11xpIress alours . he University has always had a reputation for great academics, great football, . and great activism. Thousands of students with diverse backgrounds are concentrated here, and it is a rare occasion when people see eye to ey on important issues. Some student group is always. .. . * protesting something on the Diag. Residence Hall cafeterias are aiway abuzz with heated debates. Everything becomes a political statement - what classes you take and what you learn in them, what you wear, even what you eat. It would be impossible to represent every viewpoint on campus in this issue. This is merely a sampling of some of the opinions a n circulating in the University .. community. Read what these students have to : i' 3 wE say. Give their view a chance, but formulate your own opinions as well. F IGHTING The late 1980s saw an uncomfortable campus climate for minority students and a decline in minority enrollment in the University. Students formed the United Coalition Against Racism (UCAR) to help deal with these issues. UCAR no longer exists, but two organizations which stem from UCAR - the Baker-Mandela Center and Progressive People of Color - are still going strong. The University has a plethora of women's organizations to fit every interest and political philosophy. Some of them are even open to men, too. Discover what these groups have to offer. The AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT-UP) blames government apathy for the AIDS 0 crisis in America. The group calls America' s leaders racist and homophobic in their actions. Learn 20 reasons to fight AIDS on campus this fall. NICE E AMter students move out of the residencevhalls, they havetofinda capu ito live. Many join a Greek organization and live the fraternity or sorority house. The Interfraternity Council and the Panhellenic Association tell students about the merits of Greek life. But some people cannot afford homes. The Homeless Action Committee works to gain rights for Ann Arbor's- homeless. *TAG 7 Students crossing through the Diag '/'' to go to class often have to dodge preachers and protesters. The Diag- isthenter ofcpus, and * something is always going on. But a picture is worth 1,000 words. See r some of the most memorable Diag happenings. * YOUR SNICHE A University community of more than 40,000 people seems a lot smaller when you find some good friends to share your ups and downs. Several student groups explain themselves and their roles on campus - and tell you how to get involved. AM a.