The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 20, 1992- Page5 by Daily Staff Reporters Erin Einborn and Karen Sabgir Ii I I '1 I I I I Diet as a means of control by Karen Talaski Daily Gender Issues Reporter I -- - "V r- -x-- a h CT d I LVII It's an attempt to deal with stress. It's a method to re-establish control It's a way topunishyourself It's an outlet for pain. Dieting. Self-starvation. Obsession. "I'd like to lose eight pounds. I've become ob- sessed with it. I just want look better." - First-year engineering student. Female. "I've been on diets since I was 12-years-old. Now I'd like to lose 20 pounds." - LSA junior. Female. "Fivemore pounds ... I've already lost ten. I went abroad for a year and gained 15 pounds." -1992 U- Mgraduate. Female. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) estimates only 1 to 3 percent of American women have severe eating disorders - Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa - said Adam Drewnowski, director of the Human Nutrition program in the School of Public Health. Butpoor body-image and low self-esteem drive a much larger percent of the population to diet to an unhealthy degree and develop obsessions with food, he said. The APA defines Anorexia Nervosa as chronic self-starvation with a strong desire for thinness and Bulimia Nervosa as chronic eating and purging by vomiting or by the use of laxatives. Drewnowski called the APA's definition "strin- gent," adding that a large part of the 97 percent of women who do not fit into this category also have body image problems and diet to excess. "Between l0and20percentofcollege-age women engage in bulimic behavior," he said, based on studies he has conduct through surveys from incom- ing first-year student to the U-M since 1984. "They are dieters at risk. They do deserve attention and should be targets for attention." These women have "disordered eating." "I'm always on a diet but never do anything drastic about it. I just try to watch what I eat. But if I do eat a lot, Ifeel really guilty about it. Once I did a whole exercise and diet thing and lost 10 pounds. It's frustrating to me when people who I consider to be thin say they want to lose weight. I haven'tfelt pressure from anyone to lose weight, but after I broke up with my boyfriend last summer, I decided to do it to spite him." -Lisa, Engineering sophomore "Anna," a Residential College sophomore, ad- mits her eating habits are unhealthy, but does not consider herself bulimic. "Food for me is like the greatest pleasure," she said. "When I'm eating lunch and I'm really enjoy- ing the food, I often thirk about what I can eat for dinner." She said she often eats to excess and then feels guilty. "When I eat too much I just feel so gross and horribly full - more than anything, I want it out of my body," she said. Anna said she has forced herself to vomit on about five occasions and often fasts or tries low- calorie diets to lose weight quickly. She said she always re-gains the weight within a few months. Most women who diet re-gain the weight, said l1,.....1~~ ~ ~ ~ T ._ ...., «a «.. .......ts n rr n I started to diet when I was in the sixth grade. There were stressful problems at home, and at school. One girl called me a fat pig. They say you diet to have control over your life. If something goes wrong, I think I'm fat I've been dieting since then. The last time I weighed myself I weighed 78 pounds. I always wanted to see how thin I would be if I were in the sixties, but seventy would be okay. The doctors want me to weigh between 85 and 90 but think 80 is okay. When I was at (boarding school) I didn't have good eating habits. I would diet one day and be hungry the next. But I get irrational when I'm hungry. I was just getting over- whelmed by everything. I ate all my meals in my room because I wouldn't eat in front of people. It showed a weakness to be eating at all. One night I ordered a pizza. A small pizza. I probably ate more than half. I wanted to throw it up. I was frustrated and angry. I wanted to cut off my stomach. Instead, I cut my wrist. I didn't want to die, I just wanted to feel a different kind of pain. - Laurie, LSA first-year student Excessive dieting and low body image are noth- ing new to American women said Social Work Specialist Ken Castagna, associate director of the Eating Disorder program at the U-M Hospitals. Since the 16th century, when the first cases of Anorexia were recorded, women have turned to new, more extreme dieting methods such as fasting, induced-vomiting, diet pills, laxatives and liquid diets. Bulimia Nervosa was identified in the 1970s. "The womens' movement opened up a lot of options for women," Banker said.' "College-age women especially feel they have to go for it all and do everything really well ... They feel they have to have a great career, the perfect relationship, be great mothers and look beautiful. It's a great burden." She added that many women turn to food to numb constant societal pressure and punish them- selves by dieting when they fail to live up to their, own excessive expectations. "(Dieting) is to say that you're above eating, you have control and you can self-inflict pain," Boyd said. "Laurie" an LSA first-year student, who weighs 78 lbs., said she turns to dieting when academic and social pressures become too much for her to handle. "They say you diet to have control over your life. If something goes wrong, I think I'm fat," Laurie said, adding that her ideal weight would be in the 60s. Her doctors recommend that she weigh be- tween 85 and 90 lbs. "I diet when I'm upset about something else klPrna m ' nm thinc to frmi rn " T "Tn ,i aopi'M "I went on my first diet when I was in the seventh grade. It was just the way things are in the seventh and eighth grade. The confidence is low. "In high school I was more involved with sports, but once I came to college, weight really became a big issue. "It's definitely a big issue in my sorority house. There are some people that have disorders. There's sort of a subliminal pressure concerning people showing too much obses- siveness. It can probably become more of an. issue this way. "There's also a real awareness of the problem. We knew there were some people who might have problems. Living in a sorority, people notice what other people eat. It's part of society. Women want to be thin." -Jennifer, LSA sophomore Stress often leads to disordered eating, Drewnowski said. College-age women - facing added academic pressures and the anxieties associated with leaving the securities of home - are likely to develop unhealthy eating habits, he said. Studies show that while men are forced to deal with these pressures as well, they generally handle the stresses differently because they do not place as high a value on body shape. Data from Drewnowski's surveys indicate that college-age women are far more likely than men to worry about gaining weight. While the statistics show that 19 percentof women are "always terrified of gaining weight," only 1 percent of men surveyed said they have this fear. Conversely, 60 percent of men said they are "never terrified of gaining weight," while 11 percent of women said they feel the same way. "The reason we're concerned abut our image is the way themediaportrays women," Business School junior Aileen Supeha said. She added that women are expected to have "big breasts, a nice butt and long legs - but that's not proportionally correct." "In this society, our images of beautiful women are very thin women," Boyd said. Laurie said pictures in magazines often affect the way she feels about herself. "I look at the women models and see if they have a stomach," she said. "I try to see how I compare to them." While many women are able to regain control over their weight, they confess that coping with disordered eating is a lifetime battle. "I can see myself if I were ever under a super stressful situation, falling back to it. I looked so great, but I know it was a bad lifestyle," Davidson said. "I basically wentback toregulareating habits, but once you have it - you always have it." "Seven pounds. I've gained about seven pounds cinra hi Ah oohn1 T nn't think T nokerUeight it's Women who have been sexually assaulted will often react to their abuse by trying to regain control of their bodies - often, developing eating disorders, say eating disorder experts. "It's a common scenario," said Judith Banker , director of the Ann Arbor Center for Eating Disorders. "A woman comes in with an eating disorder for treatment. As her eating disorder symptoms abate, memories of her sexual abuse or assault come back. "Women who have been as- saulted or abused will notoriously develop problems with food and/or their body image," she said. Psychologist Sheri Szuch at the Institute for Psychology and Medicine said 40 to 80 percent of women who have eating disorders have some form of sexual abuse in their past. "Women who struggle with weight problems usually have trou- ble with intimacy. Their focus turns to food," she said. Banker said survivors develop eating disorders as a way to recreate their abuse. "With bulimia, women can put the food in and then get rid of it. With anorexia nervosa, they are keeping it out because they think it is bad," she said. Survivors who are bulimic often purge symbolically, Banker said. "I have had women talk about throwing up as a way to cleanse their systems of the abuser, especially if they have been forced to participate in oral sex," she said. "In cases of anorexia nervosa, women try to desexualize their bod- ies by not eating. It is a way to make your body less attractive to the op- posite sex," Banker said. Eating disorders become defense mechanisms for survivors, Banker said. "It is a normal way to deal with the trauma. Survivors can numb themselves out through their bodies." Men can't understandy womens'. dieting by Will McCahil l Daily Staff Reporter Male U-M students said they do not expect their female counterparts to look like models from the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. They do not expect them to carry 100 pounds on 5-foot-7 frames. So they can't understand why women on campus care so much aboutcalories, fat grams and body image. EngineeringsophomoreJimPriest saidhe thinks itis unrealistic formost women to try to conform to images presented in publications and adver- tisements. Priest added that he thinks society puts much less pressure on men to conform than on women. He said he thinks some women diet because they believe men judge them on their physical characteris tics. This, he said, "is just lame." f However, engineering first-year studentDaveHingorany sarcastically commented, "Ipersonally preferrolls and rolls of fat." This sarcasm maybeused to mask the fact that men do expect women to look like the models in their favorite beer ads. LSA first-year student David Flaten said, "Women should not look' like the German shot put team." Hingorany said that women also feel pressured by other women who flaunt their bodies. Priest added, "There's so much more pressure (for women, and they)' give in to that." An informal survey of men about attitudes toward their own physical appearance elicited a spectrum of responses. "It's not necessarily good for ev- eryone to try to look like that," Priest added. "I will look the way I want to look." Flaten added that women react to societal pressures differently in the United States than in his home coun- 3 I