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October 23, 1992 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-10-23

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One of the fundamental principles of this country
is the rights of the accused. Nonetheless, these
rights are conspicuous in their absence from the
proposed student code of conduct.

This year has been labelled the poltical year of
the woman. Find out what women will be on the
ballot here in Michigan and what they have gone
through to get there.

After a succesful season opener last week in Yost
Arena, the Michigan hockey team hits the road to
pituresque Big Rapids, Mich. to take on the Ferris
State Bulldogs.

Breezy, warmer:
High 70, Low 50
Variable clouds; High 60, Low 38


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One hundred

two years of editorial freedom

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- alumni for
by Johnny Su
The campus will be awash with
even more maize and blue than usual
this weekend, as approximately
5,000 to 6,000 U-M alumni return to
campus for the 1992 Homecoming
Besides the Michigan-Minnesota
football game, the featured event of
this year's homecoming will be the
16th annual "Go Blue" Brunch,
sponsored by the U-M Alumni
"I just hope that we have 60-de-
gree weather and that the campus
*looks pretty. We hope that when
people return to campus, they have a
good time and leave with good
memories and a reinforcement of
their student days," said Associate
Executive Director of the Alumni
Association William Colburn.
Several Homecoming events for
current students are being sponsored
by the University Activities Center
(UAC) this weekend - the most
prominent being the annual Mud
Bowl, Saturday morning. This 58-
year-old grudge match between the
Phi Delta Theta and Sigma Phi
Epsilon fraternities will feature an
old-fashioned football game in a
mud pit with music and food.
A pep rally will be held from 12-
1 p.m. today on the Diag featuring,
Michigan Football coach Gary
Moeller, the U-M Cheerleaders, and
the coaches of the other fall sports.
There will be games involving audi-
ence participation with winners re-
ceiving prizes, said UAC
Homecoming co-chair Randy
The 16th annual Evans Scholars
Car Bash will be staged on the Diag
from 3-5 p.m. today. Any person
wishing to smash up cars with a
sledgehammer can do so for a small
sum of money.
In addition, 12 local businesses
located on State Street and South
University have participated in a
counting contest this week spon-
sored by UAC. In each participating
store, there is a display jar filled with
an item unique to the store, and pa-
trons have the opportunity to guess
~how many there are in the jar.
Winners will be announced at either
See WEEKEND, Page 2

Candidates exchange
barbs in ads, speeches

Associated Press
President Bush said yesterday he
has a "pleasant relationship" with
Bill Clinton, then freshened his at-
tack on his rival's character and eco-
nomic proposals. Clinton said that
after 12 years in power, the GOP has
"run out of direction and they ought
to be run out of town."
The third man in the race has
"some good ideas and he's got some
nutty ideas," the president said in an
interview on "CBS This Morning."
"I don't think people want to waste
their vote (on Ross Perot) and that's
what it undoubtedly would be."
Clinton didn't mention Perot by

name but lumped him together with
Bush by implication. "Of all the
choices you have in this election,
only one has never been part of the
Washington insider establishment,"
he said of himself.
The Texas businessman has
stepped up his radio and television
advertising, and polls suggest he has
gained strength in selected parts of
the country after the three presiden-

tial debates.
Campaign finance reports indi-
cated that Perot is plowing millions
from his own fortune into his race
for the White House.
In a 30-minute ad airing tonight
on NBC, he rejects Bush's con-
tention that Perot votes are wasted
votes. "You are throwing your vote
away unless you vote your con-
science," he declares in the
Perot was paying for local TV
ads in 23 states. In addition, the
Texas billionaire is spending heavily
See CAMPAIGN, Page 2

Congress candidates debate

by Shelley Morrison
Daily Staff Reporter
More than 200 people crowded
into the Ann Arbor Public Library
last night to hear local candidates
battle out the most controversial is-
sues of the upcoming election.
Organized by the local chapter of
the League of Women Voters, the
debate featured election candidates
for the State House of Representa-
tives from the 52nd-55th districts,

and Congressional representatives
from the 8th and 13th districts.
Among the controversial topics dis-
cussed were the faltering state of the
economy, fear of environmental de-
struction, and how government cor-
ruption has cost the public.
Incumbents Kirk Profit (D-Ypsi-
lanti) and William Ford (D-Ypsilanti
Township) participated in the debate.
Ford opened discussion with a
commentary on the relationship be-

tween the new president and the
weak economy.
"We need jobs. And to get jobs,
we need a president who can kick-
start the economy," Ford said.
Republican candidate Robert
Geake, however, said the first step to
economic recovery is to eliminate
corruption in the political system.
"Congress has been serving itself
and not the people by spending to-
See CONGRESS, Page 2

LSA junior Jetua Richardson participates in "Teeter-Totter for
the Homeless" on the Diag yesterday.

SAPA,,C .awareness week to,

start with
by Karen Talaski
Daily Gender Issues Reporter
Statistics say one in three women
and one in 10 men have been sexu-
ally assaulted. The Eighth Annual
Sexual Assault Awareness Week,
beginning Sunday, will present a va-
riety of events aimed at lowering
those numbers.
The Sexual Assault Prevention
and Awareness Center (SAPAC) is
sponsoring several events, including
a discussion on the Greek perspec-
tive of sexual assault, a workshop on
helping family and friends of sur-
vivors, and the annual Speakout on
Sexual Violence.
"The specific themes are varied.
from year to year, but the general
idea has stayed the same," said Kata
Issari, a SAPAC counselor. "It is to

i Greek perspective
raise people's awareness about the for the year. The Greek community
issue so that they are thinking, talk- is trying to make certain they are ed-
ing, and learning about it in a con- ucated about sexual assault and as
structive way that would hopefully sensitive to it as possible," she said.
create some positive changes." "Adult Males Sexually Abused as
SAPAC Director Debi Cain said Children," which will be co-facili-
she was excited about the week's tated by a therapist and a survivor, is
events. "I think we did a really good new this year.
job of pulling together an exciting "This is a new area for us be-
line-up with a lot of diversity. There cause we want to be accessible to
are a lot of interesting areas for male survivors of sexual assault. It
people to chose from," she said. needs to be looked at specifically,"
The week will begin with said SAPAC counselor Rahul
"Sexual Assault: The Greek Sharma.
Perspective" - one in a series of Cain said the workshop is a way
activities in which the Greek com- of increasing awareness that both
munity is participating, Issari said. men and women are in danger of be-
Cain said the forum will serve as ing sexually assaulted. "A pretty
a framework for a partnership be- staggering number of men have been
tween SAPAC and the Greek com- abused as well," she said.
munity. "This is a whole new focus Loretta Ross, director of the

a Assault Awareness Week events
U-M's Sexual Assault-Prevention and Awareness Center
(SAPAC) is sponsoring several public workshops during the
8th annual Sexual Assault Awareness Week, Oct. 25-30. The
week attempts to raise awareness and understanding of
sexual assault issues. Here is a schedule of related events:
"Sexual Assault: The Greek Perspective," Oct. 25, 3-5
p.m., Ballroom, Union
"Adult Males Sexually Abused as Children," Oct. 25,
7 p.m., Pendleton Room, Union*
"Including Gender in Hate Violence," discussion with
Loretta Ross, Oct. 26, 7 p.m., Anderson Rooms, Union *
"6th Annual Speakout on Sexual Violence,".7:30
p.m., Ballroom, Union *
"Tuning in and Getting Organized," discussion with
America Bracho, 7 p.m., Anderson Rooms, Union *
"Friends Helping Friends: A Workship for Friends
and Family of Survivors," led by Kata Issari, SAPAC
couselor, 12-1 p.m., Oct. 30, West Lounge, South Quad
* Indicates sign language interpreters will be available.

Center for Democratic Renewal in
Atlanta, will speak during the week
about how hate violence relates to
women in a speech titled "Including
Gender in Hate Violence."
Issari said SAPAC has tried to

Politics, AIIS
often conflict
by David Carrel
Daily Staff Reporter
The uses of marijuana as treatment for AIDS pa-
tients has been overshadowed by federal politics, said
an AIDS educator and a U-M researcher.
A year after the federal government abruptly halted
its medical marijuana program, Steven Woods, an
educator with the Mid-West AIDS Prevention Project
(MAPP), characterized the mood of patients and educa-
tors as one of anger due to the Bush administration's
current AIDS policy.
"(The) feeling is that they don't care - about the
disease or those infected," Woods said.
U-M AIDS researcher and psychiatrist Dr. David
Ostrow explained that marijuana acts as an appetite
stimulant, a suppresser of nausea and vomiting, and also
helps AIDS patients relax.
Even when the Department of Health and Human
Services medical marijuana program was in operation,
Ostrow said the government made it difficult for AIDS

make visible connections between
sexism and how it produces sexual
"We felt Ross would be a good
person who could bring together all
by Jennifer Silverberg
Daily Administrationi Reporter

A faculty request has caused the
Campaign for Michigan, the latest
U-M fundraising campaign, to recall
its initial batch of advertising
brochures that compared faculty-en-
dowed chairs to athletic coaching
The Campaign for Michigan is a
five-year, $1 billion fundraising ef-
fort that seeks to raise $850 million
in pledges and gifts and $150 million
in bequests to compensate for declin-
ing state appropriations to the U-M.
"A brochure had been put to-
gether in which a campaign goal was

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