Page 4 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 2,1992 Jbe Mtrbigau 1 ai l- N I K-. ~l - - --* 'I,- " 1 1, " N I I I , T XT / / jj ' ^i I 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 764-0552 Editor in Chief MATTHEW D. RENNIE Opinion Editors YAEL CITRO GEOFFREY EARLE AMITAVA MAZUMDAR Edited and Managed by Students at the University of Michigan r Unsigned editorials represent a mwjority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. 'U' veils existing code of conduct ' r -- - EEDA ,VWHAT ; Ir~lA6INE HAvI,%JG- tip ~ALLt.THE NAS-ry T-lt4GS THAT YOU EVER DID "/' -~ Fo >YOUR K PAPrER THcE r VI MEANTALK 2 AE'oL-r- / )?~~>~RU L 1A 116 Despite the administration's attempts to solicit student input on the new "Statement on Stu- dents' Rights and Responsibilities," it is now abun- dantly clear that the University has been operating and negotiating entirely in bad faith. The students on campus have been grossly mislead to think that the new code is necessary for student safety and required by federal law. In truth - as MSA Rep. Brian Kight discovered- a code of conduct, the "Rules of the University Commu- nity," is currently in place, and has been since 1973. Depending on whether the existence of the code was forgotten or intentionally overlooked, the administration has been either inept or negli- gent. Most likely, it is a combination of both. The 1973 Rules were adopted by the regents with the cooperation of the Student Government Council SGC) - MSA's predecessor - and the Senate Advisory Committee for Undergraduate Affairs (SACUA). All three parties - represent- ing the interests of the administration, students and faculty - had the power to veto the Rules. The administration's mythical student involvement in the Statement pales in comparison to the real involvement students had in developing the Rules; today, students have no veto power. Moreover, the Rules, while still being unsatisfactory, is far better in its protections of civil liberties than the State- ment. Regental bylaws clearly state that only the University Council - a board consisting of three students, three staff and three faculty - can pro- pose amendments to the Rules. The amendment would then have to be ratified by the SGC (now MSA), SACUA and the administration. In an act of unfortunate despotism, however, the adminis- tration dissolved the University Council when it became clear that the Council would not support the administration's demands for a stricter code. In a sense, the new Statement can be considered an amendment or re-draft of the current Rules. The only way the administration could alter the Rules, wi thout violating its contract with the students, is by asking the University Council to authorize the changes. Conveniently, the Council no longer ex- ists. The real issue is the administration's callous breach of trust. The Rules were a contract agreed upon by the administration, faculty and students. In fact, there may be legal issues at stake. Unless the regents alter the by-laws, the University can'tratify a new code. Legal action may be warranted. More importantly, students should be skeptical about any talk of student involvement. Students helped draft the Rules and trusted the administra- tion to properly enforce them. Instead, the admin- istration filed the rules away, abolished the Univer- sity Council, and misleadingly cited federal law as impetus for the Statement. Federal law really isn't an issue at all. The administration could have easily proposed sexual assault and the drug and alcohol policies as amend- ments to the current Rules. The University Council would be obligated to propose the amendments, resolving any conflict with the law. Furthermore, the existence of the 1973 code once more belies the administration's fear-mongering claim that it has no mechanism to discipline campus crime. Whatever its motives, the administration de- serves only students' disdain, not trust. If the ad- ministration does wish to save face, however, it can take some steps. The administration must address the existence of the 1973 Rules and why it feel the Rules are inadequate. The University Council must be reconvened to consider the new Statement as amendments to the current Rules. And, most importantly, the adminis- tration owes its students an explanation. If the University wants to build trust, it is currently going about it the wrong way. ISSUES FORUM Read it, know it, join the debate MCC. Can beggars also be choosers? 'U' should not collect fees for non-'U' organizations by Paul W. Brown The following is an excerpt from a. letter written by Regent Paul Brown (R-Petoskey) to Rep. Morris Hood (D-Detroit) on July 23, 1992. Due to the fact that the University Board of Regents is currently being sued by MCC and Zimmerman, the adminis- tration chose to submit the following letter to avoid complications in court. Eu. Dear Representative Hood: Thank you for your letter of July 14, 1992 concerning funding of the Michigan Collegiate Coalition (MCC). Apparently a misunderstand- ing has arisen with respect to manda- tory fees being collected by the Uni- versity for non-University functions. The problem with collection of the MCC fee was not any position it took on any issue but rather the wis- dom of the University using its fee collection process for an independent organization. The University Board of Regents has come to believe that the University should not be in the business of imposing fees on students for outside organizations, even though 1,916 students voted for it. (Student votes are not popular. In that election 3,494 students out of about 35,000 voted). As you can imagine, there is no end to the line up of organizations which would like to use the Univer- sity billing system to collect fees for Brown is a University Regent from Petoskey, MI. them. There may also be legal prob- lems involved. We really should not be in that business. The actual proposal that came to the board was that we continue a$.35 fee for Michigan Student Assembly earmarked for MCC. The problem anon-University organization (MCC) when they may disagree with one or another position of the MCC. Stu- dents are still perfectly free to contrib- ute to the MCC directly if they desire or convince their elected representa- tives to do so through MSA. " The problem with collection of the MCC fee was not any position it took on any issue but rather the wisdom of the University using its fee collection process for an independent organization. Cut & cap could gut education T o most people, the economic chaos and down ward-sliding education system wreaked by Proposition 13 in California has been a lesson in the danger of tax-restricting measures. Apparently This lesson has escaped a coalition of anti-tax groups supported by the Republican party and Gov. John Engler. They have put two dangerous proposals on the Michigan ballot which would cap property taxes at their existing levels and exempt more of those taxes from funding education. These proposals would butcher essential state services, including education. Proposals A and C, called "cut and cap," would cut property tax rates by 5 percent increments every year until 1997, and cap property assess- inents to the rate of inflation. That means even if property values increase, taxes go down. That would cripple the state's schools, since schools are funded primarily by property taxes. Moreover, broposition C would exempt a greater percent of those property taxes from funding education - a double blow the Michigan's schools. Proponents say that state growth will pay for the tax cut. But Michigan has seen little or no economic growth in the last 5 years. In the likely base that this growth doesn't materialize, the state would resort to steep cuts. That means key pro- grams like higher education, public health services and social services will suffer. Advance Michigan, a broad-based group op- posing the proposals, estimates that if cut and cap had been enacted in 1986, the losses to education alone would have totalled $250 million - a stag- gering figure considering Michigan schools are under-funded already. Additionally, the proposals would create new problems in the housing market. Right now, tax laws don't discourage people from selling their homes. Houses are reassessed and taxed periodi- cally. But if cut and cap takes effect, houses will only be reassessed for tax purposes when a sale takes place. This would invite sleazy "under the table" sales and discourage regular home sales - a great source of revenue for the state. Despite what proponents say, cut and cap would not do much for the middle class, and would most benefit corporations and real-estate moguls. In fact, the tax cut would deal a blow to senior citizens, since the cut would be off-set by a decline in their homestead property tax credit. These are heavy sacrifices to pay for proposals that will do no more than gut key state programs. with that is that we have long fol- lowed a policy of not telling MSA to whom they can make contributions. That decision is left strictly to MSA without interference from the admin- istration or the board of regents. Be- lieve me, they contribute to all sorts of organizations, programs and indi- viduals which you and I, as well as the Board of Regents and administra- tion would rather not see as objects of MSA philanthropy. However, we do not interfere as MSA is the properly elected representative body of the students and it is really MSA which should make determinations as to whom they want to give their money. I cannot agree that it is an affront to political freedom to ask MCC to re- ceive its funding the same way as every other organization funded by students. In fact the very opposite argument can be better made - that itis an affront to thepolitical freedom of our students to force them to pay a fee directly through the University to MCC serves interests of students, 'U' by Stephanie Arellano The Michigan Collegiate Coali- tion (MCC) filed suit against the Uni- versity of Michigan inJuly 1992 after the University Board of Regents voted to defund MCC in June 1992. It was obvious from the transcripts and minutes of the meeting the ratio- nale for defunding MCC was our stand in support of legislation to cap tu- ition. The regents made it quite clear to us that if we had not supported the tuition cap that we would not be in the bind that we are in now. We filed suit based on what was actually said and what took place at that meeting. This type of action sets a danger- ous precedent for student rights. Does this mean thatout of fear of losing our funding, MCC cannot advocate for anything with which the University disagrees? If that is the case we would never have advocated for the Cam- pus Sexual Assault Victim's Bill of Rights, and it probably would not have passed the House so quickly and easily. Will we always face threats of defunding when student interests conflict with those of university ad- ministrators? Some regents and administrators have expressed concern that the in- terests of the University (meaning the regents and the administration) differ from those of the students and that student groups like MCC should not be in the business of advocating for issues with which the University disagrees. If the administration finds that its interests are so vastly differ- ent than the interests of students, per- haps it is the administration that needs to re-evaluate its interests - not the students. MCC has attempted twice to settle this matter and the University has refused. I believe that the settlement terms proposed by MCC were more than reasonable. MCC simply wanted The University community has all sorts of organizations and individuals who differ with the board on many issues, political or otherwise. That is as it should be. Members of the fac- ulty, student body, unions, alumni and citizens generally engage in debates of all sorts at the University all the time. One of the first things I did when I was elected to the board of regents, and this was long before the Open Meetings Act was on the books, was to get a resolution through the Board providing time at each regents' meet- ing for any member of the public to address the regents on whatever sub- ject one cared to talk about. I assure you I still believe debate, dissent and academic freedom are at the heart of the University and its mission to the people of Michigan, and we will al- ways encourage it. However, we do not believe it is proper for the University to collect mandatory fees for organizations which are not part of the University. does not it's regular dues to be paid, attorney fees; and a system for student fee autonomy. Having rejected MCC's offers to settle, we and the university are subjected to spending hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees and expenses. MC thinks what we asked for was fair. Student fee autonomy would not only empower students to tax or not tax themselves, but it would also remove the regents from involvement in campus political issues where they have no place. We think these matters that affect student life should be left in the hands of the students. MCC is the state student associa- tion for the students of Michigan's public universities. Established by stu- dents and incorporated in 1988, MCC is the nation's fastest growing state student association. MCC conducts research, advocacy, and educational activities. Completely organized and lead by students, MCC provides a unified voice in the state legislative process. s'free speech tuition caps. I am also pursuing legal action for another reason - student rights. I believe that we are here, in the 'training ground of democracy,' to learn about self-governance. One of -the main causes for the American Revolution was to win the ability for the colonists to set their own rate of taxation, rather than have it set by an 'alien government' who didn't under-. stand their problems. The administra- tion of this school has revoked that hard-won right from its students. The regents' refusal to allow students to set their own fees is a deliberate move *I No new nuclear testing 0 onsidering all the rhetoric President Bush spouts about the "New World Order," one would think he would eventually emerge from his archaic, Cold War cave and think like a peace-time president. The president revealed his support for resuming nuclear testing, if and when China re- $umes its own testing. Not only does this move ,represent poor foreign and environmental policy, but in light of the final passage of the Strategic Armaments Reduction Treaty (START), such be- havior seems grossly anachronistic. The president has proposed resuming testing before. During the 1988 campaign, he used this topic to label Democratic presidential candidate Michael Dukakis as weak on defense. The world has changed substantially since then, however. When Russian President Boris Yeltsin visited the United States this summer, he announced with President Bush a surprise agreement on further cuts, often called "Deep Cuts" or Start II. The ;White House had actually made significant progress in the arms control arena. Bush still hasn't offered an adeauate reason to soon-to-be nuclear powers as India, Pakistan, and South Africa may follow U.S. example by begin- ning their own test programs. Such rampant nuclear irresponsibility would counter the progress made by START and "Deep Cuts." The environment is another critical factor. Nuclear tests, even if conducted underground, threaten ground water, soil and the atmosphere. The U.S. government should not compound the health problems of Americans, when the U.S. nuclear program has already caused thousands of people to suffer from cancer and leukemia. If the president wins re-election, the American people had better hope the promise to resume testing was empty rhetoric. Releasing nuclear ra- diation into the atmosphere won't improve any- thing - not the environment, not our health, and certainly not national security. Arellano chairs the Michigan Collegiate Coalition in Lansing. MCC funding cut, by Tobias Zimmerman It was issues like the rising cost of education which first made me inter- ested in student government. I hoped to use my voice to represent students and our interests. I have since been elected to the Michigan Student As- sembly and increased my involve- ment with student groups, but I have come to an extremely depressing con- clusion: students can scream at the University until they are blue (or maize) in the face, and end up just where they started. violation of student there are universal feelings against the code, yet that opinion of the duly elected student government falls on deaf ears in the administration. At this point the University Board of Regents has demonstrated an un- willingness to work with the stu- dents, while treating us as equals. In the state of Michigan there is only one body over the regents' heads and that is the state legislature in Lan- sing. Although it is extremely diffi- cult for students to go directly to the capitol, we are effective there when we present a unified voice through a WHAT DO YOu MEAN 1 CAN'T ,, PLAY ? j i