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October 12, 1992 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-10-12

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Page 4 -The Michigan Daily- Monday, October 12, 1992
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Iitor in Chief

420 Maynard Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109

Opinion Editors

Edited and Managed
by Students at the
University of Michigan

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Unsigned editorials represent a Majority of the Daily's Editorial Beard.
All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily.
Presidential endorsement
Clinton offers best hope for future

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n November 3, the American people will elect
the candidate they perceive to be best
equipped to guide the United States out of reces-
sion, increase our national competitiveness, and
renew the nation's commitment to social toler-
ance. The Daily believes that BILL CLINTON has
proven himself best equipped to deal with these
and the many other economic and social problems
facing this nation.
From the beginning of the primary season,
Clinton emerged as one of the few candidates who
focused on the issues that concern the American
people: job growth, health care and education.
While the press and the president hammered the
Clinton campaign on the draft and alleged marital
infidelities, Clinton continued to focus on his
program, "Putting People First" and displayed his
ability to turn a potentially humiliating political
defeat into a possible November victory.
In fact, Clinton's ability to survive the primary
season demonstrates his energy, perseverance and
admirable political know-how. The next president
must maneuver a health care bill and education
and welfare reform through the U.S. Congress.
Clinton has managed such accomplishments in
Arkansas, while George Bush continues to preside
over a dead-locked government.
Clinton's program includes many needed re-
forms. He has proposed a way to medically insure
the 30 million Americans who are uninsured; he
promised to force the wealthy to share the tax
burden; he recognizes the need for funding inner-
city schools; and he considers AIDS/HIV research
a medical priority.
Clinton has also run an inclusive campaign. He
has managed to build a nation-wide coalition of
people demanding change. Clinton campaigned in
Michigan, convincing both Black and white voters
that the problems that plague Detroit are the same
problems that hurt suburban voters. Clinton earned
the support of the nation's unions, while recogniz-
ing the long-term necessity of the North American
Free Trade Agreement and rejecting the protec-
tonist tendencies of fellow Democrats.
The new Democratic coalition also includes
former blue-collar Reagan Democrats and disillu-
sioned wealthy CEOs in Orange County, Califor-
nia. Moreover, for the first time a presidential

candidate has spoken the words "homosexual
rights." Homosexuals were welcomed as delegates
to the Democratic convention, unlike the counter-
part convention in Houston. In the end, Clinton's
support for the rights of homosexuals will likely
cost him votes. Yet, he stands by his principles.
While the Republicans have run a divisive cam-
paign, Bill Clinton has built a diverse coalition of
Historically, periods of stagnation have been
followed by periods of progress. After Herbert
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Hoover, Franklin Roosevelt's "New Deal" guided
the American people through the Depression. After
Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy's "New Fron-
tier" energized America's youth to volunteer for
the Peace Corps and America's scientists to send a
man to the moon. The legacy of the Reagan Revo-
lution has left us with a shameful homeless crisis,
a bankrupt government, neglected inner cities, and
growing race and class divisions. The time has
come again for progress.
President George Bush had his opportunity to
strengthen and unite the American people. Instead,
the nation is in disarray and its citizens are bitter.
Bill Clinton promises to return commitment and
compassion, energy and idealism to the Oval Of-
fice. After 12 years of failed conservatism, Bill
Clinton's "New Covenant" deserves at chance.

Wolf insheep's clothing: Code debate still heated
They went back to the drawing board, back to the Fleming Building. The Statement of Students' Rights and
Responsibilities - draft #12.2 is what came out. It's long and tedious reading, but if you want to know what
your rights are. If you want to voice any concerns or have any suggestions for the Administration, come to the
"Town Meeting " tonight between 7-9 p.m. in MLB lecture room #2.

Bush ignored profound changes

A mericans gauge their presidents not just on
their personal qualities and convictions, but
on their ability to react to change, handle a crisis,
and steer the country toward success. This is why
Americans still sing the praises of Presidents
Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt, who
were effective leaders despite the challenges posed
by the Civil War and the Great Depression.
Since President Bush entered the White House
four years ago, the country has seen profound
change: the bi-polar world of the Cold War has
collapsed, the workforce and the American family
have been transformed, U.S. economic competi-
tiveness with respect to the Germans and Japanese
is on the decline, and racial and social tensions
have reached a boiling point. George Bush's presi-
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dency has been a failure because he has not recog-
nized the significance of these changes, and has
not responded with the vigor and vision they
Bush has been callous and negligent in his
response to the nation's economic troubles. The

of proof on the defendant in discrimination suits.
He vetoed family leave legislation that would help
men and women take time out of the work force for
family emergencies. He appointed pro-life judges
to benches across the country - a move that could
cripple women's abortion rights to choose for years
to come. Additionally, Bush let the AIDS crises slip
from national consciousness, instead coddling his
staunchest right-wing supporters.
In foreign policy, Bush's self-proclaimed strong
point, the president failed to guide his New World
Order with any sort of moral compass. He began
his term with the invasion of Panama - an act that
forever refuted Bush's "wimp" image - but the
"War on Drugs" stopped at Manuel Noriega's jail
cell while crack cocaine tightened its grip on the
inner cities. The coalition Bush assembled during
the Persian Gulf War, while an impressive diplo-
matic feat, has left Saddam Hussein in power and
his domestic foes cowed into submission.
If a convoluted foreign policy and a weak
economy weren't enough, there is the question of
ethics. New evidence in the Iran-contra scandal
unquestionably refutes Bush's statements that he
was "out of the loop" and unaware of the Reagan
administration's plan to illegally arm the Nicara-
guan contras. New information regarding the Iraq-
gate scandal indicates that the CIA hid details of the
illegal transfer of $2 billion worth of grain credits
to the Iraqi government from the Justice Depart-
ment, which in turn hid details from the prosecutor
in an Atlanta court case. Bush's shortsighted, cyni-
cal courtship of Saddam Hussein directly caused
an unnecessary war - a war he touts as his crown-
ing achievement.
The last four years have not been short on
symbolism. The crumbling of the Berlin Wall, the
end of the Gulf War, the eruption of Los Angeles -
each of these events could have been dramatic
spring boards for bold new initiatives. Instead,
Bush reacted with indecision and indifference,
('1in nino A,'crnritnl uto hhi hl cni-dont~

The University of Michigan is dedi-
cated to creating a scholarly commu-
nity that promotes intellectual inquiry,
encourages vigorous discourse, and re-
spects individual freedom and dignity.
Civility, diversity of opinion, and free-
dom of expression are all valued as the
necessary foundation for ahealthy learn-
ing community. All students are wel-
come members of this community and
are expected to participate in sustaining
its values. The University of Michigan
and its students are committed to main-
taining an inclusive, academically cen-
tered community. The goals of this com-
munity include creating an environment
that supports learning, protects the free-
doms guaranteed by the United States
Constitution, and assures members of
the University community a safe envi-
ronment free from violence, intimida-
tion, fraud, theft, and harassment. The
responsibility for reaching these goals
lies with each member of this academic
The purposes of this statement are
to define students' basic rights within
the University community and what
students may expect of the University
and to explain the academic
community's expectations of its stu-
dent members, including the standard
by which student behavior is measured.
This statement describes unacceptable
student behavior and creates procedures
to sanction students if they engage in
such unacceptable conduct. It is the
University's goal that all members of
the University community -students,
faculty, and staff- adhere to a set of
fundamental and ethical standards simi-
lar to those that follow for students. The
manner is which each group may carry
out such standards will vary depending
on therules and procedures established.
Section I: Scope of the Statement
This statement does not:
apply to issues of academic in-
tegrity or professional conduct covered
by school or college rules, if the school
or college chooses to employ its rules
and procedures to process the case.
cover the policies or practices of
student organizations; it applies only to
the activities of individual students.
apply to non-violent civil disobe-
dience or studentprotest. Federal, state,
and local laws may be enforced against
student demonstrators, but the Univer-
sity will not pursue sanctions under this
policy against students for non-violent
L apply to speech that is protected
by the First Amendment
apply to student publications or
to students responsible for writing, cre-
ating, or publishing the material con-
tained in such publications while they
are acting legitimately within the scope
of their journalistic responsibilities
Section II: Expectation of Students
Students accept the rights and re-
sponsibilities of membership in the
University of Michigan's academic and
social community when they are admit-
ted to the University. Each student is
expected to respect the rights of others
and to work to create an open, intellec-
tually stimulating environment where
diversity of ideas is valued and every
person's dignity and autonomy is re-

have a long tradition of activism. As
members of this community, students
have the right to express their own
views, butmust also take responsibility
for according the same right to others.
Students also have the right to be
treated fairly by the University and to
be informed of University policies af-
fecting them. Any student accused of
violating this policy is entitled to pro-
cedural due process protections.
A. The University is committed to
protecting students' rights of associa-
tion Students should be free to organize
and join associations to promote their
common interests.
B. The University is committed to
protecting students' rights of inquiry
and expression
Students are free to examine and
discuss all questions of interest to them
and to express opinions publicly and
The University's commitment to
freedom of expression and inquiry has
been described in detail in the "State-
ment on Freedom of Speech and Artis-
tic Expression: The Rights and Obliga-
tions of Speakers, Performers, Audi-
ence Members, and Protesters at the
University of Michigan", approved by
the Board of Regents in July 1988.
Members of the University commu-
nity, speakers, artists and others in-
vited by members of the University
community have the right to set forth
their views and opinions at the Univer-
sity. Within its lawful authority to do
so, the University will protect the right
of any member of the University com-
munity or any invited speaker or artists
to speak or perform. The University
will also protect the rights of those
members of the University community
who wish to hear and communicate
with an invited speaker or artist.
C. The University is committed to
protecting studentsnrights to a free press
The University will not restrict the edi-
torial freedom of student publications
and the student press.
D. The University is committed to
protecting students' rights to due pro-
cess Students who have been accused
of violating University policies have
the right to fair treatment. Students,
under this policy, have the right to:
be informed, in writing, of the
charges against them with sufficient
particularity and time to insure oppor-
tunity to prepare for a hearing
1. decline to make self-incriminat-
ing statements or to participate in a
hearing. Such action will not be inter-
preted as evidence of. guilt
2. decline to appear at the hearing,
which also will not be interpreted as
evidence of guilt, with the understand-
ing that the hearing will still go for-
ward. The judicial advisor will attempt
to set hearing times and dates that are
mutually agreeable to the parties.
3. present information on their own
behalf, including oral and written state-
ments, physical exhibits, andwitnesses
4. require the testimony of any
member of the University community;
the Judicial Advisor will have author-
ity to exempt from testimony any indi-
vidual protected by legal privilege (
physicians, counselors, etc.)
5. hear all information presented
and to question all people who appear
before the hearing committee
6. be advised by an adviorr r tt.-

12. have a recording made of the
13. an appeal or review of the origi-
nal hearing
14. an open hearing, providing the
accused requests an open hearing and
(a) the complainant consents
(b) the complainant is not a student
and the complaintdoes not allege sexual
assault or harassment
(c) have judicial advisor, in consul-
tation with the General Counsel's of-
fice, determine that no substantial harm
will result to the complainant as a result
of an open hearing.
Section IV: Students' Responsibili-
Students at the University of Michi-
gan expect members of their commu-
nity to be responsible for their actions
and to respect the rights of others.
A. Actions on campus
The following personal actions on
University property or at official Uni-
versity functions are prohibited by this
1. Sexual assault and rape
2. Harassment, defined as physical
force or violence; or behavior, includ-
ing stalking, that involves a deliberate
threat to interfere with an individual's
personal safety, academic efforts, em-
ployment or participation in university
sponsored activities and causes the per-
son to have a reasonable apprehension
that such harm is about to occur. Stu-
dents may not use threats, explicit or
implicit, concerning the terms or condi-
tions of an individual's education, em-
ployment, housing or participation in a
University activity as a way to gain sex
and/or sexual favors.
3. Physical assault, battery, or en-
dangerment of any person
4. The knowing possession, use, or
storage of firearms or dangerous weap-
ons, except for authorized academic or
employment purposes or in connection
with a registered student activity or or-
5. Hazing practices as require-
ments of membership, advancement,
or continued good standing in
organizations, defined as including the
following willful acts, with or without
the consent of the individual involved:
physical injury, assault, or
kidnapping or imprisonment
intentionally placing at risk of
severe mental or emotional harm
degradation, humiliation, or
compromising of moral or religious
forced consumption of any
liquid or solid
mandatory personal servitude
placing an individual in
physical danger (at risk) which
includes abandonment
impairment of physical liberties
which include curfews or other
interference with academic endeavors
Unlawful possession, use,
manufacture, sale, or distribution of
alcohol or other drugs
Arson; unauthorized setting of
fires, unauthorized tampering with
any fire alarms or fire safety systems
Fraud, forgery, or alteration of
any university document or record,
misuse of the University's computer
system to gain access to restricted
information, or knowingly furnishing




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