Page 4-The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 27, 1992 1E £fdjtgan &xilg 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 764-0552 Editor in Chief MATTIEW D. RENNIE OpinionEditors YAEL CITRO GEOFFREY EARLE AMITAVA MAZUMDAR Edited and Managed . by Students at the University of Michigan Unsigned editorials represent a mjority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Parties hinder progress in MSA I'M 7NOT t3 -,rInf2 IN THi/S' fAC1,.rI 0N'T TR U!TT7HP7 POLLS. THE POLLS'TERS' ARE ALL OFF THEIRROKIRE ON NIOVF/'-15'E9 3=° THE ANERIC(AN PEOPL~E L'VLL 514Y "FOUR Mf~ORE: Y&, R j1 r r(' ylr- , r - '~THE MEDIAl .v:" ELL'Y7U VV'T T Ij , .. OFCAUS'E "1HEY CAN SE FLAIN AS IDA~YLIGsHT -IAT A VoT-E FOR PERO-Ft S A 7k 1'. I I I r' . t INF4C i-4 As Michigan Student Assembly elec- tions near, both of the two parties - the Progressive Party and the Conservative Coalition (CC) - are struggling to find enough warm bodies } to fill their rosters. But instead of continuing the same, old, inane party system that only diminishes the credibility ofMSA, students' should be encouraged to run for MSA, and, more importantly, to run as independents. The Progressive Party is in dire straits. With only two days left to register candidates, the party currently has only five candidates signed up, and it is scrambling to fill the large num- ber of spots. In fliers posted all over campus, the Progressives ask those who feel "political inadequacy," to join their cause. It is this type of meaningless (and Freudian) slogan that masks any sentiment of a party platform. The Conservative Coalition is also searching for people to fill its slate. Conservative Coa- lition flyers ask students to sign up for the party destined to once again "throw the radicals out." This type of campaign is symptomatic of the visionless platforms proposed by CC in the past. For the last five years, conservatives have run campaigns against radicals, without offering many constructive ideas of their own. Both parties argue that students are too busy to V make intelligent decisions on the merits of indi- vidual candidates. But the handful of highly quali- fied independent candidates who are elected each term invalidates this argument. Some of the Assembly's most influential members (this is a relative term) have been independents. Additionally, the two-party system takes its toll on the elec- tion process. When students cast ballots for party slates, candidates are not forced to take individual positions on student issues, or even attend election forums to tout their views. Moreover, students lose all incentive to pay attention to specific issues, and instead fo- cus on the parties. Independent candidates, who are free of the pressures associated with party politics, stand a better chance of stay- ing out of the political fray. Students interested in joining the Assembly would do well to DOUGLAS KANTER/Daily realize that with the tradition- ally low voter turnout, winning a seat is not diffi- cult. With effective publicity, hard campaigning, and good knowledge and conviction about student is- sues, qualified students will have little trouble getting the necessary name recognition to win an assembly seat. Then perhaps they can begin to make MSA more responsive to student concerns. ".".h1":: " ": " " " "."." ht1':::. ".h :::. .". :.i": ttY:.L": ".t": 4Y: \Y "" ".1Y.1V:.1" " 1^:::.'.:" "," t" ""Y:.4t .1""1" ^ 1':.1" .1": ':,Y.":.": 1" " ". LttL".44 ." iY ^h :".:" 11 ..1 ..............1 ..h. ..t ....i ..h ..L.L ... .Lt"...{.. 4...... L th. t.'L"{{ ..a. . . v: v: "htv:: as ::.4;., :".. t1h" ^:.'::.'. .". ::. ::. :.t".'.t..........t":.L"::::. ::. :"t".".iii.L :::. ::::::::::::::. :.". ::: ::.............1.:.ti":.1...1..4.^..1":. .L ::.4.."""4...t."4r""...S.4L":.".i...4........:L:..1"::":::: '"1t.h."".. i1 t ,. Biningham fights fundamentalists Last Wednesday, more than 200 parents packed into the Birmingham Sex Education Advi- sory Council's meeting to protest Birmingham's policy of offering students objective lessons re- garding homosexuality. Despite many parents' homophobic and paranoid concerns, Birmingham's lessons about homosexuality are both a beneficial part of their sex education program, and necessary to counter the negative stereotypes currently asso- ciated with being homosexual. A proclaimed "family values" organization, calling itself the Michigan Family Forum, orga- nized the opposition. Led by Birmingham resi- dents Curtis and Carol Pope, the Forum raised such ridiculous arguments as the illegality of sod- omy in Michigan. Though this law remains on the books, no serious legal expert could credibly claim that the law is constitutional. In any case, such a law ought to be repealed. The Michigan Family Forum also believes that homosexuality is an immoral choice, and that teaching about it may encourage some students to become gay. The ridiculousness of such a state- ment is hardly worth comment. Enough scientific evidence exists to show that many people are born homosexual. But how people become homosexual is hardly a relevant question. What the Birming- ham classes have tried to do is to teach tolerance and understanding. It's typical of a "family val- ues" organization to oppose teaching decency and w kindness. But, Superintendent John Hoffler bravely de- fended the program, saying, "Our concern is for the well-being of the students ... (the school sys- tem) will make adjustments (to the program), but we intend to stay the course." Moreover, many of these students are going to be homosexual, whether they are open about it or not. Some estimate that 10 percent of the popula- tion could be gay. If that many students are in fact gay, then schools need to be addressing that reality, not dodging the truth. Statistics have shown that young people who are uncertain about their sexual orientation are three times more likely to attempt suicide. This is clearly a problem that teachers and students need to address in the open. Birmingham's lessons on homosexuality con- sist of three to four class hours and are a part of their sex education program. This program, fully intro- duced last January, includes an objective video titled "What if I'm Gay," a student attitude survey, a student-teacher discussion, and a presentation of community resources and support groups. Additionally, a panel of speakers, including parents of a gay child and gay men and women, may be part of the program. But, in spite of the beliefs of the Michigan Family Forum, this pro- gram does not teach sexual acts nor does it promote homosexuality. Moreover, in order for students to participate in this program, their parents are re- quired to sign a permission slip. But ironically, most of the parents who protested these lessons did not even send their children to Birmingham schools. In fact, the Popes and other members of the Forum send their children to the fundamentalist Southfield Christian Schools. Currently, Birmingham Public Schools is one of the few school districts in the nation which teaches students tolerance toward homosexual people. Other public schools should follow Birmingham's model and begin similar programs. This is the only way in which the negative stereotypes about homosexual- ity can be erased and allow gays to be openly accepted into mainstream life. Clinton's bias ignores Arab Americans To the Daily: Thank you for running the Katherine Metres' column concerning Arab Americans' concerns with Bill Clinton and the Democratic Party ("'Clinton's pro- Israel bias hurts peace," 10/20/ 92). Many Arab Americans like Clinton's domestic agenda but feel betrayed by his neglect of the Arab-American community and his intimate ties with the Ameri- can Israel Public Affairs Commit- tee (AIPAC). We all understand that candidates need money, however it should not be at the expense of the human rights of Palestinians and Lebanese, nor at the expense of thousands of fellow Americans (in particular the Arab-American community). We appreciate the Daily for allowing an Arab-American opinion to be aired allowing the student body to see, hear and read something that has been system- atically blocked out of the mainstream press for so long. Stephen Sheehi Rackham graduate student To the Daily: I would like to congratulate the Daily for printing Katherine Metres' column ("Clinton's pro- Israel bias hurts peace," 10/20/92). Metres voiced the concerns of the two and a half million Arab Americans who feel ignored. Many would gladly cast their votes in favor of the Democratic ticket if it weren't for Clinton's insensitivity towards the issue of Occupied Palestine. His refusal to meet with a thousand Arab-American Demo- crats who gathered in New York earlier this summer is clearly a gesture to please the pro-Israel lobby and keep their money flowing into his campaign. It is disgusting that because we are unable to donate millions of dollars to Clinton's campaign, we are not even given the opportunity to meet with him. All Bydon LSA senior Bullard supports women To the Daily: As long as I have been associated with the National Organization of Women (NOW), Perry Bullard has maintained active and strong support for issues affecting women. Perry has sponsored and been instrumental in passing several laws that have worked to improve and protect the rights of women. Perry has chosen to run for judge in the 15th District Court. He is leaving the State House of Representatives after serving the public for 20 years. He has served as chair of the State House Judiciary Committee for over half that time and has made tough decisions regarding individual rights and civil liberties, despite great political pressures. Through it all, Perry has maintained his integrity and commitment in serving the people, and he will, without a doubt, carry these qualities with him as judge. His keen sense of justice, fairness and his total commitment to due process will ensure the rights of each citizen are protected. Perry Bullard will bring to the 15th District Court a broad range of experience in drafting legisla- tion and passing laws that are currently being implemented and used in the district courts. He is the most qualified choice for judge because his experience is broad and has not been limited to one area of the law. Perry's transition from making the laws to enforcing the laws will be successful and women will benefit from Perry's commitment to a people-oriented court system. Perry Bullard will make an excellent judge and he has the support of the National Organiza- tion for Women - Michigan Conference. Kim Gasaway-Ross Legislative Liaison NOW - Michigan Conference Burkard: pro-abortion rights To the Daily: human element back in the As a candidate for the abortion issue by saving the Michigan House of Representa- fetuses when a mother is unable tives from the 53rd District, let unwilling to complete a preg- me make one thing perfectly nancy! clear. I am for abortion rights but Government should sponsor not for abortions. more research. For children The high number of women already born, I support tax cred seeking abortions shows the not deductions for minors. This private sector is not handling would reduce the stress faced by human reproduction well. potential mothers-to-be. It shou Beyond more forms of birth be paid for by raising the state control - especially male - the income tax from the present government needs to provide maximum of 20 percent for Medicaid funding of abortions incomes over $200,000. There and support for women in the was a day when some incomes form of homes for unwed and were taxed at 92 percent. Close other mothers who need special tax loopholes. care whether they want to give up I do not support my party's their babies or keep them. stand on abortion. I was unable Children are our most even to vote on the Tisch party precious resource, and their life platform, because I received and happiness should not be notification of the state convend threatened by all the divisiveness less than 16 hours before it tool of the abortion issue, as it place 100 miles away. presently polaizes women who Pat Burkc need love, not hate. P urd Dis Furthermore, let us get the 5r or its, y id tion k 01 and* ..4.....'11... .... ..... .... ....'ii'."i.{{.1. '"r{... 1 r Madonna is not out to teach Morality by Wendy Shanker POW/MA prowess offers hope Tast week, the government of Vietnam released L.. thousands of photographs of American sol- diers to representatives of the U.S. government. The Pentagon will finally be able to learn the fate of at least some of the soldiers captured or shot down during the Vietnam War. The Bush adminis- tration has rightly hailed the move as a break- through in the POW/MIA dilemma. In response to this long-awaited cooperation on the part of Viet- nam, the U.S. government seems willing to the normalize diplomatic and economic relations with the communist country. The trade-off is more than fair, if long over-due. Hanoi also announced that all documents re- lated to the POW/MIA issue will be released by next year. Naturally, such an announcement will raise hopes of MIA families. But the government and all concerned Americans should remember that Vietnam has been duplicitous concerning this issue in the past, and may behave in a similar nam and further crippled both economies. Seeking to become an accepted member of the international financial community, the Vietnamese government is finally acceding to American demands. President George Bush has offered humanitar- ian assistance and resources to help identify Vietnam's own MIAs in an effort to encourage continued cooperation. But the president should be aware that over- compensating for early breakthroughs may pro- duce complacency and stonewalling by Vietnam in the future. The current investigation by Sen. John Kerry's (D-Mass.) Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs, as in past investigations, has failed to recover anything substantial. Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, one of the few official most knowledgeable about the Vietnam War and its consequences, proved useless to Kerry's investiga- tion. Presidential candidate H. Ross Perot, the self- If you're one of the millions of people who hate Madonna's new book, "Sex,"I have some good news for you - you don't have to buy it. But after flipping through the book and listening to the accompa- nying album, "Erotica," I'm proud of the Mate- rial Girl. Madonna's got a choke hold on the thing that seems to strike the most fear in the hearts of Americans - sex. Isn't that what family values is all about? Sexual deviance frightens people, whether it's whips and chains, or multiple sex partners. Madonna taps into that fear, ex- poses it, and makes it less taboo. Sure, she goes to extremes. But namby-panmby doesn't get people talking the way burning crosses do. Here are some of the controver- pretend ... Nothing in this book is true. I made it all up." She takes full responsibility for her sexual en- tanglements. Madonna is obviously not opt- ing tobepolitically correct in"Sex." She claims some women in abusive relationships must be "digging it," that women in pornography "want to do it." We must ask how much respon- sibility she has to makepro-woman, feminist or politically-correct state- ments. My contention is: Madonna has no responsibility. She can do what she damn well pleases. I think Sir Mix-a-Lot is about as offensive as they come, but he has every right to go on rapping"Baby's Got Back" until he's blue in face. The same goes for Madonna. Sex is a bad influence on children. By all means, keep Sex away from horny 14 year olds. It's called parental responsibility, not Ma- donna responsibility. She packaged it in Mylar so that kiddies couldn't get a glimpse. If you don't want your local bookseller to display it, doesn't understand something, asks his parents about it. Egads! Parents We must ask how much responsibility she has to make pro-woman, feminist or politically-correct statements. My contention is: Madonna has no responsibility. and children forced to talk openly about sex! Madonna is trying to steel your well-earned 50 bucks. You bet she is. Don't like it? Don't pay for it. It's called Ameri- can enterprise - get used to it. Madonna is just trying to shock us.Congratulations. Whatelse is new? Everyone of my friends who has flipped through Sex has started a conversation about it with me. I think that's exactly what Madonna