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September 18, 1992 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1992-09-18

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Page 12-The Michigan Daily- Friday, September 18, 1992

Golfers open at Iowa City

Blue runners to be tested in Indiana

by Jaeson Rosenfeld
The Michigan women's golf
team tees off its season this weekend
at the 15-team Lady Northern Inter-
collegiate in Iowa City.
Michigan coach Sue LeClair said
she has high hopes for a squad team-
ing with youth and experience on the
6,072 yard, par-72 Finkbine Golf
"We're hoping for a top-five fin-
ish," LeClair said. The meet that
will match Michigan against all Big
Ten schools plus Iowa State, Illinois
State, Northern Illinois and Kansas
LeClair will depend on senior co-
captains Wendy Bigler and Tricia
Good to lead the team with sub-80

rounds. In addition, LeClair said she
has great expectations for freshman
Shannon McDonald.
"I look for her to be an outstand-
ing player," LeClair said of the
newcomer from Kennelworth, Ill.
"She probably will be a little ner-
vous because this is her first meet."
Also playing for the Wolverines
this weekend are senior Maura
Hawkins, junior Tegan McCorkel
and sophomore Jenny Zimmerman
who all are capable of breaking 80,
according to LeClair.
Indiana and Minnesota are the
teams to beat, but LeClair said she
believes if Michigan plays its best
golf for 54 holes, the Wolverines
will be able to compete.

by Craig L. Price
The Michigan women's cross
country team must adapt to changes
as it heads into this weekend's
Indiana Invitational. The Wolverines
have a new coach in Mike McGuire
and also must replace the void left
by Megan Nortz and Carrie Yates.
The Wolverines are among seven
teams participating Saturday in
Bloomington. The competition in-
cludes host Indiana, Penn State,
Colorado, East Tennessee State,
Tennessee and three-time defending
NCAA champion Villanova.
"This meet is drawing very tal-
ented teams from different regions,"
McGuire said. "This will give us a
good indication of where we stand."

Co-captain Molly McClimon
should be one of the standouts for
the Wolverines this season. The all-
American senior was redshirted last
year due to injury. McGuire said he
feels her comeback will strengthen
the team.
"Molly's return is paramount to
our team's success," McGuire said.
"Whenever an all-American returns
from an injury, there's always a big
In addition to McClimon,
Michigan looks for good perfor-
mances from two other all-
Americans - senior Amy Buchholz
and junior Chris Szabo. Szabo fin-
ished third last week at the
Wolverine Open. The Wolverines

also have two mainstays in sopho-
mores Karen Harvey and Kelly
Chard, who were among the top
freshman in the country last year.
McGuire and his team are look-
ing to improve on last season's third-
place Big Ten finish.
"We've got to go to the next
level," McGuire said. "That means
working hard each week as individ-
uals so that as a team they can reach
the top."
Team members are very opti-
mistic about their chances of win-
ning Michigan's first Big Ten crown
this year. The Wolverines are ranked
seventh in the nation and their
biggest rival in the Big Ten -
Wisconsin - is No. 5.


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Continued from page 1
Barry Sanders and Thurman Thomas
are over, TB Rafael Denson rushed
for 568 yards a year ago and could
produce some quality yardage.
"Well, I think the thing with
Oklahoma State, the main thing you
have to do is shut down their tail-
back," Moeller said. "I think they
have a passing attack that can keep
you off balance and get (the running
back) with the football and we did
not do a great job with the run
(last) Saturday because we didn't
tackle that well."
The Cowboys should enjoy a
greater success on the defensive side
of the field with help from all-Big
Eight defensive end Jason Gildon.
Last year, the junior collected 16
sacks and will now be supported at
the other end position by former
outside linebacker Mike Woolridge
(85 tackles). The defensive squad
could prove problematic for
Michigan, especially because the
Wolverines sport a relatively inex-
perienced quarterback at the helm.
"I think they have very mobile
defense and they have a number of

returning starters and they're
quick," Moeller said. "They're very,
very quick at positions and that can
always present you problems espe-
cially when you've got a big line.
Their defense is quick enough to give '
you some real problems and help
support their offense."
Some other factors that should
enhance the Cowboys' performance
are juco all-America punter Scott
Tyner and the return to national
television coverage after the end of a
three-year NCAA probation.
OSU already broke its season-
long winless streak from last year
with a 35-3 victory over Indiana
State two weekends ago. But
Oklahoma State will need more.
than those factors: more practice
and a lot more experience together
as a team.
"We're not veteran enough nec-
essarily to say we can go out there
and repeatedly do something, we're
still pretty much finding out about
ourselves," Jones said. "This is a
unique blend of guys and I honestly
don't know how some of them will
react at what we're going to see at
Michigan, but I think they're anx-
ious to play a game."


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