PN When U-M wants something, it gets it. Now, the university wants its MTV, so soon, we'll be wired for cable. Coming to a television near you. Folk music - it's not just for hippies any more. Andrew Cahn offers a handy guide to who's who among the folks in modern folk music. Michigan's sophmore five were something less than fab, but the Wolverines got the job done when it counted in a 75-71 victory over the Rice Owls. Today Let it snow! High 38, Low 28 > Tomorrow* Partly cloudy; High 32, Low 25 V 4ir 4v t Itttl lit One hundred two years of editorial freedom Vol CII.45 Anrbo, ichia-Wensdy ecmer2 19D.2 h ichigan Da S.ily Activists cover art for AIDS awareness - : by Jen DiMascio Daily Staff Reporter '4. U-M searches for official to oversee code Alexandra Beller is only 20 years old but already five of her friends have died of AIDS. "We have to do something - now," Beller said to the applause of the roughly 50 people who had gathered on the Diag. Her speech was part of "A Day Without Art," a daylong event that sought to draw attention to World AIDS Awareness Day. Visual AIDS, the campus group that staged the event, draped white cloths with large red ribbons over campus sculptures, such as the Cube, the fountain in front of Rackham and the display in front of the Art Museum. The intent was to show how the disease has ravaged the art commu- nity. By blanketing ubiquitous' campus landmarks, the group hoped to emphasize the disease's universal scope. "In covering up what is visual, it stresses the magnitude of the loss of what is visual," said Visual AIDS coordinator Tami Pollak, an LSA junior. The five people who spoke at yesterday's rally on the Diag stressed that AIDS affects everybody. "AIDS is a health crisis, not a morality crisis," said LSA junior Bret Havey. LSA senior Eric Hofmann said he became involved with fighting AIDS last summer. He shared a ride to Washington D.C., with a man who contracted the HIV virus - which causes AIDS - during four by Jennifer Silverberg Daily Administration Reporter Committee members are hopeful their search for an administrator to oversee the judicial aspects of the Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities can end by Jan. 1, the date the code will be implemented. A nine-member Search Advisory Committee has been looking for an assistant to Vice President for Student Affairs Maureen Hartford since October. "We're getting close," said U-M Ombudsman Don Perigo, chair of the committee. "Next week I antici- pate being able to give to the vice president a fairly wide range of people." The committee consists of Perigo, five students, two staff and one faculty member. The assistant will primarily be responsible for running the Judicial Affairs Office that will oversee the policy, which the U-M Board of Regents adopted on an interim basis at its November meeting. Perigo said the committee will recommend between three and five, people for the position by early next week, and added that interviews could occur the same week. "I think we have a great pool of people," said LSA Student Government Vice President Jennifer Tejada, a member of the search committee. "I'm really excited. It was really tough narrowing down the pool because we've had so many good candidates." Perigo said the search will not be rushed to ensure the position is filled when the code is implemented. "The code takes effect Jan. 1, but someone can assume responsibilities on an interim basis," Perigo said. "It's not mandatory this person starts this (code) out but it would be nice." Hartford agreed. "I'm hoping to have someone ap- pointed some time in December but when they could start is another question," Hartford said. The assistant will conduct inves- tigations into allegations of policy violations, present documentation of alleged violations to the student hearing panel, mediate disputes that are not heard by the panel, train the panel and educate the university community about the policy. "I'm really concerned about hav- ing someone who has real feeling for students and is not just high in the hierarchy talking down to us," Tejada said. "I want someone fair who students can relate to." The assistant will also be respon- sible for conducting research to as- sess the current needs andproblems of students. Tejada said she is confident the outcome of the search will have a positive effect on students. "It's going to be a good thing," Tejada said. "I think the assistant to the vice president for student affairs will be a moderator, not a judge. I think it will be a positive thing for the students." LSA seniors Eric Hofmann and Ali Johnson, from left to right, stump on the Diag as part of a World AIDS Day rally. years of practicing safe sex. "I realized this was something changing American society," Hofmann said.: LSA snior Ali Johnson urged the crowd to limit sex partners, while artist Michael Kania painted a picture that he never showed to the audience. "There is no safety in numbers," Johnson said. He added that one of every 25 babies from the Bronx is born with AIDS. Ellen Plummer, assistant direc- tor for programs at the U-M Mu- seum of Art, said covering artwork raises awareness of the loss of art as representative of humanity. Even though the art community has been hit hard by AIDS, the problem is universal. "The arts are on the vanguard of human experience," Plummer said. The art community in cities such as New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco, London and Paris blan- keted famous artwork such as the Thinker. Many cities have dimmed their skylines for 15 minutes to commemorate the loss felt by AIDS, Pollak said. Rob Wuthenow, a junior in the School of Natural Resources and the Environment, said he was dis- mayed by the low turnout of students for the presentation. Pira DeBeck, a student at Washtenaw Community College, said, "Safe sex is so important. It's terrible to see people disregarding See ART, Page 2 I * Advocates push Senate to regulate sexual harassment by Hope Calati and Lauren Dermer Daily Government Reporters As Sen. Bob Packwood (R-Ore.) spends a week in an alcohol treat- ment program, female lawmakers and activists are hoping for a new and tougher attitude in Congress toward sexual harassment. Packwood - who was re-elected to his fifth term in the Senate - was recently accused by 10 women who worked with him of making unwelcomed sexual advances. Packwood initially denied the charges, but has since acknowledged the possibility that he may have be- haved inappropriately. In a recent statement he said he was sorry "if I have conducted myself in any way that has caused any individual discomfort or embarrassment." The report of the allegations has sparked discussion about Congress members' exemption from rules and regulations regarding sexual harassment. In a 1986 ruling, the Supreme Court held that sexual harassment in the workplace qualifies as sex dis- crimination, which is barred under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. But Congress has exempted itself from the law that applies to private employers. Laura Lorenzen, deputy director of the Congressional Caucus for '(I am sorry) if I have conducted myself in any way that has caused any individual discomfort or embarrassment.' - Sen Bob Packwood (R-Ore.) Women's Issues, said the reasoning has to do with the constitutional question of separation of powers. She said private employers ac- cused of sexual harassment are sub- ject to hearings by the Equal Em- ployment Opportunity Commission. Since this is an executive agency, she said, it is questionable for a member of the legislature to be placed in front of the commission. Political Science Associate Prof. Jacqueline Stevens agreed with this logic. "There's the fear that under the pretense of a particular law the ex- ecutive branch will come in and enforce it," Stevens said. But Senator-elect Dianne Fein- stein (D-Calif.) has vowed to draft a new law next year to "prevent any loopholes that exclude federal offi- cials" from laws prohibiting sexual harassment. The U.S. Offices of Fair Em- ployment Practices have been hear- ing complaints of sexual harassment since late 1988 in the House and since June in the Senate. The offices can order victims reinstated or promoted and award monetary damages, but they cannot discipline a member. However, effective penalties for sexual harassment are more impor- tant than whether the act is techni- cally legal or illegal, Stevens said. "If the citizens of Oregon don't like having a senator who harasses his employees ... they are free to recall the senator," Stevens said. But some critics have said the offices are inadequate for preventing harassment in the legislature. "I think some of the aspects of sexual harassment can be legislated. In particular, some forms of attempts at unwanted sexual advances can be ruled in specific incidents. Some of it is a lot more slippery than that. I don't think you can make a law that if you make a sexist comment you can go to jail," said political science Associate Prof. Nancy Burns. She said changes must be made in societal norms regarding sexual harassment through guidelines and awareness that sexist comments pull power away from women. See HARASSMENT, Page 2 Brater nixes public hearing on housing commission firing Military aid in Somalia plagued by controversy MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) - Relief officials yesterday urged the United Nations to quickly authorize more military muscle to guarantee that aid reaches hundreds of thou- sands of starving Somalis. As the U.N. Security Council de- bated whether to take up a U.S. offer of 'A fe- L-f11 n o A va .hA by Jonathan Berndt Daily City Reporter Mayor Liz Brater has axed a public hearing for Monday's City Council meeting that would have addressed the firing of former Hous- ing Commission Director Conrad Benson. Dozens of public housing tenants have exnressed outrage after the "The people at the last meeting wanted to speak to the whole coun- cil," Nicolas said, referring to the special session where 15 people ad- dressed four councilmembers. "The issue is not Conrad Benson, but the relationship between the tenants of public housing and the. housing commission." 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