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September 28, 1992 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-09-28

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You've heard all the gripes about the University's
proposed code of non-academic conduct, but
what's the alternative? We offer our suggestions.



We bet you're just dying to see a movie where
one guy talks for 90 minutes. But in his new film
"Monster in a Box," Spalding Gray pulls it off.

Houston's run-and-shoot offesnse fired nothing
but blanks against Michigan Saturday in the
Wolverine's 61-7 victory. Walter Mondale had a
better chance of winning.

Chance of showers;
High 68, Low 50 =y
Sunny and chilly; High 58, Low 46





One hundred and one years of editorial freedom

Vo.CL o 33AnAroMihgn*Mna ,.ptmer,1992 199 T(e3ichian.Dily



Presidential train rolls into Plymouth

by Hope Calati
and Lauren Dermer
Daily Government Reporters
PLYMOUTH - President Bush
was welcomed by a crowd of about
7,000 Saturday as he dismounted the
"Spirit of America" train, ready to
"blow the whistle on Bill Clinton."
Bush, accompanied by First Lady
Barbara Bush, addressed the rail-
side rally outside Station 885 in
Plymouth. The stop was part of a
233 mile train tour of Ohio and
Michigan that ended yesterday.
The president opened his speech
by asking the people for a favor.
"Help me clean house in
Congress ... We've had 38 years
controlled by those liberal
Democrats," he said.
Bush addressed familiar issues
such as increasing employment,
controlling the expanding legal sys-
tem, containing health care costs,
limiting congressional terms, im-
proving competition in foreign mar-
kets, and promoting schools of

"This election is about these
young people's future," he said, re-
ferring to families who greeted him
at railroad crossings. "It's about the
kind of nation you want them to
grow up in."
Bush said power must be re-
turned to the "greatest institution" in
America - the family.
"I want to give every parent a
right to choose their children's
schools - public, private or
religious," he said.
He advocated improving the
economy by opening foreign mar-
kets to American investment. "The
American worker always competes
and we always win," Bush said.
- He also touched on issues of for-
eign policy, claiming he is proud of
his record as commander in chief of
the U.S. Armed Forces.
"Our children do not know the
fear of nuclear weapons, and I'm
proud of it," he said. "Because of
what you did in Desert Storm, we
are the most respected nation on

The president - lagging in the
polls by as much as 15 points - so-
lidified his message to the predomi-
nantly Republican area with an
attack on his opponent.
He criticized Democratic presi-
dential nominee Gov. Bill Clinton
for his economic plan to "put people
He said under "tax and spend"
economics, the "middle class would
get the shaft." Clinton's plan to raise
$150 billion in revenue would re-
quire an increase on income taxes of
those earning $36,600 and above,
Bush said.
"He wants to hit the rich, but the
middle class will take it on the chin,"
he added.
Bush responded to Clinton's ac-
cusation that he is responsible for
decreases in income and employ-
ment, saying Clinton is misrepre-
senting the economic strength of the
"Bill Clinton is distorting our
record," he said. "The only way
Gov. Clinton can win this election is

President George Bush and Gov. John Engler and his wife address a
whistlestop rally in Plymouth on Saturday.
ITD employees
monitored MTS
mail, conferences


by Ben Deci
The U-M's Information
Technologies Division (ITD) is
considering disciplinary action
against two employees who
allegedly participated in the
inappropriate monitoring of
Michigan Terminal System (MTS)
users. MTS is the U-M's computer
ITD Provost Douglas Van
Houweling posted an announcement
on MTS that said a complaint on
Sept. 12 tipped ITD that there was
unauthorized monitoring of MTS file
usage, including conferences and
electronic mail.
"Information was systematically
compiled on patterns of file use by
certain individuals on MTS," said
Lori Burns, Manager of Users
Services at ITD. "About 10 user
identification numbers were tar-
geted. Among others, the two in-
volved in the activity targeted each
The ITD employees have been
involved in the monitoring since
May, when the computer system was
revamped in over a 36 hour period.
Monitoring of message system activ-
ity was only possible during that

Since then, the monitoring has
been confined to files other than the
message system that were being ac-
cessed by computer users from
"The information on what files
were being used and by whom was
accessed through a Lock Status
command," Burns said. This com-
mand is normally used to investigate
the grid lock that can occur when
several people want to open the
same file.
Burns said ITD did not know
why its employees were involved in
the monitoring.
ITD will not release the names of
those involved.
"No decision on what action to
take has been reached, but that ac-
tion will not be made public," Burns
The ITD announcement warning
that some users' work has been mon-
itored is worrying students that the
university's ubiquitous computer
network has taken an Orwellian turn.
"All the information that was
gathered was available to the pub-
lic," said Sam Plice, Director of
See MTS, Page 2

,st r 01 S1
Michigan's voter registration
deadline is Oct. 5. Students
from out of state may
register. Prospective voters
may register at City Hall
(Fifth and Huron) or at the
Ann Arbor Public Library
(Fifth and William).
to convince Americans we are in de-
cline ... We are a nation on the rise
- not a nation in decline."
Bush also attacked Clinton's
record of pushing regressive taxes
and regulating industry as governor
of Arkansas.
Michigan also received a visit
yesterday from Virginia Gov.
Douglas Wilder, who stumped
churches in Metro Detroit for
Bush spent the day yesterday vis-
iting three outstate towns - Wixom,
Holly and Grand Blanc - to round
out his railroad tour. .
falls off
roof at
frat party
by Christine Young
A first-year U-M student was in-
jured over the weekend after falling
off the roof of a fraternity house dur-
ing a party, but not seriously,
hospital officials said.
LSA first-year student Adam
Leemon, a new pledge at the Sigma
Phi Epsilon fraternity, fell off the
balcony at the edge of the roof of the
chapter's house at 1215 Hill St. and
was knocked unconscious at about
11:16 p.m. Saturday.
The Ann Arbor Police
Department was notified by mem-
bers of the fraternity, who called the
Huron Valley Ambulance Squad.
The victim was then taken to the U-
M Medical Center where he was
listed in "good condition" yesterday.
Sigma Phi Epsilon was in the
middle of hosting a "carry-in" party
for new pledges with the Delta
Gamma sorority when Leemon was
climbing out of a window and acci-
dentally slipped 10 feet off the ledge
of the fraternity's roof.
George Vanantrope, president of
Sigma Phi Epsilon, said Leemon had
been drinking while he was on the
roof, and was trying to get from one
room to another when he slipped.
Bystanders said he landed on his
feet but then fell backward on the
concrete, hitting his head. Despite
attempts to get Leemon's attention,
he laid unconscious until police
"The decision to drink was up to
him. He gave us all a big scare, but
the most important thing to us is that
he's OK," Vanantrope said.
"Personally, I'd rather have this
mess straightened out than have
rumors flying around."
Leemon said he did not remem-
ber falling off the roof, only waking
up in the hospital later on.
Vanantrope said he did not know
whether or not Leemon would take

legal action against Sigma Phi
Epsilon, but that the choice is up to
"This is a delicate issue," said
Matt Talcot, the house manager at
Sigma Phi Epsilon. "This was a big
Witnesses said students at the
nn.4.. 4.,Inot Lynn. . to n rt

Michigan tailback Tyrone Wheatley high-steps into the end zone in the Wolverines' 61-7 victory over
Houston. For complete football coverage, see SPORTSMonday.

U-M student can run
for commissioner,
circuit judge decides

Jewish students prepare
to visit family, friends
during Rosh Hashana

by Hope Calati
Daily Government Reporter
A U-M graduate student will
be able to run for the Washtenaw
County Board of Commissioners,
after winning a lawsuit Friday
against the county clerk.
But County Clerk Peggy
Haines said yesterday that the
county will appeal the decision to
the Michigan Court of Appeals.
Corey Dolgon challenged
Haines' decision not to put him
on the ballot.
She cited a Michigan law

Haines said she based her de-
cision not to place Dolgon on the
ballot on the advice of State
Elections Director Chris Thomas,
the author of the law.
Dolgon said, "We have our
case which we stood on before
and we'll stand on it again."
Dolgon called the appeal a
mistake. "The basic principles of
democracy are at hand and we
feel they were upheld.... The
county is beginning to look quite
vindictive," Dolgon said.
Curt Hedger, an attorney who

by Nate Hurley
Lecture halls and classrooms will
likely be less than full today and to-
morrow as many of U-M Jewish stu-
dents celebrate Rosh Hashana, the*
Jewish New Year.
Rosh Hashana began last night at
sundown and continues through
*Chabad House Rabbi Aharon
Goldstein said that it is a time of
rest. "Students devote the day en-
tirely to prayer, to enjoying the
family, and to dine," he said.

Hart said his professors were'
receptive about him missing classes.
"I've had no problems yet," he
said. "But I'll have no time for
homework and will have to do
Tuesday's homework for
Wednesday. No work can be done
on the holiday or on the Shabbat,
Classes continue during Rosh
Hashana, and Hart said he under-
stands why the U-M does this. "The
majority of the campus community
is not Jewish. But as a Jew, I would_
prefer if there were no classes."
LSA junior Keryn Lefkowitz said


Dolgon moved in June 1992
and asked to be removed from
the ballot. He filed to run as an

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