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September 22, 1992 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1992-09-22

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Volleyball Football
vs. Indiana vs. Houston
Friday, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, 3:30 p.m.
Cliff Keen Arena Michigan Stadium


The Michigan Daily

Tuesday, September 22, 1992

Page 10


Icers open
with Irish
Ice hockey makes its debut at
The Palace of Auburn Hills when
Michigan battles Notre Dame in a
Central Collegiate Hockey Associa-
tion matchup Saturday, Nov. 28 at
7:00 p.m.
The game will be the first ever
played on the arena's recently in-
stalled state-of-the-art, regulation
85' x 185' ice floor system.
Tickets at $17.50, $15.00,
$12.50, and $10.00 reserved are on
sale now at The Palace Box Office
and all Ticketmaster outlets.
Tickets may also be charged by
phone to American Express, Visa or
Mastercard by calling (313) 645-
Groups of 15 or more receive a
discount of $2.50, while groups of
50 or more receive $5.00 off by call-
ing The Palace Group Sales Depart-
ment at (313) 377-0100.
Michigan finished 32-9-3 last
season and advanced to the NCAA
Hockey Final Four.
The Wolverines will play a Blue-
White intrasquad game Oct. 9 at
Yost Ice Arena. The first regular
season home game at Yost is against
Western Michigan on Oct. 31.
-from staff reports

Brakus claims title
at ND invitational

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by Matt Theisen
This past weekend the men's
tennis team traveled to Notre Dame
to participate in the 16-team Tom
Fallon Invitational Tournament and
to begin what head coach Brian Eis-
ner labeled "the tennis process."
Eisner used the weekend tourna-
ment, which tallied individual rather
than team scoring, as an opportunity
to evaluate and develop many of his
young players. Three of the eight
players representing Michigan were
"I wanted them to begin to un-
derstand the level of play that is
needed to win against high caliber
competition," Eisner said.
The Wolverines were successful
in winning 14 of the 24 matches.
Eisner admitted that this showing
left him unsatisfied.
"We would need to win 75 to 80
percent of our matches for me to
consider us a dominant team," Eis-
ner said. "At the same time, I ex-
pected the frosh (Peter Pusztai and
Geoff Prentice) to be nervous and I
am not disappointed in our players'
Michigan junior Dan Brakus
turned in the weekend's best perfor-
mance, overcoming a one-set deficit
to defeat Notre Dame's Chuck
Coleman, 4-6, 6-2, 6-1, in the
championship match. It was Brakus'
first victory over Coleman in three
Outside of the championship
match, Brakus' most impressive win
may have been his semifinal victory
over Notre Dame's top-ranked Andy
Zurcher, 7-5, 6-2.
"Dan's mental toughness and his
refuse-to-lose attitude are what car-

ried him to the championship," Eis-
ner said, while praising the technical
aspects of Brakus' game.
Eisner also noted the play of
first-year player John Costanzo of
New Jersey. Although Costanzo lost
his first match, he regrouped and


John Lingon and the Wolverines will face the nation's top teams in two weeks at the Harvard Fall Invitational.

won his next four en route to the
consolation championship. Costanzo
defeated Andy Garcia of Nebraska
to win the B flight, 6-7, 6-4, 6-1.K
Eisner was happy with the victories. ,
"I hope the players take the expe-
rience of the tournament and build
on it," Eisner said.
Other Wolverines who saw action,
over the weekend included senior
Mike Nold, junior Scooter Place,,
and sophomores Grady Burnett and
Adam Wager.
The Wolverines will participate
in two weeks at the Harvard Fall In-,.
vitational. Besides the Crimson, the
Wolverines will again face tough,
competition as Notre Dame and,
Northwestern round out the field.


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defense wary of


: .:



dirty play

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by Josh Dubow
Daily Football Writer
Starting Michigan defensive
tackle Chris Hutchinson is probably
looking forward to this weekend's
matchup with Houston more than
any other Wolverine. Hutchinson is
from Houston and played at Cypress
Creek High School.
"I've really always wanted to
play a Southwest Conference team,"
Hutchinson said. "It's fun to play a
team from your home town. My par-
ents are coming up for the game, and
a couple of my buddies from high
school are probably coming, too."
When Hutchinson left Texas to
come to Michigan, he received a lot
of criticism from Texans. However,
he does not regret his decision to
leave the Lone Star state.
"I really wanted to get out of the
Southwest Conference," Hutchinson
said. "Texas is a great state to play
high school football in, but it's too
narrow for college. Now you don't
even leave Texas in the Southwest
Conference. Football was so big in
high school that I didn't want to see
what college (football in Texas) was
like. Football is big here, but they
also stress other things.

"When I took visits out of the
state, people told me, 'Don't leave
the state whatever you do.' That
kind of attitude leaves me to won-
Hutchinson also wonders about
the attitude of the Cougars.
"Houston isn't looked at with too
high regard in Texas," Hutchinson
said. "They run up the score a lot,
(coach John) Jenkins doesn't come
off well, and they play dirty."
The tactic that worries Hutchin-
son the most about Houston is chop
blocking. Chop blocking is when
one blocker ties up a defensive
player and another blocks out the
defensive player's knee. This type of
play is illegal and led to a severe
knee injury to Jerry Ball of the
Detroit Lions last season.
"Against Illinois, there were a lot
of illegal blocks," Hutchinson said.
"That's just done to hurt someone.
They were blocking high and low
with either the center and the guard
or a lineman and a back. They did it
on both the run and the pass.
"You are so vulnerable, because
you are locked up high with a
blocker and someone comes in and
drills your knee," Hutchinson added.
- See FOOTBALL, Page 11


Perles under fire at MSU


ers and coaches don't like it, but the
boos from angry fans are a part of
football, Michigan State coach
George Perles said Monday.
But widespread booing and "Fire
Perles" signs haven't been part of
Michigan State football until last
year's 3-8 disaster and this year's 0-
2 start, including Saturday's 52-31
loss to Notre Dame.
"That's part of the game. Do you
like it? Nope. Can you do anything
about it? Nope. Are you going to
worry about it? Nope. What are you
going to do? Work hard," Perles
said at his weekly media briefing.
"That's the game of football.
That's the game of athletics. When
you lose, everything you do is
wrong. When you win, everything
you do is right. It's been that way for
a hundred years and it will be that
way for a hundred more years. I
knew that 40 years ago."
Some of the Spartan players still
are learning about it. Quarterback


Jim Miller, who hit 23 of 41 passes
for 231 yards against Notre Dame,
lashed out after Saturday's loss.
"That's uncalled for," Miller
said. "We probably have the worst
fans in the world. It's tough when,
you get booed in your own stadium
every week."
Perles said he'd be explaining to*
his players that "there are boos at
every stadium. They've been booing.
for a long time, before you were
born. They're going to boo when I
I'm dead. It's part of the penance;,
you pay and it should make you a lit-
tle bit better person.
"Some of it's made by some of"
the greatest people in the world, but,
frustration sets in. They want to win
as much as you, only thing is they,"
don't have anything invested.
They're reacting like true fans.
That's what a fan does. I don't think
it's anything for our players or any:
of us to get upset about."
Michigan State faces No. 25 Bos-
ton College (3-0) this weekend.


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