The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 13, 1992- Page 5 balancing the P a k i Y 4 t d a 5 A orn bookbags rested beneat scratched wooden pews at St.SM °; Student Chapel during the S night mass. "Here I Am Lord," the choir sang as a procession ofstudents filed up to th to receive communion. As the mass ended, students head into the chilly fall evening, returni academia for the week - abandonii candles and stained-glass crosse coursepacks and underlined textbook During their college careers, stude tenstruggletobalancebooks-checkb library books and holy ones, too. U-M students are no different. Th versity offers a wide variety of opportu to students interested in studying their Although some students take advan these groups more than others, it seer eryone has something to say about rel For almost everyone, college is a ti transition. Sometimes there is growth, times there is abandonment. Always, there is questioning. Searching for identity "It's nearly impossible to be a ranger' Christian, especially on this pus," said Residential College senior Kline, president of the Inter-Varsity tian Fellowship. About 100 to 150 sti participate in the group's weekly me inaddition to the students who attend r bible studies and daily prayer. Kline saidstudents seekout Inter-Va for a variety of reasons - occasion because they mistake the organization a Christian sports league. "But praye the most important thing we do," he s The simple desire to learn about a f often compels students to become volved, said John Sowash, a counselor at the Christian ministry His House. "We're really just Christians trying to follow Jesus and trying to follow the Bible. Everyone who comes to our group has a real inter- est in finding out about Christian- ity," Sowash said. Students also reach out to reli- gious groups to maintain a link between college and home, said LSA senior Eliott Frank, also a resi- dent adviser in Oxford Housing. "Going to college is a major disrup life- (religion)gives you a tie back h Frank explained. When she was living at home, firs Kinesiology student Tina Bucciarell her parents never forced her to go to c] but it was second nature to attend mass Sunday morning. At college, she has c ued the tradition. "In my family, going to church o day is routine. Whether I'm home< doesn't mean I shouldn't go," Bucc said. She added that she has met some best friends at the university through c Chabad I-louse Director Rabbi A Goldstein agreed that students arrivin large campus often seek ways to co their religious traditions. Chabad Hou vides a home for 15 Jewish studen offers opportunities for religious stud "It's an opportunity to do someth their own without being pressured in Goldstein said. "If they do it becaus want to do it, it's so much strong sincere." Students involved in religion pr college are often motivated by those i community to particiate. However, h the lary's unday softly e altar ed out ng to ng the s for s. nts of- books, e uni- ]nities BO s College students often struggle to maintain a balance between religious and secular lives States is fa Often rece plore their "When a chance t heritag.e," atmospher culture an Religi lIindu Stu that as stlue of the Hin more relig "Defin have g rOW Megzh Hind u stu r faith. have chos age of religion. ns ev- - "Ther igion. urge to go imne of - said. some- "If you think ever have that r -' .:.loin., --In con 'lone-' O Jewish co cam- : - him to be Keith - gious cult Chris- v In Col udents ...*five lewis etings, ':said it wa egular - - - identity. ::.. .::..."".....Jewish stu irsity --plays a sr gally -."It wa for group (in er is I didn't n said. need to aith .::::. Othe in- ion, of --- ..:. ,,..fore ret Du - - ..'-SD Z~inc -4-s - etion in p o - ,wast ome, rariy shelved wlquestio during college while they "The airly undeveloped. Iindu students ive their first opportunity to ex- religion and culture at the U-M. nwe grew up we really didn't have o learn about our community and Meghani said. "In this kind of re, you tend to find out what your Id heritage is." on is not the only focus of the udent Council, but Meghani said dents become more understanding Idu philosophy, they also become ious. itely the great thing is that they 'n proudof theirheritage,"hesaid. mai estimates there are about 1,2X) dents on campus, some of whom sen not to actively pursue their main thing is they don't have an .the seed hasn't been planted," he u don't have pride initially, if you ything Indian is bad, if they don't initial interest, then they won't trast, Eliott Frank said the large mmunity on campus has caused come less involved with his rei- ure. rumbus, Ohio, where he was one of h students in a class of 500. Frank S important to maintain his Jewish But due to the large number of tudents at U-M, he said religion maller role in his campus life. as a matter of using it as a cultural high school)," he said. "In college, need that as much. I haven't felt a seek it out - it's all around me." er students shop around for reli- ften trying new denominations be- urning to their own. uring her first year, Paxton attended ning mass with herCatholic friends. ince then, she has returned to the Presbyterian church. "It didn't work because Iwasn't Catholic. I just kind of felt a little out of place," she said. Asking questions Jewish philosopher Abraham shua Heschel believed that religion the answer to people's ultimate ins. moment we become oblivious to questions, religion becomes irrel- its crisis sets in," he wrote. ge is a time for students to question efs and doctrines. n students come to college, they're or themselves," Sowash said."They honestly ... they want legitimate o their questions." counseling experience with His awash said he has encountered stu- h questions rawging from issues ir faith to their jobs and future Religions should breed unity, not division Before I was one year old, my parents had me baptized. I can't say that I remember this event particularly well, but apparently, I cried quite a bit when the priest culminated the ritual by sprinkling water on my head. Twenty years later, I would still Matthew cry andMahw scream if Rennie someone dressed in vestments dumped cold water on my head while chanting in Latin. other ways, things have changed quite a bit. As I grew up, I went through all the ceremonies -First Commun- ion, Reconciliation, and Confir- mation. I am now a full-fledged, card-carrying Catholic. When it came time to select a high school, I chose the University of Detroit Jesuit High, which is run by an order of Catholic priests. All the signs said I was a good Catholic boy, perhaps one of the bigger oxymorons of all time. However, I harbored a certain resentment toward Catholicism for one simple reason - my mom. My mother has enough education to be a priest, works harder than most of the priests I've encountered, and cares more about our church community than anyone I know. Yet because she is a woman, she is relegated to second-class citizenry in the church's eyes. She works full-time at our church - working with the elderly who are alone, the sick who are shunned, and the children who are abused. She is called "Pastoral Associate." Were she a man, they'd probably call her "Pope." For this reason, I have a hard time taking certain aspects of my religion seriously. However, I have come to realize that every faith has its problems and its benefits. Our family used to attend services every Sunday at a Catholic parish in Detroit where a family friend was the pastor. I felt this was what church was sup- posed to be. The parish was in a poor neighborhood, and Sunday morning services were the biggest social event of the week for a lot of people. After mass ended, people congregated in the back of the church building to socialize over coffee and doughnuts. No one was ever in a hurry to leave. The church was a community. That church closed for finan- cial reasons, our friend was transferred to another parish, and our family moved back to our church in the suburbs. This church building is ornately decorated with stained glass, cathedral ceilings, and ceramic tile floors. But something is missing from this wealthy parish. Many of the people in the congregation are there on Sunday because they feel they have to be - ticket-punchers, my dad calls them. I used to joke that someone could drop a bomb on the church five minutes after the conclusion of services and never hurt any- body. The parking lot would already be empty. The service is still the same, but for me, the experience is different. This leads me to believe that the real value of religion is not present so much in the doctrine, but rather in the commu- nity. This applies to all of the world's religions, not just Catholi- cism. If your grandmother were sick and you prayed for her health to be restored, does it matter whether you prayed to Yahweh, Allah, or Jesus Christ? Personally, I don't think so, provided the decision you made was right for you. However, I am clearly in the minority on this issue, with certain religious zealots labelling practitioners of other faiths "heathens." Rather than trying to convert t-year i said hurch, every ontin- n Sun- or not :iarelli of her hurch. haron g on a ntinue se pro- ts and ies. ing on to it," e they er and ior to n their when pursue other activities. "I don't want to say they suspend their belief system, but they might shelve it for a while,"saidFatherTerry DumasofSt. Mary's Student Chapel. "They're independent now, so they're simply exploring what it's like not to bother." He estimated, however, that 4,000 stu- dents attend mass weekly at St. Mary's. Residential Colle ge junior Marni Holtzman, a member of the Hillel governing board, agreed that some students use their time at U-M to take a break from religion. During their years at the university, students often wonder how religion fits into the spec- trum of their lives. "'They're doing it in a different way than their parents," loltzman said. "We're all thinking about new things. ... I think our religious views are affected." Kline said he views college as a "testing ground" for religion. "It's really easy to go through high school with your parents going to church," he said. "In college, it becomes a choice, and even a sacrifice." ing up for a Saturday or Sunday morn- mg service. LSA junior Debbie Paxton said she continues to attend church when she goes home for the weekend. But in Ann Arbor, the 11:00 a.m. Sunday service at the Presbyterian church is just too early in the morning. "For some reason on the weekend, it just doesn't happen," she said. "My school work takes precedence over ev- erything." There are other ways to practice religion besides attending services, Holtzman noted. "(Some students) feel like they can get their Jewishness through a Jewish sorority or fraternity. That's how they express their Judaism," she said. But Holtzman said the more than 1,00)0 people who attend High Holiday services at Hillel also convince her that Jews still experience their religion even if they do not practice on a regular basis. "I know they feel Jewish because they come out for the High Holidays," she said. ing However, Residential College se- ig niorMatthew Stein said religion is often ayg placed on the back burner in college. lay. P "My experience has been that col- lege and religion usually don't mix," Stein growing, and since there's no religious growth, i ills by the wayside," he said. The "liberal" UL-M campus can also in- timidate students interested in their faith. Kline said religious students, especially Christians, often find a hostile atmosphere on campus. "(Christianity) is viewed as part of the establishment, and college is an anti-estab- lishment place." Kline said. "Christianity really asks you to take a firm stand. Things like that aren't really es- poused on this campus." I) u m a s agreed. "1 thinkx C a t h ol i c - bashing is the last accepted form of bash- ing. I t's OKto . laug h at the ' -' C a t h o l i c Church." Dumas, said this atti- tude is often - scary to stu- ,; dents dealing with such big- The coordinator of the Hi otry for the 40 students participate in first time. "It's a real embarrassment (for them)that they don't know how to respond," he said. Students need to follow their own be- liefs, Sowash emphasized, regardless of public opinion. "Any commitment to Christianity has to be an individual, personal decision," he said. "I think many people are disillusioned ... because they are following the crowd in- stead of their own decisions." While ideological factors often influ- ence student religious practices, a lack of time also prohibits students from participat- ing in religious groups. "It's not as easy to find the time and places to do the events I was used to in high school," said Amy Frank, a junior in the Residential College. "I think a lot of people would like to do more than they do, but they just don'tknow how to fit it into theirsched- ule. "(My beliefs) are still there. ljusthaven't had the time to exoand it much since high ultimate ( evant and Colle. their belie "When deciding f< pursue it answers tc In his I-louse, So dents wit about tie ndu Student Council addresses the group. About weekly discussions of philosophy and religion. families. "Many are looking to spiritual sources for guidance and direction with those life deci- sions," he said. "People look to the academic community and what they offer, and those are not always the answers to the questions in their lives." Dumas said he is inspired by students' quest for knowledge. "There is a search in the student popula- tion for something that transcends the present moment," he said. While some students may "drop out" of religion once they move away from their parents influence, the freedom to develop one's own faith can be a powerful experi- ence. "When students are away from the direct influence of their families and home com- . munities for the first time, they often dis- cover that it is an opportunity to fashion their own intellectual and spiritual relationship with their religious traditions in a more seri- HEATHER LOWMAN/ Engineering senior Charlie Green (left) and Engineer - sophomore Joshua Raymond examine a Bible passa during a study group atTriangle Fraternity Wednesd they come to colleee.the innort systems