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October 06, 1992 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1992-10-06

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i i
Term limitations have been touted as a way to
bring new voices into the government. But what
term limitations really limit is the choices of the
voters they're supposed to help.


* ".

Life is good. Juliana Hatfield has risen from the
ashes of the Blake Babies to claim the title of
queen of pop music. She plays the Blind Pig

Maybe it's the heart of football season for most
sports fans, but for a certain few, the real college
sports season won't begin until the Michigan
hockey team takes the ice.

Mostly sunny;
High 65, Low44
A few clouds; High 63, Low 40


One hundred two vecars of editorial freedoni


Vol. CIII, No. 6 Ann Arbor, Michigan --Tuesday, October 6,1992 ©1992 The Michigan Daily

Supreme Court:
Chrysler cannot
fire employee for
sex harassment
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme Court yester-
day let stand a ruling that forced Chrysler Corp. to rehire an
employee it ired for grabbing a woman's breasts at work.
ihe court, without comment, rejected the company's
argument that a lower court's order harms efforts to combat
sexual harassment in the workplace.
Ronald Gallenbeck, a forklift operator at Chrysler's
plant in Beaver Dam, Wis., was fired in January 1989 after
he admitted grabbing the breasts of a woman who was.
conducting an inspection at the plant.
According to an arbitrator's report, Gallenbeck was
talking on the telephone when he put down the receiver, .,.;
walked up behind the woman, grabbed her breasts and
squeezed them, returned to the telephone and said, "Yup,
they're real ."
After firing Gal lenbeck, Chrysler officials said they
learned of several other allegations of similar conduct. I-e
admitted to four such incidents.
A local chapter of the Allied Industrial Workers of
America challenged Gallenbeck's firing, saying it was MICHELLE GU'
excessive punishment. An arbitrator agreed and ordered W hat's your sign?
Chrysler to rehire Gallenbeck and give him back pay, 9 "
minus 30 days' salary. LSA senior Colleen Coffey (foreground) and LSA first-year student Shannon Carskador
See COURT, Page 7 practice signing during a sign language course in the Michigan Union.
Gay facty Co out is d clt

U-M to review
new version of
code today


by Karen Sabgir
Daily Administration Reporter
The most recent version of the
Statement of Student Rights and
Responsibilities, draft 12.2, will be
presented to high-level university
administrators for their review to-
day. The document is the third to be
released since a redrafting
committee first met Friday.
Vice President for Student
Affairs Maureen Hartford, Associate
Vice President for Student Affairs
Virginia Nordby and U-M
Ombudsman Donald Perigo met
again yesterday with two students to
continue revising the policy.
The group has been reworking
draft 10.2, formulated during the
summer, and mailed to students,
staff and faculty.
While students involved in the
redrafting process said draft 12.2
will not be the final statement,
Hartford said she hopes to have the
newly-revised proposal distributed
to the campus next week in
preparation for another public
Michigan Student Assembly
Student Rights Commission Chair
Rob Van Houweling and Campus
ACLU President David Schwartz -
the two students present at yester-
day's meeting - said they hoped to
make the statement as narrow as
After reviewing draft 12.0 at a
morning meeting, the group made
revisions - including protection of
speech, protests and the press, as
well as distinguishing between ac-
tions committed on- and off-campus.

Hartford said she then gave a
copy to U-M Assistant General
Counsel Daniel Sharphorn, who
changed language to make the
document more legally precise.
"There were probably eight or 10
changes of anywhere from one word
to adding a sentence," Hartford said.
However, Schwartz and Van
Houweling expressed concern about
the changes made from draft 12.0,
which they saw yesterday morning,
to draft 12.2 - the version amended
and approved by Sharphorn.
"He changed more than just legal
stuff and we have to discuss why
they made those changes," Schwartz
Draft 12.2 includes a new section
which defines the statement's scope
and specifies that the document does
not apply to academic conduct.
However, Van Houweling said
Sharphorn added a clause allowing
schools and colleges to use their
own enforcement mechanisms in
punishing code violations.
"They assured us it wouldn't ap-
ply to anything academic and this
looks like there's a way around it,"
Schwartz said.
Schwartz and Van Houweling
said they are also concerned about
protection of accused student rights.
The policy currently states that the
student "has the right to be advised
by an adviser or attorney for consul-
tation purposes during the hearing."
This does not allow for any kind of
direct representation.
"I think it's unacceptable the way
it is now," Van Houweling said,
See CODE, Page 2

by Karen Talaski
Daily Gender Issues Reporter
In today's social climate, the de-
cision to come out is difficult for any
lesbian, gay male or bisexual.
Many members of the U-M staff
and faculty who have chosen to re-
veal their sexual orientation found
their experiences to be both
rewarding and tedious.
"One comes out daily. It is a
constant process," said Jeffrey
Winters, a political science assistant
professor. "Sex is a private issue, but
sexuality is a social issue.

"Coming out, identifying yourself'
becomes a major act," Winters
added. "It is extremely significant."
David Ostrow, aii associate pro-
fessor of psychiatry in the medical
school, agreed with Winters.
"It has to be a continual process,
not just a one-time thing," he said.
"Otherwise, people ignore the facts
... of gay people."
First-year MBA candidate Ron
Genotti said he felt comiing out has
helped him. Genotti participates in
the work study program at the
Lesbian Gay Male Programs Office.

"The university is a liberal cun-
pus and I think a lot of gay males,
lesbians and bisexuals come to the
University of Michigan (because) it
is easier to meet people," Gienotti
Faculty members' decision to re-
veal their sexual orientation to the
students they teach can be a touchy
subject. Many faculty and staff
members assume people know about
their sexual orientation. But some
make a conscious choice to come
Francisco Soto, an assistant pro-

fessor of Spanish at U-M Dearborn,
has not come out to the student pop-
ulation, but said he believes most
people are aware of his sexual
"There have been both good and
bad whispers," Soto said. "I wish
they would just know so that I would
not have to announce that I am
Women's studies teaching assis-
tant Tracy Ore does not hide her
sexuality from her students if it
become a relevant topic.
See OUT, Page 2


* TAs, students debate class sizes
U-Msays more money needed before allowing new hiings

by Shannon Unger
As the semester picks up, stu-
dents and teaching assistants (TAs)
alike are noticing the effects of
overcrowded discussion sections.
Depending on the course, a U-M
student may find anywhere from 15
to more than 60 peers in a non-
lecture section.
Individual departments make
their own guidelines to determine
how many students are allowed in
each section.
The political science department,
for example, has a maximum of 20
students per honors section and 25
per regular section. Classes in the
School of Business Administration
can have as many as 60 students.
These guidelines are often a moot
point, said Todd DeKay, a psychol-

'Classes aren't
necessarily supposed
to be one-on-one.,
-Amy Silverstone
LSA first-year student
ogy TA.
"It's often up to the TA to decide
class size," DeKay said. "If a class
maximum is 30, a TA can take on a
few more students if a class is really
DeKay took on an entire addi-
tional class because there were so
many students on the waiting list for
personality psychology.
The contract between the
Graduate Employees Organization

(GEO) - the labor union for
teaching assistants - and the U-M
does not establish a maximum class
"Ideally, we would like the
maximum to be 20 to 25 (students),
but the admninistraion has refused to
put this in our contract," said David'
Toland, president of GEO. "Classes
are just too big. They can hardly be
called discussions."
Communications Prof. Richard
Campbell said he shares Toland's
thoughts on current classroom size.
The department of communica-
tions has a maximum of 30 students
per section, but Cunpbell said he
believes this is too many.
"I would much prefer a maxi-
mum of 25 for each class. It would
See SIZE, Page 2

ATM crimes drop
* with more prevention

by Angela Dansby
LSA senior Rob Currey stepped
up to the Automatic Teller Machine
(ATM) in front of Ulrich's and
inserted his bank card.
Although it was 1 a.m. on a
Thursday night in late 1990, the
streets were fairly crowded, he
Currey thus took little notice of

away with his buddy. It was just a
pocketknife, but I wasn't about to
argue over $10. At first I was
stunnad, then I realized, Jesus
Christ, I just got mugged."
Currey said he did not report the
incident because of the small amount
of money involved.
But it may have been linked to a
two-month series of ATM robberies

Magicline President Jim
Outland advises the following
safety tips for Automatic
Teller Machine users:
Choosea well-lit ATM, and
park close to the machine.
Be accompanied by
someone else when using an
ATM at night.
Have your bank card ready
and fill out any forms before
using the AcTM.
Stand directly in front of

Democratic presidential candidate Bill Clinton gestures while speaking at a senior citizens' picnic in Orlando
yesterday, during a two-day bus tour of Florida.
Candidates lay blame for weak
economy in final month of race

presidential race entered its final
four weeks yesterday with three
candidates leveling blame for the
nation's weak economy, a fragility
underscored by new turbulence in.
the stock market.
Democratic nominee Bill

presidential spokesperson Marlin
Bush campaigned in Delaware
after asserting on a morning televi-
sion interview show that Democrats
in Congress had further endangered
economic recovery by adding new
taxes to a compromise tax bill.

The Dallas executive accused
the president of being out of touch
and said Clinton's support for a
free-trade agreement with Mexico
showed the Arkansas governor
doesn't understand business.
"We're taking the best part of
our worker tax base and putting it


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