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October 19, 1992 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-10-19

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The U-M Board of Regents apparently have a
problem with the Open Meetings Act. However,
despite losing a court battle on the subject, they
still have little regard for it.

Director Gary Senise's film "Of Mice and Men"
succeeds where so many films fail because it
avoids succumbing to the Hollywood trends so
many films employ.

Michigan only needed one half to put the Indiana
Hoosiers to rest. The Wolverines coasted to
victory after establishing a 31-3 halftime lead.

Sunny and cold;
H igh 45, Low 30
Showers possible; High 48, Low 34

I i I



One hundred two years of editorial freedom

Vol. CE ve, No.15 Ann Arbor, Michigan Monday, October 19,1992 1992 The Michigan Daily
Even plc go party-hoppn

by Erin Einhorn
Daily Crime Reporter
The residents of 1302 Geddes
Ave. began their Friday night by
pulling out a keg, pumping their
stereo and opening the doors to
friends for a weekend celebration.
They ended up arguing with police
and angrily accepting a noise
A fraternity on the corner of
Washtenaw Ave. and Hill Street
had similar expectations for Friday
night, and landed a similar fate.
But Friday night was routine for
the Ann Arbor Police Party Patrol
- a quiet evening.
"Last week (for the Michigan
State football weekend) we had
eight officers working and that

probably wasn't enough," Staff Sgt.
Dan Waites said Friday. "But our
anticipation is that it's going to be
very slow tonight."
The patrol has already issued 48
violations to students hosting par-
ties since classes began this year,
police said, and an additional 111
official warnings have been given.
Although no records have been
kept in previous years, Waites said,
these figures are about average.
Waites, the patrol supervisor,
met the four other officers working
overtime hours on party patrol at
10:30 p.m. for briefing. They paired
off into separate units - Victor
unit 1 and Victor unit 2 - and re-
ceived instructions for the

"Make sure you get good detail
of parties," Waites instructed. "If
they are spilling out onto the side-
walk, if there are open kegs, how
many people are there? If they're
being uncooperative ... that's when
we close the parties down. That's
the fun part."
Waites asked officers to look for
code violations, minors in posses-
sion of alcohol, and people carrying
open containers of alcohol. lie told
them to use their own discretion
when issuing violations
"If you're going to close down
a party, go ahead and call me
down," he said. Three officers are
usually necessary to close down a
"There have only been three in-

stances when we've needed more,"
he said, citing a party at 1920
Geddes as an example.
The Friday and Saturday night
party patrol was created six years
ago to control the level of underage
drinking and loud parties in re-
sponse to complaints from
These officers earning "time and
a half' wages drive around predom-
inately student residential areas -
like the area police call "Edward"
area, between Stadium and Hill,
from the railroad tracks to
Washtenaw - looking for loud par-
ties, and following up on com-
plaints until about 2 a.m.
The special unit patrols through
See POLICE, Page 2

Ann Arbor police officers with the party patrol break up a house party
Friday night. The police issued the students a noise violation.

by Marc Otender
A Texas grand jury's September
decision to not indict a man on rape
charges because he agreed to use a
condom during the assault raises se-
rious questions about definitions of
rape and consent, educators said.
"Rape is any sexual activity that
was done with coercion or against
another person's will," said Debi
* Cain, director of the U-M Sexual
Assault Prevention and Awareness
Center. "There is no doubt in my
mind that if this woman said she
was raped, she was raped."
Cain expressed her frustration
with stereotypes of rape existing in
the United States.
"Our society still has some
deeply-held beliefs and attitudes that
are extremely victim-blaming. It's
exactly this attitude that survivors
encounter in the criminal justice sys-
tem that keeps them from coming
forward," Cain said.
Anne Herrmann, director of the
U-M Department of Women's
Studies, said she tried to see the case
from the jury's point of view.
"The jury's assumption is - if
she could have talked him into using
a condom, she could have talked him
out of raping her," Herrmann said.
Herrmann stressed this does not
mean the woman consented to hav-
ing sex.
"Consent would be not feeling
that you're forced into the sexual act
against your will," Herrmann said.
"This has nothing to do with con-
sent, it has do with fear. My reading
of it would be that she was trying to
protect herself.
"Women don't believe they have
the power to talk men out of rape,"
Herrmann said. "From her point of
view, it was easier to talk him into
using a condom."
A rape survivor faces both imme-
diate and long-term threats, said
Susan Kauffman, associate director
of the Center for the Education of
Cain said, "The primary issue for
a rape survivor is pregnancy, and the
possibility of being infected with
HIV," she said. "This woman was
threatened no differently than a
woman being threatened with a gun.
What this woman was doing was
self-defense, not consent."
Kauffman said that consent was
misconstrued in this case.
"Consent is saying yes in some
fashion. It's not enough for people
to say, 'But she didn't say no.' If
..nm.n fA nr.iav tI.ratennd *bnh

College Dems help
U-M prepare for
Clintons' speeches
by Hope Calati portant because it is the beginning of the final
and Lauren Dermer stretch of the campaign.
Daily Government Reporters "It's right at the end of the final debate and
The Clinton-Gore advance team recruited it's the first major event for the final run," he

the College Democrats this weekend to spread
the word that Bill and Hillary are coming to
"The Clinton people are counting on us to
do most of the dirty work," said Steve Martin,
College Democrats member and LSA senior.
The Democratic presidential candidate and
his wife are scheduled to address students from
the steps of Rackham Auditorium at 10 p.m.
tonight, following the final presidential debate
at Michigan State University.
In the event of inclement weather, the rally
will be held at Crisler Arena. At both loca-
tions, the rally will be open to the public with
the exception of a small reserved area directly
in front of the podium.
Dan Friedenzohn, co-chair of the College
Democrats, said the timing of the rally is im-

More than 100 student volunteers signed up
See CLINTONS, Page 2
Clitn expects to
YPSILANTI, Mich. (AP) - Bill Clinton
predicted yesterday that President Bush
would launch fresh character attacks in their
final debate and described the strategy as
"really sad."
The president and Ross Perot kept a low
profile while preparing for tonight's
See DEBATE, Page 2

Welcome wagon
Students (left to right) Mary Ellen Sprenkel, Sarah Golohrter and Paul Cohan make banners
to welcome Democratic candidate Bill Clinton to the U-M tomorrow.

Symposium brings home hard facts of AIDS

by Megan Lardner
U-M students who got up early to
attend the Inter Cooperative
Council's AIDS Awareness
Symposium Saturday had a rude
The symposium provided infor-
mation on safe sex and the history of
AIDS and the HIV virus.
Speakers and workshops stressed
the message that no one is exempt
from contracting the HIV virus, and
a panel of HIV-positive speakers
discussed their own experience with
"There's not a day that I'm not
fighting people because of my dis-

'There's not a day that I'm not fighting
people because of my disease.'
- Tammy Boccomino
symposium panelist

ease," said panelist Tammy
Boccomino discovered she was
HIV-positive five years ago. She
said people constantly refuse to al-
low their children to play with her
son - who contracted the HIV virus
from her at birth.
Another HIV-positive speaker'
stated that one in 250 college stu-

dents is infected with the HIV virus.
Washtenaw County has the sec-
ond-highest per capita incidence of
AIDS in the state of Michigan, said
U-M psychiatry Prof. David Ostrow.
A Michigan Department of
Public Health report stated .that an
estimated 10,000 to 40,000
Michigan residents are infected with
the virus that causes AIDS.

Ostrow said every two years the
reported number of AIDS cases
doubles. Currently, there are approx-
imately a quarter of a million re-
ported AIDS cases in the United
The main routes of transmission
of the HIV virus are through sex,
sharing intravenous needles, blood
transfusions, and mother-to-infant
fetal contact at time of birth.
Teenagers and women are now
the highest-risk groups and are dying
of AIDS at increasing rates. Women
are 17 times more likely than men to
become infected by a one-time
exposure to the virus.

Steven Wood of the Mid-West
AIDS Prevention Project discussed
safer sex and rated the effectiveness
of different FDA-approved con-
doms. Gold Circle Coins rated first,
followed by Lifestyles Extra
Wood also stressed the impor-
tance of using water-based preven-
tative creams or foams containing
nonoxynol-9 with condoms.
Nonoxynol-9 destroys the HIV
The symposium panel recom-
mended everyone be tested for the
HIV virus.
See AIDS, Page 7

.3 -

Chinese government
app roves successors

Communist Party, holding what is
likely to be its last congress under
paramount leader Deng Xiaoping,
approved a new, slightly younger
group of leaders yesterday that ex-
cluded ranking hard-liners.
The congress closed with a reso-
lution praising Deng and endorsing
his policy of adopting capitalist prac-
tices to preserve Communist rule.
Ri flanrc and a hnge hammer

Deng and other revolutionaries who
have dominated the party for more
than a decade.
But previous efforts at arranging
a succession have failed, and there is
no guarantee it will work this time.
Deng did not attend the congress,
but was its dominant force. He and
the other party elders scripted it be-
forehand, choosing the candidates
for the Central Committee.
The state-run Xinhua News

SNRE allies
with Law,
by Gwen Shaffer
Daily Environment Reporter
The School of Natural Resources
and Environment (SNRE) is broad-
ening its focus with a new dean,
stronger ties to other U-M schools
and colleges, and a new name.

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