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October 05, 1992 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-10-05

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The time has come for the University to amend
Regental Bylaw 14.06 to include protection
against discrimination based on sexual


'I S I

You can quonk and pop to your heart's delight
with the Rova Saxophone Quartet. The group
performs tonight at 8 p.m. at the Performance

Who said Michigan forgot how to run? The
Wolverines rushed for 480 yards and six
touchdowns in their 52-28 victory over the Iowa

Mostly sunny;
High 65, Low 44
Partly sunny; High 67, Low 47



One hundred two years of editorial freedom

Vl I II .I, O n roMihgn-M naO tbe 5192 199 Te ic ia Dily

Effects of GA Cuts: one year later
Listed below are the results of a Wayne State University
Center for Urban Studies survey of former Michigan General
Assistance welfare clients. The results are based on 650
responses to 2,456 questionnaires sent to a random sample of
former GA recipients.
1 20,000 former clients were evicted in the wake of the cuts.
20,000 still had no place to stay at the time the survey was
27,000 went without food for at least 24 hours in the wake of
the cuts.
46,000 (83.5 percent) are currently unemployed.
The average stay in a homeless shelter has increased from
seven to 35 days.

GA cuts controve

by Christine Burmeister
The findings of Wayne State
University's (WSU) Center for
Urban Studies report on the effects
of eliminating Michigan's General
Assistance (GA) welfare program
are not surprising.
WSU sent 2,456 questionnaires
to a random sample of former GA
recipients in the eight counties
where almost two-thirds of all
clients lived.
Based on the 650 responses,
WSU concluded that one year after
the program's elimination, 20,000
former clients had been evicted, and
an equal number still have no regular
place to stay.

In addition to being homeless,
more than 27,000 went without food
for at least 24 hours around the time
when the changes were made. At the
time of the study 83.5 percent of the
former recipients living in the eight
counties, or 46,000 people, had no
However, factions on different
sides of the issue have drawn con-
tradictory conclusions from the same
The Michigan Department of
Social Services and the office of
Gov. John Engler were heartened by
the findings.
"Within one year, 17 percent of
those people who used to receive

rsial a year
GA have found jobs, this number people don't
will continue to grow," said John any sort of a
Truscott, Engler's press secretary. ple were nev
"Human service organizations basic thingsy
speculated that there would be a by."
drastic increase in crime, and that The point
homelessness would go through the be the dear
roof, but statistics show that this skill training
hasn't happened." age of the ty
However, Jean Summerfield of recipients co
the Shelter Association of Ann Joblessa
Arbor looks at the same numbers support then
and says she is discouraged. cipients are f
"In one year almost all of the as a place to
former GA recipients are still with- one night.
out jobs or permanent places to stay, Organiza
and it's not just because they're not Of Tempora
looking," she said. "A lot of these

t have the skills to hold
job, a lot of these peo-
ver taught in school the
you need to know to get
t of contention seems to
th of easily-accessible
programs, and a short-
ype of jobs former GA
uld hold.
and without family to
m, many former GA re-
forced to look to shelters
stay - and not just for
tions such as Coalition
ry Shelter (COTS) said
See CUTS, Page 7

City lets frat
stay during
house repairs

Chi Phi members,
facing eviction, can
stay while contractor
brings house up to
city codes
by Jonathan Berndt
Daily Staff Reporter
Chi Phi fraternity members will
be able to live in their house while
the fraternity completes renovations
to bring the house up to city housing
The Ann Arbor Building
Department declared the house un-
safe Wednesday. Normally when a
house is declared unsafe, it is evacu-
ated until all necessary repairs have
been made.
But because Chi Phi has agreed
to make immediate repairs, the city

will allow fraternity members to live
in the house while a contractor -
hired last week - brings it up to
The house, located at 1530
Washtenaw Ave., was declared un-
safe because it lacked two separate
exits from each floor and had prob-
lems with the fire doors.
"They are being very coopera-
tive," said Jack Donaldson, director
of the Building Department. "They
are taking all reasonable efforts to
make corrections necessary."
Donaldson added that the house
will be inspected daily to assure
work is being diligently maintained.
If the work is completed as planned,
all 38 residents will be allowed to
Chi Phi's problems with the city
began in May 1989, when the house
See CHI PHI, Page 2

to release
new draft
of code
by Karen Sabgir
Daily Administration Reporter
U-M officials hope to release the
final draft of the Statement of
Student Rights and Responsibilities
today, a policy allowing the univer-
sity to discipline students for non-
academic behavior on- and off-
Administrators met with three
students Friday to discuss possible
changes to draft 10.2 of the behavior
policy - the version sent to students
and faculty members this summer.
Vice President for Student
Affairs Maureen Hartford said she
and Shirley Clarkson, director of
planning and communications, and
Donald Perigo, U-M ombudsman,
will meet with the three students
again at 9 a.m. to review draft 12.0
of the policy.
Hartford met Friday for seven
hours with Yael Citro, an editor'of
the Daily's opinion page; David
Schwartz, president of the campus
chapter of the American Civil
Liberties Union; and Robert Van
Houweling, chair of the Michigan
Student Assembly's Student Rights
"I thought we had a consensus
Friday," Hartford said. "I went'in
this weekend and made the changes.
It's very different from draft 10.2.
There's almost no ambiguity, it's
very specific."
Hartford said the new draft in-
corporates many concerns that were
raised through open forums last
week, questionnaires sent to students
and faculty members this summer,
and a recent phone survey.
Draft 12.0 specifies that the six
votes of the student-administered ju-
See DRAFT, Page 2

Touchdown Tony
Michigan tight end Tony McGee scores a touchdown in Saturday's Wolverine 52-28 victory against Iowa. For
complete Michigan sports coverage see SPORTSMonday.

Clinton still leader in Michigan, says recent poll

DETROIT (AP) - Support for Bill Clinton
remains solid in Michigan, with President
Bush showing few gains, and Ross Perot
failing to change the scenario since rejoining
the race, according to a poll published
Forty-six percent of Michigan voters
questioned for the poll by The Detroit News
favored Clinton over Bush and Perot.
Bush garnered 33 percent and Perot 10 per-
cent, according to the telephone survey of 606
likely Michigan voters polled Thursday and
Friday, after Perot announced his return to the

Seven percent were undecided. The rest
favored other candidates or didn't respond.
The poll's margin of error is plus or minus 4
"Michigan, for now, is firmly in the Clinton
camp," said Mark Schulman, whose New York
firm, Schulman, Ronca and Bucuvalas Inc.,
conducted the poll. "The picture is solidifying,
and Bush does not appear to have a lot of up-
side potential."
Clinton's backing appeared to be the most
In the poll, 79 percent of those supporting
the Arkansas governor said they were sure of

their choice. Two-thirds of Bush's support was
firm. Among Perot supporters, 59 percent said
they would stick with him through Election
Only 12 percent of those polled believed
Perot has a real chance of winning the election.
Dawn Hardie, of Hazel Park, viewed the
presidential race as a battle among three evils.
She planned to support Clinton.
"I want a change, not because I think he is
wonderful," she said. "It's not that I hate Mr.
Bush. I'm ready for a change."
Judy Dibianca, of Macomb County's
Clinton Township, said Bush "has done noth-

ing for our country," but she planned to vote
for him anyway.
Douglas DeWindt planned to vote for Perot,
even though he doesn't believe he can win.
"I am so fed up between the Democrats and
the Republicans," said the Frankfort resident,
who said he voted for Bush in 1988.
The poll also said 71 percent of respondents
rate Michigan's economy as "bad." Only one
in 10 think it's improving; 41 percent say it's
getting worse; and 45 percent don't foresee
any change.
Those findings paralleled voters' feelings
See POLL, Page 7

bring Latino
culture to
by Mona Qureshi
Daily Minority Issues Reporter
Local dance troupes whisked 500
members of the U-M and Ann Arbor
communities around the Latino
world in a dance and music show
Friday evening at Mendelssohn
Titled "Latino Extravaganza," the

60 students, local candidates stage
candlelight vigil to support choice

by Jon DiMascio
Nearly 60 U-M students and
local residents gathered on the
Diag last night to hear three
Michigan Statehouse candidates
pitch their abortion rights plat-
form, and encourage voter regis-
Michigan Abortion Rights
Action League (MARAL) spon-
sored a candlelight vigil in an ef-
fort to register voters before to-
day's registration deadline and

They placed themselves on a
clear pro-choice platform.
"I'd like to see Roe vs. Wade
written in to Michigan law,"
Rivers said. "It's a woman's
choice and no one else's."
Schroer criticized the imbal-
ance of women and men within.
the Michigan Legislature - which
has only three women on the
Senate floor.
She argued that men should not
be making laws that govern wom-
en's hovdips

The crowd hissed when candi-
date Schroer commented on
Republican U.S. Rep. Bob Geake,
who is seeking re-election.
"When asked to preserve the
right to legal health care Bob
Geake refused to co-sponsor legis-
lation," Schroer said.
LSA first-year student Gia
Biagi said she was impressed with
the rally but thought voters should


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