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September 11, 1992 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-09-11

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 11, 1992 - Page 3

U.N. will
work to
end war
in Bosnia
SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegov-
ina (AP) - The chief European and
U.N. negotiators on the breakup of
qugoslavia pledged yesterday to end
war in Bosnia even as battles raged
across the capital.
The Bosnian government claimed
Serb forces were moving artillery to
their headquarters east of Sarajevo to
hide it from U.N. inspectors charged
with monitoring heavy weapons.
"Slowly, persistently, patiently,
we will end this," said Lord Owen,
*e European Community's chief
peace negotiator, after arriving in an
armored personnel carrier wearing a
flak jacket and helmet.,
He and Cyrus Vance, the U.N.'s
special envoy, met for an hour with
Bosnia's Muslim President Alija
Izetbegovic and were to meet the
leader of Bosnia's Serbs, Radovan
Karadzic, later in the day.
* Owen told reporters he found the
situation in Sarajevo "ghastly" and
said the United Nations would ex-
tend its mandate in Bosnia-Herze-
"There are limits, but we will ex-
tend those limits," he said.
Owen also called for the arrest
and prosecution of the gunmen who
fired on a U.N. convoy Tuesday,
Olling two French peacekeepers.
Five peacekeepers were injured in
the attack.
U.N. officials have blamed
Bosnian government forces for fir-
ing on the convoy.
Izetbegovic said an investigation
was underway, but there was no
"hard evidence" that Bosnian forces
were responsible.
The Yugoslav federal govern-
ent on Thursday also condemned
the attack, calling it "premeditated."
The Bosnian Health Ministry said
34 people died and 256 were
wounded throughout the country in
the 24-hour period ending at noon
Thursday. That included 13 dead and
95 wounded in Sarajevo.

UHS changes
AIDS testing
by Hope Calati
Daily Staff Reporter
University Health Service (UHS) has changed the
structure of its AIDS testing program to accommodate
the 71 percent increase in test requests that occurred in
the last academic year.
Those interested in being tested for HIV are now re-
quired to attend one hour-long educational group ses-
sion. Then, if they choose to take the test, they will
meet privately with a counselor for 15 minutes before
the procedure.
"We have had an amazing increase (in requests)
since Magic Johnson's announcement," said Diane
Dues, office assistant in Health Promotion and
Community Relations at UHS. Johnson, a former bas-
ketball player for the Los Angeles Lakers, announced
last October that he contracted the HIV virus - which
leads to AIDS - through heterosexual sex.
Approximately 140 students, staff members and
others have requested the test each month since
Johnson's announcement. "The demand is still pretty
high," Dues said.
'Making the decision to be tested
for HIV is a deeply personal
decision. - Patrick Yankee
director Wellness Huron Valley
The education session is limited to 15 people on a
first-come-first-serve basis. It is simply an information
session, Dues said, not a question and answer period.
There is no need for participants to divulge personal in-
formation, she added.
Before the new policy was implemented, a nurse
spoke to the person interested in the HIV test for 30
minutes before blood was drawn.
The structure was changed to accommodate greater
numbers of people within the same budget, Dues said.
"Unfortunately these are the constraints people have
to live under," said Patrick Yankee, director of
Wellness Huron Valley, an AIDS support network.
Billie Edwards and Jim Toy of the Lesbian-Gay
Male Programs Office said they were concerned about
the lack of confidentiality of the group session. "I
would not be surprised if there would be a drop if there
are other places people can go confidentially."
"Making the decision to be tested for HIV is a
deeply personal decision," Yankee said. "We would
hope that this would not deter people from being
Free and confidential testing can be received at the
county clinic in Ypsilanti, Yankee said.
Participants sign in to the session using a
pseudonym. The participants receive a card with their
pseudonym to bring to their counseling appointment as
proof of attendance at the session.


Like he's really gonna read 'em
Students lined up, and loaded up their arms yesterday to purchase books for fall classes.

Tiny hole c
CHARLEVOIX, Mich. (AP) - A hole
no bigger around than a pencil lead
apparently caused more than 10,000
gallons of oil to seep into the ground -
one of the biggest leaks ever in northern
Michigan, a state official says.
The No. 2 fuel oil began leaking from
an underground pipe at Medusa Cement
Co. sometime between October 1989, when
the plant was excavating in the area, and
June 1991, when the fuel bubbled up from
the ground.
Sgt. Larry Terlecki, a 15-year enforce-
ment officer with the state Department of
Natural Resources (DNR), said Tuesday he
believes the sole source of the leak was "a
teeny pinhole, the size of a pencil lead,
maybe smaller."
Terlecki, who is writing a report on his
investigation of the incident to the DNR's

auses large
legal division, acknowledged he was skep-
tical at first when Medusa officials specu-
lated that a small hole was the culprit.
"I could not believe one leak would,
cause that," he said. "I couldn't buy the
story. I've been a cop too long."
In July, the company dug up the pipe,
which connects the plant's bulk fuel stor-
age tank and its pre-heating tower. Terlecki
was on hand with a video camera.
He inspected the pipe - and found only
one tiny hole. "I went over every inch of
that rascal," he said.
It isn't known how much oil escaped
because the storage tanks had no meters,
Terlecki said. Medusa has recovered at
least 10,000 gallons, but enough remains
that it could take five years or longer to
finish the cleanup, said Bob Wagner, the
first DNR official to investigate the spill.

fuel leak
The hole was big enough to allow such
a massive leak because the oil is pumped
under pressure, Terlecki said.
The good news is that the fuel, which
mingled with ground water and was flow-
ing toward Lake Michigan, now is heading
away from the lake, Wagner said.
"At the moment, there's no indication
it's going to affect Lake Michigan,"
Wagner said.
The state attorney general or the
Charlevoix County prosecutor could bring
criminal charges for the spill, according to
warrants DNR officials used to search the
plant and seize records April 3.
But Dixon said he did not expect to be
charged "from what we know about the
He said Thursday he did not know how
much the cleanup had cost.

Vemocrats test Bush rhetoric
with 'family-friendly' bill

I I m."



House yesterday sent to the White
House an emergency leave bill that
mocrats said would boost "family
alues." The vote fell far short of the
two-thirds majority needed to
override a certain veto by President
The House approved the measure
241-161 after a debate in which
some Republicans said the timing of
the measure was a "cynical election-
year ploy" to embarrass Bush, who
has used "family values" as a theme
his reelection campaign.

"George Bush has a choice,"
Gore said in Lexington, Ky.
"Either he can change his mind
and enact the first measure that Bill
Clinton and I are advocating and
make it law even before the election
takes place, or else he can hold onto
the status quo and force Americans
to read his lip service to family
values," Gore said.
The measure would guarantee
many American workers up to 12
weeks of unpaid family leave a year
to care for newborn or sick children,
spouses and ailing parents.

'Let's vote and we will see who is opposed to
family values and who supports them.'
- Rep. William Clay (D-Mo.)

Let's vote and we will see who is
opposed to family values and who
supports them."
"It is election-year politics pure
and simple," said House Republican
leader Robert Michel of Illinois.
Michel and many other oppo-
nents of the measure said small
businesses could not afford the new
"They will have to cut other
benefits; they will have to cut jobs,"
Michel said.
Rep. David Dreier (R-Calif.),
said bringing the bill to the House
floor 54 days before the election is
"nothing more than a cynical, elec-
tion-year ploy by the Democrat
leadership falsely trying to portray
the president as being opposed to
family and medical leave."
Dreier said Bush wants the pri-
vate sector to create such family
leave policies voluntarily. He said
having the federal government do it
would "saddle small business with a
costly and onerous federal mandate,
which may lead to higher
Many Republicans pointed out
that businesses with 50 or fewer em-
ployees are exempted from the bill.
They said small businesses will
therefore not be hurt.

A top White House aide, who
asked not to be named, said "there is
no doubt" Bush will veto the bill, as
he did with similar legislation in the
Democratic vice presidential
candidate Al Gore said Bush's action
will test his commitment to family

"Vote 'yes' if you value fami-
lies," said Rep. Barbara Boxer (D-
Calif.). "Surely the president can
change his mind and vote for this
family-friendly bill."
Said Rep. William Clay (D-Mo.):
"This bill is about decency, giving
working men and women the right to
be at home in time of emergencies.

he last date for official withdrawal from classes with a tuition refund is Sept. 30. The last day to withdraw and
pay 50 percent of class fees is Oct. 21. After Oct. 21, students must pay entire class fee. The last day to drop or
add classes with complete monetary refund is Sept. 30. After that date, fee adjustments are based on credit hours.

I Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do Club,
CCR. Martial Arts Room. 6-7

U David Murray Quartet, Michi-
gan Theatre, 8 p.m. Admission

0 Hillel: Jews and Conversos in
the Encounter, Lorch Hall, 1


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