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November 16, 1992 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1992-11-16

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Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Monday, November 16,1992

Continued from page 1
hire DPS security officers to
monitor the event.
At a meeting Friday between
MAC and U-M administrators,
MAC proposed the definition of a
party be eliminated and that the pol-
icy be changed to include all social
The Office of the Dean of
Students solicited input from repre-
sentatives from many student groups
when it drafted the party guidelines
in September. However, there were
no representatives from Asian
American, Latino, or Native
American student organizations in-
volved in those discussions, Han
"I think there are certain prob-
lems that minority organizations feel
that others don't and that others ne-
glected when drafting the policy,"
Han said.
MAC proposed other changes in
the policy, including using wrist-
bands instead of hand stamping for
readmittance to social events, limit-
ing the responsibility of the student
group to the immediate vicinity of
the event, and initiating a Social
Events Task Force.
Commission members said they
would like representatives of the
administration, security, and student
groups to establish uniform stan-
dards of behavior for DPS officers
when monitoring events. In addition,

they requested race-relations training
for the selected DPS officers.
"We want to be assured that the
officers we're hiring would be sen-
sitive to that particular student
organization," Han said.
U-M administrators said they
hope to implement the interim policy
in order to "eliminate need for Union
Access Policy."
The commission asked adminis-
trators to suspend the policy or give
a specific date when the policy will
become ineffective.
Associate Dean of Students
Frank Cianciola conceded that
progress has been made in regards to
student conduct around the Union.
He said student groups will be re-
warded for this improvement by be-
ing permitted to fill rooms to the fire
marshal capacity, as opposed to the
current "manageable capacity"
Dean of Students Royster Harper
said the administration is constantly
modifying the Union Access Policy
- citing the fact that security offi-
cers have changed from wearing
uniforms to blazers. She added that
her office is open to suggestions
from students, but it is not at the
point where it is ready to repeal the
"It's not a policy that we love,
either," Harper said.
Discussion on the proposed
changes to the Social Events Policy
will continue at another meeting,
scheduled for next week.

Continued from page 1
"It concerns our freedom of
speech and how liberal this campus
will be," Blacklock said. "I don't
feel that the university should make
these decisions."
Many students said they would
like MSA to make more informa-
tion available about how the
university uses its money.
Fiedrich said, "MSA should be
telling us things and be questioning
'I have not seen
anything that MSA
has done for me
directly, other than
distribute funds.'
- Stewart B/acklock
first-year Engineering
regents about where our dollars are
He expressed indignation over
the additional fees the university
adds on to tuition.
"Things like MTS (Michigan
Terminal System) are an extra $100
each term that they add into your
tuition, but they don't tell you what
it's for," Fiedrich stated. "The uni-
versity nickels and dimes you to
Other students were concerned

with the lack of MSA response to
tuition increases.
"They don't ever rally against
tuition increases," said LSA senior
Gina Consolino, adding that student
representatives at other universities
protest increases.
Consolino also said she would
like to see more interaction between
MSA and the administration.
Some students said they feel
MSA is inaccessible.
Fiedrich said, "I don't actively
go looking to see what they are do-
ing, but then again nothing they
have decided on ever filters down
to me.
"I want my voice to be heard by
the regents and the people upstairs.
I'm paying too much money not to
have a say in what goes on at this
university," he added.
Junior Steve Stark, an LSA rep-
resentative on MSA, acknowledged
that many students have no opinion
about MSA issues.
"Most students are ignorant of
MSA," Stark said.
Stark suggested a forum to let
students voice concerns. He said he
would like to start a newsletter with
information about candidates so
students can begin to know their
Feedback is important from stu-
dents, Stark added. "Less feedback
from a lot more people would be
better than a lot of feedback from
only a few," he said.

Continued from page 1
docsn't d(o a lot to make people
}(ouse also saiI{ c( does not
speciifically try to recruit female
"We try to run the best people
that we can possibly have for MSA.
All of us represent the goals oft all
the students. We're all students
first. I don't pIretenid to support the
view of all men,"I ouse said.
"Student issues concern both men
and women. We don't want to
politiciz.e it as mtcli .'
lS . A Rep. T1 obias /immerman
said that while the Progressive
Party did not intentionally recruit
women, it puts a high priority on a
diverse slate.
T h e lrogressive Party is
en dorsing four men and fi ve
"I'm sure if we ended up with an
all male slate we would've (done
something about that, but I don't
recall any extra-special elfort. It all
seems pretty natural."' Zimmerman
said. "'t'he lProcressive Party is
committedl to diversity on all levels.
both on the assembly and out of it.'
/.immerman also said the atmo-
sphere at MSA ineetings can
alienate women.
"I think that conservatives mIiake
a lot of people feel uncomfort<'h°"
'l'here aire at least three or four peo-

pIe who have said blantantly racist
things," Zimmerman said.
llowever., Budget Priorities
C'omnlnittee C'hair Sejaf Mistry said
that a lt hou g h more men wield
power on the assembly, she has
ne ver beel intimitated at MSA
"()f course women should be
mrnh more represented< on the as-
sembly. l'here is a great disparity in
power. I munthe only woman com-
mittee chair," Mistry said. "But it's
not a hostile environment that cre-
ates this. I am very conscious at
times of being the only woman, but
I think I' ve built up the respect o'
the asseim bly members. I don't
think they would treat me any dif-
ferent if I was a man. A t least I
would hope they woukdn't.'
Mistry also said the responsibil-
it y of recruiti1C more women alIls
on the parties' shoulders.
"lhe reason that more men aie
on the assembly is because more
men want to do it. It's important to
solicit women to run, and it is the
responsibility of the parties to do
this solicitin," Mistry said.
ISA junior ''racy Robinson, the
only woman on the ('(' ticket, said
it should not make any di'fference
whether a candidate is male or
"it should be students' issues,
not wlomiien s t' mlel's1 isSUCS,
Robison said.



Continued from page 1
Dole, who also appeared on "Meet
the Press," cautioned the next presi-
dent "not to try to overload the cir-
cuit" with too much legislation in his
first few months.
Dole said Republicans would try

to cooperate on an economic stimu-
lus package but also would keep a
watchful eye to make sure Clinton's
plan dealt with deficit reduction.
Clinton heads to Washington later
this week for a meeting with biparti-
san leaders of Congress.
Dole said he owed it to
Republicans who don't agree with

Clinton "to at least indicate we're
not going to be patsies and floor
mats and rubber stamps.
"We're going to try to be helpful,
but at the same time, we are a na-
tional party," Dole said, noting the
GOP has a chance to make inroads
in the Senate in 1994 with 22
Democratic seats up for re-election.


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Continumie.d froim page 1
Natural Resonurces (INR ) will hand
(It awnv a (lecisiOn 'I 'hurslay mandat-
in a cleanup plan for the Arkona
Ro)a d I .an{d fill. Several thousand
barrels of toxic slulge and other
wastes may have been dumped at the
landfill site.
('urren tlyv, the I)N R is consicler-
ime Iii Oteclh r p)rpsO5l to cover the
site with a clay cap. surround it with
leak- proo I walls buried iunder-
crotund, iad PIlumP 16.2 million gal-
Ions of ct ntamflinatef flIuids out of it.
Kimnherly I unbar a member of
Michigan C'itizens Against Toxic
Substances (MC'ATS)Iand a Milan
city council memher, said the out-
come of the Arcona I andfill cleanup
wVill have m tj({)r i mnpl ications for the
proposel landifill amil incinerator.
"'The ha sis of g.! rassroots mflo've-
mcnts is distrust o oversicht and in-
dustry reports," I )unhar said. "We
have see21 here - ul close - how
Ii fficult it is to get authority to fol-
low through on the law.',
( ieorce Schut te. procramn liaison
for I nvotech, said he expects
I'hursday's decision by the )NR to
la vor the comn pan y, but that the
acency has been caref ul about not
leakin c inlformnation.
..The l)NR more or less an-

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nounced generail aCccpuict1CCIof our
plan at a public hearin,"I he said.
"Tlhey received additional sugges-
tions from the public, but whether
that will cause them to modify it re-
mains to le seen."
Iunbar saidI local residents will
not settle for a cleanup plan entailing
anythinc less thami an excavation and
itelttilication O the lumpedl chem i-
cals. In September, a record crowd
O 3,f5dt) resiients turned out for a
public hearin mg to argue against the
lInvotech plan.
"1Invotech is recluesting capping
;he dump and then monitoring it for
'The basis of
grassroots movements
is distrust of oversight
and industry reports.
We have seen here...
how difficult it is to
get authority to follow
through on the law.'
- Kimberl y Dunbar
MCATS member
3( years. I1 3({ years, if the company
no) long er exists, the citizens would
have to pay." lDunbar said. "If the
I)NIR accepts this as the cleanup
Iplate. it is completely irresponlsible.",
I )unbar saidl she does not feel the
I )NR has been receptive to M'AI'S'
"I Jp until now., I have not had the
sense they are coinc to base their
dlecision on wtihat the p~ublic wants,'
she said.
LIocal residents said they are out-
ra;,ed that the samle company who
put their community at risk already,
expects them to accept the proposal
for another landfill andc inciner'ator'.
"'People ha<ve been burnled once:

111(l they're not coin c bo bet'burned
acain'I ,")unbar said.
110 owcver, Iln votech off ic i al s
claim the Arkona Road I.andfill is-
sue is entirely separtte from the pro-
Pt)setl hazartous waste i ci nerator
and landfill.
"lrom the very beginning of our
activities, we said we wouldi make
the ol landfill safe - that's still our.
fient,' Schutte said.
Milan andt Augusta iTownship
residents oppose the hazardous
waste complex mainly because simi-
lar incinerators emit as much as 35()
toxins annually, posing serious
health risks for people living nearby.
In addition, resiCents f'ear a p)-
tential land il1 leak, leading to
croundwater conamination and inl-
lions of dollars in clean up fees.
Charles irif'fith, of the teo l gy
( 'enter of Ann Arbor, said emission
"PalIout" from the potential incinera-
tor could easily include Ann Arbor
within the aflceted arca. 'he risk of
transportatiion accidlents along 1-94
and t 1U-23 will also be increased
with wastes comint from throughout.
t Midwest, Griffith said.
lIn vtotech officials said colnmnu-
miitY concerns are exaggerated.
SchtItte said the company owns
I.8t() acres in Augusta ''ownship,
but only plans to utilize 1l14 acres
lotr the prtoject.
"We still have a lot of' nat)ural
bufferin ." Schutte said.
Schutte said his cotmpany knew
five years ago when it went public
with its plan to build the landfill and.
1iIinerator -ithtt wotldencoutnter
public opposition.
"We are moire tan 3(} years in
the solid waste industry and we
know any site proposal is not well-
received." Schutte said. "We've tried
to pass on information to 'reduce
alfarm and to cou nte' citizein in-
foration!) - which is truly not the

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