Page 4-The Michigan Daily- Friday, September 18,1992 ANIw Stpjau a1 F~dllrIII hlt 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 4810) 764 - 0552 MA'1'1IiIEi\ 1). RL:NNI1: ( piiniou dIchrs AMIT1AVA MAZIJMIJAR Edited and Managed by Students at the University of Michigan Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessari/y represent the opinion of the Daily. Cash can't solve all problems r'AKES CARE tF A -L L ~ ThE V~COS7 tllH1&,IM DAfLY ' 12. ISSUES FORU PO Naot since President Bush spoke at graduation have so many blue suits been spotted in Ann Arbor. The reason: today the University kicks off the Campaign for Michigan, a $1 billion fund- raising drive - the largest ever attempted by a public university. Students have reason to be pleased with the campaign. After all, it is better to have wealthy alumni pay to fund the University than already financially-strapped students. But the black-tie hoopla that will undoubtedly manifest itself this weekend may leave many students with an unsettling aftertaste - unsettling, because the place where the University puts most of its energy, and the goal that best unites and drives the admin- istration is not education, but money. There is no doubt that the campaign is expertly run. For more than two years, campaign director Joe Roberson and his staff have been preparing for this colossal endeavor. In fact, the campaign has already raised a "nucleus fund" of more than $280 million. With a steering committee that hosts big names like Mike Wallace and Bo Schembechler, campaign organizers hope to lull University alum- ni into making hefty donations. And the campaign goals are noble as well. Funds will go to increase the endowment, renovate buildings, and even start a Center for Undergradu- ate Education, a worthwhile attempt to focus on undergraduates (though this sketchy proposal is anything but focused). The idea is to build a facility that will serve as a physical and cultural center for undergraduates, and bring in faculty members to work closer with students. The plan has potential, but the administration should be sure that it is not just throwing students - and pledge donors - a bone. The campaign even reveals an encouraging sign - that the University is beginning to think long- term when dealing with budget matters. Often, the administration and the regents act like the University's budget gaps just slap them in the face with no warning every July. Their habitual re- sponse is almost always a tuition increase. But with long-range fund-raising drives and long-view bud- get "consolidations," the University may be able to stave off steep tuition increases in the future. But while the campaign organizers have done a commendable job, we question why the adminis- tration cannot attack educational goals with the same fervor. The problems approaching the administration are many, but they are not as tangible as billion- dollar campaigns. They include: enfranchising students into the policy and curriculum-making process at the Uni- versity; discovering new ways to trim the budget to save scarce tuition dollars; refocusing professors' attention from research to teaching; and creating a good campus environment without threatening stu- dents' rights with codes of conduct. When Duderstadt can tackle these problems with similar zeal, he will be an effective president. Read it, know it, join the debate Code: Students' rights vs.'U' responsibilities Ede Fox Protecting jobs, environment L ast summer, after a campaign where George Bush promised to be the "Environmental Presi- dent," he approved a proposal that would open half the nation's wetlands to development, allowed the Justice Department to relax its enforcement of strip-mining laws, and removed restrictions on logging in the country's national forests. Last week, Bush compounded his environmental neg- ligence when he promised loggers in Washington never to sign an extension of the Endangered Species Act. The president has cleverly turned the environmental issue into jobs v. owls campaign rhetoric. But Bush is interested neither in jobs, nor in the environment. His real interest lies in saving his presidency. The 19 year-old Endangered Species Act, one of the strongest environmental laws ever estab- lished, has protected more than 500 animals and plants, including some Bush added to the list himself. Yet the president declares "It is time to make people more important than owls (in refer- ence to the spotted-owl controversy). It's time to put the mills back to work." What Bush is cynically doing is creating a false choice between jobs and the environment. Actu- ally, with creative leadership like that offered by vice presidential candidate Sen. Al Gore, indus- tries can develop and produce environmentally friendly technology, which is already in demand world-wide. The gasoline-burning internal-combustion en- gine is a popular example. An electric (or some other non-polluting) engine will emerge eventu- ally. The question is whether the United States will lead the world in such technology. Technological innovation will create far more - and higher paying - jobs in the long run than allowing the destruction of ancient forests or the exhaustion of any other natural resource. The president misrepresents the issue in still another manner. The logging jobs Bush insists on saving will be gone within three years, in any case. The president is only postponing unemployment among loggers - not eliminating it. If the presi- dent were truly concerned with helping loggers, he would begin job training programs to offer dis- placed workers new skills to compete in the labor market. To Bush, it's a matter of saving jobs -the very same jobs lost because uncut logs have been ex- ported to foreign countries to be made into finished products; the very same jobs lost because increased automation has decreased the number of workers needed. There is far more to the issue than jobs v. the environment. Actually, Congress has not sought to re-autho- rize the Endangered Species Act, because the jobs issue has made it a political can of worms. But the spectacle of President Bush standing in a lumber yard vowing not to extend the Act in the name of employment certainly sounds good to the loggers and their families. The issue is whether the abuse of the environ- ment is a necessary prerequisite to employment. An effective president could create a compromise that would protect both jobs and the land, but that would take a little more vision than the president has displayed. Over the past few months I have gone from being supportive of this code to being ambivalent. The speech code is not the issue here but racism on cam- pus. Prejudice is learned through soci- ety and takes time to unlearn. A speech code won't do that. After the Black Action Movement (BAM) strikes of the 1970s, the Univer- sity administration made a commitment to students of color to do various things to improve the quality of life for these students. Among those improvements ... what it [the code] really does is blow a smoke screen over the real problem of racism. were, increasing the proportion of mi- nority students and faculty on campus and expanding the curriculum to ad- dress the issue of racism. The Univer- sity has still not done those things to the extent that BAM strikers envisioned. Many talk about the preservation of free speech, but too often these people do not realize that everyone does not have free speech. Everyone in this country has the right to free speech, but not everyone has equal access to the media. All those who don't have equal access are left voiceless. This is what happens to students of color on this campus. The media is not always devoted to representing the is- sues and concerns of people of color. One justification for the code is to protect minority students, but what it really does is blow a smoke screen over the real problem of racism. A code will not get rid of racism on this campus or in the country, only education will. One way to educate students on this campus would be for the University to endow a newspaper for these issues. Another idea would be for University radio stations to devote air time for various groups to talk about the issue. The University cannot mandate the way people think on campus, but it does have a responsibility to promote diver- sity in the student body and educate the University community. Fox is president of the Michigan Student Assembly. Maureen Hartford I'm grateful to the Daily editors for inviting me to discuss the proposed policy on "Student Rights and Respon- sibilities at the University of Michi- gan."Whyhaveweproposed this policy: We believe it will help improve the quality of life for Michigan students. The increase in dangerous, destructive and discriminatory behavior by some students has seriously undermined the quality of life on this campus. The pro- posed policy asks students to take direct responsibility for setting reasonable standards of behavior and for helping to ensure that these standards are upheld. Another reason for proposing the policy is that federal law requires that we have policies dealing with substance abuse, sexual assault and rape in force along with a hearing process. This is non-negotiable because, if we fail to enact required policies and procedures, we would risk forfeiting all federal sup- port, including federal financial aid for students. example, under the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act, the David Schwartz The University is on the brink of culminating a decades-long crusade to control how students behave outside of the classroom. All that remains is imple- mentation of the proposed Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities, which will give the University broad power to suspend and expel students for largely undefined "destructive" con- duct, even if the actions in question take place outside of Ann Arbor. As is typical, the University admin- istration has responded to a serious problem by creating a policy that will constrain and punish students, not help or educate them. Vice President for Student Services MaureendHartford has told students that a conduct code is necessary to protect victims of harmful behavior; but not only will the pro- posed rules fail to provide this protec- tion, they will also unnecessarily de- prive students of many of the rights they now enjoy. The code will not do a number of important things. It will not send rap- ists, murderers or arsonists to prison. It will not keep sexual or racial harassers off campus; indeed, it will not keep anyone off campus. It will have abso- lutely no effect on non-students or pre- viously expelled students, who will be outside the University's sphere of au- thority. And perhaps most importantly, the code will not educate the Univer- sity community as a whole about how drastically one person's behavior can affect another person's well-being. What will the policy do? It will empower the University to punish stu- dents academically for their non-aca- demic behavior, such as illegally drink- ing alcohol at a fraternity party. It also may sanction students for"hate speech," even though the Supreme Court de- cided this summer that such expression is protected by the First Amendment. A common misconception is that the code will apply exclusively to be- havioral misconductthatoccursoncam- pus. This is not so, for the policy con- tains no boundaries limiting how far it will extend. For example, a student accused of committing a sexual assault or murder while visiting Cancun or vide students with a high-quality educa- tion; our ever-increasing tuition pay- ments should not be spent to perform' jobs already undertaken by the police and the courts. Finally, the policy is arguably most dangerous because it strips students of the legal protections that are available to all other members of organized commu- nities. In a state or federal court, only a unanimous jury that is convinced of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt can; convict a defendant. Under the, University's proposal, a student can be expelled if a simple majority of a six- memberjury concludes that the accused has "more likely than not" violated the policy. So much for due process. The proposed code is flawed in countless other ways, and it would be impossible to discuss each problem in this forum. But students should ask them- selves why a university needs a policy as far-reaching and as restrictive as the one now being debated. If the University wants to rid itself of murderers and rapists, or even thieves and harassers, it can do so by imple- menting a policy that will allow the expulsion of students convicted of these crimes. In drastic situations, President Duderstadt may even use his regentally granted powers - openly and with suf- ficient justification - to deal with a student harmful to the campus commu- nity. What the University should not do, and cannot do, is supersede the existing court system by making its own deter- minations of who is and is not a crimi- nal. The justice system may not be per- fect, but it has built-in safeguards to ensure that all of us - including stu- dents - are not unjustly punished. Schwartz is president of the campus chapter of the ACLU. Aspen can be expelled, even though the, University will have no way to ad- equately judge the merits of the accusa-, tion. No one has suggested that the ad-, ministration mustcondone illegal or anti-, social conduct. But the primary func- tion of the University should be to pro- Students should ask themselves why a university needs' a policy as far-reaching and as restrictive as the one now being debated. . 0 U 0 U Robert Van Houweling Over the summer the University administration created a student con- duct code deceptively named the "State- ment of Student Rights and Responsi- bilities." The "Statement" is extraordi- narily broad and vague, does not pro- vide adequate procedural protection for students, and will not, in practice, be student administered. The standard in the "Statement" for judging students is extraordinarily broad. It reads, "Students at the Univer- sity of Michigan are expected to show both within and without the University respect for order, law, personal integ- rity, and therights of others." The "State- ment"extends the University's arm into the off-campus life of students, allow- ing the University to sanction students any time and anywhere. In contrast, the Stanford University code (supposedly used as a model) and most other codes are strictly limited in their off campus application. The words der, law, personal integrity and the rights of others." Thus, a student could unfairly be sanctioned for an act that she did not think violated the standard. A more concise standard that indicated which in the "Statement." University students should demand the same. Contrary to Administration claims, the "Statement" will rarely be student administered. The statement expresses a preference for informal resolution of In its current form the proposed Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities saddles students with many unclear responsibilities and takes away many expected rights. quire universities to have a complaint and hearing procedure to deal with sexual harassment by peers. (Copies of relevant laws and related materials are available at the reference desk of the UGLI.) Michigan is the only university I know of without such a policy. There are times when being a minority of one out of some 3,000 colleges and univer- sities in America might make sense. ButI don't think this is one of them. All other institutions have such policies because they are necessary to protect student safety and the quality of life. Students do have significantchoices to make. Do you want the policy to include behavior that threatens the com- munity such as physical violence, de- struction of property, stalking, arson, etc.? Do you want students to decide on acceptable community standards? Do you prefer that faculty or administra- tors to do it? Should the hearing panels be run by student as the policy proposes or do you want another approach led by faculty or administrators? responsibility for setting norms. Stu- dents have rightly been asking for more voice in campus affairs. What better place to start than with a student run judiciary. Another strength of the policy is that it is fair. Faculty and staff are expected to uphold high standards of professional conduct and can be disciplined if they fail to do so with sanctions up to and including dismissal from the Univer- sity. Students, too, should be willing to accept the responsibilities of citizen- ship in this community just as they ac- cept its special privileges. Of course, the draft "Statement" is far from perfect. Students have already proposed significant improvements in the draft and I have been impressed with the thoughtfulness of responses to our student survey. The most important change recommended is that we add an explicit statement acknowledging the primacy of student First Amendment rights. Perhaps we should also include a Student Bill of Rights. As a University community we can never state too specific acts were forbidden would help a victim know when a student has vio- lated his rights and more effectively deter potential perpetrators. It is not clear that a standard this broad and vague is legal. So many procedural protections are absent from the "Statement" that it is on the edge of legality. Students are not allowed to representation by counsel, -,,. t..n - _ ..a - .F_ complaints by the policy administrator. In past codes, this has meant that com- plaints never went to trial and student juries never heard a case. An accused student is likely to accept any adminis- trator-offered resolution, short of ex- pulsion or suspension, instead of risking trial under a vague law with few proce- dural protections. Furthermore, if a student chooses a 0