Page 4-The Michigan Daily- Wednesday, November 11,1992 lclitor in ief 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 764-0552 MAITIIEW I. RENNIli Opinion Editors YAITI MIUMRA (;tiIIZRI;Y [ARTII AMITAVA MAZUIMIOAR [dited and Managed by Students at the University of Michigan Unsigned editorials represent a ma~cjnrity of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion cf the Daily. 'U' amends students out of code FORFv'V CONFI UF.,o-.---. 11O STS (2+T/L NKS' " t L 1N G Y..-, A '''''' "+ t ~L~L~J2I___ ,-- - ) r. , 'I I "\\. . , d , LE LER . ........ .. Seis s veyhee o'tbliveatiArbviw 0 he University cranked out what is most likely Tts final draft of the Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities Friday, throwing one bone to students, and hitting them over the head with the other. On the one hand, the Statement no longer contains provisions allowing the University to punish students for assault and harassment crimes committed anywhere in the world. Instead, it creates a University hegemony zone, barring cer- tain illegal student behaviors including assault and harassment when exhibited anywhere in"Ann Arbor and its environs." That is a sensible change. The University should not try to put itself in the role of world court; barring some crimes like sexual harassment world-wide, while prohibiting murder only when committed in Ann Arbor set a clear double standard. Unfortunately, with this welcome change came a negative one. In previous drafts, the University intended to punish the "illegal sale, distribution, or manufacture of drugs," only when committed at University-affiliated events or facilities, which included Greek houses and co-ops. But when the University formed its new hegemony zone, it brought these crimes under that umbrella as well. Students who commit these crimes in their own houses and apartments will now be subject to University sanction, even though they are already subject to state and federal law. But the major blow the University gave to students was its inclusion of an amendment proce- dure that completely usurps students' role in the process. Student Rights Committee Chair Robert Van Houweling originally proposed an amend- ment procedure that would allow various repre- sentative bodies to bring forward amendments, which would then be subject approval by a judi- ciary panel, a student vote, and approval by the University Board of Regents. The administration accepted the student vote procedure, but removed the student vote. More- over, the panel of randomly-selected jurors now has the authority to alter any amendments that come before it, further marginalizing the role of students and the public in the amendment process. "That completely takes the teeth out of the amendment procedure," said Van Houweling. "My goal wasn't to make it easy for students to amend (the Statement), but to make it hard for the admin- istration," he said. Additionally, Van Houweling said the administration specifically violated guar- antees that it would adopt the procedure as origi- nally proposed. Last month, Vice President ofAcademic Affairs told the Daily, "I'm comfortable with (the amend- ment procedure) as a process, understanding that the final decision will be made by the regents." Apparently, she wasn't comfortable enough. Indeed, as the document now stands, an administra- tor can propose an amendment, guide it through the panel, and send it to the regents. Or, the administra- tion can avoid this troublesome process and go directly to the regents, robbing students of any role in shaping the document that is intended to protect them. The reasons keep adding up why the administra- tion should scrap its current code and draft a minimalist code that covers only what is mandated by federal law. Students will have an opportunity to give their views in an MSA referendum this month which asks whether they support the current draft of the code. We suggest they vote "no." But that may be the last input they have. Young 's police reforms fell short ast Thursday night, Malice Green, an African American, was beaten to death by seven Detroit police officers, six of whom were white. That a Black man was-murdered by white police officers should come as no surprise. That this occured in Detroit - which has a majority Black force and one of the most effective affirmitive action programs in - the nation - re- veals, with horrify- ing clarity, that no African American, anywhere, is safe ..-~ from the " " Green was stopped by two of- ficers for reasons that are still un- clear. One of the cops ordered him .. to let go of some- thing he was hold-x ing andbegan beat-___________ ing his hands with a steel flashlight Members ofa concerned parents when he refused. of Thursday's beating death, Two EMS units ar-- rived shortly thereafter, followed by five other police officers. Green was then pummeled in the face, chest, stomach and hands, and died shortly thereafter. The department responded swiftly. All seven officers present were suspended without pay, ef- fective immediately. Still, the fact that seven po- lice officers either beat a man to death or stood by as their colleagues did so indicates a fundamental weakness in police-community relations. When Coleman Young was elected mayor of Detroit in 1973, the Detroit Police Department was overwhelmingly white, riddled with racists, and brutal in its treatment of Blacks. Young's greatest accomplishment has been to integrate the force and heal the gap be- tween the police and the commu- nity. This is why the beating provides a wake-up call. As Young told the De- troit Free Press, "If this could happen here, it could hap- pen anywhere." Detroit Police Chief Stanley Knox has pledged ." . _. to take legal action AP PHOTO against the officers up rearrange flowers atthescene involved. How- ever, two of the of- ficers, nicknamed "Starsky and Hutch," have a history ofharrassment complaints. If the officers involved in the Green beating are just a few bad apples, then why weren't they removed before'? An EMS technician present at the murder sent a very revealing computer message to his boss: "What do I do if I witness police brutality/murder?" It's a question we all must ask. To the Daily: After reading Governor Ann Richards' remark in the Daily, "I looked at the list of women elected and to be elected and I decided that Bill Ford is your token male" - ("Texas governor inspires local female candidates," 10/27/92) - I am reminded of the quote, "Sexism is every- where, are you part of the problem or part of the solution?" Scott Smith Rackham graduate student Davis deserved to play To the Daily: When did Jeni Durst become a judge of talent ("For Better or Durst," 10/26/92)? When Moeller put Ed Davis in the game against Minnesota you thought it was to "curb scoring?" Do you think Moeller looked at his players, searching for one that would give Minnesota a break? If anything, Davis has been kicking butt in practice and earned a spot on the field. Fourth string. Do you know that at a national football power- house like Michigan that means nothing. Our second string would be starters at other Big 10 schools. The third and fourth string players would be second string or better at other Division I schools and All Americans at Division II or Ill. If Michigan's first string begins to stomp on an opponent, it is because the scout teams did a heck of a job at practice. Perhaps you need to learn a few rules of the game, first being that Moeller put Davis on the field because he belonged there and Davis proved that by scoring. Secondly, there is never "the last guy on the bench" in any sport because every player is an integrated part of a team. Nicole Beaudry LSA senior The Safehouse Crisis Line number was incorrectly reported in the Daily. T'he correct number is 995-5444. To the Daily: I am writing in response to Bradley Cohen's article, "Many Reasons to Support Israel," (11/2/ 92). 92). am surprised to find a second-year Law student at the University making such ground- less judgments. By saying that "Arabs have supported interna- tional activities against Jewish and Israeli civilian targets," he is trying to pass his opinions off as fact. What he regards as an inherent Stop spreading To the Daily: I would like to address the contents of a letter written by Joshua Darsky ("Columbus Day program, enlightening," 10/20/ 92). Darsky wrote: "Columbus was Jewish, and his mission was financed by wealthy Jews ... he sought to bring the world under the control of the Zionists." Unfortunately, Mr. Darsky, you did not brush up on your history before voicing your anti-Semitic. opinions. Columbus was a devout Catholic. Unless King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella were wealthy Jews - I think you are mistaken as to how his mission was financed. Furthermore, the Zionist movement did not exist until truth about Arabs is actually nothing more than the stereotypi- cal anti-Arab view. The Arab population cannot control the military regimes across the Middle East. As a Palestinian- Arab American and a supporter of peace, who, like many other Arabs, acknowledges Israel's right to exist, I urge my fellow students not to listen to anti-Arab or anti- Jewish views displayed in the Daily. Muhammad Farha LSA senior anti- SemitiSm 1897. There were no Zionists who could seek control of the world. As for the idea of an "Interna- tional Jewish Conspiracy" - Jews are less than one percent of the world's population. It would be very difficult for such a minute number of people to even come close to world domination. It is a shame, Mr. Darsky, that your personal sense of empowerment comes as a result of placing blame and promoting stereotypes. To use the same quote that you used in your letter: "If we don't deal with the facts, we will be subject to propa- ganda." Alisa Warshay LSA sophomore Change MSA, vote in elections To the Daily: Students' images of the Michigan Student Assembly are so low and voter turnout is so poor because, although MSA might get things done, they are not very relevant to students' needs. I attended the Oct. 28 MSA meeting to see what MSA is all about. In the first hour and a half they did such trivial things as argue vehemently over the bolding of one word in an upcoming referendum on the November ballot. MSA should be trying to unite the students of this campus, rather than divide them - as the current system does by creating many irrelevant controversies. Also, instead of just doling out money to student groups, MSA should create its own programs to better and more directly serve students. MSA should bring in speakers, promote concerts and hold open discussions to educate, unite and excite the student body. In order to make this a reality, we must change the type of representatives that serve on MSA. On Nov. 17 and 18, make a change for the better -vote for' Independent candidates. Craig Greenberg LSA sophomore gro OMIUNT hpfINSIGHTr peae11nM1dd 111Eas Cling to hope for peace in Middle East Congress looks more like America C ome January, the U.S. Congress will better reflect the diversity of America. Last week's election marked a number of firsts in ethnic repre- sentation, and it made significant strides toward decreasing the gender inequity on the Hill. These changes will empower minorities and women and benefit the entire populace. The sheer numbers of women and Blacks in Congress increased substantially. Women gained 19 seats in the House and four in the Senate. African Americans picked up 37 seats in the House and one in the Senate. House Speaker Thomas Foley (D-Washington) has already an- nounced plans to convert one House men's bath- room into a women's room to accommodate the new members. Senator-elect Carol Moseley Braun (D.-Ill.) is not only the first Black woman to be elected to the Senate, but she will be the only African American now in that chamber. In addition, five southern states will send Black representatives for the first time. Other minorities increased their representa- during the Clarence Thomas confirmation hear- ings, the erosion of abortion rights, a general anti- incumbent feeling, and redistricting which was legally mandated to favor minority candidates where possible. The "old boys' network" which largely controls the Congress may be in decline. This provides opportunities to reorient a legislature which many citizens feel is out of touch with the nation's prob- lems. Better representation of women and minori- ties not only increases the likelihood that the gov- ernment address the concerns of those groups, but benefits the country as a whole. It takes advantage of pools of talent previously shut out of the political process, introduces new ideas, and strengthens the progressive coalition needed to address society's inequities. However exciting these gains are, it will require a concerted effort to continue the trend. Congres- sional candidates will not have the advantage of redistricting until the next census. While it is en- couraging that there are now seven women serving by Jodi Jacobson Oct. 30, was the one-year anniversary of the Madrid Peace Talks. A year ago, Arab leaders sat down face to face with Israeli leaders - a monumental event. I remember the day vividly because it was a day that I woke up and shed my naivety. In the Middle East, there is no history of democracy. Laws and agreements are merely a means to an end, not an end to themselves. Living in Jerusalem at the time of the peace talks, I could not help but feel excited and hopeful. On that October morning, I tuned into Jordan Radio, (my Hebrew not being advanced enough to listen dreaming, as Gorbechev droned on, of a world where peace was a reality. Then I woke up. What woke me was the over-- enunciated Englishof the woman on Jordan Radio. She announced that the station would not'return to the conference until Egypt spoke later that afternoon. Then she played "All Roads Lead to Jerusalem," a song claiming Jerusalem to be the center of the world. I do not know who performed it, nor does it matter. I sat up in alarm and looked out my window, across East Jerusalem to the Old City. Nothing had changed. Jordan still wants Jerusalem, not peace. I thought I was going to be sick. Jordan wants my home, my room. It was a harsh awakening for an American who had been taught that all problems could be solved by talking, just calmly and rationally discussing things. In the Middle East, reason succumbs of order in the region. In the west Therefore, Syria can agree to talk peace with Israel, and then turn and encourage the Hizbulla to declare jihad against Israel and resume all plans to push the Jewish state into the sea. we generally abide by laws and agreements. In the Middle East, there is no history of democracy. Laws and agreements are merely a means to an end, not an end to themselves. Therefore, Syria can agree to talk peace with Israel, and then turn and encourage the Hizbulla to declare jihad against Israel and resume all plans to push the Jewish state into the sea. Hypocrisy and distrust abounds in the Middle East. It has for 0 0 i 1 I