It's new; it's improved. But it's still unnecessary.
Through its revisions of the proposed code, the
administration has failed to address the existing
code and the problems with the new one.
The Beatles started it all years ago, but it isn't
going to end any time soon. It's the British
invasion, and it continues to change the face of
American music today.
If the Michigan football team had one position
where it could not afford any injuries, it was
outside linebacker. However, frosh Shawn Collins
is adding needed depth to the position.
More clouds;
High 71,Low 51
Possible showers; High 62, Low 44
One hundred two years of editorial freedom
Vo. II,.o.8 nnAror Mchga-Turdaectbe &192' 192Th8Mchga3Dil
Bush camp
tries to find
silver bullet'
WASHINGTON (AP) - With a cache of hard-
edged television ads and high hopes for the debates,
President Bush's advisers are clinging to the hope they
can find a silver bullet to slay Bill Clinton's campaign.
The Bush team is struggling to catch up in the cam-
paign's final weeks by making Americans doubt
Clinton's character and judgment and by spreading fear
that the Democrat will increase everyone's taxes.
But in the political community there is a growing
belief - though not unanimous - that the president
faces certain defeat.
"I think it's too late," said Reagan White House po-
litical director Lyn Nofziger.
"The election's over," said Colorado College politi-
cal scientist Tom Cronin, echoing sentiments of many
Republicans and Democrats. "This is a referendum on
economic leadership and he (Bush) has lost it."
"It's time for the Hail Mary," said GOP strategist
John Sears. "I don't know if there is anything he can
Sears said the person who can elect Bush is Clinton,
by making mistakes - "and he shows no sign of doing
However, Jody Powell, press secretary to President
Carter, said the combination of the forthcoming debates,
television ads and Ross Perot's big-money campaign all
make the outcome uncertain.
"I'm not one who thinks the thing is over," Powell
said. "Most people will be getting more information
from paid ads than from the media, and that always
takes the campaign into a different phase."
Bush's advisers hope the debates, in particular, will
sharpen negative impressions of Clinton. "Bush has al-
ways done well in debates," said James Lake, a senior
See BUSH, Page 2
Many students
are apathetic of
new code draft,
by Jennifer Silverberg
Daily Administration Reporter
The U-M administration com-
pleted draft 12.2 of the Students
Rights and Responsibilities Policy
on Monday, but numerous students
say they are unconcerned and
uninformed about the document.
"As far as this new draft goes,
they've completely failed in letting
students know about it," said Rob
Van Houweling, chair of the
Michigan Student Assembly's
Student Rights Commission.
"I received something in the mail
but I didn't really read it," said LSA
junior Erica Hartl, referring to draft
10.2. "It was overly legal and it
wasn't easy to understand."
LSA sophomore Andrea Stahl
agreed. "I only saw the copy mailed
to my home and I never heard
anything else from them."
In an attempt to inform students
about the policy, the Office of
Student Affairs distributed copies of
the document to the Campus
Information Center, the Dean of
Students Office and all residence
halls yesterday in addition to putting
copies in all student organization
But Van Houweling said most U-
M students would not be informed
by this method. "They've tried to
put it in student organization mail-
boxes and in residence halls, but that
means most students aren't going to
end up seeing it," he said.
A copy of the policy was placed
on the Michigan Terminal System's
'On paper it governs
all of the university
but its impact on daily
life is non-existent for
- Bill Chung
third-year graduate
UM-GOPHERBLUE network. Rory
Mueller, assistant to the vice presi-
dent for student affairs, said there
are also plans to run copies of the
policy as advertisements in the Daily
and the University Record this week.
Some students said the adminis-
tration has publicized the policy
See CODE, Page 2
Chutes and ladders
LSA sophomore Leslie Truett studies in the Graduate Library's Reading Room yesterday
amongst equipment left by crews laboring to install more efficient lights. The work should
be done within two to three weeks.
President Bush praises negotiation of free trade zone
President Bush participated in a
high-profile ceremony in a must-win
state yesterday to highlight the suc-
cessful negotiation of an agreement
creating the world's largest free
trade zone.
With Canadian Prime Minister
Brian Mulroney and Mexican
President Carlos Salinas de Gortari
looking on, Bush hailed the 2,000-
page North American Free Trade
Agreement that was negotiated last
"This meeting marks a turning
point in the history of our three
countries," Bush told a crowd of
dignitaries. "We are creating the
largest, richest and most productive
market in the entire world."
Bush defended the pact against
criticism that it will result in the loss
of U.S. jobs from companies being
lured across the border to lower
wages in Mexico. Bush said the re-
moval of trade barriers would ex-
pand U.S. exports to Mexico, which
is already America's third largest
Salinas told the crowd that "we
can all win with this agreement"
while Mulroney called free trade
"the pathway to prosperity."
The nations' trade ministers ini-
tialed the completed text in what was
largely a symbolic ceremony. Under
U.S. law, Bush cannot actually sign
the agreement before Dec. 17.
Calling the event "pure political
theater," Sen. Max Baucus (D-
Mont.) said, "If the Bush administra-
tion spent as much time and energy
negotiating the NAFTA as it spends
holding campaign events built
around it, we would have a far better
If approved by lawmakers in all
three countries, the trade agreement
is scheduled to go into effect on Jan.
1, 1994, beginning a process of re-
moving all tariffs and other barriers
to trade, services and investment
between the three countries over a
15-year period.
The pact is designed to create the
world's largest and richest free trade
zone, covering 360 million people.
American labor unions and many
environmentalists strongly oppose
the pact, charging that it will cost up
to a half-million American jobs as
more companies move their opera-
tions to Mexico to take advantage of
low wages and lax enforcement of
environmental laws.
Scores rise for first
-time in last 5 years
SAT up, ACT down for incoming students
by Jonathan Berndt
Daily Staff Reporter
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
scores of admitted first-year students
rose at the U-M Ann Arbor campus
for the first time in five years.
American College Test (ACT)
scores, however, continued a three-
year slide, dropping a tenth of a
The median composite SAT
score for admitted students rose to
1174, up from 1172 a year ago, but
down from 1189 in 1988. The mean
composite ACT score went down to
27.2 from 27.3 last year.
"This year's class is two points
smarter than last year's in the crud-
est sense," said education Prof.
Michael Nettles, formerly a senior
research scientist at Educational
Testing Service.
"It's always nice when average
test scores increase. Some level of
celebration ought to occur around
any increase. It's better than a de-
cline - but an awful lot could
explain it," he said.
Nettles cited shifts in demograph-
ics, probable major choices and
changes in the pool of students as
reasons for test score changes.
Because of the increasing cost of
higher education, the U-M could be
receiving students that would oth-
erwise go to colleges such as MIT
and Yale, Nettles said.
He said this could contribute to a
score increase.
"What you hope is that this is the
beginning of an upward trend,"
Nettles said. "U-M gets 5,000 to
6,000 people every year - two
points by that many people ... it is a
modest gain."
U-M scores remained above the
national norms for both tests. The
SAT score bettered the norm by al-
most 200 points. The ACT score
See SCORES, Page 2
The administration disputes that
view, arguing that the agreement
will end up creating more jobs than
it loses as U.S. companies are able to
boost their exports to Mexico.
Democratic candidate Bill
Clinton on Sunday came out in sup-
port of the free trade agreement al-
though he said additional steps
should be taken to protect American
jobs and the environment.
He said his objections could be
met without re-negotiating the pact.
on bond
by James Cho
Russell Alan Ford sat silently in
East Lansing's 54B District Court
yesterday when Judge Jules
Hanslovsky asked him to enter his
plea on four counts of criminal
sexual conduct.
"Ford stood mute," Ingham
County prosecutor Don Martin
Ford, a 22-year-old senior at
Michigan State University, was ar-
raigned on charges of assaulting four
Delta Upsilon (DU) fraternity
A "not guilty" plea was entered
after Ford refused to answer the
judge's query.
Unable to post the $30,000 bond.
Ford, a Grand Rapids native, was
taken to the Ingham County Jail until
the preliminary hearing, set for Oct.
Ford's attorney David
Underwood asked to no avail that
Say what?
Members of the Saline Christian School Drama Team mimesfootball huddle for a tough crowd on the Diag
. County Commission candidates address College Republicans
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