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October 22, 1992 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-10-22

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The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 22, 1992 - Page 3

U.S. will
*israel in
peace talks
Mideast peace talks resumed yester-
day with the Bush administration
supporting Israel on a key issue and
raising the possibility of a post-elec-
tion round of shuttle diplomacy by
White House Chief of Staff James
Taking a more vigorous approach
toward the negotiations, the State
Department told the Palestinians
they should defer their demand for
an Israeli commitment to withdraw
from the West Bank and Gaza.
Palestinians hope to build a state
a on that land, which the Arabs lost to
Israel in the Six-Day War of 1967.
The Palestinians have demanded
an Israeli commitment to U.N.
Security Council resolutions calling
for territorial withdrawal in ex-
change for peace. Israel has refused.
The dispute slowed the pace of ne-
gotiations in the last round, which
ended Sept. 24.
Trying to get the negotiations
* moving, the administration told the
Palestinians that Security Council
resolution 242 did not apply to ne-
gotiations over Palestinian auton-
omy, a U.S. official told The
Associated Press.
Instead, the administration told
the Palestinians, the matter should be
discussed in the final stage of nego-
tiations, after Palestinians elect
an administrative body and run
'their day-to-day affairs for an
interim period.
"The Palestinians finally under-
stood that, and we've been stressing
that we have a unique opportunity
with the new government in Israel
and the Palestinians and Israelis
should define and agree on spheres
of authority in the territories," said
the official, who spoke on the condi-
tion of anonymity.
However, Hanan Ashrawi, a
spokesperson for the Palestinians,
.called the land-for-peace resolutions,
adopted in 1967 and 1973, "a basic
step, a basic foundation."
Israel has proposed holding a
May election among the 1.7 million
.Palestinians within its borders.
Senior U.S. officials also raised
with the delegations the possibility
of post-election shuttle diplomacy by
Baker, instrumental as secretary of
state in arranging the peace talks, or
:by other top officials.

Fighting stalls
U.N. relief efforts
in Yugoslavia

Herzegovina (AP) - Fighting yes-
terday between Croats and Muslims,
nominal allies in Bosnia's civil war,
halted relief flights to the besieged
capital, U.N. officials said.
Bozo Rajic, a senior Croat leader,
said at least 22 Croats were killed
and as many wounded in the clashes
northwest of Sarajevo. No estimates
of Muslim casualties were immedi-
ately available.
A British and a Canadian plane
delivered supplies to the capital in
the morning. But the fighting, in ter-
ritory below the air corridor leading
to the airport, prompted the U.N.
High Commissioner for Refugees to
cancel the 12 remaining shipments,
said Michael Keats, an agency
spokesperson in the Croatian capital,
Surrounded by Serb rebels for six
months, Sarajevo could suffer tens
of thousands of deaths from starva-
tion and exposure this winter unless
hostilities cease enough for supplies
to arrive by plane and truck, aid offi-
cials say.
A French U.N. soldier was shot
through the shoulder and through the
head yesterday while escorting a re-
lief convoy through the city's
Nedzarici district along a front line.
He was evacuated to Croatia, the
French military information office
It was not clear what started the
fighting that began Tuesday night in

the mixed Muslim-Croat towns o


Travnik, Novi Travnik and Vitez,
about 35 miles north of Sarajevo.
Bosnia's Muslim president, Alija
Izetbegovic, blamed radical Croat
factions for starting the fighting.
"Some radical forces on the
Croatian side are trying to provoke a
conflict there, some radicals who are
Some radical forces
on the Croatian side
are trying to provoke a
conflict there, some
radicals who are trying
to make a state within
a state.'
- Alija Izetbegovic
Bosnian president
trying to make a state within a state,"
he said in Geneva, where ongoing
U.N. and European Community
peace talks are being held.
Bosnian and Croatian radio re-
ports quoted Muslim forces as say-
ing Croatian Defense Council troops
started the fighting. The defense
council is the military arm of the
ethnic Croatian administration that
controls about 30 percent of Bosnia{
Word of the clashes between
Muslims and Croats came after an
eight-person U.N. relief crew in
Vitez said it was trapped by the
fighting and called for help.

Waiting in line bytes
Mary Beth Bird, an LSA senior, takes a number for a computer at the Angel Hall Computing Center. Employees
said the wait for a computer has decreased since the delivery of computers from the Kickoff Sale Tuesday.
NWF: Government must
publi[sh new pollution rules

An arm of the National Wildlife
Federation has gone to court to force
the federal government to publish
proposed new pollution rules for the
Great Lakes.
Mark Van Putten, director of the
Great Lakes Natural Resource
Center in Ann Arbor, yesterday ac-
cused the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency and U.S. Office
of Management and Budget of
missing a June 30, 1991, deadline set
by Congress to publish the proposed
The initiative was launched in
1989, when the EPA decided Great
Lakes states' efforts to lure indus-
tries from neighboring states needed
The government agency opted to
draw up a set of rules governing in-
dustrial pollution in Michigan,
Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois,
Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York.
The suit, filed Tuesday in U.S.
District Court in Washington, D.C.,

seeks publication of the draft rules.
Van Putten said the wildlife federa-
tion is concerned that industries have
been lobbying behind the scenes to
weaken the anti-pollution proposals.
Van Putten produced copies of
letters supplied to him by EPA
sources .
"The National Wildlife
Federation has filed a lawsuit to
force this procedure back into the
public eye," he said. "Every day of
toxic pollution means more harm. to
the people of the region and the
wildlife of the region."
Jim Hanlon, deputy director of
the EPA office of science and tech-
nology, said he believes the June
1991 deadline set by Congress was
His 50-member staff has spent
thousands of hours putting together
the draft rules, he said. It is now in
final review, which is scheduled to
end Nov. 10. He expects it will be
published in early December.
"It's doubtful their filing (the

lawsuit) is going to affect anything
we do between now and Nov. 10,"
he said.
After it is published, about 150
days will be set aside for public
comment, he said, adding that the
package is extensive. The preamble
alone is about 750 pages long, he
Hanlon expects about 10,000
pages of public comments. That
feedback must then be analyzed be-
fore a final draft of the rules can be
'issued, he said.
"When you do something in the
fish-bowl atmosphere in public
meetings ... almost by definition it is
a much more complex and lengthy
process," he said.
Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) said
the Great Lakes states approved a
draft of the rules more than a year
"This delay is disappointing and
demoralizing - particularly since
these guidelines are only a proposal
for purposes of public comment."
Levin said in a written statement. "It
is understandable that the Great
Lakes community has lost patience
and is filing a lawsuit to force fed-
eral action.
"The administration has not lived
up to its responsibilities under the

GM official denies

plans to ou
DETROIT (AP) - For the sec-
ond time in two weeks, General
Motors Corp. was fighting off ru-
mors yesterday that outside directors
at the giant automaker want to oust
Chair Robert Stempel.
A Washington Post report that
some directors are pressing Stempel
to quit is based on rumors and specu-
lation, GM Vice President Bruce
MacDonald said in a statement
The outside directors are con-
cerned about the financial decline of
GM, according to yesterday's
Washington Post. Outside directors
are those board members who are
not GM employees.
The Post story quoted unidenti-
fied board and management sources
as saying the directors have agreed
that Stempel must go, but they have
not settled on a successor.
"There is no substance to those
rumors at all," MacDonald said.

st Stempel
"The frustration ... is that when you
have those rumors and there's not
place to go and have somebody
comment on them, it just does ir-
reparable harm to the morale and en-
thusiasm of this organization."
MacDonald said he had talked
with Stempel about the rumors.
"His exact words to me were that
the story is just not truthful," said
MacDonald, who spoke to Stempel
by telephone in Cleveland, where the
GM chair was addressing a group of
minority auto dealers.
Stempel was scheduled to speak
last night at Convergence '92, the
International Congress and
Exposition on Transportation
Electronics, in Dearborn.
GM is expected to report a loss of
$845 million for the third quarter.
The world's largest corporation has
not reported an overall profit since
Stempel became chair in August

-In the Stanford Invitational Monday, men's golf team member Anthony Dietz shot a round of 71. This was
incorrectly reported in Tuesday's Daily.


Student groups
Q AIDS Coalition to Unleash
Power, meeting, EastEngineer-
ing Building, Baker-Mandela
Center, 7:30 p.m.
Q Circle K, club meeting, Michi-
ganUnion, Kuenzel Room, 7:30
I Haiti Solidarity Group, meet-
ing, First United Methodist
Church, 120 S. State St., Pine
Room, 7:30 p.m.
Q Hillel Foundation, Sephardim
meeting, Hillel, 1429 Hill St., 8
Q Institute of Electrical and Elec-
tronics Engineers, technical
luncheon, Electrical Engineer-
ing and Computer Science
Building, room 1311, 12:30-
1:30 p.m.
Q Intervarsity Christian Fellow-
ship, meeting,, Natural Re-
sources Building, room 1040, 7
Q Islamic Circle, meeting, Michi-
gan League, Henderson Room,
6-7 p.m.
Q Korean Student Association,
meeting, Michigan Union,
Welker Room, 7 p.m.
Q Newman Catholic Student As-
sociation, Prayer Network Re-
flection Evening, Saint Mary
StudentChapel, 331 Thompson
St., 7 p.m.
9 Pro-Choice fction, meeting,
MLB, room B137, 7:30 p.m.
Q Undergraduate Math Club, in-
formation session for under-
graduates interested in math grad
work, Angell Hall, room 4008,

Anderson Room, 6:30 p.m.
Q U-M Sailing Club, meeting,
West Engineering Building,
room 311, 7:45 p.m.
Q U-M Shotokan Karate Club,
practice, CCRB, small gym,
8:30-10 p.m.
Q "Black Comedy," Dexter Com-
munity Players, Wylie Middle
School, Dexter, performing
through October 24,8 p.m.,con-
tact Darla Miller 936-8056.
Q "Capturing the Spirit: Por-
traits of Contemporary Mexi-
can Artists," Smithsonian
exhibit, Ann Arbor Public Li-
brary, 343 S. Fifth Ave., lower
level Multi-Purpose Room, 9
a.m. - 9 p.m.
Q "Cracking the Clam," Brown
Bag Lecture Series, Ongoing re-
search into Prehistoric diet and
subsistence strategies on Kodiak
Island, Alaska, Natural Science
Museum, roomn2009, 12-1 p.m.
Q Diwali Show, Indian American
Student Association, Power
Center, tickets $7 and $13.50,
contact Malini Patel 668-0686,
or Ami Patel 764-8879.
Q "Focus on Michigan," photog-
raphy contest, City of Ann Ar-
bor Parks and Recreation
Department, accepting entries
until December 1, contact Irene
Bushaw 994-2780.
Q "HowToBe Happy," Orthodox
Christian Fellowship, Michigan
Union, Crowfoot Room, 7:30-
8:30 p.m.
(-1 G~o n l ." nr icfnvur

Q John Scofield, performing, The
Ark, 6371/2S. Main St., tickets
$12.50 at Michigan Union
Ticket Office, 8 p.m.
Q "Laughing All the Way to Eter-
nity: The Other Face of Ag-
ing," Town Hall Celebrity
Lecture Series, Mendelssohn
Theater, tickets $10,10:30 a.m.
Q Oktoberfest for Earlybirds,
WLLZ's J.J. and the Morning
Crew celebrate, Franklin Street
Brewing Company, 1560
Franklin St., Rivertown, 6-10
Q Oscar Hijuelos, reading from his
work, Rachkam Building,
Amphitheatre, 5 p.m.
Q "Polish Prose in the Time of
Political Transformation,"
Polish Studies Program, MLB,
3rd floor Conference Room, 4
Q Russian Tea and Conversation
Practice, Slavic Department,
MLB, 3rd floor Conference
Room, 4-5 p.m.
Q "The Birthday Party," U-M
Department of Theater and
Drama, performing through Oc-
tober 25, Trueblood Theater,
tickets 764-0450.
Q UAC Homecoming, diag enter-
tainment, 12-1 p.m.
Student services
Q Psychology Undergraduate
Peer Advising, Department of
Psychology, West Quad, room
K210, i0 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Q Safewalk 5w.:*y Walking Ser-
vice, UGLi, lobby, 936-1000, 8


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