0 Page 4 -The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 3, 1992 l e 40Ytl igttn atilu 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 764-0552 Editor in Chief MATTHEW D. RENNIE Opinion Editors YAEL CITRO GEOFFREY EARLE AMITAVA MAZUMDAR Edited and Managed by Students at the University of Michigan Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Michigan should vote for change HM M..S Ez HERE THMAT 14 ORE CON -T Y L BE VoThV6/& 'HAT S ONd tW-H7rHF OR NOT" o NIE OFFICIAILLy CONc.EMf Hor os'ECvL t7TY, HEY, N11C144JRotj~'iFROMA%1-3 T '14 W, TH-iE W AP FooT64AtL poL., / a~ .. . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . .._ . .. . . . _. . .. . .. . .. . . A1 TREE IH)AT-COULPD'VE Fu?7HE r- AIDS kESE'ARCtH WAS CHoPPfFD PoWs4~/ / HMMPH. I- Whi-AT 'Ns lSAMNOVT&,l& fr,-I~y ION, FOR 'EE sS- F1'0'1F 6 H7 -7"u, +30oNE A&)o4i47, - 57' r'..- ,y I*I'LL- wAly S 0 M ichigan voters will go to the polls today to cast their ballots for the person they con- sider best-equipped to lead this country out of the recession and toward a prosperous future. Both parties agree that Michigan will be the key to victory, so Michiganders should certainly not be under the impression that their votes are worth- less. President George Bush has returned to this state several times, trying to convince the people of Michigan that trust and character are the key issues. They may well be the key issues, but Bill Clinton- not the president - deserves our trust and * has proven his superior char- 3 v acter over the president. Granted, Clinton is not the perfect candidate. Like it would with any can- didate, the Daily has its differences in .opinion. The Arkansasgov- ernor could have saved himselfquite a bit of trouble, for example, by leveling with the American people from the start about his Vietnam draft status. But the half-truths, deceptions, covert opera- tions and the disregard for human and civil rights that characterized the Reagan/Bush years are far more pressing than Clinton's attempts to worm his way out of an uncomfortable situation. The lies spoken by Presidents Ronald Reagan and Bush are too numerous to list, although we've tried in the past. Looking at the track record of recent presi- dents, Clinton doesn't only pose a viable alterna- tive, but a pretty good one. Those who recollect about Clinton's past talk of his compassion for minorities and the poor, and his efforts to help them. They talk of his deep and heart-felt opposi- tion to the. Vietnam War. They talk of his tireless, albeit often unsuccessful, attempts as the youngest governor in the United States to make all the wrongs in Arkansas right again. Since then, Clinton's political character has changed. As a first-term governor, few of his pet projects were implemented. As a resurrected Ar- kansas political power, Clinton learned the power- ful lesson of compromise and give-and-take. The final product is a successful and adept politician. Many confuse Clinton's political skill with lack of principle. But Clinton's growth to political ma- turity has been marked by firmstands on education, welfare re- form and job training. Clinton's plat- form to unify the American people is in sharp contrast homophobic divisive rheto- ric of the in- creasingly far- right Republi- can party. Cy Clinton emerged after APPHO the Demo- cratic conven- tion with the energy that impresses American's young voters. Returning Bush to the White House would only return lethargy, apathy and cynicism to American politics. So, let the issues be trust and character. Presi- dent Bush has blown his opportunity to prove his worthy of trust and has convincingly demonstrated his utter lack of character. Clinton offers a far preferable alternative. No Michiganders should deceive themselves into thinking the race is over. The daily network polls show that Clinton main- tains a varying, yet continuing firm lead. President, Harry Truman's experience should tell us that polls are not accurate, and should not be assumed to be a trustworthy prediction. Michigan's importance in this election makes its 18 electoral votes that much more important. ..1'.:':.......... . ": :i . . . 'i: .. ... : '?:. :i t1..'.".:^:ii.'.":::::i:::::::."."i: y ' r ".:r::: ii::"::.". .:'::::::::. '."."::i::.:":i::'ii : J::: '"""': i': ':{."'.. " ln ... ...a. n r.n n.. ..... "::" ". ": I IYIR ":" :... .:.;" :.:;; ". . . ::::::.: :.; .. ". :.........:.::.":::"::ti : . ::: ...................... ...........:.. Sex and the truth To the Daily: I am more than a little disappointed by your recent editorial entitled "Birmingham Fights Fundamentalists," (10/27/ 92) which supports the Birming- ham school district's decision to teach homosexuality. I am an LSA junior who graduated from Birmingham Seaholm High School. In our required health classes. at Seaholm, we were bombarded with messages saying that premarital sex is fine, if it were safe. As for sexually transmitted diseases, abstinence was only fleetingly mentioned. It frightens me that in the age of AIDS, our young students will be presented with the idea that homosexuality is a legitimate, acceptble alternative life-style. Granted that AIDS is no longer a "gay disease," but let's face it, the overwhelming majority of AIDS patients have in fact contracted the virus through homosexual relations. I must also express distaste for the manner in which you target the Michigan Family Forum. To portray the Forum as a fringe group of radical fundamentalists is simply not accurate. The Forum is a group to be commended for its action to assist and encourage the family structure and values that made our country great. For you to assert that any argument declaring homosexual- ty as immoral is "hardly worth mentioning" is to close your eyes to what's really happening in the world. There are millions of people throughout America who believe that homosexuality is wrong and should not be prac- ticed. As for your claim that up to 10 percent of the population could be gay - look at the study that idea came. from; a sample of men in prison around the country is hardly representative of the entire population. Such propaganda is extremely dangerous. John N. Damoose LSA junior Constitution is clear... To the Daily: There is nothing which makes me more angry than people who want to make my decisions for me. I can respect that there are some people out there who are anti-abortion. But that gives them no right to decide what anyone else can or cannot do. The pro- choice movement is not pro- abortion - it is for a woman's choice. Even if 99 percent of the country were pro-life, abortion should still be safe and legal for the remaining women so that they may have the opportunity to make up their owns minds. In response to Bridget Hamilton's use of the Constitu- tion to support her anti-choice position ("Rights of the fetus must be protected," 10/16/92), that is fine and well but I encour- age her look more carefully at what the men who wrote the Constitution actually wrote. The ...women have To the Daily: I would like to take this opportunity to address a letter that appeared in the Oct. 16 edition of the Daily's Issues Forum. Bridget Hamilton ("Rights of the fetus must be protected,") concludes her argument by urging us to "remember the words of our Constitution," and recall that "all people are created (not 'born') equal and granted certain inalienable rights, the first and most basic of these being the right to life." Ms. Hamilton, if you insist on quoting the Constitution, please use words that actually come from the text. The ideas you refer to are expressed in the Declara- tion of Independence, not the U.S. Constitution. In referring to the Constitu- tion, however, it is my opinion that you have built your own coffin. The portions that are most relevant to abortion, the ninth and fourteenth amendments, have been consistently interpreted by phrase she used says "men" and not "people" and obviously the writers were not including women into an all-encompassing "men." The writers of the Constitution did not see women as equal to men because if they still had their way Hamilton would still be unable to vote thus, making her opinion worthless. If women lose the right to choose it will be a bad omen for the future of the United States. After all, if a woman cannot be trusted to make her own decisions concerning her own body how can anyone be trusted to make such an important choice as the election of the president? Personal freedom must be fought for at every chance because with the Bush Court tomorrow may be too late. Kincaid C. Brown LSA Junior right to choose the U.S. Supreme Court to protect a "penumbra of privacy" to paraphrase William Douglas, that a logical extension of case-history extends to abortion. It has been the tradition of American law not to regard the unborn as persons, as the four- teenth amendment implies - a break of which would violate legal continuity. It is the opinion of a majority of legal experts, that laws prohibiting abortion are a substan- tive violation of the fourteenth. amendment's due process clause and constitute an invasion of the right to privacy established in cases beginning with Meyer vs. Nebraska and culminating in Griswold vs. Connecticut and Roe vs. Wade. Ms. Hamilton please refrain from citing the Constitu- tion incorrectly when arguing your position. It does an injustice both to your credibility as well as that great charter we rightly call the supreme law of the land. Bryan D. Lauer LSA first- year student Daily's Election Day endorsements: President and Vice President of the United States Gov. Bill Clinton and Sen. Al Gore (D) U.S. Congress, 13th District Rep. Bill Ford (D) SMich: Ri nfi: T : u .::":;t;:it;et ~ t~:t;{ :::e. naivs~i~.. 52nd District Mark Ouimet (R) 53rd District Lynn Rivers (D) 'NX:e 1 Y. r., :.: :. :: " ." ., : .i.'. '. l,.'.i.-: is i .:. '::::: i i :: i .i:::.':: i ::.'::. ;.:: i"..r r . 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Perry Bullard (D) Washtenaw County Prosecuting Attorney Brian Mackey (D) The Supreme Court recently decided that it wasn't the Court's place to interfere with the forced rehiring of a sexual harasser. The justices did not comment on the Chrysler Corporation's argument that the lower court's or der to re- hire the of- fender harms M Chrysler's ef- forts to com- bat sexual ha- rassment. By upholding the union arbitrator's argument that the pun- ishment was too harsh, the courts have allowed blatant assaults on women's bodies. Whether or not harassment took place was never at issue. Worker Ronald Gallenbeck grabbed the breasts of a woman conducting an inspection at the Beaver Dam plant in Wisconsin. After squeezing her breasts, he commented into a phone, "Yup, they're real." After firing Gallenbeck, Chrysler received re- norts of four similar nrevious inci- agreed to exclude this evidence, and the courts did not challenge him. Chrysler must now rehire the harasser and give him back pay, minus 30 days salary. Even if the firing was based on a single incident, Chrysler was jus- tified in its decision, because the harassment was such a blatant and invasive attack. The arbitrator said firing would only be justified for "extremely serious offenses, such as stealing or striking a foreman." This reasoning implies that since the victim was not a foreman of the worker, she can be attacked with impunity. Traditionally, when a woman has suffered sexual harass- ment in the workplace, her only recourse has been to leave the job. Chrysler's resolve to force the of- fender to do so is far better. Although the union arbitration - an arbitrary process -deserves much of the blame for this breach ofjustice, the courts' failure to step in is even more appalling. The fed- eral district court held that although "the nublic nolicv against sexual sion "draw[s] its essence from the collective bargaining agreement." This agreement stipulates that an employee cannot be fired without "just cause." Essentially, Chrysler's enforcement of conduct standards fell victim to the judgment of one man, the arbitrator. The courts de- ferred to precedent that had allowed this before. Only the Supreme Court has the power to overturn precedent. Their judgment not to hear the case means a majority did not concur that there was a clear trend of a problem in the way the courts were interpreting the law Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits workplace conduct which constitutes sexual ha- rassment, but legal precedents have undermined the enforcement of this statute. One has to ask, if there were more women justices, or if the inci- dent involved the squeezing of a man's testicles, would the Court have been so complacent? Would a testicle squeezer have to be rehired so he or she could be "rehabili- 0 .'::... .... . . . . . .;.;{... .v.m.;.. . .. ............ ....}..:.:.. . " ".}" tr:}:J:{J%{ ::t~r%{" .'.".:..J1....".....,..."...^ ":"h..:..":. :i~i.::%":f:. ......"...:}:5...:". .. :tif t{{ ................................ Proposal A (Limits annual increases in homestead property tax assessments and provide separate tax limitations for different property classifica- tions.). Vote NO Proposal C (Reduces school operating property taxes and limits annual increases in all property tax assess- ments.) Vote NO n .U - I