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November 09, 1992 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-11-09

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With the "Case for Student Financial Aid," the
University tries to fill in the financial aid gaps left
by the federal government.

Poet and novelist Marge Piercy will read someof
her poetry at 4 p.m. today at Rackham. She will
also give a lecture Wednesday on "Women and
Utopian Fiction." Read-all about her.

Michigan split a two-game series with Lake
Superior in Sault Ste. Marie this weekend in a
battle of Central Collegiate Hockey Association

Warmer, showers possible;
High 47, Low 35
Breezy and mild; High 51, Low 37




One hundred two years of editorial freedom

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Authorities seek
warrants for
cops involved in
motorist beating
DETROIT (AP) - Authorities were seeking war-
rants yesterday against seven police officers accused in
connection with beating to death a motorist.
Malice Green, 35, of Detroit was dragged from his
car and beaten around 10:30 p.m. Thursday by two po-
lice officers with a flashlight as five other officers
watched or took part, Police Chief Stanley Knox said.
Green died of head injuries in a hospital emergency
room. The seven officers were suspended without pay.
Wayne County Prosecutor John O'Hair said yester-
day he expected warrants to be issued today, but would
not specify the charges.
The victim was African American. Knox said both
African American and white officers were involved in
the case but said he couldn't speculate if race was a
But Joann Watson, executive director of the Detroit
NAACP branch, said Green's death is especially shock-
ing because of Detroit's racial composition. The city is
about 75 percent African American, has an African
American mayor and police chief, and 54 percent of the
3,870-member police force is African American.
'It goes to show you that even in Detroit, with so
many African Americans in power, you can't remove
the shameful disease of racism..." she said.
Watson said the fast response by prosecutors and
Knox would prevent violence similar to the riots in Los
Angeles after the acquittals of white officers who bru-
tally beat African American motorist Rodney King.
About 150 people, African American and white,
rallied in downtown Detroit yesterday afternoon, with
demonstrators carrying placards saying, "Jail the Killer
Cops" and "Avenge Malice Green."
The rally was planned last week in response to the
See BEATING, Page 2

U -M releases
staff, faculty
salary report


by Andrew Taylor
Daily Staff Reporter
The national economic climate
has had a cooling effect this year on
many faculty members' salaries.
According to the 1992-93 Faculty
and Staff Salary Record, several top
U-M officials have had their wages
frozen. However, most university
employees received a 2 to 7 percent
pay raise during the 1991-1992
school year.
The supplement shows that the
salaries of the highest-paid univer-
sity employees are nearly identical
to last year's. The figures in the sup-
plement are based on the wages of
staff and faculty at the Ann Arbor
University President James
Duderstadt's $180,385 salary is the
highest for a non-medical employee.
Lazar Greenfield - chair of the
Department Surgery - remains the
best-paid faculty member with an
income of $216,913.
Two head coaches will make
more than $100,000 this year -
head football coach Gary Moeller
will garner $119,600 and head men's
basketball coach Steve Fisher will
receive $104,000.
Trish Roberts, head women's
basketball coach, is the highest-paid,

U-M female coach with a salary of
$56,000 - slightly more than half
of Fisher's earnings.
Walter Harrison, executive direc--
tor of university relations, explained
the disparity in earnings. "It's all a
matter of supply and demand. Why
do professors in the medical school
make more than professors in
English?" he said.
"We compete for people with
universities across the country.
Different fields have different de-
mands," Harrison continued. "You
will find a number of inequalities
when you look at how much one
person is getting paid for how much
work they do, and how much another
person is getting paid for how much
work they do."
The executive officers of the uni-
versity - including Duderstadt and
the seven U-M vice presidents - all
make more than $100,000 per year.
However none received a pay
increase this year.
Gilbert Whitaker, provost and
vice president for academic affairs,
is paid $176,185 - the second high-
est salary for a non-medical
Farris Womack, vice president
and chief financial officer, makes
See SALARIES, Page 2

How sweet it is
Derrick Alexander and Elvis Grbac celebrate during the Wolverines' victory over
Northwestern. The win gave Michigan a share of the Big Ten title. For complete Michigan
sports coverage, see SPORTSMonday.

'Vacant local retail space reflects recession, natural cycle

by David M. Powers
Daily Staff Reporter
Tracks music store in the Galleria
Mall and Baskin Robbins Ice Cream
- both formerly located on S.
University Ave. - are two of the
latest Ann Arbor stores to close up
Oshop for good.
These and other store closings
add to what appears to be a growing
amount of vacant retail space in Ann
However, Reuben Bergman, co-

ordinator of the Downtown
Development Authority of Ann
Arbor, said the amount of available
retail space is not particularly high,
especially considering the state of
the economy.
"There is a recession. ... Stores
are closing every day ,of the week,"
Bergman said. "Ann Arbor is not
immune to the changing economic
Bergman attributed many of the
closings to a natural cycle. He de-

,It seems to me that this many malls just
doesn't work. In a downtown situation you
really need street visibility.'
- John Causland
owner of Footprints shoe store
scribed the rotation of new stores conditions," he said.
periodically replacing older ones. While there is some evidence of
"I would not call that trouble- this cycle in Ann Arbor - for ex-
some or related to economic ample, stores such as Tower Records

and Condom Sense have opened in
the past year - large areas of retail
space remain unoccupied.
About 50 percent of the Galleria
Mall is occupied, the Liberty Square
Mall is empty, and Jacobson's is
moving to Briarwood Mall. This sit-
uation leaves a considerable amount
of retail space empty.
The clusters of space available in
these three buildings represent a
large part of the problem, said Peter
Allen of Peter T. Allen and

Associates Inc., an Ann Arbor Real
Estate firm.
"A lot of the wrong kind of retail
space has been built in the last few
years, and it's the down side of the
economic cycle," he said.
Allen added, "You don't have a
lot spaces that are real attractive.
Properties with 1,000 to 2,000
square feet of space with good visi-
bility are not available."
Bergman said it is unlikely that a
See RETAIL, Page 2

,Recount may shake
GOP hold on House
Michigan Speaker's chair to remain in doubt
for two weeks until retabulalion is completed

x alcohol
by Megan Lardner
Daily Staff Reporter

LANSING (AP) - Lawmakers
locked in a power struggle over con-
trol of the state House will elect new
leaders this week and try to plan for
an uncertain political future.
Republican hopes of holding the
new House majority hinge on re-
counts of razor-thin victories in a
handful of districts.
They plan to huddle Thursday
and are expected to name Minority
Leader Paul Hillegonds (R-Holland)
to head their caucus.
But who occupies the speaker's
chair on Jan. 1 might remain in
doubt for two more weeks. A vote
recheck in one suburban Detroit race
has raised the possibility of a 55-55
power split in the 110-seat House.
Unofficial tallies originally
showed Republican John Chmura
winning the 29th District in subur-
ban Detroit by 54 votes, 22,402 to
22,348. His victory would have
*given the GOP a 56-54 edge in the

would take back Olshove's apparent
victory. But the results won't be of-
ficial until the elections are certified
Nov. 17, she said.
Hillegonds contends any recounts
merely will tighten the Republicans'
lock on state government. The GOP
already controls the governorship
and the state Senate.
The state Senate, meanwhile, is
so mesmerized by the fight for con-
trol of the House that it planned little
action this week.
Senate GOP leaders tentatively
planned to return to session
Thursday and again on Dec. 3, but
agreed to delay work on key bills un-
til their party has total control of
both chambers.
"There's not going to be any at-
tempt at the big items," said Senate
Majority Floor Leader Phil
Arthurhultz. But he said minor bills
in danger of dying at the end of the
year might be passed.
Senate Republicans elected their

Jean Kilbourne describes the ta ctics alcohol c ompanies use to attract colleg e students during her speech at
the MLB last night. Kilbourne's lecture kicked off Alcohol Awareness Week.
A w r . 3 c h lW e r-vh1stud.ents with ealthysuggesions

Most parents would be shocked
to learn that their hard-earned
money buys the average college
student more liquor than textbooks.
The $4 billion dollar alcohol
industry has turned its focus to
young people - specifically col-
lege students - said guest speaker
Jean Kilbourne at last night's
symposium on advertising and
Kilbourne's presentation to an
estimated 450 U-M students in-
cluded a slide show exposing alco-
hol advertisers' ruthless sales tech-
niques. These advertisements ex-
ploit women and manipulate con-
sumers, in addition to encouraging
young people to begin drinking
heavily, Kilbourne said.
"When you're selling products
that kill people, you have to recruit
new users," Kilbourne sarcastically

by Shannon Unger
More than 75 percent of sexual
assault cases on campus involve the
use of alcohol.
This is one of the alcohol-related
issues that will be stressed during
.L- . . ,"_, A I 1 _. .t A . ..- ,

ing on a moral standpoint," said
Laura Hansen, president of
Panhellenic Association and LSA
Stewart said, "Alcohol abuse is
clearly a health issue. We just want

ganizations are involved - more
people will know about the various
events, Hansen commented.
Stewart said she was fairly satis-
fied with the contributions of other
student groups. "We didn't get as

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