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November 18, 1992 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1992-11-18

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Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Tuesday, November 17,1992


Continued from page 1
dents to get involved in some
type of political process."
LSA senior Cheryl Barecki, who
worked at a poll site at the
Undergraduate Library, said some
students who voted seemed
unfamiliar with the issues.
"It doesn't seem like students
have been informed. This one guy
was voting and a girl had to explain
all of the proposals to him,"
Barecki said.
Despite general student apathy,
many said they voted because of the
ballot questions rather than the
"I've heard bad.things about the
code, and I don't want it to be im-
plemented," said Danielle Miller, a
senior in the School of Natural
Resources and Environment
However, other students who
voted said they were not interested
in either the candidates or the ballot
"I voted because the people
working the polls harassed me,"
LSA first-year student Dave Cortez
said. "I also got a free mint for
In other business, MSA met last
night and passed a resolution con-
demning recent vandalism at Hillel.

Rocks have been thrown through
the building's windows five times
during the past two weeks.
MSA resolved to send a letter to
local newspapers and to work with
hillel to coordinate an educational
event on hatred and bigotry on
SNRE Rep. Fred Werner said he
strongly supported the resolution.
"It's really disturbing that this
has happened so often so recently. I
really think it's important to take a
stand against it and really bring it
out into the open," Werner said.
The assembly also discussed the
Union Access Policy in light of a
fight that occurred Saturday night
in the building.
President Ede Fox said she met
with associate deans of students
Frank Cianciola and Richard Carter
to evaluate measures that could be
taken to protect student rights.
Fox said she plans to work with
Carter to set up a mass meeting be-
tween security guards and students.
"I'd like to set up a mass
meeting so at least we can see who
they are - so they're not just
nameless, faceless people with

Continued from page 1
known as El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz)
and merchandise marked with an
"X" is selling rapidly.
"I think it is a disservice and
denigrates people's intelligence to
say that a movie has created interest
in Malcolm X," said John Matlock,
director of the U-M's Office of
Minority Affairs.
"People's renewed interest (in
Malcolm X) parallels with the fact
that more African Americans are
tracing their roots and becoming
more aware of the problems in con-
tinental Africa and at the time of his
death, he was concerned with global
perspectives," he said. "It was prob-
ably the interest of students and
young people that gave Spike Lee
the impetus to make the movie."
The Islamic Circle (IC) is plan-
ning to distribute fliers at the open-
ing of the film at a local theater, said
Mobeen Rab, an IC board member.r
"People usually know about and
stress his Nation of Islam affiliation,
not his views after he accepted or-
thodox Islam," Rab said.
Rab said the fliers would give
those who wear "X" paraphernalia
more information about its meaning.
"Just like with the popularity of
anyone, marketing will create an in-
terest in that person, but the people
should know why they have posters
and hats," he said.
Both whites and Blacks on cam-
pus are buying "X" gear, and ven-
dors fear the message is getting lost
in the a fashion statement.
"A white man thought the 'X'
stood for 10," said Akbar Abdullah,
a vendor with Naim wholesale com-
pany, which sold African merchan-
dise in the basement of the Michigan
Union last week.
"Everybody follows trends and
traditions," said vendor Marvin
Jones. "If they took the time to get to
know about the brother fully, then
they would know what his logo
Muslim Hajj Khalil, also a Naim
vendor, explained, as in the case of
Malcolm X and many other Muslims

who go by "X": "X is the unknown,l
like in Algebra, and takes the place
of the slave name until another name
is chosen."
Engineering senior Tony Poshek
said he put a poster of Malcolm X in
his room his first year at the U-M.
"I would get into one- and two-
hour long conversations with my
Black friends as to why I had it.
up.... Just because I'm white does-
n't mean I have to have Guns 'n'
Roses and David Duke on my wall. I
definitely agree with the post-Mecca
Malcolm, he changed his attitude,
and that message holds true for
whites and Blacks," Poshek said.
Steve Adams of Borders book-
store said the marketing of the imagew
of Malcolm X as well as the movie
have helped sell more autobiogra-
phies, but they have always had a lot
of his books.
"A lot of books have been *
reprinted but some books would
have come out anyway. I think (the
marketing) is good because a much
larger group of people will discover
X and what he was about, and espe-
cially why he was killed," Adams
"I think about the situation in
three levels," said LSA junior
Donald James. "One, people are out
to make money off of the image of 0
Malcolm X. Two, there's an interest
- brothers who are conscious are
looking for a hero to resurrect. And
three, people want to be down with
the message so they wear the 'X,'
but don't know anything about him,
didn't read up on him and probably
go on things they've heard.
"To sell the 'X' just for the
money without giving some back to
the community is exploitation,"
James said. "And for those who
waited for the movie to get them-in-
terested in X, it's a shame because
they should have already wanted to
know about him and their history in-
stead of waiting for a movie to incite

SNRE senior WendyParsons works at the Fishbowl MSA voting location

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TIME: 1-4 P.M.

Continued from page 1
despite several threats against his
life for straying from the Nation of
Al-Shabazz joined the Nation of
Islam in a search for truth and iden-
tity while incarcerated for pimping
and other crimes in Harlem. He be-
came a strong spokesperson for the
Nation of Islam and the Black

said, "True Islam removes racism,
because people of all colors and
races who accept its religious prin-
ciples and bow to the One God,
Allah, also automatically accept
each other as brothers and sisters,
regardless of differences in
The Nation, led by Elijah
Muhammad, strongly opposed his i
abandonment and was suspected to
be involved in his assassination.

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struggle. Many describe the life he "He had been under attack,"
led as part of the Nation as Black Parks said of Al-Shabazz before his
militantism, or anti-white. death. "He had to find clothing to
wear. He was concerned about his
After making the Islamic pil- family."
grimage to Makkah, Saudi Arabia, Parks praised Bett Shabazz -
Al-Shabazz admitted to the Nation's
contradiction in the view of currently an administrator at Medgar
specifically the anti- Evers College in Brooklyn, New
orthodox Islam, ecNaicadteatidYork - as "one of the great ladies"
white stand the Nation advocated for coping with her husband's
versus Islam's acceptance of all murder as well as tending to her
races, creeds and nationalities.family, and continuing her
"He made changes in his atti- husband's legacy.
tude," Parks said. "After going to "She had to suffer a great loss,"
Makkah, he preached that people Parks said.


who were fair, blue-eyed, and of
another race were not the enemy."
In a letter from Saudi Arabia
written in April 1964, Al-Shabazz

"I'm sure he would be taking his
place, preaching ... including to be
the very best," she added.


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