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September 22, 1992 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1992-09-22

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Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Tuesday, September 22, 1992

Clinton's campaign
lays groundwork for
presidential transition
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - Clinton finds himself in," says cam-
Thirteen floors above downtown paign chair Mickey Kantor.
Little Rock in a half-empty nonde- "It is a transition planning team,"
script office, the first steps are under says Kantor. "There is no transition
way to shape the administration Bill team. That would be premature."
Clinton hopes to lead as president. "A small group of people are de-
"You have reached the Clinton- termining questions that would face
Gore Planning Foundation," says the the organization if we win," Kantor
telephone answering machine in the says.
office a few blocks from Clinton's Clearly, this is an operation with
presidential campaign headquarters. plenty of growing room.
A handwritten sign on the door
Aides to the democratic nominee identifies the office only as "Suite
stress that there is no transition team 1320." The office walls are bare. A
at work here - just a "transition four-foot poster of the Arkansas
planning team." governor leans against a chair in the
But it is designed to be the fore- corner. "America's Choice," it says.
runner of a transition team, which - Kantor says the foundation is not
if the campaign is crowned with suc- picking Clinton's Cabinet or promis-
cess - will usher in a new era of ing administration posts yet. Instead,
Democratic rule in Washington. it is building a program that can help
Transition teams are the talent Clinton make those choices after the
hunters who help the president find election.
Cabinet officers and other top aides. He insists that the office is not a
They also serve as employment sign that front-running Clinton is
agencies to help reward loyal cam- cocky.
paign workers with government "Obviously, this is the responsi-
jobs. ble thing to do," Kantor said. "You
Already, Democrats eager after a have to being the planning process
dozen years of Republicans in the so if you win, you can make a
White House are firing off resumes smooth transition."
to the office whose official name is Some of those with experience in
the "Clinton-Gore Presidential watching and implementing presi-
Planning Foundation." dential transitions dismissed any no-
"We've received a number of re- tion that Clinton might be showing
sumes, many unsolicited, as you can overconfidence in setting up such an
imagine, given the situation Bill office.
Ypslanti songwriter
settles into school year

Continued from page 1
tivities that arc connected to the
Hartford said, in her interpre-
tation, fraternity and sorority
functions would be regulated by
the code while private house
and apartment parties would
She added that federal law
requires that the U-M draft poli-
cies to deal with the issues of
alcohol and drug abuse and sex-
ual assault on campus.
Students questioned the rea-
sons U-M drafted a code regu-
lating many actions in addition
to these two areas.
Hartford said, "We have had
requests from students who
were victimized by crimes on
campus. Students have come to
my office and told me that they
want to have a way to have a
hearing on campus."
She added that the code does
not apply to academic dishon-
Schwartz said the current
draft of the code leaves too
many loopholes.
"There is a great potential for
the system to be unfair - ac-
cused parties can be convicted
without the burden of proof, a
person can be convicted with
only four of the six votes of the
student jury. " he said.

,. ..,. ;h<


Jonathan Rose, Lawyer and alumnus, voices his concerns about the code of student conduct at Chrysler
Auditorium on North Campus.

- Hartford said the code is not
meant to replace the federal le-
gal system.
MSA Rep. Rob Van
Hoiweling said he has read
hundreds of conduct codes from
other schools and that the U-

M's is not well-designed.
"This offers a combination
of the vaguest language in the
code and the fewest procedural
protections for those involved,"
he said.
Hartford added, "You don't

have a choice of whether or not
to have a code. You have a
choice of what kind of code to
The U-M will hold another
public meeting to discuss the
code Wednesday at 7 p.m. at
MLB, Auditorium 3.

Ypsilanti schools opening this month,
it's not just the students who are re-
turning with mixed feelings.
For singer-songwriter Lee Osler
- resuming work as the building as-
sistant for Ypsilanti Public Schools'
Adult Education Center - the end of
summer vacation means an end to the
daylong singing and songwriting ses-
It also means the return of his three
children, who live with their mother
during the summer and their father the
rest of the year.
But if you think all this means
music will take a back seat for the man
who 10 years ago wrote what would
become Ypsilanti's official song -
you don't know Lee Osler.
"Music is such a big part of me and
will be till the day I die," Osler said. "I
just can't imagine being without it."
What he can imagine is making a
living at it. Osler recently was ap-
proached by a Capitol Records repre-
sentative who heard one of his tapes
and is interested in him.
"Right now, I'm working some
new songs to try to get more polished
into the professional field," said Osler,
best known in these parts for writing
and recording "Back to Ypsilanti."
There are many who think he can
do it. One of his chief supporters is
Jackie Ehlers, an oral communica-
tions and speech teacher at Ypsilanti
Adult Education who met Osler 10
years ago when he was her student
"I think Lee is probably one of the
five most talented singersongwriters
in the country," Ehlers said. "I really
think he's a top talent, and the feed-
back is starting to reflect that. I think
during the next three years he's going

'Music is such a big
part of me and will be
tilt the day I die. I just
can't imagine being
without it.'
- Lee Osler
Ypsilanti songwriter
to achieve a lot more recognition than
he has now."
In addition, Ehlers believes his
songs - which typically have a posi-
tive message about love and brother-
hood - are an inspiration to others.
He also said his inspiration comes
from life.
"My songs have a positive mes-
sage, and I try to let (children) see
through a song that they have to get
along," he said. "No matter what color
or nationality, you have to try to get
along and love one another."
"Back to Ypsilanti" - his third
song - sold about 6,500 copies in the
Washtenaw County area.
Osler was 4 when he moved to
Ypsilanti with his mother, Ethel Osler,
whose parents lived here. He discov-
ered a talent for singing and acting
while performing in musicals at
Chapelle Elementary and joined a lo-
cal band as a senior at Ypsilanti High.
"One of the main reasons I wrote
the Ypsilanti song is because I had
this love for Ypsi," said Osler, who is
the co-founder of the Ypsilanti
Children's Choir. "Anyone living or
working or raising a family in this area
who loves Ypsi may identify with
what I'm talking about. I felt the song
could bring pride to the area as well as
make the kids feel good about the

Continued from page 1
state goverments decide to keep on
pinching the flagship universities
and starving them financially, it's
going to have a negative impact on
these educational institutions."
Harrison agreed. "You could
draw the conclusion that we do more
with less. Until the financial situa-
tion changes we aren't likely to in-
crease in rank. With student selectiv-
ity we will always be disadvan-
The 1,373 four-year schools in-
cluded in the study were ranked ac-
cording to a system that combined
statistical data with the results of the
magazine's survey of academic
reputations among 2,527 responding
college presidents, deans and admis-
sions directors.

To determine a school's overall
rank, the reputational scores were
combined with data provided by the
schools that measured 14 areas in-
cluding student selectivity, financial
resources, midpoint SAT scores and
graduation rates.
Many students said they felt the
ranking system was unimportant and
"The ranking doesn't really mat-
ter, it probably went down because
all the other high ranking (schools)
were private," said U-M sophomore
Jeet Varjhese.

'U.S. News tells you in the magazine that there
is no difference between one or two rankings.
The measure is not so fine-tuned as to make a
distinction. - Walter Harrison
Executive director of university relations

Four public universities -
University of California at Berkeley
(16), University of Virginia (22),
University of California at Los
Angeles (23) and the U-M - made
the top 25 national universities. But
Morse said it is unfair to use sepa-
rate criteria to compare public and
private universites.
"We feel strongly that public and
privates have to be compared to-
gether," Morse said. "Yes, on some
level some of the variables we use
work against the publics because
they have to meet the mission of

their state, but the publics and pri-
vates are competing with each other
in the marketplace for faculty, re-
search, endowments and students on
a significant degree, so to say that
there shouldn't be competition is ig-
noring what's really happening in
the marketplace of higher educa-
Despite the decline in ranking,
many students said it did not concern
"These rankings never represent
the value of the school to the indi-
vidual," said LSA senior Tanya
Norris. "It's important if you're
looking for a job or trying to get into
graduate school but I think overall
Michigan has a worldwide, interna-
tional reputation and this ranking is-
n't going to change it."
- Daily News Editor Henry
Goldblatt contributed to this report.

Continued from page 1
plastic coating on the outside of the
cables burned and made the air qual-
ity unsafe for workers to repair the
damage in the tunnel.
However, she said ITD temporar-
ily restored all services by yesterday
Chris Tiane Brown, a telecommu-
nications systems analyst, said the
wires that were damaged connect the
local area computer networks to the
fiberoptic backbone, which connects
the areas to resources such as
Brown said the permanent wires
can be put in at the same time the
temporary wires are operating so the
electricity will not have to be turned
off to fix the problem.
"People won't even know the re-
pairs are going on. We'll put the per-
manent cable back in - the switch
over will be quick," Brown said.
However, Brown said it could be
a matter of weeks before the U-M is
able to get the materials necessary to
make the permanent repairs.
Barbara MacAdam, head of the
Undergraduate Library, said that
phone lines in the library were down
from early Saturday night until late
Sunday night. The U-M's computer

system, MIRLYN, was disabled
from the fire's start until midday
"If (the fire) had happened during
a different time in the term, it would
have been critical, but earlier in the
term it was not quite as serious as it
would have been later on,"
MacAdam said.
MacAdam said she believed the
UGLi suffered the most damage,
though, she said some smoke perme-
ated into the Graduate Library.
Since the fire occurred during the
weekend, many building managers
did not know of the incident when
they came into work this morning.
Vicki Jarvis, building manager of the
Dana Building, said yesterday morn-
ing she was not aware of what hap-
pened, but received an electronic-
mail message from a professor say-
ing he had no phone or modem ser-
vices throughout the weekend.
Smiley said DPS is investigating
a couple of leads. "The traffic over
there at 2 a.m. in the morning is very
light." However, he said the caller
reporting the fire did not see any-
thing suspicious.
Smiley said any person with in-
formation regarding the investigation
should call 763-1131. All calls can
remain confidential.

Continued from page 1
planet is he on? ... I didn't just
wake up one morning and say, 'Oh
gee, I can't get in for a facial so I
might as well have a baby."'
Students said they envied
Murphy Brown's choice of single
parenthood - despite the vice pres-
ident's criticisms.
"I love Murphy Brown because
she makes what is unacceptable to
some, perfectly legitimate to others,"
said Engineering sophomore Dan
Marko, "No one should be told how
to raise their children."
While chances are slim that
Quayle will become a "Murphy
Brown" regular, and slimmer yet
that he will bury the hatchet with
Hollywood - something he has in-
sisted he will never do - Quayle

was expected to tune in last night for
the first time.
le said he planned to view it
with several single mothers at the
apartment of a woman who raised
her sister's children by'herself.
Last weekend, Quayle announced
that "in the spirit of lightheartedness
and joining in the fun," he had sent
Murphy's "baby" a gift - a stuffed
toy elephant - and a note.
The producers thanked Quayle on
behalf of "Baby Brown" - sort of.
"However, the baby already has a
number of stuffed elephants as well
as donkeys.
"With the vice president's per-
mission, we're going to send this gift
to a homeless shelter so that a real
child can enjoy it," they wrote.
- Darnell Jones contributed to
this report.


The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan.Subscriptions for fall/winter terms, starting in September via U.S. mail are
$155. Fall term only is $85. Winter term (January through April) is $90. On-campus subscriptions for fall/winter
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The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1327.
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Circulation 764-0558; Classified advertising 764-0557; Display advertising 764-0554; Billing 764-0550.
i D. Rennie, Editor




Henry Goldblatt, Managing Editor

EDITORS: Andrew Levy, Melissa Peerless, David Rhingold, Bethany Robertson
STAFF: Joey Barker. Hope Calati. Lauren Dermer. Erin Einhorn. Adam Hundley. Robin Litwin. Nicole Malenfant, Travis McReynolds.
Shelley Morrison, Mona Qureshi, Karen Sabgir, Gwen Shaffer. Purvi Shah, Jennifer Silverberg, Karen Talaski.
OPINION Yael Citro, Geoffrey Earle, Amitava Mazumdar, Editors
STAFF: Erik Barmadk, Jonathan Chait (Associate Editor). David Leithner. Katherine Metres. David Shepardson.


John Niyo, Managing Editor

EDITORS: Jeni Durst, Josh Dubow, Ryan Herrington, Albert Lin
STAFF: Andy DeKorte, Matthew Dodge. Brett Forrest, Jim Foss, Mike Hill, Dan Linna, Sharon Lundy, Adam Miller, Rich Mitvalsky,
Mike Rancilio, Tim Rardin, Chad Satran. Tim Spolar, Andy Stabile, Ken Sugiura.




Alan J. Hogg, Jr., Michael John Wilson, Editors

EDITO RS: Jessie Holladay (Weekend etc.). Aaron Hamburger(Film), Nima Hodaei (Music), Roger Hsia(Fine Arts),
Christine Slovey (Books)
STAFF: Greg Baise, Mark Binelli. Adrienne Burhans, Andrew J. Cahn, Jason Carroll. Darcy Lockman, John Morgan, Ausin Ratner,
Jeff Rosenberg. Dave Skelly, Scott Sterling. Michelle Wager, Sarah Weidman, Josh Worth, KimYaged.


Kristoffer Gillette, Editor

STAFF: Erik Angerreier. Michelle Guy, Douglas Kanter, Heather Lowman. Rebecca Margolis, Sharon Musher, Evan Petrie, Molly

DISPLAY SALES Amy Fant, Manager
STAFF: Michael Barry. Jennifer Bayson, Yasmin Chourkhry, Molina Das, Jason Gabel. Renee Hucde, Melissa Huget, Ellzt.Ii




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