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November 23, 1992 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-11-23

Disclaimer: Computer generated plain text may have errors. Read more about this.

The code war is over, and the good guys lost.
Students have a new Code of Conduct, like it or
not. Our only recourse is to monitor its
implementation carefully.

Believe the hype. Spike Lee, after a string of
promising but flawed films, finally proves he's for
real with "Malcolm X." Read Aaron Hamburger's

Michigan missed an extra point, played
conservatively, and tied a team it should have
beaten. Sound familiar? This wasn't Illinois
revisited; it was Ohio State.

Windy with a few showers;
High 42, Low 32
Partly sunny; High 40, Low 30

Jr t

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One hundred two years of editorial freedom

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by Geoffrey Earle
Daily Staff Reporter
Regent Neal Nielsen (R-
Brighton) dismissed allegations that
he physically assaulted his former
wife during the early '80s when
questioned Thursday after the U-M
Board of Regents' monthly meeting.
Nielsen accused the Daily of run-
ning a "smear campaign" against
him and refused to confirm or deny
whether he struck his wife in 1981
or 1982, as she alleges.
Additionally, he refused to comment
on whether the Brighton police re-
sponded to calls from his
Fowlerville home during the same
time period.
"You've tried running a smear
campaign on me, and I don't appre-
ciate it. You made some misrepre-
sentations and allegations concerning
my wife. You owe her an apology
and an explanation," he said.
Nielsen called the Daily's story
containing these allegations li-
S belous, "because what you put in
your story .... you made representa-
tions to certain individuals," he said.
But Dona Mueller, the regent's
former wife, reaffirmed her earlier
statement in an interview yesterday.
"The quote that I gave you was
true and factual. There were occa-
sions in 1981 and '82 where the
sheriff's dep-irtment was called to my
See REGENT, Page 2


MCC delegates
plan lobbying
goals for 1993

Coffee break
LSA sophomore Roxy Font prepares cappuccino at Amer's Deli on South State Street

Students, regents meet to
improve U=M party policy

by Hope Calati
and Lauren Dermer
Daily Government Reporters;
Members of the Michigan Col-
legiate Coalition (MCC) convened
on North Campus this weekend to
make plans to lobby the state gov-
ernment in its next session - in-
cluding amending the Michigan state
Constitution to transform the gov-
erning boards of all 15 state univer-
sities into elected positions.
The resolution to amend the state
constitution includes a call for a stu-
dent representative on the governing
MCC Legislative Director Alaina
Campbell supports the resolution
and said she would work to get the
ball rolling. "I think students would
have these people be more account-
able, and when they are elected, they
will be more accountable to the con-
stituents and the students," Camp-
bell said.
MCC was formed five years ago
to lobby the state legislature, the
governor's office, and the U.S.
Congress on behalf of students at
Michigan's 15 public universities.
Members convened on North Cam-
pus to discuss legislation relevant to
higher education and student con-
cerns, learn organizing techinques
from similar state student organiza-
tions, and honor people who have
aided MCC.

"We are defining our own exis-
tence and defining our own mis-
sion," said U-M delegate Dante
In other business, the Students of
Color Caucus passed a motion to in-
vestigate at each university specific
intentions and strategies for recruit-
ing and retaining students and fac-
ulty of traditionally underrepre-
sented groups.
"Our goal at this time is to get
information and build strength from
knowing the policies and procedures
of each university," said caucus
chair and Michigan State University
delegate Kellye Roberts.
She said after the hard facts are
obtained, MCC will provide sugges-
tions to members for analyzing the
The Educational Access
Committee - despite the
oppositions of some U-M delegates
- passed an amendment to support
across-the-board increases in state
funding for Michigan's schools.
Supporters of the amendment
said the goal is to depoliticize the
appropriations process.
But LSA sophomore Tobias
Zimmerman, an MCC delegate, said
he doesn't think it is possible to de-
politicize the appropriations process
and that it is limiting to attempt to
judge the "mission" of each school.
See MCC, Page 2

by Ken Dancyer
Daily Staff Reporter
Recalling the horrific fatal crush
that occurred at a City College of
New York basketball game last
December, members of the U-M
Board of Regents asked frustrated
student group representatives to
work with the administration to find
solutions to the over-capacity prob-
lems at Michigan Union parties.

However, the current policy that
resulted from student and adminis-
trative efforts has come under fire by
students since its implementation.
Associate Dean of Students
Frank Cianciola told students Friday
that the problems of overcrowded
parties at the Union are ones that
need "mutual solutions." He cited a
talent show and party sponsored by
Kappa Alpha Sigma Fraternity ear-

tier this month as the most recent
example of the problem.
All the students who met with the
regents agreed the sale of more than
a capacity number of tickets to the
talent show and party caused many
students not to be admitted, even
though they held tickets.
"People with tickets were turned
away," wrote a student in an
See PARTIES, Page 2

MSU report on sexual orientation reflects national campus trend

by David Carrel
Daily Staff Reporter
As campuses across the country
seek to secure equality regarding
sexual orientation, recommendations
issued in a Michigan State
University (MSU) report last week
parallel those made in a similar U-M
study last year.
"The study went beyond the issue
of policy to study every aspect of
student life, faculty and staff needs

and education programs," said pro-
fessor of psychiatry and co-chair of
the task force Terry Stein.
The MSU task force recommen-
dations emphasized equality for all
regardless of sexual orientation; ed-
ucation about lesbians, gay men, and
bisexual issues; recognition of the
contributions of openly lesbian, gay
and bisexual persons to the commu-
nity; and assurance of their safety
and rights.

Stein emphasized that the report
examined many different spheres in
need of equality regarding sexual
"Many, many, many recommen-
dations were made - each one con-
sidered different aspects such as
teaching, policy consultations, re-
defining the family and new support
services," Stein said. "It's a compre-
hensive report where policy issue
was only one small aspect."

Dr. Jayne Thorson, chair of U-
M's 1991 committee which studied
the status of lesbians and gay men,
saw parallels between the MSU and
U-M reports.
"I think their recommendations
not surprisingly are very similar to
ours. Problems of sexual orientation
faced by lesbians and gay men affect
the same issues at this university and
require a comprehensive look,"
Thorson said.

The recent trend of studying the
issues faced by lesbian and gay
males is due to the increased aware-
ness of lesbian and gay men in the
community, Thorson said.
"Growing interest and awareness
in lesbian and gay men on college
campuses and across the nation is
widely due to a genuine increase in
visibility," she added.
"Times have changed," said
Billie Edwards, co-coordinator of

the U-M Lesbian-Gay Male
Programming Office (LGMPO).
"(The) visibility issue is playing a
very, very large part of more and
more campuses doing reports.
People recognize that lesbian and
gay male students, faculty and staff
have needs we need to be met."
Since U-M published its report in
June 1991, Jim Toy, the other co-co-
ordinator of LGMPO, cited some
See MSU, Page 2

Ann Arbor residents question
dismissal of housing director
Spmkeis callaommission hmd'sfhing politim, urge housing reform

by Jonathan Berndt
Daily City Reporter
Ann Arbor residents questioned
City Councilmembers on the dis-
missal of Housing Commission Di-
rector Conrad Benson Friday, decry-
ing the move as politically moti-
Public housing residents spoke
for more than an hour and a half at a
special City Council meeting in an
attempt to get Benson reinstated.
The Housing Board of Com-
missioners fired Benson Monday, al-
leging that he inappropriately raised
his own salary.
Because the council did not have
its six-person quorum, the four pre-
sent members opened the meeting to
public comments. Of the more than
50 people who came to the meeting,
15 spoke during the session, almost
all praising Benson's tenure on the
Mary-Ann Hinton, vice president
of the Unity Tenants Organization,
praised Benson for his positive
relationship with Ann Arbor tenants.

"Investigate the Ann Arbor
Housing Commission," she asked.
"Bring all the allegations out into the
Tony Taylor, a Housing Board
employee, said he was concerned
about a possible conflict of interest
between Benson's role in promoting
affordable housing and union jobs. If
housing becomes tenant-owned,
there will be no need for the city
Housing Commission, he said.
"I have worked toward resident
management," he said. "There seems
to be a fear of residents owning
homes ... a fear of low-income peo-
ple empowered ... to be a part of
regular, normal life."
Pete Collins, an Ann Arbor resi-
dent, said public housing officials
need to be more lenient toward low-
income tenants.
David Siebolt, a Housing Com-
mission employee spoke against
Benson, urging the councilmembers
to evaluate employment decisions
"Resident Management is some-

chance," Siebolt said.
Sheila Tyler, president of the
Unity Tenants Organization, advo-
cated the board's dismissal as a solu-
tion to the city's recent public
housing woes.
"Clean house, start from the be-
ginning," she said. "It stinks real bad
in Ann Arbor, and I think the world
should know."
Ann Arbor resident Larry Fox
lauded the council for examining
Benson's dismissal.
"I'm glad some of City Council
is ready to take action to correct this
injustice," he said.
Tyler questioned Mayor Liz
Brater's absence.
"I am very disappointed in Mayor
Brater," she said. "When she was
trying to be mayor, she came
begging for votes ... kissing babies
and smiling. Now when we need her,
she has turned a deaf ear. She should
be ashamed."
Brater had previously said she
would not attend the meeting be-
cause she felt nersonnel matters

places bets
on U-M
'-: football
f by Jonathan Berndt
and Melissa Peerless
Daily Staff Reporters
The Michigan Wolverines may
be the apple of Ann Arbor Mayor
Y Liz Brater's eye this week.
Brater and Columbus Mayor
Gregory Lashutka bet a bushel of
apples on the outcome of
Saturday's game.
I'm no expert on football,"
Brater said before the contest, "but
I know that Michigan has the better
But Michigan's second tie in a
row "upset the apple cart" so to
s ater said she hasn't spoken to
Lashutka yet, so she doesn't know
if she will receive the fruit.
"Maybe we both owe each other
a bushel of apples," she said. "I
haven't talked to him yet. Mayors
are hard to get a hold of on the

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