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November 25, 1992 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1992-11-25

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Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Wednesday, November 25, 1992

Continued from page 1
family ties for LSA junior Jennifer
Chapekis. The Escanaba, Mich., res-
ident said her relatives plan to con-
verge on her house for the holidays.
"All of my family is coming to
Escanaba. I have family in Chicago
and my grandmother is coming from
Greece. I haven't seen her for a long
time," she said. "We make a big deal
out of the holiday to get together and
have an excuse to eat."
In the Chapekis home, the spirit
of Thanksgiving is vocalized as ev-
eryone around the table states what
there is to be thankful for this holi-
day season.
The family's Greek heritage also
adds a twist to the American
Holiday. Chapekis remembers that
last year's celebration was especially
"Last Thanksgiving was particu-
larly funny. After dinner we turned
up the Greek music and danced
around the room. It was kind of
funny. We burned off calories," she
said, adding that her family usually
makes the traditional turkey and
cranberry sauce, supplemented by
Greek appetizers.
For LSA sophomore Peter
Levinson, this Thanksgiving will
represent a break in tradition. The
New Canaan, Conn., resident said
Thanksgiving was also a time for his

family to come together, but after his
parents' recent divorce, this break
will be different.
"My parents are divorced and
both have new families. This is the
first time I won't go to my Dad's
house, so it'll be kind of weird," he
said. "(My Dad) was living in Tokyo
last year and we still flew out to see
him though it was a three-day
Levinson still plans to catch up
with his cousins and then take ad-
vantage of his proximity to New
York City by attending a Phish con-
cert with some high school buddies.
Prabhjyot Singh's plans for the
Thanksgiving holidays also include
a good dose of old friends. "I am go-
ing to see my friends that went away
and I am going to sleep," com-
mented the Sterling Heights, Mich.,
Singh, who does not eat meat,
says her family celebrates
Thanksgiving by going to a friend's
Victoria Diromualdo, an LSA
senior who will stay in Ann Arbor
over the break, will be supplement-
ing her rest and relaxation with a lit-
tle writing in order to finish a
screenplay for a class.
For seniors ready to embark on a
journey in the real world, the long-
awaited break is a time to reflect on
what they have harvested over the
past four years of school.

Group gives students mass buying power

by Sarah Kiino
What began in 1955 as an attempt
by a small group of fraternities to
gain mass buying power has evolved
into the Student Buyer's Association
(SBA) - an organization that buys
$1.5 million worth of food and
supplies annually for U-M students.
SBA is a non-profit, collective-
buying organization owned and op-
erated by 65 of U-M's Greek houses
and student cooperatives.
"The advantage to the houses
primarily is ... the fact that if they
use SBA 100 percent ... they get one
statement per month broken down
into what they spent with every sup-
plier, and in turn only have to write
one check," said Mary Lou
Warchok, SBA's general manager.
"If they were dealing with each sup-
plier individually, they would have
to do their own bookkeeping and
write many, many checks."
SBA member houses receive 10
to 15 percent discounts from
Owen Cooperative food steward
Cheryl Gans said SBA's lower
prices make products available to
her house that would not normally
be affordable.
SBA operates on a modified bid
system. Once a year, quotation re-

'Suppliers are attracted to our program and
want to discount prices because of our mass
buying power.'
--Mary Lou Warchok
SBA General Manager

quests are distributed to vendors,
with product specifications stated on
the request forms to insure consis-
tency in the quality of the
The merchandise - which in-
cludes food, furniture, party rentals,
party favors, linens, kitchen equip-
ment and paper supplies - is then
tested by the SBA staff for quality
and weight specifications before the
board of directors selects its vendors.
Suppliers also benefit from deal-
ing with the SBA, Warchok said.
"Suppliers are attracted to our
program and want to discount prices
because of our mass buying power
... and the fact that they do not have
to have a sales representative on the
street," Warchok said. "There's one
central billing place for all 65 houses
and they (the suppliers) are guaran-
teed payment once per month with
one check from all of the houses."
Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity mem-

ber Jamie Spence said one disadvan-
tage of using SBA is the 5 percent
service fee charged per order. The
service fee is used to cover expenses,
but excess money is returned to
members at the end of the year.
In addition, he said, the number
of people involved in the process
makes it difficult at times to pinpoint
errors when order or delivery mix-
ups occur.
Also, because supplies ordered
through SBA must be ordered in
large quantities, houses that need
smaller amounts of items may not
want to order through SBA.
The board of directors - which
is composed of representatives of
member houses - governs SBA.
Warchok - the only paid em-
ployee of the organization - said,
"In your Greek houses and your co-
operative houses, they usually have
what is classified as a food st'ward
... They have been exposed t1 the

food industry - to placing orders, to
receiving orders ... they come into
the board strongly qualified.
Treasurers come into the board
strongly qualified because they have
had to keep books."
Todd Rearky, board treasurer and
a member of Alpha Epsilon Pi fra-
ternity, said being on the board can
be rewarding for people who put a
lot into it. The Board meetings are
held from once every two weeks to
once per month.
"Some people don't put in any
time. Others put in a lot of time.
You can really be on the board of di-
rectors and do absolutely nothing,
but that's your loss," Rearky said. "I
spend about five hours (at SBA) per
week because I want to learn more
about the organization and always
have a feel for what's going on."
Each October, the SBA sponsors
a food show in the Michigan Union
Ballroom. During the food show -
which is open to all member houses
- suppliers introduce new products.
Warchok said she foresees a long
future for the SBA.
"I see nothing but growth. ...
Any student organization that has
survived here at the University for
37 years has great credibility," she


Continued from page 1
qualifies in his letter, it will not be his last.
Garvey said the editorial is a "raving bunch of anti-
Semitic gibberish" and that the majority of the campus
shares this opinion.
"The public reaction that I have seen has been nearly
unanimous in its condemnation (of the piece)," Garvey
said. "Of those, most people seem to feel that the article
itself didn't deserve a response, but that its appearance
Continued from page 1,
tive than their assessment of current conditions.
Because the job market remains tight, rekindled
confidence will not result in an economic boom, but it
may make people more willing to splurge a bit on
Christmas shopping, said Latta of DRI-McGraw Hill.
More confidence "won't put more money into peo-
ple's pckets but it might make them more willing to
spend thmoney that's already there," Latta said.
spThe October increase in durable goods orders fol-
lowed a 0.3 percent rise in September. Orders had
fallen in August and July, risen in June and fallen in
Although most of the October gain came from
transportation, other areas showed strength as well, in-
cluding primary metals such as steel and aluminum, up
5.1 percent, and electrical equipment, up 1.5 percent.
However, orders for industrial machinery were down
4.5 percent.
The highly volatile military goods sector, which
overlaps the aircraft category, shot up 42 percent fol-
lowing a 20 percent drop the month before. Excluding
defense, orders rose 2.2 percent.
Continued from page 1
Several members of the women's political caucus
said that powerful congressional staffers, who have a
major role in employment decisions, have also harassed
female employees for years.
The guidelines are explicit on what constitutes sex-
ual harassment. Among the examples are unsolicited
flirtations, graphic or degrading comments about an
employee's appearance, dirty jokes, intrusive questions
about someone's personal life, leering and unwanted
physical contact.
The guidelines also tell victims what to do in their
offices to stop the practices and counsel them on how to
use the fair employment offices.

Continued from page 1
part of the university. He said he
doesn't teach his class differently
than a white professor might, but
that it is important for minority stu-
dents to see minority professors
teaching their classes.
"It's beneficial in a number of
ways. Part of the role of faculty
members is to be a model and to be
an example of what students can be
and do with their lives," he said.
Awkward added that if the fac-
ulty was composed of only non-mi-
norities, it would send a message to
students that these are the only peo-
ple who can become professors. He
added he did not think that was a
message the university wanted to
LSA junior Ronit Hoffer said
she understands how minority stu-
dents may be encouraged when
they enroll in a class with a profes-
sor of the same race, gender or

"I think it's a positive thing. I
think it's empowering if I see a
woman up there. I would think -
of having a Jewish professor - that
it's a nice feeling."
Hoffer said she thinks minorities
should also hold non-teaching fac-
ulty positions.
"It should be a given. The fact
that white people can walk into an
administration building and know
that the people in power will be
white is a privilege," Hoffer said. "I
think students of color should have
that same comfort."
Robinson said, "I think, as a stu-
dent, seeing students of color means
some kind of commitment to giving
different points of view. I think it
should be a constant effort of the
The U-M has made a conscious
effort to recruit minority faculty
members, Whitaker said. "I think
the university will attract more mi-
nority students if we have a more
diverse faculty."

The number of minority faculty members continues to
increase among each ethnic group. Here is the percentage
and number of ethnic group members out of the total U-M
faculty of 3,721.



Asian Hispanic Native
American American


Source: Annual faculty racial and ethnic profile

Banner battalion
Kevin Canze from the Museum of Art and Warren Douglas from the Grounds Department put
up the banner for the new "Warriors from Xian" exhibit from Nov. 17 to Jan. 17.



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NEWS Henry Goldblatt, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Andrew Levy, Melissa Peedess, David Rhiangold, Bethany Robertson
STAFF: Adam Anger, Jonathan Bemdt, Hope Caati, Ken Dancyger, Lauren Darmer, ErinEnhom, Tin Greimel, Nate Hurley, Megan
Lardner, Robin Ltwin, Wil McCahil, Shelley Morrison, Marc Olender, David Powers. Mona Ouresi, Karen Sabgir, Abby Schweitzer,
Gwen Shaffer, Purvi Shah, Jennifer Silverberg, Johnny Su, Karen Talaski, Andrew Taylor, Jennifer Tianen, Michelle VanOoteghem,
Chasity Wilson, Christine Young.
GRAPHICS STAFF: David Acton, Jonathan Bemdt, Johnny Su
OPINION Yeel Cito, Geoffrey Earle, Amitava Mazumdar, Editors
STAFF: Jonathan Chait (Assoaste Editor), Mike Chau, Rich Choi, Sam Goldstein, Judith Kalka, David Leitner. Jason Uichabin.
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SPORTS John Miyo, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Josh Dubow, Joni Durst, Ryan Herrigton, Abort Lin,
STAFF: Bob Abramson, Rachel Bachman, Paul Barger, Tom Bausano, Jesse Brouhard, Ken Davidoff, Andy DeKorte, Brett Forrest,
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Tun, Rardin, Michael Rosenberg, Jaeson Rosenfeld, Chad Safran, Tim Spolar, Andy Stbile, Ken Sugiura.
ARTS Alan J. Hogg, Jr., Michael John Wilson, Editora
EDITORS: Can. A. Bacon (Theater), Jessie Haiaday (Weekend etc.), Aaron Hamburger (Film), Nna Hodanee(Muc), RogerHsia
(Fine Arts), Chisine Slovey (Books).
STAFF: Megan AbbttS, Laura Alantas, Jon Altshul, Greg Baies,. Jill Banks. Melissa Rose Bermardo, Mark Binelli, Jason Carroll, Camino
Fontecila, Patr Kim, Kristn Knudsen, Alison Levy. Darcy Lockmn, John R. Ryboc, Dave Skelly, Sott Sterlig, Michael
Thompson."Jayn.Wawrysniak, Michele Weger, Sarah Weidman, Kirk Weters, Josh Woth, Kim Yaged.
PHOTO Kristoffer Gillette, Editor
STAFF: Enk Angermeier, Michelle Guy, Douglas Kanter, John Kavaliauskas, Heather Lowman, Sharon Musher, Evan Petuie, Molly


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DISPLAY SALES Amy Fant, Manage
STAFF: Michael Barry. Jennifer Bayson, Matt Brady, VYamin Choudhry, MoinaDes, Marc Edwards, Jonathan Fedewa. Jason Gahbel.




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