Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Wednesday, September 30, 1992
Continued from page 1
Other students said they did not
mind the restrictions on dress made
by the code.
"Perspective students are told
before they enter the school about
what will be expected of them," said
Steve Baldridge, chair of BYU
honor code council, the organization
which enforces the profanity, groom-
ing, and use of chemicals violations
of the code.
Professional administrative coun-
selors are responsible for issues of
honesty, chastity, alcohol use, and
law abiding.
"This makes the university self-
selected. I think most students really
enjoy living in BYU's wholesome
environment," Baldridge said.
People applying to BYU are re-
quired to sign the honor code for
admissions consideration, he added.
Scott Nebeker, chair of the case
review committee for the honor code
council, said that the council's object
is to solve problems without
disciplinary action.
"If a student is reported to have
violated the code, we set up an ap-
pointment and talk to them,"
Nebeker said. "We don't use
Gestapo enforcement; we try to find
a mutually beneficial solution."
Continued from page 1
campuses we have certain policies,"
Cole said. "You can go along with
them to get your funds or disagree
and not get the funds."
The Higher Education
Amendments of 1992, (Public Law
102-325) Section 486(c) states that
higher education institutions need to
develop and distribute a policy re-
garding campus sexual assault pro-
grams aimed at preventing sex of-
fenses. The policy must detail pro-
cedures to be followed once a sex
offense has occurred.
"If you want to get an opportu-
nity for students here to get federal
money and aid you have to have the
policy on campus," Cole said "If you
don't want the federal government's
help you don't need a policy."
The policy must also address ed-
ucational programs to promote
awareness of sex offenses, possible
sanctions to be imposed following
the determination of an on-campus
disciplinary procedure regarding a
sex offense and procedures students
should follow if a sex offense oc-
The amendment also stipulates
that colleges and universities must
publish an annual report that in-
cludes statistics concerning occur-
rences of on-campus sex offenses.
The Student Rights and
Responsibilities Policy currently be-
ing drafted by the U-M covers more
than alcohol and drug use and sexual
assaults because administrators say a
broader policy is necessary.
"This is a comprehensive policy
that deals with behavior that student
groups have defined as unaccept-
able," Hartford said. "One of those
elements is illegal abuse of alcohol
and other drugs and one will deal
with sexual assault and rape."
Natural Science Aud.
renovations draw
student complaints
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Recent Natural Science Auditor-
ium renovations updated the look of
the building, but many students are
complaining about jammed hall-
ways, intense heat and poor learning
In addition, a Public Safety and
Security officer said one area may
present a fire hazard.
"It's like a football stadium," said
LSA sophomore Adam Rodriguez.
"You can't walk through the aisles if
people are already there. It's not
conducive to a learning
"It's a little crowded. Although
you can see very well, when you sit
in the back you can't hear very
well," said LSA sophomore Lisa
Recently renovated, the Natural
Science Auditorium was fitted with
new sprinkler systems, improved fire
exits, new seats, as well as an in-
crease in seating capacity. With all
the improvements, problems still
Because classes in the auditorium
are held consecutively, some stu-
dents said they leave early due to the
congestion that occurs in the halls
outside the auditorium - causing
them to be late to their next class.
"They shouldn't hold classes one
after the other. They ought to hold
classes from 1-2 then 3-4, etc.," one
student ggested.
Other complaints cite the confus-
ing hallways, the intense heat, and
the lack of signs present to explain
what to do in case of emergency.
"It's a little confusing to find
your way," said Tom Erllewine, a
Residential College sophomore.
"Something about the building is a
little shoddy."
Robert Patrick, associate director
of U-M Department Public Safety
said, "There are four visible exits
and the area was retrofitted with
sprinkler systems. The codes are a
lot more strict and buildings are
inspected regularly."
But Patrick did discover one of
the less-used corridors had too many
obstructions and could be dangerous
in a fire situation.
"Students should take the time to
familiarize themselves with all the
exits in this building, not just go in
the same place they come out,"
Patrick suggested.
Many people who put up fliers
and bulletins take down the fire
safety signs put up by the depart-
ment of public safety. Patrick said
the lack of signs is as dangerous as a
building without fire alarms.
"Awareness is the key to saving
many lives during fires every year,"
Patrick said.
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Continued from page 1
$5,000 of its budget to pay legal
fees, if necessary.
MSA representatives expresed
mixed feelings about the probability
that MSA will eventually be granted
full tax exemption.
Van Valkenburgh said, "It is
highly unlikely that we will have to
pay the full amount that we owe. I'm
sure we will need to pay a small
amount but nothing that extreme."
However, Engineering Rep.
Brian Kight said he was concerned.
"I'm really worried. This has been
handled in such a half-assed manner
that we are going to owe the IRS a'
lot of money."
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Continued from page 1
"This makes me afraid for my
children," March said. "I took my
daughter to school today and I will
continue to do so ... at least until
they find the guy."
March also said he has kept a
handgun available in his home since
the incident. "Everyone around here
is pretty shook up," he said.
Eberwhite Woods - located in
the center of a traditionally family-
oriented community - is usually
full of joggers around mid-morning,
March said.
But yesterday, the park was
practically deserted.
"The devastating part is that resi-
dents feel pretty safe walking on the
west side," said Charles Akre, pastor
of the Zion Lutheran Church,
adjacent to the park.
"This will really have an effect
on their sense of safety," he said.
The church has not made any se-
curity changes in response to the as-
sault because the staff believes it is
an isolated incident, Akre said.
But parents and school officials
at Eberwhite Elementary School -
which borders the woods and often
uses its natural setting as a science
lab - say they are concerned.
Police have assigned several ex-
tra officers to help patrol the school,
and ensure the safety of children.
The school sent letters to all par-
ents and faculty members asking
them to remind students to stay away
from the woods during recess and
avoid walking to school alone.
Although the majority of
Eberwhite students walk to school,
many parents have begun dropping
their children off and picking them
"It was an unusual incident for
our city," Hoornstra said. "We
haven't had anybody that's been this
vicious for a long time ... Probably
not since the early eighties.
"Until this person is located,
women should use extra caution
even during the day."
- Daily Staff Reporter Andrew
Taylor contributed to this report.
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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
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EDITORS: Andrew Levy, Melissa Peerless, David Rhaingold, Bethany Robertson
STAFF: Joey Barker, Jonathan Bemdt, Hope Calati, Lauren Dormer, Eri Einhom, Adam Hundley, Robin Litwin, Nicole Malentant,
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