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November 06, 1992 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-11-06

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Statistics say that college athletes are more apt
to commit sexual assault than other students.
Why is this the case, and if it is, what can be
done about it?

Hey, one of those Seattle bands is coming to St.
Andrew's tonight. No, this is the other Seattle
band - Mudhoney.

The Michigan ice hockey team looks to bounce
back from last weekend's disappointing
performance against Western Michigan when it
challenges powerhouse Lake Superior.

Partly cloudy, late flurries;
High 37, Low 22
Partly sunny; High 37, Low 22


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One hundred two years of editorial freedom


Vo.C1,N.2 n Arbor Mihign-Fida, Noembr ,1992O 192eTh Mic iaDily


Reports of violence against lesbians, gay men soar

by Erin Einhorn
Daily Crime Reporter
A stranger approached Tom
Desjardin outside the Flame Bar on
Washington St. three weeks ago,
called him a "faggot," punched him
in the face, and walked away.
Desjardin - who suffered a
black eye, a bleeding forehead and a
chipped tooth - said he now pays
closer attention to what occurs
around him because he understands
the safety risks posed to gay men
and lesbians.
"If I was a straight guy, if I had a
girl on my arm, I would have been

fine," said Desjardin, a 19-year-old
from Belleville. "It pisses me off.
I'm a person and it doesn't matter
who I sleep with."
But it matters to some, said
Pattrice Maurer, a member of the
Ella Baker-Nelson Mandela Center
for Anti-Racist Education Board of
Because many fear that homo-
sexuality may become an accepted
social norm - and because many
blame the gay and bisexual commu-
nities for the spread of AIDS - gay
men, lesbians and bisexuals have be-
come one of the largest targets for

threats, harassment and physical vio-
lence, she said.
In 1991, 1,822 incidents of vio-
lence against gays were reported to
police departments in Boston,
Chicago, Minneapolis/St. Paul, New
York City and San Francisco alone,
according to a report released by the
National Gay and Lesbian Task
Force (NGLTF).
NGLTF suggests that these
statistics, which reflect a 31 percent
increase over 1990, reflect similar
trends in other U.S cities.
The Ann Arbor Police
See BASHING, Page 2

Gay bashing also takesforin of harassment, discimination

by Erin Einhorn
Daily Crime Reporter
Matt, a second-year graduate-stu-
dent who asked to have his name
changed for the purpose of the story,
said he has never been physically
harassed because of his sexual
But when he walks with his
boyfriend, he fears being harassed.
Students, living in the U-M resi-
dence hall, where Matt works as a
resident director, have written insult-

ing comments on his door and have
treated him so badly that he had to
change rooms.
These actions, he said, may be
worse than being violently assaulted.
"I'm constantly afraid that some-
thing might happen," he said. "When
I'm walking away from the bar, I
always make sure that I get away as
fast as I can. I feel very trapped."
Detroit resident David Salowich
was recently excommunicated from
the Eastern Orthodox Church in the

United States because of his sexual
orientation. He also said he has
never been struck, but has often en-
countered "institutionalized kinds of
"To me, being bashed is any kind
of hatred being spewed at you," he
Ann Arbor is generally consid-
ered a safe community said third-
year law student Julie Helling, ch 'r
of a group for gay law students. She

has concealed
Scud missles

AMMAN, Jordan (AP) -
Saddam Hussein is moving scores of
Scud missiles around Iraq on cam-
ouflaged trucks so U.N. weapons in-
spectors can't find them, and has
buried an unknown number of
rocket boosters, Western officials
and other sources say.
One intelligence operative de-
scribed it as a "real game" of hide-
U.N. weapons inspection teams
over the past 18 months have
tracked down and dismantled much
of Iraq's nuclear, chemical and bio-
logical weapons programs as well as
its surface-to-surface missiles with a
range of 90 miles or more under
terns of the 1991 Gulf War cease-
fire agreement.
American and U.N. officials sus-
pect that Saddam has stashed away
some of the 819 Scud-B missiles he
acquired from the former Soviet
Union during the 1980-88 war with

Tim Trevan, spokesperson for the
U.N. Special Commission charged
with dismantling Iraq's weapons of
mass destruction, said 151 ballistic
missiles have been destroyed by the
inspectors or the Iraqis, or are
awaiting destruction.
U.N. officials believe Saddam
still has around 100 missiles hidden
away. The CIA believes the figure is
closer to 200.
In March 1991, Iraq admitted it
had 52 ballistic missiles. Under in-
tense diplomatic pressure, Baghdad
later confessed it had another 92.
U.N. inspectors believe at least
487 of the Soviet Scuds were fired
during the Iran-Iraq war or in tests.'
Ninety-three missiles were fired
at Israel and Saudi Arabia during
last year's Gulf War. The Pentagon
concedes that no missiles were de-
stroyed in allied air strikes.
The Western operatives, based in
Amman to monitor Iraq, said
Saddam can't bury his missiles.

It's not over
Peter Collinson, an Ann Arbor resident who works for the county, takes a look at the results of the local election. Until these results from the 180
precincts are validated by the Washtenaw County Board of Canvassers, none are official. The board will begin its tabulations this morning.

Minority enrollment figures spark concern

by Adam Anger
Daily Staff Reporter
Although statistics released last
week show U-M minority student
enrollment at its highest level ever,
many students have concerns about
the future of minorities at the
According to a report, compiled
by the Office of Admissions, minor-
ity student enrollment increased 1.3
percent from last year. The report

indicates the number of Asian
American students at the U-M in-
creased .7 percent - the largest
change of any minority group
The report - compiled by the
Office of Admissions - shows that
U-M minority student enrollment
increased 1.3 percent from last year.
Many students said they are
satisfied with this year's enrollment
figures, but they expressed concern

about future enrollment figures and
the atmosphere for minority students
admitted to the U-M.
"I hope the administration is in-
terested in maintaining high enroll-
ment," said LSA senior Mike Liem,
president of the U-M Asian
American Student Coalition
He said Asian American students
are looking for help in starting an
Asian Pacific studies program.

He added that he thinks the uni-
versity should make a special effort
to include students from minority
groups in the drafting process of cer-
tain university policies.
"I feel we were not included in
the drafting of the Union access pol-
icy, which we are affected by," Liem
LSA junior Tonya Clowney,
speaker for the Black Student Union,
said she was encouraged by the

"I feel it is good that Black stu-
dent enrollment has increased," she
However, she added that she
feels the U-M should make more of
an effort to recruit qualified black
students who live in nearby urban
She also said that the university
must increase the number of faculty

State Theatre to remain
inaccessible to disabled
students for three years

for fifth
Big Ten
by Josh Dubow
Daily Football Writer
Entering this season, the No. 1
goal for the Michigan football
team was to win a share of its fifth
straight Big Ten title. After just
five conference games, the
Wolverines are on the brink of be-
ing the first Michigan team to ac
complish this feat.
Tomorrow, the fourth-ranked
Wolverines (5-0 Big Ten, 7-0-1
overall) travel to Evanston to take
on Northwestern (2-3, 2-6) with an
18-game Big Ten winning. streak
nn tha UnP A iriaan .mr..

by Adam Miller
Daily Staff Reporter
When the State Theatre, located
on the second floor of 231 S. State,
reopens tonight, it will be inaccessi-
ble to people with disabilities - es-
pecially wheelchair-users. In addi-
tion to having no elevators or acces-
sible bathrooms, the auditorium's
aisles are too narrow for wheelchair
However, Patrick Mullen of the
Barrier Free Design Board said the
thatre's esaign is comnletely legal.

eling in," said Bill Sterlin, owner of
the theatre. "We do have plans to do
that down the road."
Sterlin said the theatre will begin
barrier-free renovations in its third
year of operation - adding an
elevator, accessible bathrooms, a
new, accessible entrance, and
accessible seating.
"We want to do as much as we
can for the community and the phys-
ically-challenged people, but unfor-
tunately we're going to have to wait
a little hit longer-" Sterlin sid.


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