The Michigan Daily - Campaign '92 Special Pullout Section - Friday, October 30, 1992
-- U
W here you vote depends on where you are registered. If you are not registered in
the city of Ann Arbor, you should have applied for, and recieved, an absentee
ballot. The map at left shows Wards and Precincts for the Central Campus
area. The table below should help you determine where to vote if used that adress when
you registered. The address on your voter registration card determines where you can
vote. You may vote only at the place printed on your card. If you have any questions
about voting procedures, call the City Clerk's office at 994-2725.
-I I IHuron
Ward Pecinc
North University "
West Quad
On the Hill
- I ~E
South Unive
U (
North of Huron Street
North Campus
Mary Markley Hall
Between Washtenaw & Geddes
- _ i -
Hill 3
East Quad
East of Church St.
Michigan Union
Alice Lloyd Hall
Community High S
Bursley Hall
Mary Markley Hal
Angell School
East Quad
East Quad
Burns Park School
South Quad
926 Mary St.
Jonahan ernt/DALYGRP~X
South of Cambridge Road
South Quad
South of Hill Street
South of Hoover Street
tontinued from cover
Grease voter turnout.
"I registered at the U2 concert,"
said LSA junior Amir Sepahdar. "It
seems like the big message this elec-
tion is for the young adults to get out
and vote and have their voice heard."
"students only register every four
years," said Deputy City Clerk
Yvonne Carl.
LSA first-year student Christine
Fowler said she felt privileged to be
able to register and vote.
- "When I turned 18, I was actually
pretty excited because I would finally
get to vote for the presidential candi-
dates this year," she said.
U-M graduate Jonathan Grossman
of the State Democratic Coordinated
Campaign said he expected this record
number of student registration.
"The choice this year is so large
for college students.... I'm not. sure
the students have always had this
choice," he said.
Continued from cover
economic renewal.
"We ought to bring money back
that we're spending in other parts of
the world," Ford said.
"There's got to be some move-
ment very fast to get the economy
doing or nothing else will be sup-
ported by the public," he said.
Ford, chair of the House Commit-
ee on Education and Labor, said he
focuses on education in his addresses
to U-M students.
He wrote this year's Higher Edu-
cation Reauthorization Act, which
made more college students eligible
for loans.
Ford said a Clinton administration
would help him fund the loans to
"liege students and allow working
Many of the students who regis-
tered for the first time said they are
paying more attention to politics.
"The reason I'm paying more at-
tention is because I like Bush, and
since he is falling behind, I was chart-
ing his progress," said LSA junior
Gary Schneider.
Rick Schwartz of the National
Bush/Quayle Youth Coalition.said the
state of the economy has inspired
high registration numbers, but added
that he expects only average turnout.
Schwartz said the president is gain-
ing support among college students.
Bush trailed Clinton by 15 points
in polls taken of college students two
weeks ago, but the margin has tight-
ened to three points, he said.
Bush made appearances at nine
colleges. Clinton appeared at more
than 50 campuses during the cam-
Schwartz said Bush would have
liked to go to more colleges, but he
still has presidential duties and does
not deterinne his campaign schedule.
Grossman said Clinton's college
parents to take time off to care for
family members.
Ford takes a strong abortion rights
stance, but Geake is vehemently anti-
While Ford supports a national
health care plan, Geake adamantly
opposes it.
"I do not believe in a national
health care system," Geake said, add-
ing that a national health care system
would cost $300 billion and leave
many people unsatisfied.
"One of the reasons health care is
so high because of so many frivolous
lawsuits," Geake said. He proposes
that health care cost be deducted from
income taxes.
Independent candidate Randall
Roe, Workers' League candidate
Larry Roberts and Tisch candidate
Paul Jensen are also running.
visits have not been only to reach
students but also to draw crowds from
the surrounding communities. He
cited Clinton's Ann Arbor rally last
Monday as an example.
Grossman said the Clinton/Gore
campaign has been targeting college
voters by educating them about the
Democratic ticket's stances on abor-
tion, the environment, college tuition
and the job market.
Schwartz said the Bush campaign
does not have a specific strategy for
courting college voters. "wejustcome
out and say what we want to say."
Some students said voting is the
only way they can respond to the
political system.
"I think it's important to show that
people care about what is happen-
ing," LSA senior Patty Gillen said.
"Just because you don't believe that
there are good choices doesn't mean
you shouldn't vote - there are obli-
- Saloni Janeva contributed to
this report
Continued from cover
the race with the painful message of
increased taxes and reduced spending
to save our faltering economy.
Kingdon said the impact of Perot
is that he may have prompted people
to vote who otherwise would nothave.
Despite his lack of partisan sup-
port, Perot could secure a higher pro-
portion of votes than any third-party
or independent candidate in recent
But Stearns said Perot's effect on
the election has been completely nega-
"He has reinforced the myth in
American politics that a single man
can come in on a white horse and save
the country," he said. "He is one large
ego running for president."
Ballot question. would r
city elections to November
by Jonathan Berndt
Daily City Reporter
Ann Arbor voters will decide on
a proposal Tuesday that would move
city elections from April to Novem-
The referendum will ask voters
to elect the Ann Arbor mayor and
members of the City Council in
November with the general election.
Right now, city elections are held
on the first Monday in April.
U-M College Democrats have
spearheaded the proposed change,
called the Voter Initiative for No-
vember Elections (VINE).
College Democrat Jeff Gourdji,
an LSA junior who led the drive,
said November elections would give
students a greater voice in City Hall.
In 1988, 71.4 percent of regis-
tered 18- to 20-year-olds voted in
the presidential election.
But in last spring's city election,
only 6.4 percent of them went to the
"We want to make city govern-
ment more responsive to students,"
Gourdji said.
Proponents say the city would
also save $80,000 by not holding a
separate election.
"We're pushing for it. It saves
taxpayer dollars," said Dan
Friedenzohn, co-chair of -College
John Petz, president of U-M Col-
lege Republicans, agrees.
"The general consensus is we
These are the percentage of
18- to 20-year old voters that
voted in various city and
national elections:,
City '92
Pres. primary '92
November '90
City '89
National '88
support it," he said. "It could save
$80,000- that's a pretty legitimate
reason. It would let students take a
greater role in Ann Arbor city gov-
ernment. It's important that we have
a say in what goes on since we live
here eight months of the year."
But City Councilmember Peter
Nicolas (D-4th Ward) said the pro-
posal would alienate students from
city politics because city election
primaries would be held in August
- when most students are out-of-
"This proposal would reduce the
impact students at the university have
in local politics," Nicolas said. "The
real decision would be decided in
August, when turnout is even lower.
"In effect, students would be
locked out of the process," he added.
Councilmember Kurt Zimmer
(D-4th Ward) said attention to city
issues would be diminished because
of all the other elections.
"If I were screaming about city
issues rightnow, nobody would hear
me. I'd get lost in the shuffle," he
said. 4
But Mayor Liz B rater said,
"That's kind of insulting to the vot-
ers, to say they can't focus on one,
more issue."
There are 16,339 Democrats and
9,361 Republicansregisteredto vote
in Ann Arbor.
Opponents say that if the pro-
posal passes, Democrats would
dominate city politics because many-
liberal voters in November don't-
vote in April elections.
"Ann Arbor voters are so Demo-"
cratic that Republicans would have..
no chance," Nicolas said.
But College Democrats insist,
they're not acting out of self-inter-
"If students vote Democratic
that's fine,' Friedenzohn said. "The"
purpose is not to gain political lever--'1
age. It's smart policy."
Councilmember Bob Grady (D.
3rd Ward) said more people would"
vote if there were fewer elections.
"People are rational consumers,"...
said Grady, apolitical science pro-.x
fessor at Eastern Michigan Univer-,
sity. "They will minimize the num-
ber of times they go to the polls."
Grady also said low turnout fa-
vors upper-class interests.
"The lower the turnout, the more
elitist the election," he said.
The proposal would not affect,
the April 1993 city elections.
Referendum would fund new shelter
ontinued from cover
influence the regents' elections, they
o not play a large part in most of the
board's decisions.
Harrison said the partisan vote on
the Statement of Student Rights and
kesponsibilities earlier this month is
the only vote he recalls that split along
party lines.
d Although the regents had no part
the writing or re-drafting of the
Slicy, they will decide when the U-
will implement it and how it shall
le amended.
SLarosaid that although the code
4as been criticized for its ambiguity,
for survivors of domestic violence
she is not opposed to it.
"I think most students know what
is acceptable and what isn't," she said.
McGowan said she prefers to see a
code thatmeets the minimum require-
ments mandated by law.
"I prefer a minimalist code that
applies to federal regulations, and then
more counseling and greater access to
counseling. I would like to see the
university lead by example and im-
prove the relationship between the
sexes," she said.
"I just think that says more about
the values that our society has at-
tached to men and women than any
document anyone will ever produce,"
McGowan said.
Deitch said the draft of the code
that he saw seemed too vague. "I
came at it as a lawyer who respects the
First Amendment. I think we're better
served with greater specificity."
Nielsen did not comment on the
policy in an interview.
Both McGowan and Nielsen said
they are committed to working be-
yond the goals of the Michigan Man-
date, the U-M's commitment to a
multicultural studentbody, faculty and
Regent Veronica Smith (R-Grosse
Ile) holds the other seat up for election
Tuesday. Smith did not run for re-
election after losing the Republican
Party's endorsement.
by Andrew Taylor
Daily Staff Reporter
Survivors.of domestic violence
will have a new shelter if voters
approve a ballot proposal Tuesday.
If passed, the proposal will gen-
erate about $2.5 million for con-
struction of a shelter for battered
women and their children in
Washtenaw County who have left
their homes because of domestic
The Shelter Available For Emer-
gencies, called SAFE House, would
replace an existing SAFE House that
has fallen into extreme disrepair.
"The current shelter is falling
apart," said Susan McGee, director
of SAFE House/Domestic Violence
Project, Inc.
Problems include frequent sew-
age backups, leaky roofs, windows
that won't open and overcrowding,
The referendum will ask voters to pay an additional
0.25-mill in property taxes over the next two years. If it
passes, the proposal will generate about $2.5 million.
The owner of a $120,000 house would pay an extra $30
over the two-year period.
U-M students who live off-campus and do not own their
houses would probably pay this indirectly through rent.
Students who live in residence halls would not have to pay
any additional money because the U-M is exempt from
' > i
I a:
property taxes.
erty taxes for the next two years.
A mill is the basic unit of com-
puting property taxes.
The owner of a $120,000 house
would pay an extra $30 over the
two-year period.
U-M students who live off-cam-
pus and do not own their houses
portation - unlike the current cen-
The building's location wouldbe
made public; the current center has a
secret site to protect survivors. How-
ever, the proposed location has not
yet been determined.
If the bond passes, the center,"
Jonathan Berndt, Andrew Levy,
J, l