0 Page 4 -The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 11, 1992 OIir Mitbgau atlg 1-ditur i C(hien MA'fI IEiW D. RE NNIE, 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 764 - 0552 Opinion Editors YAEL CITRO GEOFFREY EARLE AMITAVA MAZUMDAR Edited and Managed by Students at the University of Michigan Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. FER M TILE DAILY .........i...*...:....i..............-...*.. SA1 . 6C . All in the family A mid widespread criticism, the University de- cided to hire Anne Duderstadt, the president's wife, to head a staff of four people as an institu- tional advancement officer responsible for raising funds for the University. The controversy that surrounds Duderstadt's hiring involves her quali- fications, the manner in which she was hired, and her proposed salary. Before the regents agree to allow Duderstadt to remain at her post, the admin- istration must answer some valid and serious ques- tions about her selection. To avoid the appearance of impropriety, Duderstadt had agreed to donate her $35,000 sal- ary to the University Center for the Education of Women. Regent Deane Baker (R-AnnArbor) spear- headed the attack on the appointment saying, "I think the symbolism of the hiring was incorrect and improper." Anne Duderstadt then agreed to forgo the salary all together. According to law, any new position must be advertised publicly, allowing for qualified job- seekers to submit their applications. Actually, some 25 applicants have applied for the job. Is it coincidental that the president's wife received the position? Certainly, the spouses of University presidents are in a unique position to raise needed capital. But the hiring procedure, in fairness to qualified appli- cants and in the spirit of the law, should produce a finalist with demonstrable qualifications. Is it pos- sible that Duderstadt got the job simply because she would do it for free? Whether the University ever intended to con- sider other applicants is questionable. In fact, the job seems to have been created specifically for Anne Duderstadt. Curiously, the University re- fuses to release the name of any applicant for the job, and Duderstadt was the only candidate inter- viewed. Also, Duderstadt's qualifications seem mini- mal. She has never managed an office, nor has she been in charge of personnel. Duderstadt may not even live up to the specifications ofherjob descrip- tion. However, her temporary secretary, Barbara Johnson, coordinator of presidential events, bluntly stated Duderstadt's fund-raising role. "She is do- ing the same thing she's been doing. They just made it (her job) official." Still, it is hard to swallow that not one of the other 25 candidates were more qualified. Administration officials have tried to portray Duderstadt's new role as a new and vital position in the Campaign for Michigan - the University's billion-dollar fund-raising campaign. If the ad- ministration wanted to pay Duderstadt for her present work for the Campaign, it could have done so without the creation of a phony job. The round- about and clandestine process in which the Univer- sity hired Anne Duderstadt raises questions about whether nepotism took place, and whether her hiring could be fiscally irresponsible in the long run. , I '.'.Yi".YLh":.1'';.Yh:{"}iit.^tiJ.Y": ":.Y . hht";"..1h :.1 .'"..^i1 .'iti'11 i.1' '1 1:'Yi"""4 " ti1'."".ti'i'iti4L .h'a" ": '^",1 "".ti"Yw". "Y"ti L4,1.';q, tih,,"'"4.4.Y LYr"Y :.} .4"M1i'4 ro :":1 ".hV ".Y".11; "..;L L.; ,; 4; . . :. ;h1,.1 :"" :": ^L ". N".Y1" ":. ".r.M1' :'. ':S ", r: 41" Y^ YA4Y1.\.L ".h" :V "" . i 4 Y.1 Y, ::h", " . ' : '.Y: 1":.Y ":: 'i}"V YY: Y': Y."...i :1." . Y.i"M1.1'""i.1Y"4hh..^ .h 4."..h Lr"..J''4i .':h ',ihYih'" Y i. :y "a" Y,:Y4. M4, 4 4..'.".".. .". . 1H T ." iY1."... Y . ^. 4ti V .': }'.h'.Y".4Yi,.'.,i":is:Y......,.....Y.':.'.......L .1 .L :SY...::.1. s Sexual r a touchy sub ect, by Katherine Metres Well-meaning men have often said to me, "I'm not a chauvinist; I'm really not," and then proceeded to say or do something that I found sexist or offensive. Still, my high hopes fdr rela- tions between the sexes are periodi- cally bolstered by good experiences Why aren'tmoreof these creeps locked up? If a student wears something to class or office hours you think is sexy, keep it to yourself. Don't assume it means she's coming on to you - or that it's okay for you to come on to her. Comments on per- sonal appearance should be made sparingly, if at all. "See, my wife is steak. I mean, I love steak, but sometimes, you know, I like to have pork, or chicken." I told him, "I'm a vegetarian." Ns A n amazing but all too-common story: An in- coming first-year student was signed up to live in South Quad. This summer, his parents read a series of articles in The Detroit News, entitled "Live and Learn," which attempts to describe typical student life at the University. The series butchered the truth so badly that his parents made him transfer to Bursley. The News produced this series by sending a reporter who is a University graduate to live in a "typical dorm at the University" to discover how University students really live, and what first-year students can expect from dorm life. It is obvious from the article that the reporter came to the University with his mind made up about what college is all about. He did not do a credible job oftalking to different types of students in different living situations. Basing an entire story about student life on a brief stint in South Quad is like basing a basing a study about all of American culture on the attendants of an Andrew Dice Clay concert. The News probably could have gotten a more accurate picture of student morality by lay- ing on the Diag listening to preacher Mike. But the article is anything but harmless. The premise is that the University is not offering stu- dents the education they pay for, that students have no interest in learning, and are more concerned with what brand of beer they drink than choosing their major. It is not surprising that the reporter came to this conclusion, considering he never attended a class. In order to portray the University as a four-year party playground, the reporter took extreme cases of apathetic students and used them to incorrectly portray the ideals of most students. Throughout the report, the News blames the University for not providing students with a "cli- mate of learning beyond the classroom." While South Quad may have a reputation of being a party dorm, this attitude simply does not apply to the hundreds of the different students who live there, nor is it an accurate reflection of students through- out the campus.. Considering this is one of the most competitive schools in the country, it is possible that some students might actually want to learn something. The News' irresponsiblereporting-evidenced by titles such as "Freedom from Thought" - paints University students as being shallow at best. The reporter repeatedly claims that most students view their classes as mere stepping stones toward a high-paying career. Such stereotyping does the student body a grave injustice. The reporter uses a handful of case studies to make his case. One student named Michael likened his first few party-filled weeks at school to a "wet dream." Apparently, such testimony provides enough evidence to indict the Michigan student body for excessive partying and a chronic disinter- est in academics. It is true that University students will drink, have sex, and succumb to all of the distractions that are a part of dorm life; this has been true for years - even when the reporter attended the University. But nearly all students have aspirations beyond this, taking part in the organizations the University offers and taking interest in the education they receive. The Detroit News does incoming students, the University and its readership a disservice with such irresponsible reporting. that I have with friendly yet respect- ful male professors and classmates. The guidelines I am about to present should be so obvious to you that you'll feel practically insulted at being reminded. Remember, what's really insulting is that these simple standards are violated every day. Don't treat students as potential bed partners. Sometimes a non-ex- ploitative romantic relationship can develop from a classroom-spawned friendship, but romantic relation- ships between a current'teacher or advisor and student constitute a conflict of interest. It's doubly sleazy if the professor is married. Woody Allen, get a life. And the booby prize - so to speak - goes to professors who demand, suggest, or even accept sexual favors in return for a satis- factory grade. (The bad news is you're not scot-free even if it's the student's idea.) It's hard to believe this still goes on, but it assuredly does. Metres is an LSA junior. Did I mention how hot your buns look in those chinos? Leering, of course, is always out. Look a student in the face, not the legs or bosom. Lots of men leer, but I doubt they know how it feels on the receiving end. What are you staring at? I distinctly remember putting clothes on this morning. Don't be like the employer who informed me on my first day, "See, my wife is steak. I mean, I love steak, but sometimes, you know, I like to have pork, orchicken." I told him, "I'm a vegetarian." Just because a student takes your class doesn't give you permission to manhandle her. A light touch on the arm or back -that's the upper back, Bubba - is fine. Anything else feels intrusive.' If you're still pinching fannies, you're hopeless. Show your female students the same respect you afford men. Don't underestimate their competence, belittle their concerns, or silence their voices. I remember one pro- fessor who made wisecracks every time I discussed my approved re- search project in class.'The whacked- out, radical topic? The decision to. admit women to the University. Be warm and appropriate, never condescending or contemptuous. Give up the "honey, sweetie, baby, dear" routine. Don't tell yourself you're just being fatherly. One father is quite enough, thank you very much. While you're at it - and this is far more serious - stop using mi- sogynistic terms like "bitch," "dyke," and "pussy-whipped." Anyway, a simple lesson in anatomy should tell you that it's pretty hard to whip somebody that way. Use gender-inclusive language. What do you mean, I've used only feminine pronouns for the anteced-j ent "student?" What's your point? Really, it's fine to say "business-. man" or "Congressman" to indicate a male person. But if you are speak- ing of the position in a general way, it's more inclusive - and more ac- curate - to say "businessperson," "memberofCongress"(eithercham- ber), or "Representative" (lower, chamber). I do, however, prefer the term "involuntarily retired congress- man" for those guilty of sexual ha-; rassment on Capitol Hill. Now, stop feeling put upon be- cause we (women) are always pick- ing on you (men) these days.- Granted, some women are hard to get along with. But if men had to contend with as much sexual ex- ploitation, intellectual stifling, and plain old disrespect as women do,: wouldn't they be a little touchy, too? P.S. Uppity women unite. Pass it on. Throwing America's children away Book monopoiy should go by Benyumin Tailor Several months ago I had the misfortune of being in the wrong place during the rendering of the Rodney King verdict. Caught in the midst of the Los Angeles riots. I viewed, first hand, the carnage. The fury was less a reaction to the injus- tice of the verdict and more of an explosion of pent up youthful rage. The vast number of looters par- ticipating in the mayhem, including overwhelming numbers of seem- ingly angry kids, felt that they had nothing to lose. Several shared the sentiment that they took the prop- erty of others, not for the material gain; but rather for the momentary high. By getting the attention of the world, they were announcing that they exist, had merit, and must be dealt with. It appeared that the exaspera- tion was to be directed at the sys- tem. However, it was each member of the sealed off community that eventually paid for the final price. The participants were not solely of minority heritage. Many were just children, who lived on the fringesofpoverty and society. They were too young and inexperienced to get work. They came from homes with only one parent to contend with the escalating rent, mortgage, food and education costs. The kids that I dealt with were of school age but not necessarily at- tending. They sensed a general Tailor is a resident of Wheeling, IL. Yet, I fear for the other children because I sense a growing moral void and public apathy towards the fate of young people. worthlessness for life. Many had time and time again witnesses baby brothers and sisters aborted before they came to be; while older sib- lings and friends were taken by bullets, drugs or prison. Hearing the stories, I sadly remembered a time when children had value in and of themselves; but, not these children. For those I interacted with, the message of hope was a contra- diction to the reality of their envi- ronment. Gradually, I became less afraid S tudents pay ridiculously high prices for course books at the beginning of each semester. It has become a tradition to pay hundreds of dollars for such classics as Introduction to Fossils at Ulrich's and the Michigan Book and Supply (MBS). This may be because Ulrich's and the MBS are owned by the same company - the Lincoln Book Company. It is not surprising then, that new books cost the same amount at both stores, and used books are priced similarly, regardless of condition. The Barnes & Noble owns a third "corporate book store" in the Union. One of the first things students learn when shopping in Ann Arbor is that there is about as much competition between the three book stores as between candidates in an election against Stalin. Unfortunately, professors play into this sce- offered by local used bookstores. Many of them offer cheap classics, and you can't beat the com- panionship of the troll-like workers who dwell among the mildewed shelves in places like David's Books. The book exchange and the local book stores save students money and make the process of buying books considerably more enjoyable. So even though they don't sell those babes, beer, and car posters like the large book stores, the student book exchange and local book stores offer a better deal on your text books. '. WJQULD T0(1 [IKE A [Lf fOR YUR ' PTUITE exists little chance for upward mo- bility, and they know it. As a results kids in poverty are unwilling to put,, forth repeated honest efforts only to have their nose rubbed again and again in the dirt of failure. The thought of death does not frighten these children, because it is acommon occurrence. To them there is no difference; whether succumb-,, ing to the effects of a shared needle, a bullet used to settle a score, to hunger or hypothermia. Education, once the key to es- of the rioters than of the underlying causes of their discontent. While we as a nation, have no doubt ac- complished many significant po- litical goals worldwide; we are oblivious to the needs of a signifi- cant part of our growing popula- tion. These children do not care about the lofty goals of a cleaner environment or the liberation of the former Soviet republics. Making it on a daily basis is enough of an accomplishment. The thoughtof prison may cause the establishment middle class to think twice before going outside of the law to improve their lot in life. However, to these children, they already live in a prison which of- fers little chance for escape. Our system is not working for them, even those with an education. There cape poverty no longer meets the: needs of those itis supposed toserve. The school system fails to teach, it- intimidates without providing a re- alistic assessmentofability,andmay actually be contributing to the exist- ence and perpetuation of the grow- ing subculture of poverty. The system may offer an outlet for some, within the warmth and safety of the rare secure family. Yet, I fear for the other children because I sense a growing moral void and public apathy towards the fate of young people. I wish to plead for someone to champion our cause. Will the seriousness of young. people's problems be recognized or will our youthful appearance con- tinue to distract adults? Must we forever be forced to violence in or- der to prompt public attention?