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October 15, 1992 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-10-15

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If the U-M can't afford to pay its police officers a
fair salary, the only logical solution is to return
campus policing responsibilities to the Ann Arbor
Police Department.

Russian immigrant director Vladimir Mirzoev
makes his U.S. debut with the U-M Department
of Theatre and drama's first production of the
season, "The Birthday Party."

CCHA coaches and media both picked the
Michigan hockey team first in their respective
polls. The Wolverines open their season Saturday
at home against Notre Dame.

Variable clouds, showers;
High 60, Low 54 .
Warmer, rainy; High 66, Low 41




One hundred two

years of editorial freedom

Vol. CIII, No. 13 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Thursday, October 15,1992 ©1992 The Michigan Daily

In dark
by Andrew Levy
Daily News Editor
Approximately one-half of the U-
M campus went dark yesterday af-
ternoon as maintenance work at the
university heating plant caused a 20-
minute power outage.
Most of the west side of campus
- including the Fleming Building,
the Michigan Union, West
Quadrangle, South Quadrangle, East
Quadrangle, the Student Activities
Building, central campus libraries,
the Student Publications Building,
and the business school - lost
power at about 3:20 p.m. yesterday.
Power was restored at 3:41 p.m.
"We lost one of the main buses at
the heating plant while we were do-
ing routine maintenance," said U-M
Director of Utilities Ken Beaudry.
"We lost one-half of the campus; if
you were on the other side of cam-
pus, you wouldn't even know there
was a problem.-
"The men did a very good job of
getting (the power) back on. I'm
very pleased with them," Beaudry
U-M Information Technology
See BLACKOUT, Page 2

U-M revises alcohol
clause in code draft

by Karen Sabgir
Daily Administration Reporter
The removal of a clause concern-
ing illegal use of alcohol off-campus
was among the changes made yes-
terday to the Statement of Student
Rights and Responsibilities.
A group of high-level administra-
tors and two students met to clarify
language in the latest draft of the
Virginia Nordby, associate vice
president for student affairs, said,
"We took out the prohibition of ille-
gal use, sale, distribution, and manu-
facture of alcohol off-campus or at
university-affiliated events, and it
specified fraternities and sororities.
"The students were very con-
cerned with our attempting to deal
with underage drinking with univer-
sity-affiliated groups. So we called
Washington, D.C. ... We do not
have to deal with illegal alcohol use
if the group is just affiliated with the
university and is off-campus," she
"The only alcohol use covered is
on-campus or university-sponsored
events," Nordby added.
Rob Van Houweling, the
Michigan Student Assembly's
Student Rights Commission chair,
said the group also discussed spe-
cific situations in which the accused

will have the right to counsel.
He said they proposed that if the
student wants to exercise his or her
right to remain silent or if suspen-
sion or expulsion are possible sanc-
tions, the student should be able to
have a third party speak for him or
"They probably won't let it be a
lawyer, but someone from within the
university community," Van
Houweling said.

Maureen Hartford, vice president
for student affairs, said the changes
made to the new draft allow repre-
sentation only for students who are
unable to attend their hearing.
Nordby said the redrafting com-
mittee agreed on some of the points
that were raised, but not everything
made it into the final draft.
The committee also outlined
amendment procedures for the doc-
See CODE, Page 2

Students propose 'public
defender' system for code

by Karen Sabgir
Daily Administration Reporter
The proposed Statement of
Student Rights and Responsibilities
is designed to protect the interests of
all U-M students, but some have said
- in questionnaires, phone surveys
and at open forums - that they feel
the policy does not do enough to
preserve the rights of the accused.
David Schwartz, president of the
campus chapter of the American
Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), pro-
posed that students accused of vio-
lating the code be supplied with a
list of people who can help them un-

derstand their rights and interpret the
"It's analogous to a public de-
fender service. People would be
available to advise defendants of
what their rights are," Schwartz said.
Schwartz said the defense coun-
seling would start immediately after
the complaint is filed. "We want to
make sure students don't feel this
pressure of a mediated settlement."
Both Schwartz and Rob Van
Houweling, MSA's Student Rights
Commission chair, said they would
like to see the ACLU set up the ser-
See DEFENDER, Page 2

No time for frisbee
LSA sophomore Daniel Kuhns avoids the mid-term rush at the computing
center by typing a paper on his laptop computer in the Diag. Kuhns was
writing a paper on "The Great Gatsby" for an English class.

Entree Plus provides students with food, laundry, security

by Darnell Jones
When parents send their children
off to the U-M each fall, they often
equip them with Entree Plus - to
pay for textbooks and an occasional
meal at the Union if the students
can't make it back to the residence
hall for dinner.
However, everything on campus
seems to take Entree Plus these days.
Students can get everything from
clean laundry to late-night snacks to
Cliffs Notes to cigarettes with a
simple swipe of their student IDs.
Kinesiology first-year student

Dana LaKritz pointed out the best
part of paying by Entree Plus.'
"It's definitely a good thing to
do," she said. "It helps out a lot. I
don't have to use my own money."
Computerized readers have been
installed into the vending and laun-
dry machines in residence halls. This
enables students to pay for these
services using Entree Plus.
The laundry program started last
fall on a test basis and can now be
found in most of the residence halls.
The vending machines are new this

"The students just love it," said
David Wahr, an administrative assis-
tant at the Entree office. "There are
very, very few complaints, and
they've been asking us to expand
Students were anxious to extol
the virtues of using Entree Plus to
pay for laundry.
"I think it's great," LSA sopho-
more Angela Jarvis said. "It saves
the mess of all the quarters. It's a lot
more convenient."
LSA sophomore Melissa Lenzner
agreed with Jarvis.

"I think it's really cool in the
laundry room because I don't have
to worry about quarters," she said.
Vending machines in South
Quad, East Quad, Alice Lloyd,
Markley and Bursley residence halls
have been equipped to accept Entree
"It comes in handy," said LSA
first-year student Craig Johnson. "A
lot of times I don't have the money
so I just use Entree Plus."
LSA first-year student Karin
Pleasant said a snack purchased with
Entree Plus has saved her many

times when residence hall food fell
short of her expectations.
"If I didn't have Entree Plus, I'd
be a very hungry person," she said.
But the Entree Plus system pro-
vides students with more than food
and other supplies. The U-M is using
the system to provide increased se-
curity to residents of Stockwell and
Betsey Barbour residence halls.
The Entree office has installed
computerized readers as a means to
gain entry to residence halls which
are locked at night.
Julie Lavrack, coordinator of

resident education for Stockwell
Hall, praised the new system.
"Security is such a big issue in
our building," she said. "It just
seemed perfect for us."
Lavrack explained how the sys-
tem works.
She said a swipe of the student
ID permits residents 24-hour en-
trance through the locked back door
of the building. When the hall is
open for meals, other students can
also use their IDs to gain access to
See PLUS, Page 2

Proposal B would limit terms
for legislators from Michigan

by Lauren Dermer
Daily Government Reporter
Term limits for members of the
Michigan congressional delegation
could be on the horizon - pending
voters' decision on Proposal B in
the Nov. 3 election.
Michigan - one of 15 states
with a proposal on its ballot to limit
the terms of legislators - has one
Proposal B92
of the strictest plans, restricting
U.S. House members to six years.
Of the states scheduled to vote
on term limits, eight others also set
the limit at six years, but the
remaining six states would allow

their House members to serve for at
least eight years.
Some opponents said this will
leave Michigan at a disadvantage
on the federal level compared to
states with longer term limits or no
limit at all.
"It takes time for legislators to
understand the system and the
workings of the system," said Jim
Bignall, statewide director of the
Michigan Citizens' Lobby. "Term
limits will result in less experienced
But Jim Coyne, president of
Americans to Limit Congressional
Terms and a former member of
Congress from Pennsylvania, said
that is a false argument.
"This so-called 'clout' argument
is used against term limits by senior
members of Congress who think
their states will lose out if they

don't chair the committees," he
said. "But with term limits, they
will still be committee chairmen,
only faster and with more energy."
Coyne added that term limits is,
not a single-state issue.
"The only reason this is being
done state-by-state is because
Congress refuses to even debate the
issue at the subcommittee level," he
The proposal would limit mem-
bers of the U.S. House from
Michigan to no more than three
two-year terms in any 12-year
period and U.S. senators from
Michigan two six-year terms during
a 24-year period.
State representatives would be
limited to three two-year terms,
state senators to two four-year
terms, and the governor and other
executive officers to two four-year

There are four state ballot
proposals on the Nov. 3
ballot. One of the proposals,
Proposal B, concerns term
limitations. Here is how the
proposal would affect
Michigan legislators in both
the federal government and
the state government.
Proposal B would limit
U.S. House members from
Michigan to no more than
three two-year terms in any
12-year period and U.S.
Senators from Michigan to
no more than two six-year
terms during a 24-year
The plan would also limit
state representatives to three
two-year terms, state
senators to two four-year
terms, and the governor and
other executive officers to
two four-year terms.
A recent poll of Michigan voters
showed 75 percent of those ques-
See PROPOSAL, Page 2

Vice President Dan Quayle lets loose a pass at the end of a rally Tuesday
night in the field house at Georgia Tech in Atlanta.
Candidates prepare
for upcorIming debates

Kochs' contributions fuel term limit debate

Associated Press
President Bush and Bill Clinton
prepped privately yesterday for their
second showdown in a campaign
growing testier by the day.
Ticketmates Dan Quayle and Al
Gore sparred at a distance, as if

aback by the rapidity at which these
guys turned on the faucet and just
started coughing out" their
There seemed little doubt that
Bush needed a dramatic debate per-
formance to energize a campaign

LANSING, (AP) - The battle
over limiting politicians' terms
boiled over yesterday with charges
tho. t,.tyn - -n"Ono il .:ill:r :-a

special interests," Parker said.
The group that put the term limit
proposal on the ballot got most of
t .. n . .nr. i c f rm nn...:an :, 4

"I think this is very dangerous
when people from outside are
c.nd3;in her mnev and calling

climbing over people's shoulders to
sign this because of their
frustration," he said.
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