've
heard this."
The Violence Against Women
Act makes domestic violence a
federal crime. Some conservative
judges have spoken against this
aspect of the bill because they fear it
will clog the judicial system, Gupta
She added that this bill protects
all people facing bias on the basis of
gender, although women.more often
experience this kind of
"What we want to show
(Congress) is that it's not just a
small coalition that's worried about
it, but many, many people from all
walks of life," Gupta said.

International conference debates
morality of doctor-assisted suicide

- Key players in landmark court
decisions about whether there is a
right to die are expected to gather
at a three-day international confer-
ence about stopping medical
treatment and euthanasia.
The conference also will at-
tempt to see if there is a consensus
on assisted-suicide legislation,
said Arthur Caplan, director of the
University of Minnesota's Center
for Biomedical Ethics, the confer-
ence's sponsor.
Parents of Nancy Cruzan,

Karen Ann Quinlan and Christine
Busalacchi are scheduled to tell
their stories. All three women
were said to be in persistent vege-
tative states, and court rulings al-
lowed their life support to be re-
Also expected are the parents
of two brain-damaged boys, Ryan
Amerman of Detroit and Marc
Kerness of Los Angeles, who
grew from toddlers to teen-agers
hooked to life-support machines
before their parents negotiated out
of court for permission to let their

sons die.
"Never before has there been a
conference that emphasizes the
human drama of the players them-
selves," said Ronald Cranford, a
Minneapolis neurologist and a
supporter of the national "right-to-
die" movement. "We're going to
hear the story from the families
The conference, which begins
today, is expected to draw more
than 500 doctors, lawyers, health-
care and social workers.

Continued from page 1
are citing does not in any way stand
in the way of the voters approving a
change," he said. "(It) wasn't in-
tended for this. The language is very
old. It doesn't say elected officials, it
says public officials. That is much
Weider added that the voters still
have the power to decide when elec-
tions are held, regardless of the law.
"The statute was not intended to
restrict the power of the voters to al-
ter the charter," he said. "It is a mis-
understanding, a misreading, a mis-
application of the statute."
Peter Nicolas (D-4th Ward),
whose term is also affected by
VINE, continues to oppose the
"I consider my term to end in

Continued from page 1
Reflecting its recent promi-
nence as an issue in the public
world, this year's revamped U-M
medical school curriculum in-
cludes the topic of death and dy-
ing, said Dr. Andrew Zweifler,
director of the Introduction to the
Patient course and professor of
Internal Medicine.
"We don't have a whole ses-
sion on physician-assisted sui-
cide," he said. "The issue of how
doctors confront the dying patient
... and try to develop a humane
and reasoned approach is very
important to us."
U-M senior clinical social
worker Erica Perry, who said she
hopes the proposed legislation
does not affect the work of doc-
tors, argued that it is important to
discuss the issues of death and
dying in order to stop greater
suffering. She added that there
are two different perceptions of
the issue of physician-assisted
"I don't think there would
even be a Kevorkian if we had
been talking about death or dy-
ing. Within the hospital we tiptoe
or avoid death. Outside people
are very anxious to be able to
discuss death," she said. "There's
a higher percentage of people out
there who support Kevorkian
than inside the hospital walls or
the legislature. It points out a
need and a direction where
Western medicine needs to go."
But Zweifler, who agrees that
the locus of tension on this issue
rests with the medical community
and not the lay public, said that
many physicians have trouble

with the concept of physician-as-
sisted suicide.
"There's a big problem that
physicians have - I'm an older
one - with physicians
participating in dying. I think
there you'll find a lot of
ambivalence in the medical com-
munity," he said. "Most
physicians have been trained to
keep people alive. I think many
doctors understand that there is a
time to let go of patients, but
there is a difference helping them
along the way."
The American Med l-
Association's opposition to
Kevorkian's methods reflects the.
distaste felt by many physicians,
spurred in part by a sense that. the
Hippocratic Oath mandates doc-
tors to save peoples lives.
A future doctor, first-year
School of Medicine student
Indraneel Banerji, stressed that
while a patient's wishes must be
recognized, so must the doctor's
"Each individual has a life
and different ideals," he said.
"The important thing I was
thinking was just because you
become a physician, you don't
have to cater to other people's
values all the time. You can fol-
low your moral values and your
ideals and state what your ser-
vices are and how far you can go.
"This is a job and you have
rights just like your patients do,"
he added.
But social commentators such
as Boston Globe columnist Ellen
Goodman argue that Kevorkian is
not serving patients but instead
calling the shots to deliver deaths.
"I called him then a serial
mercy killer who had stepped

outside the boundaries of this
ethical debate about the right to
die," Goodman wrote. "He was a
freelancer in the death delivery
Yet U-M Prof. of Internal
Medicine Richard Swartz, who
noted that he has one to two pa-
tients die every month, claimed
that providing assistance in death
can comfort doctors.
"Sometimes I know that if
death is coming and I can help a
family have a choice, I find that
very satisfying," he said. "It's go-
ing to be up to us - thi enera-
tion of physicians - to Mal with
the issues. Most of the people
who go to Dr. Kevorkian do so
out of desperation."
In the same vein, Maurie Fer-
riter, a 40 year-old chronically ill
patient who has had renal insuffi-
ciency since he was 7, asserted
that the issue is patient control
over the quality of life.
"I want to say one thing about
Kevorkian. I think the reason he
is in the news is that society and
medicine have not dealt with the
issue of death for years. They
have not faced up to the reality,"
he said.
"The issue of death itself be-
comes not the issue. The issue is
whether things go the way I want
them to. I do not have a fear of
dying. I have a fear of not being
able to control what happens ...
that the courts, physicians or leg-
islature will keep me breathing or
things that I don't want done,"
Ferriter added.
"Death and the approach of
death are not matters for courts,
politics, or anyone outside the
medical team-patient


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April 1994," he said. "Any sensible
judge would see it should be de-
layed, not implemented


Kurt Zimmer,
he thought the

(D-4th Ward) said
suit had a strong





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writers didn't bother giving the citi-
zens of Ann Arbor enough credit ...
We've got something that violates
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Continued from page 1
mentioned as a possible Republican
candidate, said he is "lukewarm" to
the idea of running.
"I have been approached," said
O'Neal, who ran for a council seat in
the 3rd Ward last year and lost by 58
votes. "I was shocked Monday
morning when Kirk said he wasn't
running. He had taken the heat off of
all of us."
O'Neal added he was not sure he
wanted to make the commitment re-
quired by the office.
"Working in Ann Arbor city
government is a demanding under-
taking. I'm thinking about it," he
Councilmember Kurt Zimmer

(D-4th Ward) said he had thought
Dodge would run for mayor.
"I am surprised that Kirk decided
not to run, but he decided his family
comes first," said Kurt Zimmer (D-
4th Ward). "I greatly respect him for
Zimmer added that councilmem-
bers with other full-time jobs have a
tough time as part-time politicians.
"It is very difficult ... to compete
against the full time folk," he said.
Peter Fink (R-2nd Ward) said he
would have endorsed his colleague's
"I would have supported Kirk
whole-heartedly," he said. "I wish he
had run but I understand his posi-
tion. We'll just have to rally behind
whoever runs and give Brater a good

The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for the balance of falVwinter terms, starting in September
via U.S. mail are $120. The balance of fall term only is $40. Winter term (January through April) is $90. On-
campus subscriptions for falVwinter are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.
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EDITORIAL STAFF Matthew D. Rennie, Editor in Chief
NEWS Henry Goldblatt, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Andrew Levy, Melissa Peerless, David Rha'ngold, Bethany Robertson
STAFF: Adam Anger. Jonathan Bemdt, Hope Calati, Kerry Colirgan, Ken Dancyger, Lauren Dormer, Jan DiMascio, ErirEhom,.Tim
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GRAPHICS STAFF: David Acton, Jonathan Bemdt, Johnny Su
OPINION Vel Citro, Geoffrey Earle, Amitava Mazumdar, Editors
STAFF: Jonathan Chait (Assoaate Editor), Mike Chau, Rich Choi, Sam Goldstein, Judith Kalka, David Leilner, Jason Uchatein,
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SPORTS John Niyo, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Josh Dubow, Jani Durst, Ryan Herrington, Abet Lin
STAFF: Bob Abramson, Rachel Badc. aan. Paul Barger, Tom Bausano, Jesse Brouhard, Ken Davidoff, Andy DeKorte, Breit Forrest,
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ARTS Alan J.Hoge, Jr., Michael John Wilson, Editors
EDITORS: Caina A. Bacon (Theater), Jessie Hsiladay (Weekend etc.), Aaron Hamburger (Fik), Nima Hodaer (Music), Roger Haf
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STAFF: Megan Abbott, Laura Alanta. Jon Altshul, Greg Baise, Jill Banks. Melissa Rose Berardo, Mark BinaliJason Carrol..Camilo
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Thompson, Jayne Wawryzniak, Michele Wger, Sarah Weidman, Kirk Wetters, Josh Worth, Kim Yaged.
PHOTO Kristoffer Gillette, Editor
STAFF: Ek Angermeier, Michele Guy, Douglas Kanter, John Kavaliauskas, Heather Lowman, Sharon Musher, Evan Petrie, Molly


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