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November 05, 1992 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1992-11-05

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The Michigan Daily - Thursday, November 5, 1992 - Page 3

City elections on the
move, but could be
challenged in court

GOP captures
narrow majority
in Statehouse

by Jonathan Berndt
Daily City Reporter
Ann Arbor voters overwhelm-
ingly passed a proposal that will
move city elections from April to
However, opponents may bring a
court challenge against the
The Voter Initiative for
November Elections (VINE) carried
59 percent of the vote. It amends the
City Charter to require all city elec-
tions to coincide with state and na-
tional elections.
"I'm pleased that it passed," said
Mayor Liz Brater. "It will increase
the number of people that participate
in city elections."
But questions remain as to
whether the measure is legal.
The city charter amendment may
violate the Michigan Home Rule
Act, which states terms of elected
officials may not be lengthened or
shortened during their term. The
terms of five councilmembers would
now end in November 1993.
i Councilmember Peter Nicolas
(D-4th Ward), who was elected last
spring, said he does not like the idea
of facing a shortened term.
"When I was elected, the City
Clerk presented me with a certificate
saying I was a member of City
Council until 1994," he said. "I
should not be required to run until

Councilmember Peter Fink (R-
2nd Ward), who also may be af-
fected, said he was shocked to learn
his term would be shortened.
"It is beyond me how the drafters
couldn't catch that it would cut those
terms short," he said. "It's a some-
what silly thing to overlook."
Councilmember Thais Anne
Peterson (D-5th Ward) was encour-
aged by VINE's passage.
"It will increase voter turnout and
that's always good," she said.
"People never seemed to get used to
an election in April."
Robert Eckstein (D-5th Ward)
said there are advantages for the
politicians as well.
"People won't have to campaign
during the worst weather of the year
in February and March," he said.
"Hopefully you will get more door-
to-door campaigning."
Kurt Zimmer (D-4th Ward) was
still skeptical about the proposal.
"I'm a little concerned that the
whole purpose was to piggy-back
onto bigger candidates and sexier is-
sues," he said. "National issues are
much sexier that city issues."
Zimmer said city issues would
get lost in the multitude of other
ballot issues - county, state, and
national - that appear in November.
Nicolas said of VINE's passage,
"It's not a disaster. But it will
change how we look at city

by Hope Calati
Daily Government Reporter
LANSING - The Republicans
will have a thin majority of 56-54 in
the Michigan House of
Representatives after victories in
several close elections Tuesday.
The Democrats lost five incum-
bents, including the defeat of House
Speaker Lewis Dodak of Montrose
by Mike Goschka, a Republican
forklift operator from Brant.
However, the Democrats are not
ready to concede control, said Dodak
spokesperson Stephen Serkaian.
They are calling for a recount in the
106th District race where
Republican Bev Bodem defeated
Democrat G.T. Long by a meager 14
"We are unable to concede to the
Republican control of the House
until the issue of a recount is re-
solved," Serkaian said.
Democrats have controlled the
110-member House since 1968.
They held 59 seats entering the elec-
tion, plus the key to a vacant but tra-
ditionally Democratic seat in
Detroit. Republicans narrowly con-
trol the state Senate, 20-18.
Rep. Paul Hillegonds (R-
Holland) will replace Dodak as the
House speaker.
Hillegonds credited an "anti-in-
cumbent" mood with Goschka's
128-vote defeat of Dodak.
"I think (Dodak) got identified
with the gridlock and people are
frustrated with that," Hillegonds
This anti-incumbent mood which
played in President Bush's defeat
helped the Republicans gain seats
from veteran Democratic House
members Kenneth DeBeaussaert of
New Baltimore, Nate Jonker of Clio,
Jim Kosteva of Canton and Dennis
Olshove of Warren.
Republicans David Robertson of
Swartz Creeksand John Strand of
Lapeer were also defeated.
The House's second-ranking
Democrat, Majority Floor Leader
Pat Gagliardi of Drummond Island,
fended off a close attack from GOP
challenger Shannon Brower.
Serkaian said Bill Clinton did not
help Michigan Democrats because

he received less than 50 percent of
the popular vote in his presidential
Hillegonds said he is not worried
about the outcome of a recount.
However, if a Democratic victory
is declared and the House is split
evenly, he said there may be co-
House speakers and alternating _
committee chairs.
Hillegonds said he does not ex-
pect any major legislation to be
passed in the lame-duck session. The
Republicans will concentrate on re-
organizing the House and setting the
agenda for January when the mem-
bers will take their new seats, he
"Why should the Republicans
compromise on anything we do
when the Republicans are going to
have control next year?" Serkaian
The Republican leadership will
set new committee and staff ratios to
reflect their increased numbers,
Hillegonds said.
Health care reform, education,
welfare reform and criminal justice
reform are all high on the
Republican agenda. Hillegonds also
mentioned an unemployment com-
pensation waiting week as a priority.
"It's time they get a full and fair
hearing," Hillegonds said.
Hillegonds would not rule out a
tax increase. "You cannot predict
every contingency," he said.
He predicted conflict within the
Republican caucus because of con-
flicts between the needs of their dis-
tricts and loyalty to Gov. John
"There will be a lot of votes that
will be uncomfortable for all of us,
Hillegonds said.
Serkaian said he was concerned
with the combined effects of a
Republican Senate, House and
"If John Engler is given complete
control of the Legislature, that gives
him a blank check to do to Michigan
what George Bush did to America,"
Serkaian said.
Hillegonds said he looks forward-
to the new configuration of state

Pinball Wizard
LSA junior Corbin Bell takes a break from studying with a pinball game at
Studybreak, located in the basement of the Michigan Union.

Pollard takes the bench In 15th District

by Lauren Dermer
Daily Government Reporter
Voters picked a prosecutor over a
politician Tuesday when they
elected Elizabeth Pollard to the post
of 15th District judge.
Pollard, who has served as
Washtenaw County first assistant
prosecutor since 1980, beat 20-year
state Rep. Perry Bullard by more
than 5,000 votes - 56 percent to 44
She is the first woman in county
history to be elected to a District
Court judgeship.
Pollard credited the victory over
Bullard to her experience in the
courtroom, which includes work in
Washtenaw County's 14th and 15th
District Circuit and Probate Courts,
the Michigan Supreme Court and the
Michigan Court of Appeals.
"Based on the voters that I spoke
to, they looked at our particular
qualifications - and they agreed
that courtroom experience is criti-
cal," she said.
Bullard supporters, who were
optimistic throughout the race, said
they thought the student vote would
buoy their candidate to victory.
"Student involvement was key.

We have always been fighting for
students' rights," said Michael
Hannon, Bullard's chief of staff on
the House Judiciary Committee, in
an interview Tuesday night.
Bullard, who faced his first elec-
tion loss after 20 years in the state
legislature, could not be reached for
Pollard said she plans to take a

One of her goals is to find and
use "creative alternatives to jail" for
problems such as substance abuse,
domestic violence and habitual
"We can't just punish somebody
for what happens. We must look
back and try to prevent it from hap-
pening again," she said in an inter-
view earlier this month. "We need
new ways for dealing with old

'Based on the voters that I spoke to, they
looked at our particular qualifications - and
they agreed that courtroom experience is
- Elizabeth Pollard
15th District judge-elect

venile court will be helpful because
it has forced her to deal with the
more punitive cases - actually
"getting people off the streets."
"It was a chance to do something
more with the law," she said. "I was
dealing with real people close up
and seeing how the law affects
Pollard said she also wants to
"open up the court" to make people
feel more comfortable testifying.
She advocated holding court in
high school auditoriums one day a
month and having classes attend the
hearings. She also wants to keep the
courtroom open for people to visit it
when court is not in session.
"This is a strength I can bring,"
she said. "It is important that more
people feel comfortable in court be-
cause then we're more likely to get
at the truth."
She also advocated establishing
community meetings to try to estab-
lish better relations between students
and other citizens in the district.
"I would hope to have an open-
door policy with students," she said.
"It's very important and I'm gen-
uinely interested in what students
have to say."


systematic approach to improving
the court, which hears misdemeanor
and small claims trials.
She said while she is very com-
mitted to the law, she is also inter-
ested in working with other agencies
to create and utilize programs.

Although Pollard has handled up
to 1,400 cases per year in her 15
years of public service, the majority
of her work has been as a juvenile
court prosecutor.
She said her experience in the ju-



. P


Student groups
Q AIDS Coalition to Unleash
Power, meeting, East Engineer-
ing Building, Baker-Mandela
Center, 7:30 p.m.
Q Archery Club, practice, Sports
Coliseum, 8-10 p.m.
Q Asian/Pacific American
Women's Journal, meeting,
Michigan Union, Anderson D,
7:30 p.m.
Q Circle K, club meeting, Michi-
gan Union, Crowfoot Room,
7:30 p.m.
Q Haiti Solidarity Group, meet-
ing, First United Methodist
Church, 120 S. State St., Pine
Room, 7:30 p.m.
Q Institute of Electrical and Elec-
tronics Engineers, technical
luncheon, Electrical Engineer-
ing and Computer Science
Building, room 1311, 12:30-
1:30 p.m.
Q Intervarsity Christian Fellow-
ship, meeting, Natural Re-
sources Building, room 1040,7
Q Korean Student Association,
meeting, Michigan Union, room
1209, 7 p.m.
Q Newman Catholic Student As-
sociation, Christian Service
Commission, 7 p.m.; Dating
Workshop, 7 p.m.; Saint Mary
Student Chapel, 331 Thompson

Q Taiwanese American Students
for Awareness, Taiwanese
Table, East Quad, room 124,
7:30 p.m.
Q U-M College Republicans,
meeting, MLB, basement, 6:30
Q U-M Sailing Club, meeting,
West Engineering Building,
room 311, 7:45 p.m.
Q U-M Shotokan Karate Club,
practice, CCRB, small gym,
8:30-10 p.m.
Q "An Evening with AIPAC's
Tom Dine," lecture, Hillel
Foundation, 1429 Hill St.,6 p.m.
Q "An Update on Cholesterol
Management," presentation,
Domino's Farms, Lobby E en-
trance, Ulrich Conference Cen-
ter, 7 p.m.
Q Career Planning and Place-
ment, Introduction to the Job
Search, CP&P Program Room,
12:10-1 p.m.
Q "Contemporary Native Ameri-
can Women," Native Ameri-
can Month, Brown Bag Lecture
Series, WestEngineering Build-
ing, Women Studies Depart-
ment, 12 p.m.
Q "Ethnic Conflicts and Political
Games in the Former USSR:

Department, accepting entries
until December 1, contact Irene
Bushaw 994-2780.
Q "Lincoln Mark VIII," presenta-
tion of 1993 Lincoln, Chrysler
Building, Chrysler Auditorium,
6 p.m.
Q "Privatization in Eastern Eu-
rope," panel discussion, Michi-
gan Business School Assembly
Hall, Hale Auditorium, 4:10-
5:15 p.m.
Q Russian Tea and Conversation
Practice, Slavic Department,
MLB, 3rd floor Conference
Room, 4-5 p.m.
Q "The Art Museum as Architec-
ture: A Visual History of
Alumni Memorial Hall," lec-
ture, Museum of Art, Audio/
Visual Room, 12-1 p.m.
Q "Windwalker," film, Native
American Month, Mosher Jor-
dan Residence Hall, check room
at front desk, 7 p.m.
Student services
Q Northwalk Safety Walking Ser-
vice, Bursley Hall, lobby, 763-
WALK, 8 p.m. - 1:30 a.m.
Q Psychology Undergraduate
Peer Advising, Department of
Psychology, West Quad, room
K210, 1U0, m. - 4 p.m.
Q Safewalk Safety Walking Ser-
T TI-AT : 1-1 fl t *fL fl fl

You Excelled at College.
Now Excel at Your Career.
If you have made the most of your college years through leadership and scholastic
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We are seeking a highly motivated individual with superior communication and
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Requirements include excellent oral and written communication skills, proficiency
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to successfully complete and assist on examinations/inspections.
We will be on campus conducting an informative presentation on (Intern
candidates are encouraged to attend):
Thursday, November 5, 1992
7:00-9:00 pm. At Michigan League Henderson Room
At the presentation other potential opportunities will also be discussed. Students
should bring resumes.


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