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November 20, 1992 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1992-11-20

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What would Michigan-Ohio State weekend be
without dueling editorials between the Daily and
the Lantern? Our Buckeye friends make their
annual attempt to write coherent English.

When the object in the mirro looks larger than
you want it to be, you begin to question your
own self-esteem. Many women turn to dieting to
regain their sense of self-worth.

Michigan is down. Ohio State is up. But the
Wolverines still match up well with the Buckeyes.
The teams clash tomorrow in Columbus.

Cloudy and rainy;
High 50, Low 42
Windy, rain; High 54, Low 44


4v 4W


One hundred two years of editorial freedom

Vol. CR e g, No. 39 AnArbor, Michigan - Friday, November 20, 19921992 The Michigan Daily
Regents approve student conduct code

by Karen Sabgir
Daily Administration Reporter
U-M students returning to cam-
pus after winter break will be under
the jurisdiction of the Statement of
Student Rights and Responsibilities
- which was approved yesterday by
the U-M Board of Regents in a 6-2
Regents Veronica Smith (R-
Grosse Ile) and Deane Baker (R-Ann
Arbor) voted against the policy
State fails
to submit
clean air
by Gwen Shaffer
Daily Environment Reporter
Michigan could face federal
penalties for failing to meet the new
Clean Air Act standards, an envi-
ronmental organization alleged early
this week.
The state missed the Nov. 15
deadline to bring Michigan into
compliance with federal air pollution
control standards and currently lacks
the money needed to regulate pol-
luters effectively, said the Michigan
Environmental Council (MEC) - a
coalition of 24 environmental
However, the governor's office
said the MEC allegations are
"clearly untrue."
"We had DNR (Department of
Natural Resources) staff working
until midnight before the Nov. 15
deadline to make sure the state is in
compliance," said John Truscott,
press secretary for Gov. John Engler.
"(The charges) come from the MEC
probably seeing their last chance to
take a shot at the governor. "
Alex Sagady, deputy managing
director for environmental and occu-
pational health for the American
Lung Association, said the state is
not even close to being in compli-
ance with the federal law. He said
the neglect is a result of lack of
money, initiative and resources to
deal with air pollution control.
"The governor's office has not
S. kept the issues on the front burner,"
Sagady said. "The governor has fo-
cused all of his attention on trying to
eliminate public boards and limit
public input, instead of trying to
work for citizens' interest."
Sagady said one of the major
problems with regulation in
Michigan is that the state has re-
signed its policy-making role in fa-
vor of a consensus approach with in-
dustry, allowing lobbyists to "hold
the cards."
"The DNR staff is looking to
regulated parties to determine what
its legislative process is going to
be," he said. "This is ridiculous."
Sagady said the state is risking
harsh penalties by not submitting air
pollution control strategies.
"Sanctions against highway
funding, against new industrial de-
velopment, and a loss of funds to
plan for air pollution control are all
possible because the state is so far
behind," Sagady said. "It is the worst

of all possible worlds."
Environmentalists contend that
the state has replaced Bob Miller as
chief of the Air Quality Division in
attempt to shift the blame for lagging
behind in air quality control. Miller
is widely regarded as one of the top
state air professionals in the country,
according to other experts in the

Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities passes 6-2

which governs student's non-aca-
demic conduct in Ann Arbor and its
environs. The policy will be subject
to review by the regents in February
"There have been extensive in-
teractions with students," said U-M
President James Duderstadt, defend-
ing the code against concerns that

students have not had enough input
in drafting the document.
Michigan Student Assembly
Student Rights Commission Chair
Rob Van Houweling objected to the
code's passage, pointing to the re-
sults of a student referendum that
show overwhelming opposition to
the statement.

The results of an MSA ballot
question this week indicated that
approximately 81 percent of voters
- 2,000-2,500 students - oppose
the current draft of the Statement of
Student Rights and Responsibilities.
Ninety-three percent said a statement
like this should not be implemented
without a student vote.

Van Houweling said these results
contradict an Office of Student
Affairs survey conducted this sum-
mer in which 89 percent of the 3,041
student participants favored of a
code similar to the Statement of
Student Rights and Responsibilities.
In voting against the statement,
Smith said, "It seems to me we

should listen to these students. It
should be a democratic process. If
we just put this into place, we're
being elitist."
Some regents questioned the
code's prohibition of legal counsel
for the accused during the hearing
Although both Regent Paul
Brown (D-Petoskey) and Regent
Neal Nielsen (R-Brighton) stressed
See CODE, Page 2

ACLU pres.,
Gates debate
legal system

by Erin Einhorn
Daily Crime Reporter
The vocal group outside Hill
Auditorium protesting former Los
Angeles Police Chief Daryl Gates
may have discouraged some peo-
ple from listening to last night's
debate between Gates and
American Civil Liberties Union
President Nadine Strossen, said
Lisa Tafuri, one of the debate
"But the people that came,
came for a reason," she said. "I
think it would have been far more
effective if (the protesters) came
in and listened."
Although Hill Auditorium is
equipped for 4,000 people, Tafuri

estimated that only. 800 tickets
were sold.
The debate's topic - the fu-
ture of the legal system - was
discussed minimally while most of
the audience members posed
questions regarding last year's
Rodney King beating, the acquittal
of the officers and the subsequent
Los Angeles riots.
Gates addressed the LAPD's
slow response to the uprising.
"That was a big mistake that I
will live with forever," lie said.
"When you're noted for being a
very aggressive guy, and you're
told your officers didn't respond
and you have to live with that,
See DEBATE, Page 2

Former Los Angeles Police Chief Daryl Gates relaxes during his debate with American Civil Liberties Union
President Nadine Strossen at Hill Auditorium last night.

Groups clash at protest

over Gal
by Andrew Taylor
Daily Staff Reporter
Student organizations clashed+
over protest strategies outside of+
Hill Auditorium last night - voic-
ing concern over former Los
Angeles Police Chief Daryl Gates'
paid appearance at a debate against
American Civil Liberties Union
(ACLU) President Nadine Strossen.
"I want to let UAC (University
Activities Center) know I don't
agree with their decision to bring
him here tonight," said Gina
Ulysse, a Rackham graduate
"I don't want to pay for him to
be here," said LSA sophomore

Ies appearance
Marten Singleton. "My tuition dol- entry into the building.
lars paid for him to come here and I DPS officers arrested or
don't appreciate that. He can speak who is not affiliated with th
on the Diag like Preacher Mike." on disorderly conduct charg
Many students were quick to Lt. Vern Baisden.
add that they don't oppose Gates' Janelle White, a BMC1
right to speak -just the fact that member, said she felt a disc
he was paid for doing so. - rather than more violent
Baker Mandela Center (BMC) of protest - would have bee
representatives attempted to hold productive.
"constructive discussion" but their "The fuller solution is tc
efforts were largely thwarted by the ally do something. ... W
actions of more radical groups. people to become involved..
Officers from the U-M purpose of this rally is to ge
Department of Public Safety (DPS) real organizing going on,"
were called to the rally after mem- ,said.
bers of one protest group attempted The BMC's current goa
to shut down the debate by forcing See PROTEST,

ne man
Le U-M
es, said
,n more
o actu-
e want
... The
et some
al is to
Page 7

Maurice Shippings, who is wearing camouflage and David Blair, both
Ann Arbor residents, protest in front of the Hill Auditorium debate.


Blue for
OSU finale
by Matthew Rennie
Daily Football Writer
Everything's on the line to-
morrow when Michigan travels to
Columbus to take on the Buckeyes
from Ohio State.
Maize and Blue vs. Scarlet and
Gray. Memories of Woody Hayes
and Bo Schembechler. The block
"M" and the script "Ohio."

X6-0-1 Big Ten, 1st place
Z-IL 8--2 Overall
7 r2
very realistic shot at a national
Nonetheless, everything is still
on the line tomorrow for one
simple reason - this is Michigan-
Ohio State. And more than Rose
Bowls or conference titles, this ri-
valry is about pride.

New MSA representatives face
position with enthusiasm shock
by Robin Litwin and 4.6 percent of Rackham students the ballot. Two of the question
Daily MSA Reporter hitting the polls. Many of the pertained to the Statement o


The results of the Michigan
Student Assembly election are in,
and many of the newly-elected
representatives say they are ready to
"I feel great. I feel like now I'm
really ready to get down to business
and get some work done," said LSA
junior Amy Cox, who ran as an
LSA sophomore Jacob Stern,
who ran with Conservative Coalition
(CC), agreed.
"I'm glad because now I can try

smaller schools were plagued with
even lower voter turnouts - the
lowest being the 5-person turnout in
the Medical School.
Election Director Allison Insley
said the turnout was approximately
what she expected.
"It was about an average turnout.
One thing that really hurt it was the
small schools. They had a very, very
low turnout," Insley said.
Aside from the turnout, however,
Insley said she was satisfied with the

Student Rights and Responsibilities
- one asked students if they wanted
the current draft of the code
implemented, and the other
questioned whether it should be
passed without a student vote.
Students voice strong opposition
to these questions. Ninety-three
percent of the students who voted
said the code should not be
implemented without a student vote,
and 81 percent said it should not be
implemented at all.
The other two ballot questions

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