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November 12, 1992 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-11-12

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If Ann Arbor city officials really want us to got to
the polls and vote, then they should make it
possible to do it without waiting in hour-long

A lot of people think the Daily is full of fiction
every day, but today, we're actually admitting it.
Check out our annual Fiction and Poetry issue.

Michigan sports fans can take a trip down
memory lane at the Towsley Sports Museum
located in Schembechler Hall.

Gray with occasional rain:
High 48, Low 34
Cloudy and colder; High 40, Low 28


t lullt


One hundred two yea rs of editorial freedon

Vol. CIII, No.33 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, November 12,1992 ©1992 The Michigan Daily



U-M hoops
trio to play

Child's play
Matthew Sulham, a 10-year-old from Angell Elementary School in Ann Arbor, plays on top of a sculpture in front of the Museum of Art.
ourt unermines m ar ga an
Clinton says he will repeal restriction; Pentagon prepares staff

by Ryan Herringon
and Adam Miller
Daily Basketball Writers
The NCAA reinstated Michigan
men's basketball players Eric Riley,
Jalen Rose, and Mayce (Chris)
Webber yesterday, and cleared all
members of the team of any charges
against them stemming from the
Wolverines' activities with charity
events and basketball camps during
this past summer.
"We thought the whole time we
would get (cleared)," Michigan
coach Steve Fisher said. "We never
thought we were wrong."
The three players had been mired
in two potential violations. The first
involved their participation in the
"0-K Shootout" fundraiser in Hol-
land, Mich., this summer. The play-
ers were paid s300 each for judging
slam-dunk contests.
NCAA rules allow only
"reimbursement for actual expenses"
when players participate in charity
and non-profit events. When the
players were suspended Sept. 11,
they paid the extra money to the
University. In a prepared statement,
the NCAA eligibility staff said that
"the actions of the university were
sufficient" to rectify this situation.
The second entanglement with
the NCAA rules came over summer
high school basketball camps, which
many Michigan players had attended
as guest lecturers. The players re-
ceived monetary compensation for
their work at the camps, averaging
$200 per appearance. In question
was whether or not the players could

President-elect Bill Clinton will be
forced to deal with one of the most
difficult issues affecting the military
in decades - the Pentagon's 50-
year ban on homosexuals and his
promise to end it.
Clinton has not said when or how
such a policy change would be insti-
tuted. And few inside the Pentagon
have begun to prepare the military's
1.8 million members for such a ma-

E~ ~I

jor change, officials said.
Lawrence Korb, Pentagon per-
sonnel chief during the Reagan ad-
ministration, predicted, "Even if he
doesn't act - which he could by
signing an executive order - the
courts will make the Pentagon do it."
Just Tuesday, a federal judge in
Los Angeles reaff irmed his order
that the Navy reinstate a homosexual
sailor, though the judge did not rule
on the overall issue of whether the

military ban is legal under the
Speaking to reporters yesterday
in Little Rock, Clinton said, "I don't
think (homosexual)- status alone, in
the absence of some sestrutiv be-
havior, should disqualify people"
from serving in the military.
The president-elect said he in-
tends to consult with military leaders
about "the mechanics" of a change

in policy, but did not say when that
might occur.
Revoking the ban would be one
of the most far-reaching social
changes imposed on the armed scr-
vices since President Truman or-
dered Blacks integrated into the mili-
tary in 1948. Proponents of a change
in the policy have expressed hope
that Clinton will remove the ban in
his first days in office.

*MSA reps. seek reelection to
complete unfinished business

Chris Webber, Jalen Rose,
and Eric Riley will be allowed
to play in all of U-M's games
according to NCAA decisions
released yesterday, saying:
the players did not receive
excessive payment for work
at camps last summer;
the eligibility of Webber,
Rose, and Riley was
the university's disciplinary
actions,including repayment
of money from the charity
tournament, were sufficient.
receive payment for these services
under NCAA rules.
In addition, NCAA rules allow
only one player to visit a camp at a
time, but, in several situations, mul-
tiple Wolverines attended the same
summer camp.
Michigan was cleared in the area
of compensation. The NCAA Inter-
pretations Committee determined
that while NCAA rules prohibit stu-
dent-athletes from receiving com-
pensation for such lecturing, the
practice has become so.common-
place throughout the country that
punishing the Wolverines would un-
necessarily single them out.
The NCAA is still deciding on
the issue of multiple-players at
camps, but NCAA spokesperson
Janet Justice said it is treating the
matter as a "secondary violation."
"We still have to rule on it," Jus-
victim had
record of
DETROIT (AP) - A man beaten
by Detroit police had a record of vi-
olent conflict with authorities while
he was living in suburban Chicago, a
prosecutor said yesterday.
Lake County, Ill. State's
Attorney's Office announced that
Green was convicted of battery in
1990 for pushing two police officers.
A 1989 charge of resisting and ob-
structing police was dismissed, said
Matt Chancey, chief of the felony
Green also had convictions for
marijuana possession, drunken driv-
ing and driving with a revoked li-
cense, Chancey added. A 1989 bat-
tery charge against Green was
dropped after the female victim re-
fused to testify.
Green was bludgeoned with
flashlights when two plainclothes
officers approached him in his car
parked near a suspected crack co-
caine house on Nov. 5. Detroit po-
lice Chief Stanley Knox has said five
other officers watched or took part.
All seven officers were sus-
pended without pay.
Witnesses' accounts have dif-
fered on how much, if any resistance
Green gave the officers.
Civilian witnesses have said

by Robin Litwin
Daily MSA Reporter
While 19 of the current Michigan
Student Assembly members have
Sdecided to call it quits, four repre-
sentatives will vie for re-election in
the upcoming contest.
"I felt a lot of business that got
started back when Jamie Green was
president needs to be finished.
There's still a lot of things that can
be done to help students." said En-
gineering Rep. Brent House.
"I'm specifically working on the
Engineering budget. Engineers get a
very small amount of money com-
pared to the actual number of people
in (the school)," House added.

Engineering Rep. Brian Kight,
who is running his third MSA cam-
paign, said the unfinished work on
the Statement of Students' Rights
and Responsibilities will be his pri-
mary focus, if he is re-elected.
"The main reason I'm running
again is because there's a lot of un-
finished business, particularly on the
code. Because (MSA Student Rights
Commission Chair Rob VanHouwel-
ing) is not running, we still need
someone on the assembly itself
who's been familiar with what's go-
ing on with the code," Kight said.
"I want to make sure it comes to
a good conclusion," he added.
Rules and Elections Chair Roger

DeRoo pointed to his work with the
Michigan Collegiate Coalition
(MCC) as his primary reason for
running again.
"I'd like to make sure MSA's
membership in MCC is solid and
that the viewpoints of students are
represented in Lansing. The state
Legislature has been far more recep-
tive than the administration to stu-
dents' ideas," DcRoo said.
Medical school Rep. Michael Lee
said although he wants to improve
University Health Services and stu-
dent insurance, he had second
thoughts about running again.
"At first I didn't want to run, but
See MSA, Page 3

Berkeley 'naked guy' bares all for class

by Shelley Morrison
Daily Higher Education Reporter
Getting ready for school in the
morning is easy for Andrew Mar-
tinez - all he has to do is don his
Martinez, the notorious "Naked
Guy" at the University of California
at Berkeley (UC-B), has been going
to class nude for what university of-
ficials have estimated to be more
than two months.
Student and faculty complaints
about Martinez's exposure have cre-
ated such an uproar that UC-B
Chancellor Chang-Lin Tien has is-

Tien was unavailable for
UC-B's new policy forbids
"indecent exposure, public nudity,
and lewd or offensive conduct on the
UC-B campus." Policy violations are
punishable under the university's
student-conduct code and criminal
Because of his actions and com-
plaints that his nudity is sexual ha-
rassment, Martinez, a sophomore, is
banned from campus for two weeks
and may be expelled.
UC-B campus police officer
Dave McCain said that Martinez's

Two months ago, Martinez and
several nude cohorts from a group
called X-Plicit, staged a "nuderin" at
UC-B's Sproul Plaza. McCain esti-
mated about 20 people frolicked
naked in the plaza.
Because there were no laws for-
bidding nudity in Berkeley, no ar-
rests were made.
Martinez reportedly spoke to the
crowd about his belief that clothing
is repressive.
"There's a lot of social control
that goes on," Martinez said.
UC-B students had mixed reac-
tions to the event.
KT .,« s. n s «n~ ..r o r

Amy Jardon, Erik Parker and Dean Sniegowski, members of the Air Force
ROTC Drill Team, attend to a flag yesterday that had been ceremoniously
ationm onors veterans
but camp uses apathetic

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