by Jonathan Berndt
Daily City Reporter
The Ann Arbor City Council met
as a Committee of the Whole last
night to discuss, but not to approve,
a $1.1 million contract that would
bring the city's water treatment plant
into compliance with recently-
changed environmental laws.
In a letter to the council, City
Administrator Al Gatta said the
treatment plant - located at 919
Sunset Rd. - needs to add an
ozonation facility and other im-
provements in order to comply with
*surface water treatment rules.
"The ozonation facility will dis-
infect the water," said Harvey
Mieske, water plant superintendent.
"It is more powerful than chlorine
and doesn't form THMs
(Trihalomethanes), whose chloro-
form is a suspected carcinogen. We
could meet the requirement with
chlorine, but then we would exceed
the THM limit."
Gatta's letter also said the city
has an agreement with the Michigan
Department of Public Health to
achieve full compliance by June
"Right now the facility doesn't
need to be constructed," Mieske
said. "But (the requirements) will be
law by the time (the project) gets
The agreement includes a sched-
ule providing sufficient time for
quality design, construction and
start-up operation of the ozonation
The schedule also includes grad-
ual increases in water rates over
three years to finance the estimated
$7.5 million cost of the system.
Councilmember Larry Hunter (D-
1st Ward) said he thinks the council
eshould have questioned the unfunded
federal mandate.
"We should have challenged the
rules to get financial relief or get
into a partnership with the govern-
ment," Hunter said.
He added it is possible the tech-
nology could be obsolete by the time
the plan is completed.
"We should be sure on the tech-
nology before we spend $10 mil-
0Wlon," he said.
Larry Sanford, Mieske's assis-
tant, said the system would remove
an infectious organism that causes
stomach cramps and diarrhea and is
very hard to cure. He added that both
filtration and disinfectant systems
are necessary to eradicate the organ-
ism from the water.
Mieske said the ozone, the com-
pound used in the system, must be
produced on-site.
"It is produced by passing oxy-
gen through an electrical current to
form Ozone or 03. This form is very
unstable so it must be produced
The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 29, 1992 - Page 3
DPS oversight
board open to
hear complaints
School of Music sophomore Emi Nakazato addresses the crowd assembled for the Speak Out last night in the
Union Ballroom. The Speak Out was part of the eighth annual Sexual Assault Awareness Week.
SAPAC Speak Out supports
sur"vors of sexual assault
by Karen Talaski
Daily Gender Issues Reporter
A celebration of both joy and
tears marked the Sixth Annual
Speak Out on Sexual Assault and
Harassment held last night at the
Michigan Union.
Throughout the evening about
650 people attended the four-
hour Speak Out. The event -
part of the Eighth Annual Sexual
Assault Awareness Week - was
sponsored by the Sexual Assault
Prevention and Awareness Center
"It is a time for survivors to
have for themselves to use in a
way that is constructive for
them," said SAPAC counselor
Kata Issari. "The Speak Out is a
real celebration of the strength
and courage."
Terry, one of the many sur-
vivors who spoke, said it took her
a long time to reconcile herself to
being raped. "My advice is for
everyone to do whatever it takes
to begin healing. It's not worth
living half a life," she said.
Alicia, another survivor, said,
"I want to tell the men: Take as
many precautions so that you will
never be called a rapist as a
woman takes so that she will
never be raped."
The celebration theme was
conveyed by flowers, balloons,
and survivors' artwork which
decorated the Union Ballroom.
Inspirational music was played to
create an uplifting mood as well.
The spirit of the evening was
heightened by the stories of the
survivors. Each survivor who
talked was given a round of ap-
plause as well as a flower to
thank him or her for speaking.
After Catherine was raped at
age 10, she said she felt as if she
was dead inside. "My father said
the worst thing you can say to a
child: Never tell anyone. I still
feel the guilt and the pain and the
Jennifer said, "No longer
should we live in this world
where rape is a dirty word or
where women who are raped and
men who are raped are dirty
She was drunk when her as-
sault occured, Jennifer continued.
"I'm not preaching, but be careful
when you drink. Watch out for
yourself and each other."
Rosanne said she still feels the
fear from her attack. "I've been
fighting this for so long and it
doesn't seem like I'm getting
Meg, a survivor who has
anorexia nervosa and bulimia,
said that "over the past few
months I realized that I've not
only been feeling distance from
my body but I've been trying to
make it disappear.
"Women are taught that our
bodies are not ours and they be-
long to the public and to anybody
who wants to touch them," Meg
said. "That's not true. Your body
does belong to you and not any-
one else."
by Erin Einhorn
Daily Crime Reporter
Complaints about the U-M
Department of Public Safety (DPS)
have previously been processed
through the department. But LSA
senior Christy Ochoa said she fears
some people might not feel comfort-
able complaining about the police to
the police.
That's one reason she wanted to
serve on the DPS oversight board,
which met for the second time
"It's clear to me that student con-
cerns were never addressed when
they installed the police force," said
Ochoa, who has opposed the depu-
tized force since it was installed on
campus in June 1990.
"(This oversight board) is the last
possible way to make sure students
have some power in being able to
affect policy," she said.
At yesterday's meeting, the
elected members of the oversight
board - two students, two faculty
members and two staff members -
questioned DPS director Leo
Heatley about previous complaints
addressed to the department, officer
training methods, and department
Heatley said much of the re-
quested information was not avail-
able to the public, but said he would
summarize some of the material for
the oversight board after consulting
with an attorney.
Heatley also said he hoped he
would be able to communicate regu-
larly with the committee.
"If we have employees that are
not acting within our philosophy, we
want to know about it," he said. "I
would hope that you would have
faith in us to investigate the matter
in a timely manner."
Members of the board said they
would like to learn more about DPS
operations and said they were dis-
mayed by Heatley's promise to de-
liver a summary of previous
"I'm weary of Leo Heatley,"
Ochoa said. "Anything that is not
protected by the Freedom of
Information Act should be made
available from the start. I don't need
a summary - I can read it."
School of Natural Resources se-
nior Michael Dorsey - the other
elected student representative to the
oversight board - agreed.
"Clearly we've got to get the rule
book," he said. "If we can't see the
rules, it's as if there are no rules."
The board plans to question an
attorney when it meets again next
week to learn what types of informa-
tion it is entitled to by the Freedom
of Information Act.
Heatley said DPS will be coop-
erative and invited committee mem-
bers to ride in a patrol car with an
officer for a shift.
"The more you know about our
department, the better you'll be able
to evaluate it," he said.
Dorsey said he ran for the over-
sight board because of his
"opposition to fascism."
"Fascists work in a way like the
police do - behind closed doors,"
he said. "It's a small group of people
making huge changes to policy that
have wide, far reaching impacts," he
He said being on the oversight
board gives him an opportunity to
"get in that door."
"I want to see that they do their
job the way they're supposed to do
their job," he said.
Dorsey and Ochoa agreed the
best way to give students and com-
munity members more control over
DPS is to publicize the oversight
board and encourage anyone with
problems to contact the board
"The only way to test this
grievance board is to get
grievances," Dorsey said. "People
need to know that there is this board
and we can take their complaints."
Look for it in the
(they rea
Bush, Clinton compete for Michigan voters
DETROIT (AP) - President
Bush and Bill Clinton were planning
dueling campaign appearances today
in the Detroit area as both fight for
the state's 18 electoral votes.
Bush planned to overnight
yesterday in Warren before a full
slate of appearances today in the
Detroit and Grand Rapids areas..
The Winans gospel group will
back Clinton at a noon rally today in
downtown Detroit, while Bush
rallies his supporters in nearby
Macomb County beginning at 11:30
The visits are No. 12 for Bush
and seven for Clinton in 1992.
"We want to give him that last
big boost as he heads around third
toward home base," Larry Simmons,
an aide to Detroit Mayor Coleman
Young, said of Clinton's rally.
A Republican organizer said
Bush is gaining ground in Macomb
County, carried by Ronald Reagan
and by Bush in 1988 but now
favoring Clinton in the polls.
"The guy's starting to catch a
little fire," said Terry Gilsenen,
deputy city treasurer in Warren.
After the Warren rally, the
president flies to Grand Rapids,
where he will attend an outdoor rally
at the Gerald R. Ford Museum in
Grand Rapids, Michigan GOP
national committee member Charles
Yob said Tuesday.
Former President Gerald Ford
'You can lose the last
10 weeks, just don't
lose the last one.'
- Tom Shields
Republican pollster
will be on hand for the Grand Rapids
rally as well as a private Kent
County GOP fund-raiser tonight.
Bush then is to appear in an
hourlong televised town meeting at 8
p.m. on WZZM-TV. He will be
questioned by 100-150 citizens
gathered in Holland, Kalamazoo,
Lansing, Detroit and the Grand
Rapids studio.
Clinton held a similar TV session
on WXYZ-TV in Detroit last month.
"It's good timing for Bush to do
it now," said Republican pollster
Tom Shields. "You can lose the last
10 weeks, just don't lose the last
Clinton is to leave Michigan after
the Detroit rally. His wife, Hillary,
will speak later at a 4,000-person
fund-raiser at the Fox Theatre in
heard the peeh. Yo a
MAP ede. byesSon.-...beti..o.uNth
Student groups
'UAIDS Coalition to Unleash
Power, meeting, EastEngineer-
ing Building, Baker-Mandela
Center, 7:30 p.m.
Q Ann Arbor Libertarian League,
pre-election meeting,
Dominick's Restaurant, 7 p.m.
Q Circle K, club meeting, Michi-
gan Union, Anderson Room,
7:30 p.m.
U Institute of Electrical and Elec-
tronics Engineers, technical
luncheon, Electrical Engineer-
ing and Computer Science
Building, room 1311, 12:30-
1:30 p.m.
Q Intervarsity Christian Fellow-
ship, meeting, Natural Re-
sources Building, room 1040,7
Q Islamic Circle, discussing evo-
lution, Michigan League, 3rd
floor Room C, 6-7 p.m.
Q Newman Catholic Student As-
sociation, Party for First Year
U-M Catholic Students, Saint
Mary Student Chapel, 331 Th-
ompson St., 7 p.m.
U Pro-Choice Action, meeting,
MLB, room B 137, 7:30 pm.
U U-M Archery Club, practice,
Sports Coliseum, 8-10 p.m.
Q U-M Pre-Med Club, Halloween
practice, CCRB, small gym,
8:30-10 p.m.
U "Explaining Prehistoric Mass
Inhumations in the American
Southwest," Brown Bag Lec-
ture Series, Natural Science Mu-
seum, room 2009, 12-1 p.m.
Q "Focus on Michigan," photog-
raphy contest, City of Ann Ar-
bor Parks and Recreation
Department, accepting entries
until December 1, contact Irene
Bushaw 994-2780.
Q "Genocide and Denial: The
Politics of Revisionism," lec-
ture sponsored by U-M Arab-
American Students' Associa-
tion, U-M Armenian Students'
Cultural Association and U-M
Hellenic Student Association;
Lane Hall; Commons Room; 4
U "Is There a Place for Christi-
anity in Contemporary
Academia?" lecture, Rackham
Building, Amphitheatre, 7:30
U Matewan Labor Film Series,
sponsored by the Network for
Cultural Democracy, MLB, Lec-
ture Room 2, 7:30 p.m.
Q Physical Chemistry Faculty
Practice, Slavic Department,
MLB, 3rd floor Conference
Room, 4-5 p.m.
U "Sex and Ideology: The Films
of Rainer Werner Fass-
binder," symposium, Rackham
Building, Assembly Hall, 2 p.m.
Q "The Last Year," film, Angell
Hall, Auditorium B, 7:30 p.m.
Q "Tuning In and Getting Orga-
nized," presented as part of
Sexual Assault Awareness
Week, Michigan Union, Ander-
son Rooms, 7 p.m.
Q "What is a Socialist Utopia?"
lecture, Rackham Building,
West Conference Room, 2:30-
4:30 p.m.
Q Workshop Presenters Needed,
for 1993 People of Color Career
Conference, needed to plan and
conduct workshop, apply byNo-
vember 2, contact Katrina
McCree 763-0235.
Student services
Q Northwalk Safety Walking Ser-
vice, Bursley Hall, lobby, 763-
WALK, 8 p.m. - 1:30 a.m.
Q Psychology Undergraduate
Peer Advising, Department of
Psychology, West Quad, room
K210, 10 a.m. -4 p.m.
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dates and their campains.
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the st1'Iiudnt Travels magaine 1
Auditions will be held at Revelli Hall on November 2- 5, 1992
The audition will consist of sight reading.
Drum Set players will also need to demonstrate various styles.
Pntin nvilhl o
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