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October 26, 1992 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-10-26

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University professor Raymond Tanter is the latest
Reagan supporter to jump off the sinking
Republican ship. Why did it take 12 years for
these people to wake up?

Utah Saints comes to Industry in Pontiac tonight.
These boys aren't from out west, but come see
what they can do for you. It might be something

'SPOR! !d
Homecoming. The 1,000th game. The Little
Brown Jug. None of these seemed to matter
much to the Michigan Wolverines, who
dismantled Minnesota Saturday, 63-13.

Clouds and sunshine;
High 60, Low 42
Partly sunny; High 58, Low 38

........ ..
... .......



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One hundred two years of editorial freedom

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to stump
on Diag
by Hope Calati
Daily Government Reporter
Texas Gov. Ann Richards will be
stumping on the Diag at noon today
for Democratic presidential nominee
Bill Clinton, 13th District U.S. con-
gressional candidate Rep. William
Ford (D-Ypsilanti Township) and
other local Democratic candidates.
Richards has campaigned across
the country against home state rival
President George Bush.
LSA senior and Ford campaign
representative Adam Sank organized
Richards' appearance and speech.
The Texas governor received na-
tional attention for her humorous
keynote address at the 1988 Demo-
cratic National Convention in At-
lanta. She was also a featured
speaker at the 1992 Democratic Na-
tional Convention in New York City.
Richards will be the featured
guest at a fundraiser for Democratic
candidates after the rally.
Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) will
also be speaking tomorrow at noon
at Willow Run UAW Local 1776 in

Clinton, Bush court
state Reagan Dems.

by David Carrel
and Melissa Peerless
Daili Staff Reporters
Democratic Presidential Candidate
Bill Clinton returned to Macomb
County yesterday in an effort to woo
back Reagan Democrats in
New York Gov. Mario Cuomo
and Clinton - who has made two
previous campaign stops in Macomb
County - addressed about 10,000
people at Adlai Stevenson High
School in Sterling Heights.
Meanwhile, President George
Bush spoke to the International
Association of Chiefs of Police in
Bush criticized Clinton's anti-
crime program, and touted his own
plan for toughening penalties for
"People who act like animals
have no place in decent society," he
said. "Thugs who take cars at gun-
point should spend so long in jail
that when they get out they are too
old to drive."
Bush, in his speech to police of-
ficials, said Congress has been
blocking his anti-crime plan, which

includes strengthening laws against
domestic and sexual violence, since
Bill Hamilton, a volunteer from
Clinton's campaign headquarters in
Little Rock, Ark., said Clinton came
to Sterling Heights to secure votes in
"Michigan is a very competitive
state. It has gone Republican in the

last three elections, but Michigan
voter registration is mostly
Democratic," he said. "Macomb
County is unique as a home to
Reagan Democrats. This county has
high unemployment. A lot of people
are hurting - people who were
willing to take a chance on George
Bush four years ago. Now they are
See RALLIES, Page 2

Perot begins campaign tour
with attacks on character
FLEMINGTON, N.J. (AP) - Ross Perot began to campaign in person
yesterday and joined the debate over character for the first time, casting
himself as more reliable than President Bush or Bill Clinton.
Perot made the first face-to-face appearance of his revived campaign be-
fore an enthusiastic crowd of tens of thousands at a stock car track. He also
planned to speak to a rally in Pittsburgh later in the day.
"If you are going into combat and you could take any of the three of us,
who would you want on your side?" Perot asked the cheering crowd at
Flemington Speedway.
"If you were takenyhostage in a foreign country, which one of the candi-
dates do you think would come in and get you?" said Perot.
"All'three candidates go over to your house one night and want to bor-
row money from you. Which one would you lend money to?" he asked
above uproarious laughter from the crowd.
See PEROT, Page 2

Members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity play their annual Mud Bowl
game Saturday morning.

Regent hopeful stresses open ties

*This is the first in a
three-part series on
the non-incumbant
candidates running
for the U-M Board of
by Karen Sabgir
Daily Administration Reporter
Larry Deitch, Democratic candi-
date for the U-M Board of Regents,
said his passion for politics -is as old
as the presidential campaign poster
of John F. Kennedy that hangs in his
den - dating back more than 30
"I get passionate about voting. I

think it is a great privilege. I think
the choice in the regents' campaign
is clear in what we believe in."
Deitch - an
attorney in
private practice
specializing in
corporate; real
estate and
banking law in
Southfield, Mich.
- is a member of
the Michigan
Civil Service
Deitch Commission and
the treasurer of
the Michigan Democratic Party.
Deitch has campaigned for various
state Democrats, including Gov.

James Blanchard and Sen. Carl
Deitch, who hails from
Bloomfield Hills, is one of four can-
didates running for the U-M Board
of Regents. Each of the eight mem-
bers of the board is elected for an
eight-year term. U-M President
James Duderstadt serves on the
board, but does not vote.
There are two seats open this
year. One was vacated after the
Michigan Republican Party did not
endorse Regent Veronica Smith (R-
Grosse Ile) for re-election. Regent
Neal Nielsen's (R-Brighton) term
ends in November, but he is running
for re-election.
Deitch said accessibility to the

students - a major part of a regent's
constituency - is important and
added that it is the regents' respon-
sibility to consult with students.
"I'm thinking about the idea of
having office hours," Deitch said.
He said he wants to find ways to
open communication between stu-
dents and regents before and after
important decisions are made - like
tuition increases and implementation
of the conduct code.
"We do have a responsibility to
the taxpayers, but we have to strive
for a consensus and let people know
that (decisions) were honestly and
conscientiously arrived at."
Ruth Broder, special assistant to
See DEITCH, Page 2

SAPAC kicks off awareness week

by Karen Talaski
Daily Gender Issues Reporter
A disappointing turnout started
off the Eighth Annual Sexual
Assault Awareness Week yesterday.
But people attending, "Sexual
Assault: The Greek Perspective,"
tackled issues such as combating
sexual assault in the Greek system
and improving communications
between men and women in party
About 50 students attended the
discussion, co-sponsored by the
Sexual Assault Prevention and
Awareness Center (SAPAC) and the
Project on Intergroup Relations and
Conflict (IRC).

Each fraternity and sorority
house was supposed to send five
representatives to yesterday's event,
SAPAC peer educator and sorority
member Elizabeth Galani said.
"I think its really pathetic when
only 50 of about 2,500 people show
up," Galani said. "The lack of
concern over this issue is an
Interfraternity Council President
Bruce Namerow said he felt the low
attendance could have been a result
of Homecoming Weekend.
"You have to start somewhere,"
Namerow said. "I think the small
steps all add up to the bigger picture
See SAPAC, Page 2

Men speak out on effects of
sexual assault as part of week

by Karen Talaski
Daily Gender Issues Reporter
When Phil started college, he had
no idea he would become the one
man out of 10 who is sexually
abused. Joe, the man who allegedly
abused him, was a successful busi-
ness man in his mid- to late-50s.
"He was very charismatic. He
made you feel very loved and
wanted," Phil said. "I spent much of
my youth looking for a dad. Joe
gained my trust and gave me physi-

cal comfort as a dad. But I hated
myself because it progressed into
sexual intimacy."
An audience of about 30 people
listened to Phil's story yesterday as
part of the Eighth Annual Sexual
Assault Awareness Week sponsored
by the Sexual Assault Prevention
and Awareness Center (SAPAC).
Phil - along with Perry Ohren, a
social worker at Jewish Family
Services in Southfield - co-facili-

Alexander the Great
Michigan's Derrick Alexander catches his third of four TDs in Saturday's
63-13 Wolverine victory over Minnesota. For complete Michigan sports
coverage, see SPQRTSMonday.

Diwali cultural show attracts 1,400,
features Indian dances, vocals, skits

by Mona Qureshi
Daily Minority Issues Reporter
Indian culture and Americana
blended on the stage of the Power
Center Saturday evening as the
Indian American Student
Association (IASA) presented its

strobe lights.
The program featured traditional
and contemporary dances and songs
and a skit which poked fun at tradi-
tional stereotypes of Indian family
LSA first-year student Sejal

The program's success is re-
flected by the increasing number of
tickets sold, said Diwali show coor-
dinator Ami Patel, an LSA sopho-
more. "Before I even got a chance to
put the fliers for the show up, we
sold out. I knew we would sell out,

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